Springer Family

Like all Springer family researchers, I too would love my Springer to link to the Springer family of Delaware. But for now there is no proof. I have posted the Delaware Springer and The Springer Hoax. I posted this so that others will know them. The Hoax for all to read and know about it

My Springer is Dennis Springer b 1768 in VA or SC d in AL

I found out there are at least three Dennis: One Dennis died in 1760 in Fredrick Co. VA and he had a son named Dennis. This Dennis with his family and some of brothers and their families moved to PA. From there they went to points West. The other Dennis b 1768 in Va. died in AL. This Dennis is my line and for more him go to his page. The link is below.

There is stories about the Springer family going many years. A lot of Genealogist have been fooled. From what I found there was even book printed that is not true and it has fooled a lot of people. The Springer Hoax is such a good story it needs a page of it own. So I am give It a page of its own. I think everyone who is doing Springer Family search should know about it and be careful not fall for the Springer Hoax. For more information on the Springer Hoax to the page called " The Hoax"

Moses Springer of Philadelphia, published two books starting in 1881. First titled �A GENEAQLOGICAL TABLE AND HISTORY OF THE SPRINGER FAMILY IN EUROPEA AND NORTH AMEREICA,FOR EIGHT CENTURIES,FROM THE EARLIST GERMAN PRINCES;ORIGIN OF THE NAME ETC�. In 1917 Mr. E. L. Scibner, of Amesbury, Mass, �Genealogist of the Springer family and Clerk of the Springer Heirs, Corporation 1913, US America and Canada� produced a second edition in the preface of which he soberly assures us that �probably no the other family (except that of the late Queen Victoria of England) in the world�s history can boast of one direct line traced as far back as OLD CHARLEMAGNE, 742, nearly 1200 years� In another place he lauds Mr. M. C. Springer�s work as �wonderful� through the most renowned royalty of 1200 years Mr. Moses Springer has the family back to 400 A.D. with names of people who never existed.


Click here for the Hoax page link

Click here forHoax

I have few pages of this book "1693 Census of the Swedes of the Delaware"

It states that Charles Springer of Christiana Hundred, Delaware is the son Christopher Springer and his third wife Beata Salina.

Karell Christoggerson or Charles of Delaware, parents are Christopher and Lady Beatea Jacobine Henrickson. They are also the parents of a Jacob and a Lawrence too.

I found a book that state the Jacob Springer the father of Dennis Springer, who is the husband to Ann Pickett, is not the brother of Karell Christoggerson/Charles Springer of Delaware. This Jacob is said to born in NJ and is Dennis Springer father. To find out more about this Dennis Springer and his family email.

Kathleen Rizer in Ohio

[email protected]

Archivist for the 19,200 Descendants of Dennis Springer & Ann Prickett fax no. 530-231-4417

We have updated our very basic Dennis Springer homepage Feb 2001 ---- Dennis Springer and Ann Prickett

The Dennis Springer families have NOT been link to the Delaware Springer family.

My Dennis Springer from SC has not been link to either one of them but maybe one day I can find his father. For right now what I found on my Dennis is on DennisSpringer page the link for it is found below.

The following lineage line was sent to me by a cousin. She told that she did not know about the Hoax but did the work herself. There some facts that true in this following lineage lines. There are also some that not false. I found researcher that have been working on this family for years. They have let me use their finds from their books here. As you read you will see what their findings are.

Happy reading. Just remember some the facts are true and some or False

I hope by posting this it will help others. The facts that I am posting come from the book �THE AMERICAN GENRALOGIST� date 1941 and �THE SPRINGER GENEALOGY:A CRITICAL REVIEW� by Milton Rubincam, Esq of Washington D.C.

Starting with I Henry, The King of France to America Springer

I HENRY , the Fowler, King of France b ABT. 870 M'D 1 Spouse Unknown

Child of I Henry: IV CHARLES , King of France b: 879 d 929 in Castle at Peronne m'd 918 in France? to 1 daughter of Edward the Elder EDGIFU\EDGIVA b: 922 in of Wessex, England

* Child of IV Charles: IV LOUIS , d'Outremer b BET. 919 - 921 d 954 M'D abt 940 to 1 wife of LOUIS IV GERBURGA , d'Outremer b: ABT. 922

Children of IV Louis and Louis IV Gerburga d' Outremer:

1 Western Frankish King Lothairer b: 941 in France

*2 Duke of Loraine\ Lortharingia CHARLES b: 954 in Loraine? d: 986 M'D abt. 1000 to 1 AGNES of Vermandoise b: ABT. 980 in Vermandoise?

Children of Duke of Loraine and Agnes of Vermandoise:

1 Duke of Lower Lortharingia Otto b: ABT. 1000

* 2 I LOUIS , with the Beard, Count of Thuringia b: ABT. 1004 in Thuringia? d: 1056 in Thuringia? M'D abt 1040 in Thuringia or Sonderhausen to 1 Countess of SONDERHAUSEN CACELIA b: ABT. 1020 in Sonderhausen?


�1. LOUIS THE BEARDED�S PARRUITY: The Springer genealogy is not solely responsible for the allegation that Louis the Bearded was the son of Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine, the uncle of King Louis V of France, and the lineal male representative of Charlemagne. THIS IS A FICTION THAT HAS BEEN BELIEVED FOR MANY CENTURIES. In early 1781 the learned scholar �George Christian Crollius (1728-1790), Librarian of Christian IV, Duke of Zweibrucken, demonstrated in an address before the Electoral Academy of Sciences at Mannheim, Germany, THAT LOUIS THE BEARDED definitely was NOT a son of Charles of Lower Lorraine, but WAS instead , one of the sons of CONRAD, BROTHER OF HERMAN II, DUKE OF SWABIA, and consequently a first cousin of the Empress Gisela, consort of the emperor who had appointed him ruler over Thuringia. Thus, precisely a century before the original publication of the Springer book, the oft-repeated claim that Louis the Bearded was a descendant in the male line of Charlemagne was thoroughly analyzed and vigorously repudiated�

Child of I Louis and Countess of Sonderhausen Cacelia

LOUIS II (THE SPRINGER) Count of Thuringia b: 1042 in Thuringia? d: 1128 in Monastery of Reinhardsbrun M'D 1087 in Thuringia to 1 ADELAIDE wife of (THE SPRINGER) b: ABT. 1069

Note: Louis II was accused of the murder of Frederick II. After two years of close imprisonment, he made his escape by an adventurous leap ("spring") from the tall battlements of the castle into the water beneath. For this deed, the Emperor, admiring his great courage, pardoned him and bestowed upon him the surname "THE SPRINGER".

More information on this subject

Why was the Thuringian count called �The Springer?� It is known fact that Louis was imprisoned at one time by the emperor. One day, he attempted to escape by leaping from the towering battlements of his prison, Giebichenstein, near Helle. The Springer genealogists declare (2nd edition p 78) that the Count �came from the wall unhurt, and was immediately taken before the Emperor, who, after having the manner of his escape explained to him, expressed great surprise at his courage, and in token of his appreciation of the great risk taken by Louis II. (sic) to gain his liberty, pardoned him, and in sport gave him the surname �The Springer,� which he retained� BUT the Springer genealogists evidently were not aware that Count Louis was not known as der Springer (Latin Saltator �dancer�) until three centuries after his death. An Unimpeachable source assures us that the surname was not applied to him until the 15th century, as a later addition to the manuscript of the Erfurt Annals. Thus it could not have originated as a family name during his lifetime.

