Chapter 1

"Mom thought I'd find you here!" Bryan said, as he sat down beside
Susan. Susan was sitting at there tabel at that McDonald's where Bryan
worked. I was around 9 p.m. or so. There were no one inside.
"What's up? Mom said you just dicapert."
"I don't know. Something just told me to come down here, so I did." In
that momet there came two customoers, a guy and a girl, came in.
"Bryan would you please?" They heard Bryan's boss, Jo, yelled.
"Sorry, gotta do my job. Can I get you anything?" He asked Susan, as he
stod up a was on his way, too serve some food to the customoers.
"Yeah! A McFlurry please." Susan said.
"Anything for you Beauty."
"Thanks Bryan!" Susan stod up and walked over to the terned off tv.
"Hey Jo, can I tern on the tv?" She yelled.
"Go ahead Sus." Jo yelled back.
"Who is she?" The guy asked Bryan
"That is my baby sister Susan. I call her Beauty. She's here everyday I
work, and that is 5-6 days a week." Bryan expland. Susan terned on the
tv. In that moment Bryan's mobilphone rang. He was making burgers so he
yelled at Susan: "Beauty, would you get that? My hands are all gooey."
Susan went over to Bryan and took his phone out of his pocet.
"Hello?" She said into the phone.
"Hi! Can I tolk ro Bryan McFadden please?" The voice in the other ende
"Sorry he can't come to the phone right now. I'm bryan's sister, Susan.
Can I take a message?" Susan asked.
"Well! My name is Louis Walsh..."
"Louis Walsh????? The Louis Walsh????" Susan interobted the guy in the
other end.
"If "The Louis Walsh" is the guy that is Boyzone maneger, then yes."
"Hey cool!"
"Well, what I tried to say b4 was, my name is Louis Walsh and would you
please ask Bryan too meet me tomorrow at 10 am?"
"Sure! Where?"
"The same plays as the audition was yesterday."
"Ok! Is that all?"
"Yes, Thank you. Bye."
"Bye." Susan said and hung up.
"Was it Louis Walsh?" Bryan asked exidet.
"Well, that is for me too know and you too find out." Susan said.
"SUSAN!!!!!!" Bryan yelled, and ran after Susan. If Bryan calls Susan
for Susan, she should be scared, REALLY scared. "TELL ME
SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!" He got her and looked at her with that
"Ok, ok. Yes it was Louis Walsh. He wanted you to meet him tomorrow at
10 am, at the same plays as the audition was."
"Beauty, do you know what that meen?" Bryan asked puting his arms around
Susans waist, and lifted her up in the ari and swong her around.
"What?" She asked stupetly.
"I'm probably going too be in the band, I probably mad it."
"That is GREAT!!!!!!!! I hope you're right!"
"Same here, same here!!!" Bryan said holding his little sister in his

Chapter 2

"Hi! I here too talk to Louis Walsh." Bryan said too a guy he meet
inside that house where the audition.
"Oh yes! He's in there together with Mark, Kian and....oh what's he's
"Shane?" A voice behind Bryan said.
"Yes, Shane that's right" The guy said. Bryan turned around.
"Nicky! Nicky Byrne! What's up mate?"
"Bryan! Great to see you again." Nicky said
"What are you doing here mate?" Bryan asked.
"Louis called me last night and asked me to meet him here."
"The same happened to me!"


