Bryan Interview
Just a little note before hand, I've written everything as it was in the magazine, so please don't be offended with me. Enjoy...!
Bryan McFadden has gone from squeaky-clean pin-up to bad-boy of pop. And he's not happy about it, as Jo Carnegie finds out.

"I've got a good quote for you," says Bryan McFadden defiantly as he sits down opposite
heat for our interview. "I wish all the cheap-ass newspapers would get their facts straight, fuck off and leave me alone."
Blimey. That's not the sort of language you expect from those clean-cut chaps in Westlife. But then again, this year 22-year-old band member Bryan McFadden has been portrayed as anything but clean-cut. At the Brit Awards in March, he ended up in a drunken scuffle with members of the 30-strong So Solid Crew and had to be sent home by his record company boss Simon Cowell.
But what
really catapulted him into notoriety was the revelation in April that he bedded lapdancer Amy Barker on his stag night last year, while his wife-to-be Kerry Katona was at home looking after their baby Molly. Stories of Bryan grovelling to a distraught Kerry followed. Then, the next month, they appeared united at a charity football tournament. Had Kerry forgiven her errent husband? Was there anything to forgive in the first place?
Meeting Bryan was a surprise. We expected him to be chubby, funny and a bit laddy. Firstly, he is not overweight at all. Secondly, today he comes across as a very serious individual. For the first few minutes, he hardly holds eye contact, and we can't decide if he is being rude or just bored. But then
heat realises he's so worried about any look or comment being misinterpreted, that he's doing his best to stay on hid guard.
But things are looking up for Bryan. As well as being young, rich and famous, he and Kerry are expecting another baby early next year. On the outside, life couldn't be rosier.
But will Bryan set the record straight abaout his private life?

So, this whole lapdancing business...

