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Cat and Mouse


One girl is selected to be the cat, another girl is chosen to be the mouse and one girl is selected to be the caller.

The purpose of the game is for the cat to catch the mouse.

Arrange the girls in lines as shown. It doesn't matter how many girls there are but make sure that there are equal girls on each row.  The girls stand with their arm outstretched to the side so that they are touching the hand of the girl next to her.

(The O represent the girls and the -- represents their arms outstretched)





The cat chases the mouse through the girls. When the caller yells "Changes", all the girls turn to their right so they are now facing the other way and touching the hands of the girls who were previously in front of and behind them.

The caller keeps yelling "Change" and the girls change position accordingly. Once the cat catches the mouse, choose some new girls and start again.

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