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Songs: F-J

Fair Weathered Friends

Oh be kind to your fair weathered friends

'Cos a duck may be somebody's mother

She lives all alone in a swamp

Where the weather is always damp

Now you may think that this is the end

Well it is but to prove that I'm a liar

I'm going to sing it again

Only this time I'm going to sing it higher

Repeat the song singing with a higher pitch each time


Favourite Things


Dewdrops on gumboots and bowls of rice crispies

Black soot on kettles and stew cooked in dixies

Sturdy wood gadgets all fashioned with string

These are a few of my favourite things


Green coloured ridge tents put up in a hurry

Whistles and cow horns and goulash and curry

Wild ducks that fly with sun on their wings

These are a few of my favourite things


Girls in blue tracksuits with navy blue jackets

Can’t get to sleep for the noise and the racket

Bright golden mornings that make us all sing

These are a few of my favourite things


When the camp ends, when the coach comes

When we’re feeling sad

We simply remember our favourite camp things

And then we don’t feel so bad!

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Gertie ate some marmalade, and then she ate some jam,

Gertie ate some luncheon meat and then she ate some spam.

Gertie drank some lemonade and then some ginger beer

And Gertie wondered what it was that her feel so queer.

Whoops, went the marmalade and whoops went the jam,

Whoops went the luncheon meat and whoops went the spam,

Fizz went the lemonade and popped the ginger beer

And Gertie knew just what it was that made her feel so queer!

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Ging Gang Goo


Ging gang gooley gooley gooley

On a push bike ging gang goo ging gang goo

Ging gang gooley gooley gooley

On a push bike ging gang goo ging gang goo

Pedal, you've got to pedal, you've got to pedal up that hill

Pedal, you've got to pedal, you've got to pedal up that hill

Down again, down again, down again, down again

Puncture, puncture, puncture ......

Go Well and Safely


Go well and safely

Go well and safely

Go well and safely

The Lord be ever with you

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Grandfathers Clock


My grandfather's clock

Was too tall for the shelf,

So it stood ninety years on the floor;

It was taller by half

Than the old man himself,

Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.

It was bought on the morn

Of the day that he was born,

And was always his treasure and pride;

But it stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

His life seconds numbering,

Tick, tock, tick, tock,

It stopped short

Never to go again,

When the old man died.

Grey Squirrel


Gray squirrel, Gray squirrel

Shake your bushy tail

Gray squirrel, Gray squirrel

Shake your bushy tail

Put a nut between your toes

Then you wipe your dirty nose

Gray squirrel, Gray squirrel

Shake your bushy tail

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He Jumped without a Parachute


Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,

Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,

Charlie was a parachutist in the RAF,

But he ain't gonna jump no more

**Chorus : Glory, glory what a helluva* way to die,

Glory glory, what a helluva way to die

Glory glory, what a helluva way to die

And he ain't gonna jump no more.

He jumped without a parachute from forty thousand feet,

He landed on the runway like a lump of strawberry jam,

They scraped him off the tarmac with a knife and fork and spoon,

They put him in an envelope and sent him home to Mum

She put him on the mantelpiece for all the world to see

She served him up with crumpets when the Vicar came to tea

Herman the Hermit


In a pad in a forest green

Bum bum bum bum

Crazy Herman was surveying the scene

Bum bum bum bum

Saw a rabbit hopping by

A rapping on his door

Bum bum bum

"Like help, like help" came his plea

Bum bum bum bum

Agricultural man exterminate me

Bum bum bum bum

Little rabbit don't scream and shout

Come in and we'll hang out

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He Sat ...


She sat on her hammock and strummed her guitar,

Strummed her guitar, strummed her guitar,

She sat on her hammock and strummed her guitar,

Strummed her guitar-ah-ah-ar.


He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar,

Smoked his cigar, smoked his cigar,

He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar,

Smoked his cigar-ah-ah-ar.


He told her he loved her, but oh how he lied . . .

They were to be married, but she up and died . . .

He went to the funeral, just for the ride . . .

She went up to heaven, and flip-flop she flied . . .

He went down to Hades, and sizzled and fried . . .

The moral of this story is, "Don't tell a lie . . .


Hesley Woods

(Sung on a round, last line repeated while others sing through again)

We went to Hesley Woods to camp in the sun

And it rained, ha ha, it rained and it rained and it

rained, ha ha, it rained and it rained and it

Rained in the sausages, it rained in the stew

It rained in my wellies and my socks are soggy too

And it rained, ha ha, it rained and it rained and it

Rained, ha ha, it rained and it rained and it ...

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Its a Good Time

(to the tune of “It’s a Long Way to Tiperary”)


It’s a good time to get acquainted

It’s a good time to know

Who is sitting close beside you

So smile and say Hello “hello”

Goodbye lonesome feeling

Farewell glassy stare

Here’s my hand my name is ….

Put your hand right there


Its a Small World


It's a world of laughter, a world of tears.

It's a world of hopes and a world of fears.

There's so much that we share,

That it's time we're aware,

It's a small world after all.



It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all

It's a small, small world.


There is just one moon and one golden sun,

And a smile means friendship to everyone.

Though the mountains divide,

And the oceans are wide,

It's a small world after all.

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(Spoken very much like a rap)

Hello my name is Joe

I have a wife and a dog a family

I work in a button factory

One day my boss came up to me and said

"Hey Joe are you busy"

I said "Heck no"

He said Turn the button with your left hand (turn your left hand)

...turn the button with your right hand (turn your right hand)

...turn the button with your left foot (turn your left foot)

...turn the button with your right foot (turn your right foot)

...turn the button with your head (nod your head)


Hello my name is Joe

I have a wife and a dog a family

I work in a button factory

One day my boss came up to me and said

"Hey Joe are you busy"

I said "YES"

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