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Coconut Ice

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Ingredients: 1lb sugar; 1/4 pint milk; 4oz creamed coconut; 4oz desiccated coconut; pink food colouring

1.    Lightly oil a 8x6in loaf tin

2.    Put the sugar and milk in a pan and dissolve gently, stirring continuously.

3.    Bring to the boil and boil gently for about 10 minutes, until a little of the mixture, when dropped in a cup of cold water, forms a soft ball when rolled between finger and thumb.

4.    Remove and stir in the creamed coconut until it has dissolved.

5.    Add the desiccated coconut and quickly pour half the mixture into the tin.

6.    Add the pink colouring to the remainder and pour over the first half.

7.    When almost set, mark with a knife then leave to set before cutting into squares.

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