By Alec
Sometimes people make mistakes. After all, that's only human. Wrongs can be made right. But there are mistakes that can't be forgiven. Kian knew that. He heard the voice of his conscious when he first took the pill. It was at a record company party. One of the producers, Peter, slipped him a pill. He said it would help him get some rest. Kian didn't hesitate. He was so tired. He needed some sleep. The drug helped him relax for a few hours. After one pill Kian needed more. One pill wasn't enough. He started to take 2 and than 3. Soon he was addicted to the drugs. Peter became his best friend. His connection to more drugs. Hiding it was easy. Kian told everyone he was taking some vitamins. They believed him. But the day came that the pills weren't helping anymore. Peter provided him with something stronger. Heroine.

It was the beginning of the end. The heroine was more addictive than the pills. The Kian injected himself was the day the mistake couldn't be forgiven anymore.

Tour, promotion, fans. Everything passed Kian in a blur. He was on a constant high. He didn�t notice that the band distanced themselves. Or that he started to look like a true junkie. All he cared about was his next shot. Soon the sex drugs and rock and roll stories started to spread. Kian would wake up in the morning next to one, sometimes even two girls he had never seen before. Everyone wanted to help but no one had any idea how. His mother saw her son slip away into a life she had hoped he could have stayed away from. His friends tried talking but Kian wouldn't listen. The other four lads of Westlife did what they could. They tried to save a career that wasn�t even worth saving. They covered for Kian in interviews and for show. They denied all the rumors while Kian was locked away in a bedroom high on drugs. They all knew that one day it could all be over. They had talked about with Ronan. Expressed their feelings of worry. Mark even said that he was hoping that Kian would take an over doses. Everything to end this misery.

Kian had no idea what was happening with him. One day he was a happy and cheerful lad, ready to take on the world. And the next he was at Peter's doorstep begging for another shot. Even though Kian was a pop star he wasn't very rich. His whole allowance and royalties were spent on drugs. He was broke. He had secretly sold his house and car. Peter gave into his pleas and provided him with one last shot of heroine.

Little did Kian know that that would truly be his final shot. The drugs seemed to burn a way through his veins. Sweat formed on his forehead. This wasn�t right. He wasn't getting high. All he felt was a searing pain spreading through his body. Kian wanted to scream for help but there was no one left to help him. The pain made him collapse on the cold floor. Kian silently cried. He didn't want to die this way. His body went into spasms. Kian closed his eyes and prayed. He prayed that it all would be over soon.

The four young men all gathered in the small room at the hospital. Today would be a day they would never forget. A tall blond man sat in a wheelchair. A doctor and a nurse stood beside him. They helped him on his feet. Slowly but surely he placed one foot in front of the other. A massive grin appeared on his face. He was walking again. Kian had proved the doctors wrong. After they had found him lying on the bathroom floor in a shabby hotel doctors had diagnosed him with severe brain damage caused by a over doses of bad heroine. But Kian had fought for his life. He had spent several weeks on the intensive care until he was able to breath on his own. He had to learn everything again. How to talk, how to eat, how to get dressed and how to walk. Kian swayed on his feet. He didn't care. He looked at the four friends standing by the door. The victorious look on his face said more than a thousand words. He made his way to his friends in a slow pace. He gave them all a hug once he reached them. A few tears fell down happy faces. Kian had learned his lesson the hard way. But their friendship still existed. It had a few dents but nothing that couldn't be fixed. Kian learned from his mistakes. And one day he would be back on stage performing. That what was he promised himself.
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