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Banking on Bottles


Don't throw your bottles away when they are empty.   Recycle them and have some fun at the same time.

Money Box Cut off the head and shoulders from a plastic washing up bottle.  Stick a piece of card with a coin-size slit in it over the open end. Decorate the outside of the bottle.  You can use sticky labels and colour them in or you could wrap paper around it and decorate this. Use the money box to collect pennies for a worthwhile cause.

Bottle Guides

Use your empty drinks bottle to create plastic people.   We used ours to make Guides from different parts of the world.  We dressed them in their Guide uniform and used them as part of a Thinking Day ceremony. Use large fizzy drink bottles - those with the cup-type bottoms are the best.  Pull the cup off so that you can use the bottom of the bottle as the head of your Guide. Cut off the neck and shoulders of the bottle so that this becomes the base of your Guide. The head part of the bottle can be painted and you can add facial features.  Use wool for the hair and add a hat if you want. Make clothes from crepe or tissue paper or scraps of material.

Skittles Use empty bottles as skittles and roll a ball at them to knock them down.  You may need to add water to the bottles to make them a little heavier.

Bottle Top Relay Each Patrol has a bottle top - same shape and size. They must take it in turns to run to a bucket containing water, fill up the bottle top and run back to her Patrol to pour the water into their bottle. At the end of a given time, the water in the bottles is compared and the Patrol with the most water is the winner.


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