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Horse and Jockey


First, nominate someone to give the orders. This can be someone with a whistle or someone who has a loud voice!

The players are in pairs and form 2 circles, one inside the other.

The girls on the inner circle stand still whilst the girls on the outer circle run around.

On a given command, the girls in the outer circle start to run around the circle, in a clock wise direction. There are a few commands that can be given:

  • change/one whistle: change directions
  • home/two whistles: run back to your partner and climb on their back. (A variation to this is that when the player returns back to their partner, they must crawl through their legs before jumping on their back.)
  • donkey/three whistles: jump on anyone's back

A pair is out if they are the last to jump on the back.

Safety Rules

Make sure that when the girls return to their partner, they all carry on running in the same direction. If there are girls running against the tide, they may get hurt. You could always say that a pair is out if they don't obey this rule. If one of a pair is particularly smaller or larger than their partner, make allowances when it comes to them jumping on each others backs.

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