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There are lots of things that you can do with trails.  They are ideal for when the nights get lighter and the weather gets warmer.   Below are just a few ideas.

Texture Hunt Each Patrol makes rubbings of different letters from street signs.  They have to spell out the name of their Patrol or the first names of everyone in the Patrol.

Shop ABC Patrols study the local shop windows and make a list of all the objects in them, starting with each letter of the alphabet.  On their return, give a point for each item they have seen and double points if they have spotted something that no one else has.

Shop Kim Send a Patrol to go and look in a shop window for 10 minutes and ask them to write down a list of questions about the items in the window.  Then send another Patrol to look in the same shop window and, on their return, get them to answer the questions set by the first Patrol.

Observation Trail Stand at the door of your meeting place and draw part of an object that you can see.  Leave the drawing at your meeting place and go to the object that you have just drawn.  Then draw another object that you can see, leave the drawing there and go to the object that you have just drawn.  Carry on like this until you have 5 or 6 drawings. Each Patrol then has to identify the first object from the drawing at your meeting place and go to it.  They then look at the next object and so on.


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