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Thinking Day


There are a whole range of activities you can do for Thinking Day but below is a quiz to get you started.  The answers are included so you would need to either read out the questions to the girls or copy the text and paste it into a Word document, editing out the answers.

Find out about the World Flag and the World Badge



Thinking Day badge


1.   What is the date of Thinking Day?
22 February

2.   Who's birthday was on 22 February?
Lord and Lady Baden-Powell

3.   At what Conference was Thinking Day proposed?
4th International Guide Conference - 1926

4.   What date was the first Thinking Day?
22 February 1927

5.   At what Conference was the Thinking Day Fund proposed?
7th International Guide Conference – 1932

6.   What country proposed the idea of the Thinking day Fund?

The Thinking Day Song

7.   Who composed the Thinking Day Song?
Sue Stevens

8.   What year was the Thinking Day Song composed?

9.   What is the first line of the Thinking Day Song?
Hey hey hey! It's Thinking Day

Follow this link for the words to the Thinking Day Song

The Symbol for Thinking Day

10.   What is the symbol for Thinking Day?
World Trefoil

11.   What year was the first Thinking Day symbol introduced?

12.   What are the colours of the Thinking Day symbol?
Blue and gold

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