Autistic or Crystal Child? What’s the Difference?

by Ana Santo

Indigo children, Crystal children, ADD, Autism, sensory integration disorder… we’ve come up with so many labels to describe our new wave of children coming onto the planet, but what do they all mean? Are all Crystal children autistic? Are all autistic children Crystals? Just what exactly is autism, anyway?

The DSM-IV (for those of you not aware, the DSM-IV is the “diagnostic manual” used by qualified mental health professionals to look up all our “issues” and find out which label we merit) states that autism is characterized by marked “impairment in social interaction and communication, and restricted, repetitive and stereotypical patterns of behaviour, interests, and activities.”

Of course, it fails to mention the most important, underlying concept of all of these “behaviours” – the reason they usually happen in the first place is because of extreme sensory sensitivity. They may hear sounds too loudly, see lights too brightly, be over sensitive to physical touch, tastes or smells; or they could experience the complete opposite – they could fall down a flight of stairs and get up and walk as if nothing had happened...

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