the jason.kirk homepage

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My name is Jason Kirk and I'm a graduate research student at the University of Cardiff working in the area of Observational Star Formation. In my spare time I collect American disposable literature (i.e. comic books) and spend copious amounts of time trying to complete numerous role playing games on the Sony Playstation.

  • Interests: Science and technology, science fiction movies, space exploration, Arthurian mythology, Scooby-Doo, DC Comics, alternate realities and bacon sandwiches.
  • Favourite Book Series: The Pendragon Cycle by Stephen Lawhead
  • Favourite Film: Forbidden Planet (1956)
  • Favourite TV Series: Time Team (Channel 4 - UK)
  • Favourite Comicbook: Crisis on Infinite Earths (DC, 1985)
  • Currently reading: Histories by Herodotus (Wordsworth Classic Edition), Green Arrow (DC, Kevin Smith)
  • Currnet Activity: Preparing my PhD thesis.
L1521F at 850 microns

L1521F is indicative of the objects which I study. In optical images it appears as a silhouette against the background star field. However at longer wavelengths the optical depth drops and we are able to observe its interior. This type of object is important because we think it represents the state just before the formation of a protostar.

The Captain's Unofficial Justice League HomepageI started the Captain's Unofficial Justice League Homepage back in 1996 when I found that there were very few Justice League homepages on the internet. This was just before the release of Midsummer's Nightmare and explosion of popularity of Grant Morrison's JLA. I launched the JLA Webring shortly afterwards and still maintain it (time allowing) today . I have recently launched an XML based (parsed into XHTML via XSL) version of the site that allows me to spend more time on content and less on actual markup. Demands on my time have pulled me away from both projects in the last year or so, but I hope to return to then after I finish my PhD.

Copyright (excluding fair use material) Jason Kirk 2001.

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