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By Marita
Angel's Wings
,,I�m gonna miss you so much honey" he said.
,,I�m gonna miss you to Nicky" I said, while I felt the tears burn in my eyes.
,,Do you really have to go to the U.S.A.?
,,I�m afraid I do. I don�t wanna go and leave you here either, but it�s part of my job and you know that. It has always been our biggest dream to get famous in America, and this time I think we�re gonna make it" he said.
,,Yes, I know, and I support you with 100 per cent, it�s just that......I won�t see you for 2 months, and that�ll be so hard for me."
,,I know sweety" he said, whiping a tear from cheek with his finger, ,,But I�ll call you everyday, I promise".

,,C�mon Nix, we really gotta go now man" Shane said, while he smiled at me.
,,I�ll be there in a second, Shane" Nicky replied.

Nicky looked at me, and suddenly there was a tear rolling down his cheek aswell.
We embraced in a warm intimate hug.
,,I love you" he whispered, while he gave me a kiss.
,,I love ya too" I said, with tears rolling down my face.
,,Don�t cry baby, everything�s gonna be ok, and I�ll call you as soon as we arrived." He said. We kissed again, and then it was really time for him to go.
The other lads waved me goodbye, and then they all walked away. Nicky turned around once more to blow me a kiss, and after that he dissapeared.

There I was, all alone.
,,Now what am I gonna do?" I thought to myself.
I didn�t have lots of friends, seeing as I moved to Ireland not so long ago, and all my friends lived in Holland.
I�ve always been a Westlife fan, and the only person I dreamt about was Nicky.
Ofcourse, I was just a fan, and he�d never fall for least..........
It was a cold windy day on the 29th of October.
Westlife was giving an album presentation for their Coast to Coast cd, and ofcourse I was there.
I was sitting on the front row, about 1 meter away from the lads.
As soon as the boys got up on stage, everybody started screaming.
Normally, i�d do the same, but this time, it was as if I was blinded.
All the screaming just rushed past me, and I was just staring at Nicky.
Suddenly I caught his eye, my whole body shivered, and I gave him a weak smile, before I got flashed back into reality by Shane�s voice.
,,Hello Amsterdam !! The first song we�re gonna do will be the first song off our new album and it�s called "My Love"
Again I looked at Nicky, and when he sang the words "My Love" he pointed at least, that�s what I thought.
,,O come on Marita, stop this !! You�re just daydreaming !! I said to myself.

Later that evening....

I was waiting outside the boys� hotel. After waiting there for half an hour, the bus arrived. There were only about 10 fans, so the boys came over to us to sign autographs and have a chat with the fans.
There was Bryan, Shane, Kian, Mark.......but where was Nicky ?
Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder.
I turned around to find Nicky standing in front of me.
I felt my face redden, and I didn�t know what to say.
,,Hi, aren�t you the girl who was sitting on the front row ?" he asked.
I nodded. We talked for a few minutes, until it started raining.
Nicky asked me if I wanted to come with the boys into their hotel, and of course I accepted the invitation.
I had a great night, and the lads were all so kind and funny, and still I felt this sort of tension between me and Nicky, but I just kept telling myself that it was just my imagination. Unfortunately, after a few hours it was time for me to go home. I gave all the lads a hug, and thanked them for the brilliant evening. ,,That�s ok girl, Kian said ,,We�ve had a very nice time with you too". I was just about to walk out of the door when Nicky said: ,,Ho, what�s this lads ? Are you real gentlemen or what ? You�re not supposed to let a girl walk home all by herself. Well, you just stay here then, I�ll take Marita home."
On our way to my house, Nicky and I talked a bit, and believe it or not, we had our first kiss that night.
Since then, now about one year ago, we are very much in love.
I stayed in Holland for six more months, but then I decided to move to Ireland so I could be with Nicky more often.
It was hard for me to leave all my friends and family, but there was e-mail and telephone, so I did have the chance to keep in touch with them.

So, here I was, having breakfast in our apartement, all alone.
Nicky had been gone for 2 weeks now, and I still missed him very much.
He didn�t phone me everyday like he promised, �cause he was to busy, what I of course fully understanded.
I was just reading a newspaper when an article caught my eye.
This is what it said:,,Westlife hottie Nicky Byrne is so popular in America, that he even got to share a bed with an american girl.
The girl is a 19 year old dancer named Liz from Chicago.
She told the press : ,,Nicky might look like a cute innocent guy, but he�s a real sexgod".
I was shocked. Everything rushed though my mind as I burst into tears. ,,How could he do this to me? I even gave up my life in Holland just to be with him, and now he�s doing this. So that�s why he didn�t phone me, he was too busy chasing american girls.
I didn�t phone Nicky, �cause hearing his voice would only make things worse.
I was making myself dinner when the telephone rang.
,,Hi Marita, it�s Nicky, we gotta talk".
,,No, there�s nothing to talk about. It�s over between you and me Nicky.I hate you!!" I said and I hang up on him.
I turned off my mobile phone so he wouldn�t be able to call me anymore.

A few days later........

I was watching a movie, when all of a sudden there was an extra newsflash.
,,Bad News for all the Westlife fans.
While flying from Seattle to New York, the boeing 747, with Mark, Kian, Nicky, Shane and Bryan on board crashed.
16 of the 48 passengers are still missing and two of them were found dead, however none of the Westlifers were among this number.
Bad news though is that the oldest bandmember, Nicky Byrne, is in a coma, while the other members suffer form minor injuries.

