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Bath Bombs



  • 1 cup bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 cup cream of tartar
  • Half a cup of milk powder
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Scented Oil
  • Pump spray bottle

1.    Put the bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar and milk powder into a bowl and mix together

2.    Put some water into your pump spray bottle and add three drops of scented oil

3.    Spray some water into the mixture a little at a time.  If you overdo it with the water, the mixture will start to fizz!!

4.    Mix the powder and water with your hands until it binds together in a clump

5.    Form a ball then give it one last spray to ensure it stays packed together

6.    Leave to set overnight.

We put the bomb into cling film so that the girls could take it home without making a mess and then told them to unwrap it when they got home so that it could set properly.

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