There are several possible explanation of the origin of �Springer� as family surname.

Dr Otto Springer, Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, has informed the author, under date of May 25 1941, that the most plausible etymology of his name is Middle High German �sprngaere� which often occurs, particularly in later medieval literature, in connection with the �videla re� the two words referring to the minstrels of a lower type who would perform at medieval courts; the springaere must have entertained their audience by some dancing, jumping and other �circus� tricks.

The present writer has been unable to locate any of the so-called Counts of Waldenberg, a title certainly not borne by the Springer family. Kneschke mentions only two families of the name. One is that of the Barons Waldenburg, whose ancestors lived in Rheinland and Westphalia in the 15th and 16th Centuries. The other family was that of the natural children of Prince August Ferdinand of Prussia of the House of Hohenzollen, d diploma a nobility having been granted to them, under the name of Waldenburg, in Sept 1810.

In addition, passing mention may be of Waldenburg in Wiirttemberg, one of the early possessions (since 1250) of the Counts of Hohenlohe.

A careful review of the leading authorities on the subject shows that there were several Springer families of noble rank. Kneschke names two: 1 Springer or Sprenger, an ancient noble house of Austra and 2 Springer, an Austrian family granted a diploma of nobility in 1605. Siebmacher�s Wappenbuch (VOL III part 2 p 387) mentions a Springer family in Posen, Poland and in Lower Silesia. Riestap�s Armorial General lists (2nd edition, tome II 1934 pp 814/15) 1 Springer of Middleburg, in Holland; 2 Springer of Silesia; 3 Sprenger of Basel, Switzerland (two coats-of-arms are given for this family); 4 Springer van Eyk in Holland; 5 Sprenger of Austria and 6 Springer of Holland. It may be that the Swedish-American family derives its decent from the Lower Silesian line, but confirmatory evidence is lacking.�

Child of Louis II ( The Springer )and Adelaide:

�2 �Christoph Louis, Count Springer of Walenburg� Louis the Springer seceded his father, the bearded Louis, as Count of Thuringia in 1056 and ruled over that land until his death in 1123. He is claimed by the �Springer genealogists� as the source alike of the name and the pedigree of their family. They list his children as �Herman I, Count of Thuringia d 1114/15; �Christoph Louis b 1091,Count Springer of Waldenburg�; Ott, Count of Thuringia, afterwards a Bishop; Louis III Count of Thuringia and Henry Raspe, Count of Thuringa.

The SECOND-NAMED SON: �Christoph Louis� says our authors, was presented with Waldenburg in Silesia by the Emperor Henry IV and was knighted by that monarch in 1092, when he was but one year old. I making this statement our authors completely DISGEARD the then prevailing rule that candidates must first pass through a long apprenticeship as pages and esquires before attaining full Knighthood, an honor that certainly was never conferred on year old infants in the Middle Ages.

It should be stated emphatically that there is NO EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT LOUIS THE SPRINGER EVER HAD A SON �CHRISTOPH LOUIS�. Lack of space prevents here the enumeration of the numerous authoritative works consulted by this writer, in none of which is mentioned the existence of a �CHRISTOPH LOUIS� but special mention must be made of two important works on the this subject. The Rev. James Anderson, in his �ROYAL ENEALOYICS(1732)� Table CCXLVII, p 483 list the following children for Louis the Springer of Thuringia by Adelheid von Nordmark, his wife:

1. Louis (I), Landgrave of Thuringia,1130 d 1149,m Helwig daughter of the Saxon Emperor Lohtar (THIS FACT IS NOT TRUE) The Springer genealogist are in error when they reportedly describe Louis the Bearded as Louis the first, and Louis the Springer as Louis the Second. History has nor accorded then those designations. The son of Louis the Springer is recognized as Louis the first Landgrave of Thuringin, because he was the first landgrave in that county, and not as the third, as given in the Springer genealogy, which apparently followed Anderson in this respect.

2. Udo,Bishop of Naumburg 1125 d 1148

3. Conrad d young

4. Henry of Rosenberg d young

5 Herman of Hammersieben d in prison 1114

6 Cungiunda m Dedo Count of Rochiltz

7. Adelheid m Ulrie, Count of Orlamunda

8 Cneclia m Gerlacus Count Waldersee

To add the confusion of the Springer family legend here is another researcher thoughts on this subjects.

Dr Erich Brandenburg, one of the most careful of modern historical scholars, in his fine work, �DIE NACHKOMMEN KARS DES GRSOOEN(LEIPZIG 1935) p 26 gives the following list of Louis the Springer�s children, based primarily on O Debenecker�s �REGESTA HISTORIC THURINGIA (3 vols., 1896)

1 Adelheid d 1145; m before 1102, Ulrich II, Count of Weimar_Orimude, who divorced her and d 1112

2 Herman d 1114 in captivity

3 Ludwig I, Count of Thuringin, 1130, first Landgrave, 1131; d 1140 m before 1122 Hedwig of Gutenberg d 1148

4 Udo Bishop of Naumburg d 1148

5 Heinrich Raspe d 1130 m 1122, Hedwig, daughter of Count Meginfred, widowed Countess of Gudensbeg

6 Kunigunde(f) d 1148 m Count Wichmann

7 Caceilie d 1141 m Gerlach I Count of Veldenz d 1136/41

8 Conrad d after 1110

These two lists, which agree substantially-when there are differences Dr. Brandenburg should be followed-should be compared carefully with the above list extracted from the Springer genealogy. We reiterate: �Christoph Louis� is not once mentioned in any authoritative work on European royal genealogies (that the writer has seen) as a son of Louis the Springer. Anderson, an early writer, was ignorant of his existence and modern research has not disclosed any such person.�


* Christoph LOUIS I SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1091 in Waldenburg, Germany d : 1120 in Waldenburg, Germany, M'D 1110 in Weihe or Waldenburg 1 Countess of WEIHE ADELGUNDA b: ABT. 1092 in Weihe?

Child of Christoph and Wiehe

�2 �Christoph Louis, Count Springer of Walenburg� Louis the Springer seceded his father,

* WINFRIED I SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1120 in Waldenburg, Germany, d: 1198 in Waldenburg, Germany M'D 1141 in Wurme or Waldenburg, Gremany to 1 FREDRICA of WURME b: ABT. 1123 in Wurme?

