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Divide the girls into 2 equal teams and get each team to stand in a line, facing the front.  Make sure that there is a large space between each team because the girls will be running down the middle.

At the front and back of each line, place a chair.

Give each pair standing side by side a number.

When you shout out a number, the girl who has that number has to run to the front of the line and hold the chair.  If you shout out another number, that girl also has to run to the front of the line and link hands with the girl who is already there.

When TELEPHONES is shouted, the girl(s) run to the back of the line, around the chair, back to the front of the line, around the chair and then back to their place.  The first team with all their players back wins.

NOTE: If the girls break their hands when they are running, they do not get a point.

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