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Bubble Barmy


The first thing to do is to make a bubble maker.

Thread two drinking straws onto a piece of string that is about four times the length of one straw.  Then tie the ends of the string together.   Make a square out of the straw and strings - the straws being at the top and bottom.  Use this as your bubble maker. Cut the bottom out of a plastic cup or tub. Use those sets of plastic rings that hold together 6-packs of canned drinks. Bend a wire coat hanger into a hoop so that it forms a giant version of one of the bubble blowers that come with small pots of bubble mixture.

The next step is to make your bubble mixture.

10 cups of water to 1 cup of washing up liquid

3 1/2 tablespoons of glycerine

A large container, such as a washing up bowl

Mix all this together in the bowl but don't stir it too much or it will become frothy.


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