Child of Winfrield and Fredrica

* WINFRIED II SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1142 in Waldenburg, Germany, d: 1221 in Waldenburg, Germany M'D 1164 in Wehrendorf or Waldenburg, Germany to 1 LUCIE of WEHRENDORF b: ABT. 1146 in Wehrendorf ?, Germany * GOTTLIEB HERMAN I SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1166 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1204 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1188 in Wende or Waldenburg, Germany 1 CATHERINE of WENDE b: ABT. 1170 in Wende?, Germany

Child of Gottlieb and Catherine:

* CHRISTOPH GOTTLIEB I SPRINGER , Count of Walden b: 1191 in Waldenburg, Germany, d: 1249 in Waldenburg, Germany, M'd 1215 in Wessenburg or Waldenburg, Germany 1 FRIEDA of WESSENBURG b: ABT. 1197 in Wessenburg?, Germany

Child of Christoph I and Frieda

* CHRISTOPH GOTTLIEB II SPRINGER , Count of Walden b: 1217 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1289 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1238 in Waldenburg or Wassenburg, Germany 1 AUGUSTA of HERMANSTEIN b: ABT. 1197 in Hermanstein?, Germany

Child of Christoph II and Augusta

* CHRISTOPH GOTTLIEB III SPRINGER , Count of Walden b: 1240 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1296 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1266 in Waldenburg Germany 1 AMALIA of WERMBURG b: ABT. 1246 in Germany Married: 1266 in Waldenburg, ? Germany

Child of Christoph III and Amalia

* CHRISTOPH GOTTLIEB III SPRINGER , Count of Walden b: 1240 in Waldenburg, Germany, d: 1296 in Waldenburg, Germany, M'd 1266 in Waldenburg?, Germany 1 AMALIA of WERMBURG b: ABT. 1246 in Germany

Child Christoph III and Amalia

* GOTTFRIED I SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1272 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1340 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1296 in Germany 1 ELIZABETH of ROMEBURG b: ABT. 1276 in Germany?

Child of Gottfried I and Elizabeth

* GOTTFRIED II SPRINGER , Count of Waldenburg b: 1298 in Waldenburg, Germany, d: 1374 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1322 in Germany 1 JOHANNA of KOLLINSKY b: ABT. 1302

Child of Gorrfried II and Johanna

* III GOTTFRIED , Count SPRINGER of Waldenburg b: 1323 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1399 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1346 in Waldenburg Germany to 1 THELKA MEYER b: ABT. 1326

Child of III Gottfried and Thelka

* JOHAN GOTTFRIED SPRINGER b: 1348 in Germany D: 1386 in Germany, M'd 1370 in Germany to 1 GERTRUDE JOSEPHINE HALLEN b: ABT. 1350 in Germany

Child of Johan and Gertrude

* JOHAN JACOB SPRINGER b: 1385 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1464 in Waldenburg, Germany, M'd 1415 in Germany 1 ELIZABETH HIRTENFELS b: ABT. 1385 in Waldenburg, Germany

Child of Johan and Elizabeth

* DANIEL WILLIAM SPRINGER b: 1432 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1493 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1460 in Germany 1 MATILDA STREUBING b: ABT. 1440 in Waldenburg?, Germany

Child of Daniel and Matilda

* FRANGOTT LEBRECHT SPRINGER b: 1468 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1519 in Waldenburg, Germany M'd 1495 in Germany 1 ELIZABETH HELEN PRESSLER b: ABT. 1475

Child of Frangott and Elizabeth

* JOHAN JACOB SPRINGER b: 1496 in Waldenburg, Germany d: 1531, M'd 1517 in Germany to 1 ELIZABETH HIRTENFELS b: ABT. 1500 in Germany ?

Child of Johan and Elizabeth

* JOHAN CHRISTIAN JACOB SPRINGER b: 1520 in Waldendburg, Germany d: in Lamstedt, Hanover Province, Germany M'd abt. 1542 in Lamstedt, Hanover, Germany 1 ROSA HELLER b: ABT. 1522

Child of Johan and Rosa

* CHRISTOPH CHRISTLIEB CHRISTIAN SPRINGER b: 1550 in Lamstedt, Hanover Province, Germany d: 1630 M'd 1588 in Lamstedt, Hanover, Germany to 1 ELSIE WEHRHAHN b: ABT. 1568) THIS ENDS THE STORY.

Child of Christoph and Elsie

* CHRISTOPHER SPRINGER b: 1592 in Lamstedt, Hanover Province, Germany d: 1669 in Stockholm, Sweden M'd 1654 in Grisholm Castle, Stockholm, Sweden to 1 Lady BEATEA JACOBINE HENRICKSON b: ABT. 1634 in Sweden?

Children of Christopher and Lady Beatea

1 Elizabeth Springer b: 1655 in Stockholm, Sweden

2 KARELL CHRISTOFFERSON\CAR CHRISTOPHER\ SPRINGER b: 1658 in Stockholm, Sweden d 1738 in Wilmington Delaware, burial in Wilmington, Delaware. m'd 2 Anica Walraven b : abt 1658 and M'd 1 MARIA HINDRICHSSDOTTER\Hendricks b: ABT. 1668 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE Married: 27 DEC 1685 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA

3 Christopher Springer b: 1661 in Stockholm, Sweden

4 Baltzer Springer b: 1664 in Stockholm, Sweden

5 Jacob Springer b: 1668 in Stockholm, Sweden

�3. The America immigrants-The Springer genealogy asserts that the Inspector Christopher Springer of Sweden, was the father of the three American immigrants, 1 Lorentz or Lawrence of Trverton, Rhode Island. 2 Jacob of Long Island or East New Jersey and 3 Carl of Delaware.

The only documents given in the entire book is the following record relating to the probate of the Inspector�s will, as follows: �AD 1669, June 9th, Peter Calingh, and Gustav Mathson, Aldermen and John Neilson, Notary Public, were appointed by the Orphans� Court to make as inventory, tax and divide the estate of the late Christopher Springer, Inspector in the Royal Exehequer College, between the widow, pious and virtuous matron, the Lady Beatea and the children of the late husband by the first bed, the book-keeper Laurentius (Lorentz) Springer; by the second bed, Christina Springer, the wife of John Jacobson, now living in Rigra, and of the third bed five children with the above mentioned wife , Miss Elizabeth Springer, about fourteen years, Carl Springer, about eleven years, Christopher Springer, eight years, Baltzer Springer, five years and Jacob Springer one year old�

This is sufficient evidence to show that Christopher Springer had sons Lawrence, Jacob and Carl. BUT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SHOW THAT THE ABOVE-NAMED LAWRENCE AND JACOB EVER CAME TO AMERICA.

Lawrence Springer: as the alleged settlers in Rhode Island. DOES NOT appear at all in standard reference works for that section of the country. �Savage�s Genealogical Dictionary of New England, or the numerous Volumes of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Austin�s Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island� They both mention that there was a Lawrence Springer who brought land at Seaconnet from Thomas Hicks on May 8,1679. BUT THERE IS NO PROOF THAT THIS LAWRENCE SPRINGER IS THE SON OF INSPRECTOR CHRISTOPHER SPRINGER.

Jacob Springer: was supposed to have been and early settler on Long Island (is not named at all in Professor Evjen�s monumental volume on the �Scandinavian Immigrants in New York, Stouten burgh�s �History of the Dutch Congregation of Oyster Bay, and many others books on the this subject. As an ALLEGED New Jersey settler, Jacob does not figure in the �New Jersey Archives and many other books on this subjects.