"Beauty?????? MOM????? DAD?????" Bryan yelled, as he came in the family
house door.
"MOM AND DAD AN'T HOME!!!!" Susan yelled back.
"Oh!" Bryan said. "BEAUTY??? WOULD YOU PLEASE COME IN HERE?" Bryan was
now in the living room.
"Ok!" Susan said, and come in to the living room. "What's up? And who is
that?" Susan said pointing at Nicky.
"Well, that is Nicky Byrne, I meet at the audition two days ago. Nicky
this is my little sis Susan, but as you heard I call her Beauty. And you
are looking at the two new members from the new Irish boyband.
"Oh Bryan that's great!!!!!!!!" Susan gave Bryan a big hug. "Hey Nicky!
Nice to meet you.......Hey I know you. You are that guy who is dating
that politician's daughter, right?"
"Right. It's nice to meet you too." Nicky said giving her his hand.
"We are going to eat lunch with the rest of the guys from the band, do
you wanna come?" Bryan asked.
"Sure! I would love to, if Nicky and the others don't mind."
"No! Of cause not." Nicky replayed.
"Ok, cool, I'll come. Where are we eating?"
"At McD's as always." Bryan said.
"Of cause. When are we going to meet the guys?" Susan asked.
"At 12:30. That is in half an hour." Nicky tolled her.
"Ok. Shall I call Jo and tell him we're coming?"
"No Beauty. I'll do it, I have to talk to him about quieting. Came you
show Nicky around in the house?"
"Ok!" Susan show Nicky the house. When they were done, they sat down in
the sofa in the living room.
"So, you and Bryan are really close?" Nicky asked.
"Yeah. He's one of my best mates. Where are you from?"
"Here. Dublin. I have lived her almost all my life."
"Same here." Susan said as Bryan came in. "So, what did Jo say?"
"Well, he was sad, but he had seen it coming." Bryan told os.
"Ok. Oh, we have to be at McD's in 10 min, so lets go." Nicky said and
we left to get some more food from McD's.

Chapter 3.

"Here is the rest of the guys." Nicky said.
"Hey, they're not half bad looking." Susan said.
"Susan!" Bryan said with a bit weird voice.
"WHAT??????" Susan asked back.
"Never mind. Hey guys. I took my sis Susan along hope you don't mind."
Bryan told they guys.
"No, that's ok." Shane said. "I don't mind having a pretty girl hanging
"Shane please, that's my little sister. Yes she is pretty, but
please....." Bryan stopped when he got a angry look from Susan.
"Please what?" Mark asked.
"Never mind. Beauty this is Shane, Mark and Kian. Guys this is my sis
Susan or I just call her Beauty."
"Hey Susan. Nice to meet you." Kian said giving Susan his hand.
"Right back at ya." Susan said taking his hand, as Bryan's mobilphone
rang. Bryan answered it: "Hey, it's Bryan.....Yes one sec....Beauty it's
Chris, she want's to talk to you, she sounds sad."
"What's up with her? Never mind, give me the phone." Susan talk with
Chris from 10 min, then she hung out and said: "Sorry, I have to go."
"What's the matter with Chris?" Bryan asked.
"She just broke up with her boyfriend, she really wants me to come."
"That's ok Beauty, just go. Say hi to her from me."
"I will. It was nice meeting all of you. See you at home." Susan said
and left.
"Not to stick my nose in, but who is Chris?" Nicky asked.
"Chris is one of the sweetest girls in the world, she's always have a
smile on her face, so it's totally weird to hear her so sad. It's one
thing there make's you want to kill the person who did this to her."
Bryan told them.
"It sounds like you're in love with her." Shane said.
"I'm not. She's Beauty's best mate. They have been friends for......I
don't know it feels like 4ever. She's like a sister to me. She is always
around at home, she has been almost all her and Susan's life's." Bryan
said with a smile on his face.

Later that day

"ANYONE HOME?" Susan yelled when she and Chris came home.
"YES! WE'RE IN HERE." Bryan yelled from the living room. Susan and Chris
went in too the living room were Mark, Bryan, Shane, Nicky and Kian
where sitting
"Hey girl! How are you?" Bryan asked.
"I could feel a lot better." Chris told him.
"Do you want me to beat him up?" Bryan asked acting like he was beating
up Nicky, and Nicky played along.
"No thinks Bryan, but you can tell me who these good looking guys are."
Chris said.
"What good looking guys? Oh them, that's Nicky, Mark, Kian and Shane.
Don't you.....of course you don't. I got the job in that band I told you
about." Bryan explained.
"Bryan that's great!" Chris said giving Bryan a big hug. The phone ran
and Susan got it: "Hi it's Susan.....just a sec....Bryan it's for you."
Bryan took the phone from Susan: "Hi, it's
Bryan.......WHAT???????........that's great......yeah, the others are
here I'll tell them......Bye."
"What was that about?" Mark asked.
"Our band's co-manager is no one else but Ronan Keating from Boyzone."
Bryan said.
"No way!" Kian said.
"Yeah way!" Bryan said.
"That is so cool! Ronan Keating! Who would had thought?" Shane said more
to him self than to anyone else.

