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Rumble in the Jungle


This game is best played in a wide open space where there are trees and bushes around.

You have been stranded in the middle of a jungle and have just 1 hour to get back to civilisation.  In order to make your way through this very dangerous and deadly terrain, you must work together in a team and undertake a number of tasks.

1.   You must unanimously decide upon a leader for your team.  This leader cannot be your patrol leader and must be a willing volunteer.

2.   Built a small shelter in which 4 of your team could sleep for the night.  This must be camouflaged so that you are safe from wild animals.

3.   Using natural materials, make a model of a raft which you could use to transport all your team and equipment across the very rough and dangerous river.

4.   Make a very attractive piece of jewellery which you could trade with the Chief of the local tribe for food and water.  If the chief does not think it is nice, he may attempt to kill or each you.  (The Chief can be one of the leaders).

5.   Make a bow which will shoot an arrow at least 6 feet and could be used for hunting.

6.   Make a stretcher on which a member of your team could lie and could be carried on if they were to break their back.  Demonstrate this stretcher working.

7.   Identify the leaves of 4 different trees.  This is very important as the leaves and the fruits of the trees could be your only source of nutrition.

This game was made up by Jane, one of our Leaders.

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