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Herb Gardens


Growing herbs is great fun.  You can use them in your cooking or even sell them to friends and family.  Here are some herbs that you may want to think about growing:

Parsley - This is full of vitamins and can be used to flavour all kinds of sauces.  It also makes a lovely garnish for lots of dishes.

Mint - There are many different varieties of mint, and they all smell lovely.  You can use it when cooking some vegetables to give them a different flavour.  Try mint in your peas or potatoes.

Rosemary - This is an evergreen plant that will grow up to 1.2m high.  It can be used to flavour chicken, beef and potato dishes.

Sage - Large grey leaves that add flavour to meat and poultry dishes.

Basil - This herb is used to compliment the flavour of dishes containing tomatoes such as bolognaise sauce

Chives - This herb has tall, thin tubular leaves.  They add a light onion flavour to dips, sauces, dressings and salad.

Thyme - This has tiny purple leaves and looks a bit like heather.  It can be added to all kinds of savoury recipes.

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