Chapter 4

Months later
"Ring....ring" The phone rang and Susan got it: "Hey, it's Susan talk to
"Hey Beauty!" The voice in the other end said.
"BRYAN!!!!!! What's up?
I miss you SOOOOOOO much!"
"Right back at ya babe. Well, the reason that I called you was that I
wanted to tell you, that 'Swear It Again' is number 1 in the uk, and we
are going to sing it at Top Of The Pops."
"No way!"
"Yeah way."
"Bryan that's GREAT!"
"Do you and Chris want to come a see us?"
"Well, let's see. See my big brother and his band live at TOTP or stay
at home and see them on the tv.....hmmmmm.....I think we have a winner."
"Ok, then stay at home if you want."
"Bryan!!!! You should be glad that I can't hit you."
"Trust me, I am. Is mom and dad home?"
"No sorry, you just missed them."
"Well then I'll just call later and we'll find out what to do, ok?"
"Ok! So, what have you been doing?" Bryan and Susan talked for about an

Right after the TOTP show

"You guys did really great. I'm proud of you." Ronan told the guys.
"Thanks!" Shane said. "I'm glad you think we did well."
"Same here. I just never thought I would hear Ronan say that to us, and
that the I ever would be on TOTP." Bryan said.
"I feel almost the same way." Susan said. "I have always dreamt of
seeing TOTP live, but I never thought I would and that my big brother
would be on it."
"Let's talk some more when we have got something to eat." Kian said.
"Great idea Kian. Let's go." Mark said and they left.

Some time later

"Hey mom, it's Bryan." Bryan told his mom, who was in the other end.
"Hi Bryan. How are you and the other guys?"
"We're fine. What about you guys?"
"We're fine too, but Sus REALLY miss you, we all do, but not as much a
"Yeah. I miss you too. Can I talk to Beauty?"
"She's not home. She's a Chris's plays."
"Ok, I think I'll call her there."
"Good idea. By the way, when are you coming home?"
"I don't now, maybe not b4 christmas." Bryan told his mom with a sad
"What about new years?"
"I don't know, maybe, maybe not."
"Bryan try! If not, you're going to kill Sus."
"I'll try. Oh mom? Would you please tell Beauty what I just told you?"
"In your dreams. Your swimming on you own lake now. I'm not going to
tell Sus when you'll be home, �cuz then she is going to get mad, and the
somehow it's end with coming out on me, just because I told her it. You
are going to tell her, and it's going to be now."
"Ok mom. I'll call her."
"Good! Bye Hun."
"Bye mom." Bryan said and hung up. He looked around in the hotel room.
It was just Kian and him in there. "Why am I doing this Kian?"
"Go down in the lobby, then you'll find out." Kian said and Bryan went
down in the lobby. As the lift doors open and he got out, he got hit by
a lot of fans. As he took pictures with them and things like that, he
looked up with a look that said: "Thanks Kian for telling me to go down
here, and thanks God for letting all this happen." If there is one thing
that makes Bryan happy, it's being with people he loves, and he loves
his fans. When he got up to the hotel room again, half an hour later, he
called Beauty. He looked in his phone book and fund Chris's number. He
dialled it and heard the phone ring in the other end.

Chapter 5.

