

This section is for the project as a whole, it’s status and updates.


5/19/20, Block control testing with Circuitron components made a large milestone as Stephen successfully tested the concept.


View 1 of some of the wiring done for the testing of 3 blocks in a loop.



View 2 of some of the wiring done for the testing of 3 blocks in a loop.

The clothes pins are holding the wire onto the circuitron components, makes for an easy way to test wiring and not making any soldering or permanent joining.

There are 3 ER-1 External Relays, and 3 BD-2 detection units(the detection units that detect drop in power in a section, not the optical sensor kind).

The track actually has 9 different sections. Each block has 2 detection areas and 1 kill zone area.



Stephen working late until 3am on the test wiring. Doesn’t he look like a mess, just like the wiring.

Seriously, it was a successful test because of the commitment Stephen Makes to getting the job done right.


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