Information of Volcanoes

--Why is volcano is called volcano?
The word volcanoe comes from the word "vulcan", The ancient name of Roman god of fire.

--Kinds of volcanoes
(1) Shield volcanoe
(2) Cinder Cones
(3) Composite Volcanoes

--Shield volcanoes
Formed when large amounts of free-flowing lava spills from a cent and spreads widely. The lava gradually build up a low, broad, dome-shaped mountain. The famous Mauna Loa in Hawaii is a shield volcano.

--Cinder Cones
These are buiilt up when mostly tephra erupts from vents and falls back to earth around the vent. The accumulated tephra, which ia generally cinders, forms a cone shaped mountain. Particutin in Western Mexico is a well-known cinder cone.

--Composite Volcanoes
These are formed when both lava and tephra erupt from the central vent. The materials pile up in alternate layers around the went and form a towering,cone-shaped mountain. Mount Fuji in  Japan is a beautiful example.

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