"RING.....RING.....RING!!!!!" Said Chris's phone.
"Talk to me!" Chris said when she took the phone.
"So it's from you Beauty gets it from." Bryan said.
"Hi Bryan. What's up? What have you been up to?"
"Well, I can't talk for 3 hours, so I'm not going to answer that. Is
Beauty still at your plays?"
"Yes. Do you want to talk to her?"
"Yes please."
"Ok, see ya!"
"Yeah, see ya." Bryan said. Chris gave Susan the phone as she said: "Sus
it's for you! It's Bryan!"
"Bryan? Why did he call here?" Susan asked.
"I don't know. He didn't say." Susan took the phone from Chris: "Hi
Bryan. What's up?"
"Hey Beauty! A lot of things. What about you?" Bryan asked.
"Not much. Why did you call me here?"
"I have 2 things to tell you?"
"Ok, I listening!"
"1: I broke up with Kerry."
"When did that happen? Why?"
"Just 3 days ago, and it just didn't work out."
"Are you still friends, or do you hate each other?"
"We're still friends, but of course not as good as b4. The other thing
is really bad news."
"Oh no! What is it?"
"Well, I don't think I'm going to be home b4 christmas, and I don't know
if I'll be home of new years."
"WHAT?????????" Susan yelled.
"Come on Beauty. Please don't be mad. Mom was sad, but she didn't get
"I'm not mad, I'm just sad. There is 7 months to christmas. 7
"I know! Will it make things better, if you and Chris come to that party
Westlife is having in London next Friday?"
"I'm know it can't make things better, but please come."
"Bryan you missed almost everything last year. Everything we go to
together, and have every year, you have missed. PLEASE not miss new
years to."
"I'll try not, ok? I'll do what ever I can."
"Thanks Bryan. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I just miss
you SOOOOO much. 7 months Bryan, that is along time."
"I know. You and Chris can come on tour with us in your summer holiday,
and you'll come to that party next Friday, ok?"
"I'll just ask Chris." Susan told Chris what they were talking about.
"Sure! I'll love to go." Chris said.
"Ok Bryan, we'll be there."
"Great" Bryan said. "Oh, gotta go. Love ya. Bye!"
"Yeah. Love you too. Bye Bryan." Susan hung up. Chris came over to Susan
and hold her for some time, while Susan cried her eyes out..
"There is one good news." Susan said trough her tears.
"What?" Chris asked.
"Bryan just broke up with Kerry, and you are going to see him, b4 he can
meet a new girl, so now is your changes." They both started laughing.

That was that for chapter 5. Her is Chapter 6.

Chapter 6.

"Bryan!!!!!!!" Susan yelled when she saw Bryan in the lobby where
Westlife, her and Chris was going to stay.
"Beauty!? Oh it's great to see you!" Bryan gave her the biggest big
brother hug any sister could get. "Chris! Great you could come to."
Bryan said when he had let go of Susan. He gave Chris a hug too.
"Hi Sus!" Kian said and gave her a hug.
"Hey Kian! Hey Guys!" Susan said to the rest of the guys. "Who's she?"
She asked when she saw a girl with her arm around Shane.
"This is my girlfriend, Nix." Shane said.
"Hi Nix! Nix??? That's not your real name, right?"
"Right, it's Nikki. Nix is just my nickname." Nix explained.
"I think it's a cool nickname." Chris said. Chris got a room, and was
unpacking when Bryan called them on the hotel phone.
"Hey Chris! I just wanted to tell you, that we are eating in an hour,
and going to the party right after that." Bryan said when Chris had
taking the phone and had said: "Room 203. It's Chris."
"Ok Bryan. See you down in the lobby in a hour. Bye" Chris said.
"Bye Chris."
"We have to be ready and down in the lobby in an hour." Chris told
"IN AN HOUR?????? We have to get you ready, so you can get Bryan." Susan
almost yelled.
"What about you and Kian?" Chris asked as she and Susan was getting her
"What about me and Kian? Close your eyes." Susan said, as she put
make-up on Chris.
"Don't you like him?" And didn't you what to get him?"
"Well yeah, but I have to get you and Bryan together, b4 I think about
my self, and by the way, I don't think he likes me that way."
"How do you know that Bryan likes me that way?"
"He's my big brother and one of my two best friends, trust me, I can see
when he likes a girl."
"Ok, I'll trust you." When Chris was done, they had 15 mins to get Susan
ready. They where done and on the way down 20 mins later. Susan looked
good. Not as good as Chris, but really good. When they got out of the
lift, Bryan, Kian, Mark, Shane and Nicky saw them and was like: Wow,
they're beautiful.
"Is that really you little sister and her friend?" Mark asked Bryan.
"Yes. Well, I think so." Bryan said, not moving his eyes from the girls.
"B4 I got why you called Sus for Beauty, but now I REALLY get it. Me
ladies!" Kian said kissing Susan's and Chris's hands. Chris and Susan
looked at each other and said at the same time: "Good Sir!"
"Ok, someone has seen �10 Things I Hate About You` to many times." Bryan
said to Mark.
"Ohyeah." Mark replied.

