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Space Invaders

This game is best played in a wooded area.


You are a space exploration team which has landed on an alien planet.  You have a life-support system which must be carried undamaged in your hand at all times.  You must build a space ship out of anything to hand at least 2 feet off the ground for protection.

Your mission is to collect as many living creatures as possible to preserve them from a deadly white fungus which is attaching the planet.   You also need to find the radioactive ore which is a cure for the deadly growth.   The ore can be found by solving a riddle set by its guardian.  You must first find out who the guardian is.

You must avoid contact with the natives of the planet as they may be infected with the deadly fungus and can infect you from a distance.  You are not sure what these natives look like so beware.

If your life support system breaks, you must attach yourself to someone with an unbroken one either by leg-to-leg or hand-to-hand contact.   If all the life support systems in your team are broken, you can only survive for 15 minutes outside your spaceship.

You must all return to the control point within roughly 45 minutes of leaving it.  Anyone who is really early or really late maybe attacked by the deadly fungus.

TIPS FOR PLAYING THE GAME The life-support system that each girl has to carry shouldn't be too delicate or too tough.  We have used plastic cups of water or eggs or a mixture of both. Give each team something to collect their creatures in and stress that they must not harm them and must return them to their habitat. The natives of the planet could be Young Leaders or another patrol.  They should hide away. The deadly white fungus could be flour so that it can be thrown.  It is environmentally friendly and can be easily washed or brushed off clothes. The guardian of the ore should be someone you can trust to keep a secret.  It could be one of the leaders or, even better, an innocent passer by who would be willing to join in.

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