At Last
By Mattie Scott
"I'm so sorry. There's nothing I can do. Louis has us working all week." I heard Nicky sigh on the other line.
"Then who am I supposed to go to the prom with?" I asked in a disappointed tone. "I asked you a month ago and you said you could go."
"I really wish I could fly over there and be with you, but Louis has got us on leashes Mikey," Nicky said. "I hate breaking promises. You know that."
I heard voices on the other line.
"Just a minute Mikey. Shane and Kian are watching television in my room. I'm going to take this out in the hall." I heard Nicky yell at Shane and Kian and then a door close.
"Are you sure there's absolutely nothing that you can do? I'm sure your boss has a heart to give you a night off."
Nicky laughed. "No Mikey. The music business can be very cold. I'm really sorry. I know how much you were looking forward to going to your prom." He apologized again.
"I guess I'll have to find someone else to go with me." I said in a small voice, hoping I would spark some jealousy into Nicky.
"Like who?" Nicky's voice grew serious. It was working.
"I know my friend Matt doesn't have a date. He asked me to go with him two weeks ago but I turned him down."
Nicky exhaled sharply. "Is this the same Matt that had a crush on you for as long as you can remember?"
"Pretty much Nicky." I replied and hoped the bait would work.
"Micheline, you can't be serious."
I gulped quietly. The only time he ever called me by my full name was when he was mad.
"Well, it's not fair for you to back out on every promise you make!" My voice was getting angrier.
"I can't help it if I have a busy lifestyle!" Nicky shot back. "Fine Micheline. Go to the prom with Matt. See if I care!"
I scoffed. "Thanks a lot Nicky for ruining my day!" I slammed down the receiver so hard that the night table shook. "God�" I muttered under my breath. I felt bad for yelling at Nicky. It wasn't his fault that he had to work all the time. It was just one broken promise too many.

***** A few days later in Stockholm *****

Nicky stared out the window as the others practiced their new dance moves. He couldn't believe that Mikey had the nerve to go to the prom with Matt. The first time he met Matt, he knew there wasn't something right about that guy. Matt was too obsessive. But Mikey was too much of a nice person to ignore him.
"Hey Nicky!" Kian tapped Nicky's shoulder. "You're getting as bad as Shane. You're lost in your own little world."
"Huh?" Nicky turned around to see Kian.
Kian groaned. "Why don't you fess up to Mikey? The whole thing is driving everyone nuts!"
"I will not! How can I talk to her when she's going to the dance with that jerk Matt?" Nicky snapped at Kian.
"Hey relax. Why don't you just ask Louis for a night off? After all, it's your girlfriend's prom." Kian tried to calm Nicky down.
"Likewise. I'm just pissed that Matt would actually try to ask her," Nicky sighed and pulled out his mobile then put it away slowly back into his pocket. "No� I can't call her. I gotta think."

***** Meanwhile back in New York *****

"This dress looks absolutely gorgeous on you." My friend Annie gushed as I twirled around.
"Yeah it is." I looked down and touched the fabric. I was wearing a satin red dress that showed off my shoulders.
"Matt will die for this." Annie adjusted the straps for me.
"I don't like Matt in that way. You know that Annie." I said. At that moment, I was wondering what Nicky was doing. I bought the dress knowing he loved the colour red on me.
"Sorry. I didn't realize you were still with Nicky." Annie blushed.
I shook my head. "It's alright. I'm not so sure either."
Annie finished adjusting the straps on my dress. "Mikey, if it makes you feel better, I'll make sure we have a blast at prom. You wouldn't have to worry about Nicky at all!"
I chuckled. "You're such a good friend. I don't know if that'll work, but maybe I can have fun for one night." I stepped down from the platform.
"That's the spirit! Now, let's go find a dress for myself!" Annie beamed.

***** Prom night *****

Matt, Annie, Annie's date John, and I were sitting at a round table near the dance floor. Every single decoration in the ballroom looked fabulous and people were dressed to kill. A local DJ was spinning records on the stage and already people were dancing.
"Did I mention that you look great tonight?" Matt leaned in closer to me. He ran his fingers through his light brown hair nervously.
I smiled. "Yes. A million times. Thank you."
"Mikey, John and I are going to dance. Are you going to be alright?" Annie asked me as she got up from our table.
"Go and have a blast. I'll be fine." I reassured her and shooed her off.
Coincidentally, "When You're Looking Like That" was playing.
"Would you like to dance with me?" Matt held out his hand. I couldn't dance - not to this song. It reminded me of Nicky.
"Um� Not right now. I'm just stuffed from dinner." I lied to Matt, who sat back down and nodded his head.

***** Four hours later *****

I sat alone at my table. Everyone was gone back to their hotel rooms. The guys were anxious to see who would get lucky that night while the girls discussed all the makeout details. Not long ago, I told Matt that I wouldn't be going back home with him. I just couldn't be with anyone at the moment. The only person I wanted to be with was Nicky. Just him, even if it meant walking a thousands miles barefeet.
As I sat in the twilight of the ballroom, I picked up a loose streamer by my foot. The pink streamer was torn at the ends and I crumpled it up into a ball out of fury. It just was the worst night I ever had in my life. Suddenly, the disco ball above the center of the ballroom started spinning and there were silver reflections all around the room like diamond rings. The music came on and I could not believe what I was hearing. Etta James's "At Last" softly filled the room.

At last��
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

"Our song�" I whispered and turned around to face the entrance.
Nicky was leaning against the door in a white tux and he was holding a red carnation corsage, which matched the one he was wearing on his jacket.
"Annie was right. You look stunning." He smiled at me and walked over to my empty table.
A tear fell from my eye. "You flew all the way here for me?" I was shocked to see Nicky right here in New York. It was probably the last thing I would ever expect from him.
Nicky took off the ugly corsage that Matt had given me and replaced it with the one he had. "Stubborn minds do think alike, don't they Mikey?" he looked up at me and his blue eyes twinkled. "Would you like to dance?"
I nodded my head and brushed away my tear. "Yes please."
Nicky took me graciously and wrapped his arms around my waist, which were covered by the feel of red satin. I felt him pull me closer and nuzzle closer to my neck, letting his warm breath ease my worries.

At last��
The skies above are blue
Well my heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

"I'm so glad that you're here. I thought the night would never end." I whispered as I inhaled the scent of his cologne.
"It doesn't have to." Nicky murmured and kissed my forehead.

I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream I could call my own��
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill I have never known��

"I'm sorry for making you jealous about Matt. I was being selfish." I looked up at Nicky who eyebrows became raised then relaxed again.
His blond spiky hair changed colours nearly every second as the disco ball spun around. "No, it was me who was being selfish. It's true that you made me jealous," Nicky chuckled. "But well worth it." He spun me around in the middle of the dance floor.

You smile
You smile
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last��

I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream I could call my own��
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill I have never known��

"Was it?" I giggled as Nicky pulled me back towards him again. This time, our chests were touching each other's and I could really feel his heart beating. I couldn't help but smile at him. His lips inched down to meet mine and my heart literally skipped a beat as he kissed me gently.

You smile
You smile
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine at last��

"Now I wish this night would never end." I said as Nicky pulled away from kissing me for one second.
He laughed. "I think it already did, at least. It's 3 in the morning."
"Is it? We'll ignore that." I wrapped my arms around his strong neck and kissed him again.
"I'll have to go with you on that." Nicky chuckle and gave me another kiss of his own.

At last��
At last��
At last��
At last��

song performed by: Etta James
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