This site has wonderful maps of Sweden, History of the families who lived in Delaware, many other wonderful facts.

The Swedish Colonial Society

Carl Springer: was an American settler, and that the Springer genealogists were quite correct in assigning him as a son to CHRISTOPHER OF SWDEN. He is called usually Carl Christopher Springer, and as such some times appears in the Church records of Wilmington, Delaware. Occasionally he is called Carl Christopherson Springer, which, in the writer�s opinion, is his proper name, as denoting his paternity in accordance with the Swedish custom then prevailing and the present time. Carl Springer was leading citizen of Wilmington and was very active in church affairs., holding the office of churchwarden. His high social status is shown by the title of �MR.� which is frequently prefixed to his name. The evidence that he was a son of Christopher Springer of Sweden is circumstantial, but in the writer�s opinion, it is strongly indicative of his parentage. The probate records of 1669, quoted above, show that the Inspector Christopher Springer had a son Carl, who was then �about� eleven years old. He was born, therefore, about 1658, In the year 1738 the death of Carl Springer of Wilmington was thus recorded: �Carl Christopher Springer, died May 26, and was buried May 28, 80 Years old� Thus the American Carl was shown as having been born in 1658. The fact that he was some times called Carl Christopherson Springer is the third link in the chain that connects him with the Swedish family.�

From Jessie Evelyn Springer book Charles Springer of Cranehook-on-the-Delaware - His descendants and Allied Families?

"He was Charles, or in Swedish, Karl Christophers- son Springer, of Stockholm, Sweden. His father, Christopher Springer, was an official at the Swedish court, and in addition to other duties in financial lines, he drew a salary as a musician. He was a naturalized Swede, although he was originally German. He was married three times, first to Alma Dorothea Jacobie, by whom he had a son, Lorentz; second to Henrietta Stulcenrauch, by whom he had a daughter, Christina, who lived in Riga, now in the Russian zone. The third wife was Beata Salina, the eldest daughter of Dr. Balzar Salinus, court physician to King Carl X. The family home was opposite the cast gate of the Sancta Clara Lutheran Church, which the family at- tended. Christopher bought this property in 1637, and Lorentz, the eldest son, lived there until his death, and is buried in Sancta Clara churchyard.

Concerning Charles as a child and school boy in Stockholm, history is silent, but there are records that show that for his higher education, he was sent first to Riga, where he may have lived with his half- sister, Christina. By the time he was eighteen, ar- rangements had been made for him to go to Johan Leyonberg, Sweden's minister in London, and to live in Leyonberg's home. What happened there is told in a letter to his mother, dated June 1, 1693, from "Pennsellvania on the Delaware River".

"When I was in London, and was of a mind to journey home to Sweden. . . having learned the English speech and writing and reading. . . . . I was kidnapped and against my will taken on board an English ship, carried to Virginia, and sold off like a farm animal . . . . and held in very slavery for five years together.

"My work was unspeakable. In the summer it was extra ordinary hot during the day, and my work was mostly in the winter, clearing land and cutting down the forest and making it ready for planting To- bacco and Indian grain (corn) in the sum- mer. I had a very hard master. But now - to God be praise, honor, and glory! - I have overcome it all."

"When I had faithfully served out my time I heard, accidentally, that there were Swedes at Delaware River, in Pennsellvania . . . . and . . . . I made that difficult jour- ney of about four hundred miles. And when I got there I beheld the Old Swedes, and they received me very kindly."

The year of his kidnapping was 1678, and allowing five years of servitude, the approximate year when he reached the colony on the Delaware was 1683 or 1684, but the date is narrowed by his statement in the same letter that when he had been there about a year and a half, he had married Maria Hindrichdotter (Hen- drickson) on December 27, 1685. His time may have been up to late in 1683; and at that period there were no roads through the forests, only foot trails, which doubtless made the journey of four hundred miles an arduous one.

He says further that he had bought two planta- tions, and he had crops and livestock which provided him and his family - three little girls at the time he wrote, with a fourth child on the way - with a good living; and that he was the reader in the Swedish congregation,

which had no pastor. He said he read from the Scrip- tures, and from a book of Swedish sermons, with prayer and the singing of hymns. He asked his mother to send a Bible, and two hymnals and manuals. He added that 1693 was the fourth year he had so served the congregation.

He signed this letter, "Karell Christophersson Springer", and this may have given rise to the mis- taken use of Christoper as a middle name for him, which seem to be wholly unjustified. In all the many papers he signed for the church, and all personal legal papers, he signed himself Charles or Carl Springer, never using "Christopher".

For more information from "Charles Springer of Cranehook-on-the-Delaware His descendants and Allied Families" by JESSIE EVELYN SPRINGER. Click here:

Charles Springer of Cranehook-on-the-Delaware

KARELL CHRISTOFFERSON\CARL CHRISTOPHER\ SPRINGER b: 1658 in Stockholm, Sweden d 1738 in Wilmington Delaware, burial in Wilmington, Delaware. m'd 1st MARIA HINDRICHSSDOTTER\Hendricks b: ABT. 1668 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE Married: 27 DEC 1685 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA and 2nd 1727 Annika Gustafsson no children from this marriage

Children of Karell and Maria Hindrickssdotter Springer.

1 Anna Elizabeth Springer b: 1687 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ

2 Rebecca Springer b: 1689 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ

3 Mary Springer b: 1691 in New Castle Co, DE

4 Charles Springer b: 1693 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

5 Christopher B. Springer b: 12 MAY 1696 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

6 John B. Springer b: 1701 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

7 Andreas Springer b: 1700 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

8 JAMES (Jacob) SPRINGER b: 1703 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1763 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE M'd: ABT. 1732 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA to 1 MARY BISHOP b: ABT. 1713

9 Israel Springer b: 1705 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

10 Magdalena Springer b: 1707 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

11 Joseph Springer b: 1709 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

4 Charles Springer b: 1693 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE Children: John b 1725; Charles b 1728 .; Edward b 1734; Jacob b 1737 and Gabriel b 1739

5 Christopher B. Springer b: 12 MAY 1696 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE children: Charles b 1722; Johan b 1724; Peter 1729; Solomon b 1734; Abraham b 1736; and Joseph b 1738

6 John B. Springer b: 1701 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE children: Charles b 1728; Israel; John b 1744 and William

8 JAMES (Jacob) SPRINGER b: 1703 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1763 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE M'd: ABT. 1732 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA to MARY BISHOP b: ABT. 1713.Children 1 Dorcas Springer b: 17 OCT 1733 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE; 2 CHARLES SPRINGER b: 25 AUG 1735 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1802 in Union Co ?, SC M'd ABT. 1764 in Delaware? PA? VA? SC?, to 1 MARY? BALL (Baal)? b: ABT. 1736 Mary parents were William Baal (Ball) and Elizabeth Walraven; 4 Susannah Springer b: 26 JUL 1737; 5 Anne Springer b: ABT. 1738; 6 Mary Springer b: 13 FEB 1738/39; 7 Elizabeth Springer b: ABT. 1741; 8 Nicholas b 1743; 9 Jacob Springer b: 10 FEB 1749/50; 10 Johan (John) Springer b: 15 JUN 1753;11 Thomas Springer b: 13 JUN 1755