I don't want to talk about it. I've gone through it so many fucking times. It's in the past. It's all gone and it's bullshit.
So it wasn't true?
No. All the stuff that followed it was ridiculous. It was like I was watching a different world.
If you haven't done anything wrong, why didn't you speak out and say so at the time?
Because it's one person's word against another's. You can't do anything about it. David Beckham went through it as well with Victoria [when he was wrongly accused of cheating on her]. I'm sure it's going to happen again. Especially given how vulnerable I am now.
What do you mean "vulnerable?"
I'm made out to be a womaniser and I'm not.
Was this girl Amy Barker even at your stag night?
I don't want to even fucking... [waves his hands dismissivley]. It's shite. I don't want to talk about it.
Was she there?
[Getting pissed off] I don't even want to
talk about it.
We obviously understand it's a sensitive subject for you but we're only trying to establish the facts.
It's just been the worst headache for me ever.
Where were you when you found out that she was going to do a kiss-and-tell?
In Newcastle
Who told you?
Some fans came up to me with the paper.
So you didn't know anything about it until then?
No, I was like, "What the fuck is this?"
How did you react?
I was angry. I felt sick. I thought, "You fuckers."
What happened next?
I thought I could tell the truth and it would all be fixed but then it didn't happen. It was splashed across one paper and before I'd had a chance to open my mouth it was everywhere.
When did you first speak to Kerry after the story broke?
She was away filming and it was so hard. Even though she knew the truth, the way it was told really brought her down.
What do you mean?
She just had all these people asking her stuff like, "Is it true?"
Was Kerry really pissed off when she first spoke to you after the story broke?
No, it was just...[Thinks for a moment] I don't really want to talk about that because it's not fair on her to start talking on how she reacted.
Fair enough. But you are very defensive about it all. Why?
Because I'm annoyed I'm being made out to be someone that I'm not.
So hand on heart, it never happened?
No. If it
were true, the [Westlife] boys would never speak to me again. Kerry's just like a sister to them.
Why do you think people made up this story about you then?
Simple. Because of the fact Kerry and me have built it up so big. Everything was going right, with the wedding and everything, and then people want to tear you down.
And everything is cool between you and Kerry?
Everything is great.
And she trusts you completely?
Yeah. We've always trusted each other 100 per cent.
It's been intersting to hear your side - before today the general consensus was you were lucky Kerry chose to believe you.
I think people have a very different image of what actually went on.
And now you've said your piece...
Yes, and I don't want the name or story mentioned again.
So it's not that you've got anything to hide, you just want to forget about it
Yes. I do my job and I go home to my family. That's it. Just fuck off.
Next thing you'll be telling me that you don't drink either...
I don't really.
I've got a family. I would much rather go to bed early and get up and play golf or football. I'm not into feeling shit the day after drinking.
Why have you been portrayed as a beer monster?
Because I'm loud and I like to have a good time. I make it easy for them. I come out of a club and mess around in front of the cameras.
But you were really drunk at The Brits weren't you?
The only reason I got drunk at The Brits was Kerry had been in hospital having an operation [to remove a cyst from her stomach]. For the week before that I'd been sleeping on the hospital floor next to her bed. I'd been really stressed out.
How much did you drink?
I had two bottles of vodka and about eight cans of Red Bull.
Bloody hell. So at what moment did you decide to take on the entire 30-strong So Solid Crew?
I just remeber shouting "Fuck these fellas," as they walked past. And then I forgot about them and I was chatting away and I turned round and realised: "Shit, they're on the way back."
What happened next?
They surrounded our tables. I was like: "Fuck it, I don't want to get killed," So I just ran towards them. The rest is an absolute blur. Apparently there were puches thrown and my security guard got me in a headlock and dragged me out.
And Simon Cowell sent you home, didn't he?
I was backstage and he said "You need to go home now." And I said, "You fucking leave." And then I said something like: "You're only famous on a wet day in the week." [Laughs] I ended getting thrown in the back of a car and driven back to the hotel. Kerry was there with Molly and all of her family.
Not exactly what you needed in that state...
She was like, "What did you do?" And I was like, "I don't know." Then I went to the bathroom and was sick for two hours. Kerry's brother-in-law was holding my head up as I was puking.
Did you wake up the next morning and think: "What the hell did I do last night?"
I wasn't worried about the So Solid Crew beating the shit out of me; I was more worried about making a show of myself in front of people I knew. But everyone was fine.
Even Simon?
He didn't care.
So how is your lovely wife Kerry anyway?
She is fantastic. She's huge now.
Does she get morning sickness?
Yeah, but not as bad as last time. There's a nice buzz about the house when she's pregnant anyway.
In what way?
When she's not pregnant she likes going out on a Saturday night and makes me go out with her. She wants to go out till six in the morning and I want to go home at midnight. Now I can just chill out.
Do you know what sex the baby will be?
No, we want it to be a surprise.
You're only 22. Is having a wife and family a lot to take on when you're so young?
I was a millionaire when I was 18 [laughs]. People say you've got to experience the world and secire a future for you and your family. But I've already done that. It's not as though I have to worry about putting Molly through college. I could fucking buy her a college if she wants... [Laughs.]
Is married life better or worse than you thought?
It's not in any way different. Kerry and me have always been like a married couple.
Are you proud or jealous of the attention Kerry's boobs get?
I'm not jealous; jeez she's my wife. She's got big breasts and she always has.
So you're a boob man then?
I never was until I met her. It was just an added bonus at the end.
They are a magnificent pair.
I didn't even know she had big boobs until I started going out with her.
How on earth could you not?
She used to wear baggy jumpers when we first met. So it wasn't until we were getting intimate, I was like, "Fucking hell..."
Like, where did they come from?
"...merry Christmas!" [Smiles.]
Changing the subject totally, what do you think of Fame Academy and Popstars: The Rivals?
I Don't like
Fame Academy but I like watching Popstars. I just hate what happens afterwards.
What do you mean?
Pop Idol, Will Young holds the record for the biggest-selling single for the first week. But the sales are to do with TV and not the music.
What do you think of Will and Gareth then?
I have respect for Gareth. Because he knows exactly what he is - a manufactured pop star. He looks like a pop star, acts like a pop star, sings like a pop star. Whereas Will Young has this belief he is something a lot more credible than he is.
Do you think Will takes himself too seriousley?
He keeps forgetting he's one of the Pop Idols. He sings songs that are given to him. I don't know him personally but professionally I don't like him.
Is it true Westlife have got personal trainers to get them into shape for the American pop market?
Absolute bullshit. You wouldn't get me into the gym. I'm too lazy. I don't want a six-pack to look good anyway.
You do look more like a normal bloke than a popstar
I am a normal bloke. I'm not into tans and the sunbeds and the mad clothes and pouting lips in photos.
And you're actually not fat either.
I was very heavy when we did the first album. But then I lost it. But I am overweight compared to some popstars.
Does that bother you?
No. I'm happy with the way I am. I've never had any complaints from fans anyway.
Grab Yourself a copy of heat from your local newsagent, On sale til next Monday (4 November)for a few cute pics as well! If You don't get there in time, don't panic! Ask your newsagent to back- order, making sure it's Issue 192. Whatever excuses they make up saying they can't, they can, just they don't want to.
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