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Night Vision

This game is best played outside.  Make sure the playing area is safe

Equipment: Old CDs; wool or string; clothes pegs; permanent marker pen; a torch per person

Preparation: on each CD, write one of the letters from the name of an animal eg HEDGEHOG.  Thread string or wool through the centre of each CD and, using your pegs, hang up the CDs around your playing area.

Divide the girls into small teams and tell them that an animal is injured and they need to find it and bring it to safety.

To find the identity of the animal, they must use their torch and find the animals' eyes.  Each eye has a letter on it that they must write down.  Stress that they must not remove the eyes: they need to leave them where they are.  Don't forget to tell the girls how many letters they are looking for.

Once they have found all the letters, they have to rearrange them to find the name of the animal.

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