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Marzipan Dates

Take the stone out of the dates and fill the hope with marzipan

Chocolate Cherries

Dip whole glace cherries into melted chocolate and leave to set

Marzipan Oranges

Take a packet of ready-made marzipan and, using red or orange food colouring, mix and mould into small balls. Place a clove or a piece of angelica in the top

Chocolate Clusters

Melt some chocolate and stir in chopped glace cherries and nuts. As it cools, mould into sweet-sized shapes. 

NOTE: Make sure you find out if anyone has a nut allergy. If they do, make them some clusters without the nuts or experiment with something else

Peppermint Creams

You need 450g of icing sugar, 2 egg whites and a few drops of peppermint flavouring and green colouring.

Mix all the ingredients together and cut or mould into shape

Sweetie Mice

You need one packet of crystal jelly; one small tin of condensed milk; 170g desiccated coconut; cake decorations for eyes and nose; almond flakes for ears; something for the tail.

Mix together the jelly crystals, condensed milk and coconut.  Keeping your hands damp, forms balls of the mixture into little mice shapes.  Add the tail, ears, eyes and nose

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