3 Unnamed Child Springer b: 25 MAY 1736 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE

�The 1693 Census of the Swedes on the Delaware 1638-1693� by Peter Stebbins Craig The Springer Family

#118. Charles Springer (Red Clay Creek, Christiana hundred, 200 acres): Carl or Charles Springer was born in Stockholm in 1658, the son of Christopher Springer and his third wife, Beata Salina. His father died in 1669 after forty years of service for the Swedish government; his mother, the royal housekeeper for the dowager queen Hedvig Eleonora (widow of King Charles X) at Gripsholm Castle, was buried 17 December 1693 at the Gripsholm church in Mariefred. As a young man, Charles Springer had been sent abroad to study, first to Riga, Latvia ( then a province of Sweden), and later to London to learn English and mathematics. He then disappeared. By a letter to his mother, dated 1 June 1693,Charles explained his fate: About to return home, he was kidnapped and carried aboard an English vessel to Virginia,�where I was sold like a farm animal� and held in �very slavery� for five years. Having served his time, he went 400 miles to join the Swedes on the Delaware. After being there a year and a half, he married Maria Hendricksdotter, 27 Dec 1685. At the time of the letter, they had three daughters and were expecting a fourth child.

Springer first lived in Gloucester County at �New Stockholm� a tract claimed by the Swedes by purchase from the Indians but owned by Andrew Robeson Sr. Here, John Anderson Cock, Springer�s future brother-in-law, was operating a farm in 1684. In the following year, Springer m�d Maria, the daughter of Hendreick Jacobson. The Springer remained a resident of Gloucester County through at least 1690.

Charles and Maria Hendricksdotter Springer in 1693 was 200 acres, part of �Oak Hill� an 800 acres tract east of Red Clay Creek, which had been granted by William Penn to Nils Larsson Friend in exchange for land Penn wanted in Bucks County for his Pennsbury Estate.

Charles and Maria had Six sons and at least Five daughters:

Anna Elisabeth b 1687

Rebecca b 1689

Maria b 1691

Charles b 1693

Christopher b 12 May, 1696

John b 1698

Andreas b 1700

Jacob or James b 1703

Israel b 1705

Magdalena b 1707

Joseph b 1709.

Charles Springer first wife was buried 15 March 1727. Three months later, he married Annika, daughter of Johan and Brita Gustafsson and widow of both Matthias Martensson and Jonas Walraven. Charles Springer died of a stoke on 26 May 1738 while crossing the Delaware on his return from Gloucester County Court, where he proved a deed from Andrew Robeson SR to Marten Martensson SR and John Archer that he had witnessed 9 May 1685

Now this what was send to me by �HOLY TRINITY (OLD SWEDES) CHURCH FOUNDATION, INC.� and Ray Nichols, Archivist. He was nice to share with me the know descendants of Springer Delaware family.

KARELL CHRISTOFFERSON\CARL CHRISTOPHER\ SPRINGER b: 1658 in Stockholm, Sweden d 1738 in Wilmington Delaware, burial in Wilmington, Delaware. m'd 1st MARIA HINDRICHSSDOTTER\Hendricks b: ABT. 1668 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE Married: 27 DEC 1685 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA and 2nd 1727 Annika Gustafsson no children from this marriage

1 Anna Elizabeth Springer b: 1687 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ m�d 1706 Samuel Hall. Samuel Hall was a Englishman who died as a weaver in Kennet, Chester County in 1738. His will named his wife Elisabeth, eight daughters (Mary, Sarah, Phoebe, Elisabeth, Hannah, Dinah, Susanna and Margaret) and four sons (George, Samuel, James and Charles).Samuel Hall a Quaker of Kennett Township, son of James and Hannah Hall.

2 Rebecca Springer b: 1681 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ d 1736 m�d 1713 Jacob Stilley. Jacob Stilley, Swedish, son of Anders Stille. She died in Christiana Hundred after 1764, and had ten children (Jonathan, Andrew, Maria, Peter, Susanna, Elisabeth, Margareta, Rebecca, John and Lydia).

3 Maria Springer b: 1691 in New Castle Co, DE d after 1764 Christiana Hundred, New Castle, Co. Del m�d 31 July 1716, William Cleneay d April 12, 1747 New Castle Co. DEL. William Cleneay, probably of French origins. after They had nine children (Rebecca, William, Charles, Jane, Maria, Hannah, Jane, Samuel and Sarah).

4 Charles Springer b: 1693 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d in Christiana Hundred and was buried 26 Aug. 1759, m�d Margaretta Robinson. Margareta Robinson, daughter of Edward Robinson and his first wife, who is not identified, but was probably Anna Walraven, daughter of Walraven Jansson De Vos and Christina Tussey. He died in 1759 and was buried August 26, 1759, in Holy Trinity Churchyard. They had twelve children (Maria, John, Anna, Charles, Catharina, Edward, Jacob, Gabriel, Margareta, Rachel, Rebecca and Elisabeth).

5 Christopher Springer b: 12 May 1698 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1755 m�d Catharina Hendrickson. Catherine Hendrickson, his first cousin, daughter of John and Brita Hendrickson. He died of hernia in July 1755, and was buried in Holy Trinity Churchyard on July 31, 1755. They had nine children (Charles, John, Brita, Peter, Susannah, Solomon, Abraham, Joseph and Catharina).

6 John Springer b: 1699 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d in Christiana Hundred in June 1772 m�d (1) Maria Hendrickson, his cousin, daughter of John and Brita Hendrickson, and (2) Mary Dempsey, August 31, 1736. Three of his children were also born blind. Although he had been listed regularly as a communicant with his parents up to that time, there is no record that he ever took communion after his father's second marriage. He died June 15, 1772. By his first wife, he had four children (Charles, William, Mary and Joseph). By his second wife, six more (Elisabeth, Rebecca, Israel, John, Margaret and Andrew).

7 Andreas Springer b: 1700 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d unmarried in January 1731.Nothing is recorded about him except that he was buried in Holy Trinity Churchyard nothing is recorded about him except that he was buried in Holy Trinity Churchyard on January 16, 1731. on January 16, 1731

8 JAMES (Jacob) SPRINGER b: 1703 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1763 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, Delaware,buried 18 December 1763 m'd: 1731 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA to MARY BISHOP b: ABT. 1713. Mary Bishop, daughter of Nicholas and Dorcas Bishop, about 1732; he died in 1763, she in 1790. Their children were Dorcas, Carl, Maria, Rebecca, Nicholas (Nils), Anna, Elizabeth, Jacob, John and Thomas. They are being listed with the possibility that the roster may throw some light on family migrations.They had eleven children (Dorcas, Charles, Susanna, Maria, Rebecca, Nicholas, Anna, Elisabeth, Jacob, John and Thomas).

9 Israel Springer b: 1705 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1731. Israel Springer, born probably about 1705; may have married, but again there is nothing recorded about him except his burial on January 24, 1731. These are the two sons for whom Charles Springer bought the land later sold to Daniel Barker. They must have died in an epidemic. The church records show that there was much dysentery.