Chapter 7.

The party was GREAT at first. Bryan was all over Chris at first, but as
the party went on, he lost interest for her. So Susan left the party at
1 or so, together with  Chris all up in tears.

The next morning around 10 a.m.

yelled as she come into Bryan's and Nicky's hotel room.
"PLEASE stop yelling! My head herts." Bryan said. He had a BIG  hang
"Well I really don't care! Who do you think you are anyway? Some big
shot, who can do what he want's?? Well I got news for you. You can't!"
Susan said. She wasn't yelling anymore, she was just REALLY mad.
"Why? What did I do?" Bryan asked
"What did you do??? WHAT DID YOU DO?? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT YOU DID!" Susan
told him what happened ne night b4 at the party.
"I was drunk!" Bryan said, when Susan was done talking.
"That doesn't give you the right to do what you what. Right now Chris is
in our room, and she is really sad. I thought you liked her. The way you
were last night, just shows how much I know."
"I do! I like her. I thought you knew that I love her." Bryan said
looked at Susan. She was mad and sad. He hated when she was mad at him,
or if she just was sad about something.
"Well then I think you should go into room 203 and tell her that, and of
course say you're sorry."
"But Beauty..."
"No buts. GO! NOW!" Susan said.
"I'm in my boxers and a T-shirt."
"I don't care. GO! Chris have see you in boxes b4"
"Ok. Are you still mad at me?"
"No Bryan, but I will get mad at you again if you don't go." Bryan got
out of bed and went out the door. Nicky came out of the bath room
clapping his hands. "Not bad girl, not bad."
"Oh! Hi Nicky. Sorry you had to hear that. I was just so mad at him."
Susan explained.
"That's ok Sus. Sit down. There is something I would like to ask you."
"Ok! Ask away." Susan and Nicky sat down on that bad Bryan just got out
"Ok. Do you have the hots for Kian?"
"Why do everyone think I have the hots for Kian?"
"Well do you?"
"What did you say?"
"Well that is probably why everyone thinks you do."
"How did you know?"
"I'm not blind or stupid."
"Do you think any of the others now?"
"Georgina and Nix do. We 3 talked about it last night, but not the 4
others. They ARE blind and stupid when it comes to things like this.
Maybe Bryan knows. I don't know what you have tolled him, and I don't
know how well he can see though you."
"I haven't tolled him, but I don't know if he can see though me.".
"By the way Sus. Do you want to hear a joke?"
I don't don't see how that is by the way, but ok."
"What man can stop a car with on hand?"
"No......well yeah.....but that's not the answer I'm looking for."
"Ok, what is?"
"A policeman!"
"Hahahaha. Very funny Nicky." They started to tell more jokes, and they
got some pretty good laughs. Not after long time the jokes got REALLY
bad, and a pillow fight started.

Chapter 8.

Susan's life was great from that day on. She had a great family, great
friends and she had helped her 2 best friends together, �cuz they loved
each other very much. She didn't NEED more, but she wanted more. She
wanted a boyfriend. She was 16, what 16 year old girl doesn't? Well, she
did, but not just any boyfriend. She wanted Kian, but how? That was her
question. This day, not more than a year later, she has gotten her
answer. The answer was: Tell him how you feel, and the rest you can't do
anything about, that has to came from his side. She did that, and she
got the response from Kian that she wanted. Tomorrow they are going out,
�cuz it is 6 months ago Kian told her the thing she wanted to hear: "I
like you very much. I like you as a girlfriend, not the same way as the
others, �cuz they like you as a friend and as Bryan's sister."
Bryan's Sister
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