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Newspaper Nights

There are lots of things you can do with a newspaper before you recycle it

Why not make outfits from newspaper and have a fashion parade?  (Don't forget the hats!) 

Give each Patrol some card, glue, pens and scissors.   Ask each girl to choose an item from the newspaper, cut it out and stick it on the card.  She then writes a prayer about this item on the  card.

Give each Patrol Leader a newspaper and ask her, with her patrol, to find items to fit specific categories such as things that make them happy; things that make them sad.  Ask the Patrol to talk about what they have found.

Pretend to be shipwrecked on an island and make a message for help to put in a bottle out of newspaper letters; make and hoist a newspaper flag to attract attention; use newspapers to make equipment for a game; make a sun hat or basket out of news paper.

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