I was speechless. My head was filled with different feelings. Anger, sadness and most of all guilt.
,,O my god, the last words I said to him were: ,,I hate you" and now he�s in a coma!!" I thought to myself.
I decided to grab a taxi to the airport, catch a flight to New York and go to the hospital.

The next day.......

,,Room 651....where is it??? God this American hospitals are huge" I said to myself.
After searching though the whole intensive care, I finally found his room.
Standing in front of it, I hesitated. Maybe this wasn�t such a good idea after all. What if the boys were mad at me?
Well, it took me a day to come here, and I couldn�t just go home now, right?
I opened the door, and I found Mark, Kian, Bryan and Shane sitting beside his bed.
I hugged them all and then turned to Nicky.
Tears filled my eyes, when I saw what he looked like.
There were tubes all over his body, and his face was white with scratches all over it.
Kian saw I was crying and put his arm around my shoulder and whispered: ,,He�ll be ok Marita...believe me he will."
More and more tears started to fall down my cheek, and I cried out on Kians�shoulder.
,,Ssshht baby, it�s ok. God is watching over him, and he will make sure Nicky�s gonna be ok" Kian said.

Days passed and Nicky still didn�t open his eyes.
I sat down, holding his hand the whole day.
I was exhausted. I had been in the hospital day and night, without sleeping.
I just needed to be awake, in case Nicky would wake up......if he�d ever wake up.
I kept on talking to him, hoping he would say something back.
,,Nicky, please just open your eyes......I miss you" I said.
After talking to him for a few hours, I decided to give up and try to get some sleep.
I was trying to fall asleep, with my head on Nicky�s bed, when suddenly something touched my hair.
I opened my eyes, to see what it was, and suddenly I realized I was looking into Nicky�s eyes.
I couldn�t believe it....,, how is this possible? O god, you�re awake! I thought I�d never got to see those blue eyes again...." I said, feeling the tears burn in my eyes.
Nicky gave me a weak smile, and tried to say something :,,Marita....I...."
,,Ssshht, Nicky, don�t say anything. You�re still very weak, so just try to get some rest" I said to him.
He smiled again, and closed his eyes again.

The next morning....

I woke up with my head laying in Nicky�s bed again, and I found Bryan and Shane sitting next to me.
,,Look boys, miss sleepy is finally waking up" Bryan said.
,,Goodmorning" I yawned. I turned around to find Nicky sitting in his bed. He looked very good, and he was even eating his breakfast.
,,Mornin�" he said and he gave me a kiss on my nose.
,,Erm.....Shane, Bry, could you leave us alone for a minute please?" Nicky said after he had finished eating his breakfast.
,,Leave you two alone?? What�s this? I got up very very early this morning just to see you, and now you�re asking us to leave, what...."Bryan said sarcastically.
,,Shut up Bry!!" Shane said, and he pulled him out.
Finally Nicky and I had a moment together.
,,Marita, I�ve got to explain something to you. I know the press have been speculating a lot about me and this dancer, but please....believe me, none of it is true. You are the one I love, and nobody else. You�re everything to me, the one I wanna grow old with, and the last thing I�d do to you is sleep with another girl."
As soon as I looked into his blue eyes, I knew he was telling me the truth.
,,I believe you, Nix." I said.
,,I�m so sorry for yelling at you on the phone, but when I read..." Nicky pressed his finger on my lips and said :,,It�s ok Marita, everything is over now, and we will go home as soon as I get out of this hospital." He whispered, and he bent over and finally, after months, his lips touched mine again.

,,Hello Dublin !!! Are you having a good time?" Shane said to the audience.
The people in The Point went crazy, and everybody screamed.
,,Ok, well....Before we go on with our next song, my friend Nicky here would like to say something." Shane got back to Bryan, Kian and Mark who were standing on the side of the stage, and Nicky got up.
,,Dublinnn!!!!" Nicky yelled. ,,I�d like to have your attention for something special."
Suddenly the whole crowd was silent, and they all listened to what Nicky had to say.
,,As you all know, we�ve had a pretty rough time, with the accident in America, etc. I got into a coma and I really thought my life was over. In fact, my life would have been over, if there wasn�t a special lady who kept me alive. I think you all know her, so please give her a big applause, Marita get up here !" he said.
I was sitting on the front row together with my friends Brenda and Sonja, and I nervously made my way up, not knowing what was happening.
I gave Nicky a quick kiss, and looked at my friends, who didn�t do anything but smile.
The whole crowd was screaming and yelling.
,,Ok people " Nicky said, ,,I�d like to ask you to all be very quiet, coz the next thing I�m gonna do I very difficult."
Everybody seemed to listen to Nicky, as it suddenly got very quiet.
Before I even noticed Nicky got down on his knee.
I didn�t even realize what was happening, until he pulled a little box out of his trousers.
,,Dear Marita. We�ve known each other for 2 years now. You mean everything to me, and I can�t imagine a life without you, and that�s why I�d like to ask you : Would you marry me ?"
I was totally shocked. The whole crowd was silent, waiting for my answer....
,,Yes, of course I�ll marry you" I said, and after those words, the whole crowd went wild.
Nicky got up, and stepped closer to me. ,,I love you" I said to him.
,,I love ya to" Nicky whispered. Again he looked at me, and our lips touched each other.
The other lads came over to congratulate us, and then Nicky looked back at the audience and said :,,The next song we�re gonna do is called : "On the wings of Love"

I would die for you. Lay down my life for you. The only thing that means everything to me....
�cause when you�re in my arms, you make me prouder than anything I ever could achieve.
And you make, everything that used to seem so big, seem to be so small since you arrived.........

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