??How Did The Mountains Get There??

Ans 1: Some were formed when the Earth crust was folded.

       Powerful forces were at the work as the rocks of the Earth's crust were cooling. Pushed from both side at once, the rocks folded up into mountains. Soil and small rocks, worn down from the pecks by wind and rain and carried down the mountainsides, formed by valley floors.

Ans 2:Some were when the crust broke and some parts jutted out.

       Sometimes, when the pressure from one side was greater than from the other, a layer of rock would slip and break instead of folding. Then it would ride up over the land on the other side, forming a higher mountain. The  valley floors where created by debris eroded from the mountain.

Ans 3:Mountains are formed when lava and ash are spewed onto the surface by the eruption of the volcanoes.

       Volcanic mountains are the only ones being formed now. Rock inside the earth's crust is so hot that it is liquid, or molten. Sometimes so much pressure built up inside the earth that lava, which is molten rock, and very hot ash  spewdout onto the surface.

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