Banner featuring 83rd Sheffield Guides


Here are some challenges for the girls to try

Recite a tongue twister

Bounce a ball 20 times

Write your name using a pen held between your toes

Peel a potato

Blow up a balloon and tie a knot in it

Tie a shoelace

Strike a match and light a candle

Paint nail varnish on to someone else's hand

Skip 25 times without stopping

Make a plait

Identify 5 trees

Find nature items beginning from A to Z

Complete 16 points on a compass dial

Yo-yo 20 times without stopping

Tie a sling on a friend

Thread a needle

Lie on your back and record every sound you hear in 15 minutes

Turn over a stone or a log and sketch what was under it

Look up a given telephone number in a phone directory

Tie a reef knot

Identify 8 wildflowers

Do a 30 second commercial for Guiding

Make a stretcher and carry someone on it

Find different nature objects that start with the letters in your first name

Recycle an object into something useful

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