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5 Minute Fillers


Look for Letters: Give each girl a different letter of the alphabet.  Give them all 5 minutes to find as many objects as they can starting with their letter.  At the end of the time, see who has the most objects.

Get Knotted: Get the girls to tie a reef knot with their feet.

Only a Minute: I bet your Company has its share of chatterboxes but how do they do under pressure?  Write lots of different talking points on pieces of paper and get each girl to pick a piece of paper.  They then have 1 minute to talk about that subject.   The speaker can be challenged if there are any hesitations and the girl who challenges can take over talking about that subject for the time remaining.

Foil Sculpture: Give each girl a piece of tin foil - around 40cm square - and give them 5 minutes to style a figure from it.  This can either be a person or an animal.

Is it True?: On pieces of card, write a statement that is either obviously true or obviously false.  These can be about such objects as the Country Code, Guide Law, first aid, cooking etc.  Place these cards around the room.  Give the girls 5-10 minutes to read each statement and decide whether it is false or true and to write down the answers.

Pegs on a Line: Challenge teams to put as many pegs on a washing line as they can in just 30 seconds.  The catch is that htey can only use one hand and it must be the one that the girls don't write with.

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