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Vanilla and Cherry Fudge

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Ingredients: 1/2 pint milk; 1 3/4 lb sugar; 4oz butter; 2tsp vanilla essence; 2oz chopped glace cherries

1.    Bring the milk to the boil and add the sugar and butter.  Heat until it has dissolved.

2.    Cover and boil for 2 minutes.

3.    Uncover and boil for a further 10-15 minutes, until a little of the mixture, when dropped in a cup of cold water, forms a soft ball when rolled between finger and thumb.

4.    Remove from the heat, stir in the essence and the cherries and leave to cool for 5 minutes.

5.    Beat until thickened and pour into a 8x10in shallow tin lined with greaseproof paper.

6.    Leave to set and cut into squares.

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