10 Magdalena Springer b: 1707 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE m�d (1) Jesper Robinson, brother of Margareta Robinson, who married her brother Charles, November 11, 1725; (2) Paul Paulson, son of Peter and Giezie Paulson, November 19, 1728; and (3) Morton Justis, son of Justa and Anna Morton Justis of Philadelphia County. All these marriages are on record in Holy Trinity. All three were Swedish. She had ten children (Jesper Robinson, Dorothea, Maria, Rebecca, Paul, Charles, Peter, John and Anna Paulson and Helena Justis). Church.

11 Joseph Springer b: 1709 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d in Christiana Hundred in 1799 m�d Annika Justis,Swedish, daughter of M�ns and Catherine Walraven Justis, some time between April 25, 1731, when they stood sponsors, she under her maiden name, for an unnamed baby, and September 3, 1732, when their son, Charles was born. Joseph died in 1799, according to an earlier reading of his tombstone, which is now indecipherable. He is buried near the south portico of the Old Swedes Church, the nearest to his father of any of the children. They had twelve children (Charles, Anders, Beata, Maria, Joseph, Catharina, Sarah, Rebecca, Anna, Rachel, Eleanor and Hannah).

Next Gen

Anna Elizabeth Springer (KARELL) b: 1687 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ m�d 1706 Samuel Hall


1 James m�d 1746 Mary Cleneay

2 Elizabeth 1713

3 George b 1714 m�d 1759 Phoebe Thomas

4 Samuel b 1717 m�d 1746 Elizabeth Wellcock

5 Dina b 1718

Rebecca Springer (KARELL) b: 1681 in New Stockholm, Gloucester Co, NJ d 1736 m�d 1713 Jacob Stilley


1 Andrew m�d 1738 Catherine Stalcop

2 Jonathan m�d 1735 Magdalena Vandever

3 Maria b 1714 m�d 1736 Charles Hedges

4 Peter b 1717

5 Susanna b 1719 m�d 1737 Justa Justis

6 Elizabeth b 1721

7 Margareta b 1722 m�d 1740 Peter Didrickson

8 Rebecca b 1725 m�d 1744 John Voniman

9 John b 1727 m�d 1727 Elizabeth Ogle

10 Leddi b 1732 m�d 1756 John Bird

Maria Springer (KARELL) b: 1691 in New Castle Co, DE m�d 1716 William Cleneay


1 Rebecca b 1717 m�d 1st 1736 Jonas Robeson and 2nd Charles Justis

2 William b 1719

3 Carolus b 1721

4 Jan b 1723

5 Maria b 1726 m�d 1746 James Hall

6 Hanna b 1728

7 Jane b 1730

8 Sarah b 1734 m�d 1754 William Whiteted or WHITTED

9 William b 1737 m�d 1764 Elizabeth Gilpin

Charles Springer (KARELL) b: 1693 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1757 m�d Margaretta Robinson.


1 Maria b July 23, 1723 m�d 1744 Nils Justis

2 Johan b August 9, 1725 m�d 1747 Nancy Welsh

3 Anna b March 5, 1737 m�d 1744 John Smith

4 Charles b December 17, 1728 m�d 1752 Susannah Seeds

5 Catharina b November 21, 1731 m�d 1756 Thomas Ogle. JR

6 Edward b January 24, 1734 m�d Catharine Graham

7 Jacob b February 10, 1737 m�d 1763 Catharine Springer

8 Gabriel b May 11, 1739 m�d 1762 Elizabeth Parlin. Elizabeth Parlin, daughter of Reverend Peter and Anna Rudman Tranberg, and widow of Olaf (Olove) Parlin, January 14, 1762.

9 Margareta b May 27, 1741 m�d 1759 Charles Springer. Charles Springer, son of Joseph and Annika Justis Springer, October 28, 1759

10 Rachel b 1746 m�d November 17, 1774 Robert Armstrong

11 Elizabeth b February 18, 1748 m�d 1765 Samuel Walker


Robert Robinson came from England in 1684, in the ship "Swan", with his wife and several children, including Edward. Robert Robinson was granted 300 acres of land in New Castle County, on April 3, 1684, according to Pennsylvania Archives. (2) His wife's name is not known, nor those of their other children.

Edward Robinson was born in England about 1676, and came to Delaware when he was eight years old. He married in 1699, when a pew was assigned to his wife, a member of the congregation. In the census of the congregation taken about 1754, he is described as "An Englishman, but married among us", also as understanding Swedish, but not able to read or speak it.

For on this family go to Jessie Springer webpage.

Christopher Springer (KARELL) b: 12 May 1698 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1755 m�d Catharina Hendrickson


1 Carolus b 1722 m�d 1748 Mary Ball.

Charles Springer, b. October 25, 1722; d. about May 19, 1796 (probate of will), Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle Co., Del.; m. April, 1748,

Mary Ball, b. ; d. about December 19, 1799 (adm); dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Ogle) Ball, of Mill Creek Hundred. .

2 Johan b December 1724 (baptized De. December 1724 (baptized December 20, 1724); d. in Christiana Hundred, bur. December 16, 1753, Old Swedes Churchyard; m. June 5, 1751, ember 20, 1724); d. in Christiana Hundred, bur. December 16, 1753, Old Swedes Churchyard; m. June 5, 1751m�d 1751 Sarah Stidham. Sarah (Stedham) Walraven, b. March 11, 1728; d. ; dau. of Lucas and Ingeborg (Jaquett) Stedham (now spelled Stidham), and widow of John Walraven

3 Brita b. December 10, 1726; d. ;m'd. November 5, 1759 Michael Murdock. Michael Mardoch (his signature), b. ;d. about February 2, 1779, (probate of will), Mill Creek Hundred; son of ?

4 Peter b 1729 m�d 1st 1754 Rebecca Justis and 2nd 1759 Catharine Anderson. Rebecca Justis, b. May 17, 1724; d. April 25, 1757; dau. of Mans and Catharina (Walraven) Justis and Catharina (Christina) Anderson, b. November 29, 1737; d. ; dau. of James and Brita (Lyman) Anderson

5 Susanna b 1731 m�d 1762 John Springer. John Springer, whose identity has not been proven. It seems likely that he was the son of Charles and Margareta (Robinson) Springer who had m. in 1747 Mary Welsh, and had removed to Frederick Co., Maryland, where he was still living on May 20, 1765 (Frederick Co. Deed). A son of John and Susannah Springer was baptized on March 7, 1765, the day after his birth, by the pastor of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington ........ a fact which is somewhat confusing.

6 Salomon b. February 7, 1734; d. about September 6, 1776 (probate of will), Christiana Hundred; m. (1) December 3, 1757m�d 1st 1757 Margaret Kelly and 2nd 1765 Lydia Husbands. Margaret Kelly, b. ; d. buried March 1, 1762, Old Swedes Church Churchyard; dau. of ?

7 Abraham b b. April 25, 1736; d. before March 26, 1777 (date of inventory), Frederick Coun-ty, Maryland; m'd November, 1759 Christian Anderson. Christian Anderson, born October 27, 1743; d. after 1790 Census was taken, Frederick Co., Md.; dau. of Peter and Catharina (Lynam) Anderson.

8 Joseph b b. September 19, 1738; d. about April 13, 17885 (adm.), Christiana Hundred m�d 1746 Lydia Anderson. Lydia Anderson, b. August 5, 1746; d. ;dau. of James and Brita (Lynam) Anderson

9 Catharina b October 20, 1742 m�d April 21, 1761 (records of Immanuel P. E. Church, New Castle, Del.), Israel Springer. Israel Springer, b. ; d. ; at Elkton, Cecil County, Md.; son of John and Mary (Dempsey) Springer.

John Springer (KARELL) b: 1699 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE. born blind d 1772 m�d 1st 1726 Maria Hendrickson and 2nd 1736 Mary Dempsey.

Children 1st marriage

1 Carl b 1728 m�d 1st 1752 Ann Ogle dau. of James and Grissel (Graham) Ogle, 4-9-1752 (HTR 691); and 2nd 1778 Elizabeth (Graham)Rice, dau. of Francis and Jean(?) Graham and widow of Evan Rice, Esq., ca 12-27-1787 (date of License Bond); d. Cecil County, Elkton, Maryland, ca 11-2-1816, date of probate (Cecil County Wills, Book GG-7, p. 81).

2 Mary b 1731

3. John, baptized 3-18-1732, d. in infancy

4 Joseph . 3-28-1736; m'd Anne Hendrickson 4-11-1769.

2nd marriage

1 Elizabeth b 1739 m�d John Augustus

2 Israel m�d 1761 Catharine Springer. Israel was a saddler, lived at Elkton, Maryland; m. Catharine Springer, dau. of Christopher and Catherina Springer, his cousin, April 21, 1761, (Immanuel P. E. Church, New Castle, Del.). She was born 10-20-1742.

3 Rebecca

4 John b 1744 m�d 1st 1762 Susannah Springer , 2nd 1774 Catharine Bullock and 3rd Ann Green. (John, b. 9-18-1744; educated at Princeton, was a Presbyterian preacher; died 9-3-1798, Washington, Georgia).

5 William

6 Margreta b 3-25-1747.

7 Andrew b. 5-1-1749.

"9. William, 10. Mary and 11. Rebecca. Three of the children of John Springer, like himself, were born blind, and they were named William, Mary and Rebecca. I do not know where they came in the family." from Jessie Springer book >p>

Andreas Springer (KARELL) b: 1700 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1731


1 William

2 Margreta b 1747

3 Andrew b 1750

JAMES (Jacob) SPRINGER (KARELL) b: 1703 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1763 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE m'd: 1731 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA to 1 MARY BISHOP b: ABT. 1713


1 Darkis b October 17, 1733 m�d April 24, 1759 John Ball

2 Charles b August 25, 1735; (HTR p. 361), a copy of a gravestone record, d. March 6, 1802 m�d 1764 Mary Baal. Mary Ball, daughter of William and Elisabeth Walraven Ball

3 Susanna b July 26, 1737 m�d 1758 John Springer

4 Mary b Feb. 13, 1739; d. April 26, 1797m�d 1758 John Armstrong

5 Rebecca listed in 1752 congregational census, but not in her mother's will, dated May 22, 1786); d.

6 Nicolas b 1743 m�d 1722 Elizabeth McIlvaine

7 Ann listed in 1752 congregational census and in her mother's will); d. - ;

8 Elizabeth listed in 1752 congregational census and in her mother's will); d. -

9 Jacob b. February 10, 1750; d. about April 17, 1817, Pike Turn Township, Washington Co., Pa. m�d Margaret Gregg

10 John b. June 5, 1753; d. about April 25, 1792; m'd August 7, 1783, Sarah Horner

11 Thomas b 1755 (named in mother's will).

James Springer, whose name often appears as Jacob (the Swedish form of James), son of Charles and Maria (Hendrickson) Springer, was born in Christiana Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, in 1703, and died on his farm in Christiana Hundred 60 years later. He was buried, as were all of Charles Springer's sons, in the churchyard of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Delaware. James (Jacob) Springer married, about 1732, Mary Bishop, daughter of Nicholas and Dorcas Bishop, of Christiana Hundred. Mary (Bishop) Springer's will, dated May 22, 1786, names her children, Charles Springer, Dorcas Ball, Mary Armstrong, Nicholas Springer, Ann Jameson, Elizabeth Paulson,Jacob Springer, John Springer, and Thomas Springer.

Magdalena Springer (KARELL) b: 1707 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE m�d 1st 1725 Jesper Robinson, 2nd 1728 Paul Paulson and 3rd 1747 Morton Justis

Children 1st marriage

Jesper Robinson b 1727

2nd marriage

1 Dorothea b 1730

2 Rebecca b 1734

3 Paul b 1735

4 Carl b 1737

5 Petrus b 1739

3rd marriage

1 Helena b 1750

Joseph Springer (KARELL) b: 1709 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1799 m�d Annika Justis.


1 Carl b. September 3, 1732; (HTR p. 351) d. at Christiana in 1817. His will was probated December 11, 1817 (New Castle County Wills, Book R-1, page 213; m�d 1759 Margaret Springer, daughter of Charles II and Margareta Springer; (HTR p. 711) October 28, 1759.

2 Andreas b 1734

3 Beata b November 9, 1735 m�d November 25, 1755 John Hendrickson

4 Maria b October 27, 1737 m�d David Hendrickson

5 Joseph b October 17, 1739 m�d 4-11-1769 Ann Hendrickson

6 Catherina b October 5, 1742 m�d 1st 1763 Jacob Springer and 2nd Strainge Backhouse

7 Sara b October 26, 1743

8 Rebecca b 1745 m�d 1st 1770 William Derrickson and 2nd 1789 Cornelius Stidham

9 Anna b June 18, 1747; m�d 1769 John Loynam

10 Rachel b 1750 m�d 1774 Robert Armstrong

11 Eleanor b June 5, 1752 m�d January 22, 1778 Joseph Baughman

12 Hanna b 1757 m�d 1772 Archibald McDonald

Searching for Dennis Springer to see if he related to the Springer of Delaware. The following facts are as follows.

I have copy of the 1790 Census in South Carolina.

* Thomas Springer 1 male over 16

**William Springer with 2 males over 16.

*** John Springer with 1 males age over 16, 3 males under 16 and 6 females.

(Could these men be John list above sons?)

Hezekiak Springer 1 male over 16, 4 males under 16;

Dennis Springer 1 male over 16 and 1 female.

�HOLY TRINITY (OLD SWEDES0 CHURCH FOUNDATHION, INC.� and Ray Nichols, Archivist. States:

JAMES (Jacob) SPRINGER (KARELL) b: 1703 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE, d: 1763 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE m'd: 1731 in Christiana Hundred, Nya Swerige (New Sweden), PA to 1 MARY BISHOP b: ABT. 1713

* Son 11 Thomas b 1755 was absent when his mother wrote her will in 1786. There was a provision that if he should return after her death he was to get an equal share. It was thought that he may have drowned.

Question the Thomas listed in the 1790 Census be the missing Thomas and he did not drown as thought? Janet

John Springer (KARELL) b: 1699 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1772 m�d 1st 1726 Maria Hendrickson and 2nd 1736 Mary Dempsey


Carl b 1728 m�d 1st 1752 Ann Ogle and 2nd 1778 Elizabeth Graham

Sons John b 1744 m�d 1st 1762 Susannah Springer , 2nd 1779 Catharine Bullock and 1783 3rd Ann Green.

**1 William

Christopher Springer (KARELL) b: 12 May 1698 in Christiana Hundred, New Castle Co, DE d 1755 m�d Catharina Hendrickson


Carolus b 1722 m�d 1748 Mary Ball

Son **2 William

**We will take the two William first. William # 1 was born blind that is all that is know about this William. William # 2 was probably born in the early 1760s which would make him about the right age to fit, but we have no further information on him either.

Could one of these missing William Springer be the one who is listed in 1790 Census? Janet

Now for John Springer

It is know that John and Susannah Springer know children are Sarah Springer b 1762 and David Springer b 1765. It is not know when did Susannah died or did she and John have more children. It is know that after Susannah death, John married Catherine Bullock and that marriage date was 1779. There is not know if they have children or not. After the death of Catherine Bullock Springer. It is not know where Catherine was born or were she died or where she married John. The next marriage was in NC in 1783 to Ann Green. She was daughter of William Green. There children know from this marriage. I do know there was a Rev. John Springer in VA during the Rev War. But where I can find where I found him. At the time that found a John Springer in VA I was not looking for him as a father to my Dennis Springer.

1 William Green Springer b 1790

2 Lucinda

3 Katherine

4 Elizabeth

5 Nancy

6 Susanna

7 Mary Ann.

Could this John born in Delaware 1699 m�d for third time in NC and know to have died in GA. Be the same John found in 1790 Census? Janet

This put another John Springer in Virginia and North Caroline but as you find he can not be the one who was in 1790 Census.

Now Jessie states on her webpage that John Springer, second Son of Charles Springer III and Susannah Seeds Springer. was probably born in or near Frederick City, Maryland, November 8, l758, although his date of birth had been set as early as 1755 (Lillian Heath, DAR).Family records say that before his marriage he accompanied Daniel Boone on his first exploring expeditions in Kentucky; but whichever birth date is correct, this is obviously unlikely he would have been very young, He may have traveled with Boone after the latter brought his family from their former home on the Yadkin River in North Carolina in September, 1775, and founded Boonesborough, and of this exploring period Mable Warner Millikan tells this story of her ancestor and ours, John Springer I, "It has been told and retold in the family that on this trip, while hunting one day. he came upon a wild turkey gobbler, almost starved to death in the deep snow. He scraped the snow from the ground, placed some parched corn from his shot bag on the bare place, and left the turkey to enjoy his feast." He was back in Frederick County, Maryland, on October 3, 1776, when he signed as a private in a company of militia, raised in the Middle District, Frederick County, by Captain Valentine Creager, and served three months Some time between 1775 (Lillian Heath, DAR) and August 17, 1778, when their first child, Charles Springer IV, was born in Maryland, he married Sarah Ann Butler "of Pennsylvania" but the marriage record has not been found, nor is her parentage known as of 1963.

John Springer's sister, Nancy or Ann married John Silvers (Sylvers) on April 7, 1778 (l) and apparently the two young couples went to Kentucky County of Virginia soon after the birth of Charles Springer, August 17, 1778 where the two Johns served as privates in the company of Captain Thomas Moore, and an expedition against the Indians, under George Rogers Clark. They were apparently living at McConnell's Station, now a part of Lexington.

John Springer's name was signed to a petition to the General Assembly of Virginia, dated May 1, l780, asking that Kentucky be divided for court and muster purposes. (2) The petition was granted, and the three original counties of Jefferson, Fayette and Lincoln were formed, with county seats respectively at Louisville, Lexington and Harrodsburg. As John Springer had signed as "one of your inhabitants north of the Kentucky River" he must have had his family with him - his first daughter, Mary, was born May 9, 1780 - and it is not certain when the family went to the vicinity of Harrod's Fort, the little cluster of cabins which became Harrodsburg. Harrodsburg remained the seat of government for Kentucky for all practical purposes during the rest of the Revolutionary War, (3) and John Springer and John Silvers may have seen service at Harrod's Fort, as the records show that they were paid for 22 days' service in Captain John Allison's Company of Virginia militia, enrolled February 26, 1780 in the amount of 9 pounds, 4 shillings (I. P. D. 60). Their families must have been with them in the safety of the Fort, as there was no safety for women and children outside of stockades; so it is likely that Sarah Ann Springer and Ann Silvers were among the women who histories of Kentucky say "Molded bullets while their husbands stood guard and shot the Indians, whom the British in Canada were keeping stirred up against the white men".

There is a reconstructed replica of the old Harrod's Fort at Harrodsburg, well worth a trip to Kentucky. According to the "American Guide Series - Kentucky" Harrod's Fort could boast many "firsts". There was a steady stream of immigration into Kentucky from all over the East. The first court was held there on January 1, 1781; the first woolen and grist mill was located there, and the first corn in Kentucky was raised there; the first school house in Kentucky is within the stockade, a small, low building of hewn logs with a huge fireplace across one end, into which a log could be pashed through a small door (2) opening into the great out-of-doors. There were five of six cabins along the hill, and each had a long pole to push the chimney over if it caught fire. The school was taught by Mrs. William Commes. There were no text books, so the children learned to read from the Bible and hymn books, and to write on smoothed boards, with ink made from ox-galls, John Lythe, one of the first missionaries to the frontier people, preached there, and Squire Boone, brother of Daniel, walked about the fort with a Bible in his hand. There George Rogers Clark prepared to march into the Northwest Territory.

NOTE FROM JANET: At this time frame. Kentucky and Tennessee were apart of Virgnia and North Caroline. Between 1790 and 1800. Kentucky and Tennessee became States. This would make John Springer in Virginia or North Caroline but listed in Kentuckey or Tenneesse. This area was named Washington D.

As read far on in Jessie Springer book. I must state that this John Springer could not be the John Springer in 1790 Census in South Caroline. Read the following and you willl too.

John Springer I died in Washington County, August 17, 1816; Mable says he died as the result of a fall from a horse. The probate record begins on September 16, 1816, (17) in probate Book C, page 23, with the awarding of the widow's dower to Elizabeth Springer, and continues on pages 24, 32, 260 and 503 to 1823. The fact that the proceedings are so long drawn out may account for the many dates that have been given for his death. The inventory shows cooper's tools, so he knew that trade, in addition to his farming activities

So make to drawing board. Must of Jessie Springer family move west to Kentucky and later to Illinois. Ours was in South Caroline, Tennesse and later in Alabama. Still on the hunt.

I hope one day link My Dennis to his parents. For information on my Dennis Springer click here for a link to his page.

Click here forDennisSpringer

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Janet at [email protected]

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