Kian�s mom called him down to go meet his new next-door neighbors; Kian came running down looking half asleep.  �Mom can�t I go some other time� Kian said to his mom with his cute Irish accent.  �No, they�ve just arrived here and we want them to feel welcomed.  They also have a daughter a year younger than you that you might like!� Kian�s mom said smiling �Mom� Kian said annoyed.   They went next door and Kian knocked on the door.  A beautiful young woman that had black and brown hair, Kian thought she looked wonderful with her black short shorts on and navy blue tank top on.  �Hi can I help you?� the girl asked kindly �Oh were just your next door neighbors and wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood!� Kian�s mom said shaking the girls hand.  �This is my son Kian he�s 19!� Kian�s mom told the girl �I�m Annie, I�m 19� Annie said smiling.  �So where�s your mother Annie I�d like to welcome myself!� Kian�s mom asked �Oh I�ll just show your where she is� Annie said and let them in.  She led them to her mom who was in the dining room getting unpacked.  Kian�s mom and Annie�s mom talk to each other and Annie asked Kian if he would like a drink and so they went it to the kitchen and talked to each other in their.  They found out something about each other but Annie had to excuse herself because she had to get her computer unpacked �Annie you want me to help you?� Kian asked following her outside to the driveway �Yeah sure!� Annie replied.   They were in Annie�s bedroom when Kian asked �So why are you so eager to get the computer up and running?� Kian asked curiously.  Annie didn�t want to answer that but had to �Just to talk to friends� Annie replied �Boyfriend ha!� Kian said.  �Am I that obvious?� Annie asked �Yeah, so I can tell you haven�t told him you moved have you!� Kian said sitting down next to Annie.  Annie just nodded and was thinking about anything but talking the Cray (her boyfriend) �So you have to tell him don�t you� Kian said.  �I�m just afraid of breaking up with him, he�s gonna dump me and our 2 year relationship, and he�s already done it once and I�m just scared but I know it�s better if we do split.� Annie told Kian.  �Yeah why don�t you call him now and get it over with!� Kian suggested, �Fine!� Annie said and picked up the phone.  It didn�t go that well he was yelling at her while she was staying clam and at the end they broke up.  Annie was a lot happier that it ended now because she like Kian but wasn�t sure if Kian liked her.  They spent the rest of the day unpacking Annie�s belongings and getting to know each other, but Kian had to go back home and eat dinner with his family and promised Annie to come tomorrow and show her Sligo.  When Kian was walking back home he knew Annie was the one for him and would want to tell her his feelings. 

The next day Kian took Annie to the sights and introduced her to his friends and band mates Mark and Shane.  Kian took Annie to a quiet park and they sat down on the bench �Annie I have something important to tell you! The first time I met you, I knew I liked you!� Kian said finally.  �Me too!� Annie said relieved.  After going out they soon became girlfriend and boyfriend, when Kian, Mark, and Shane got a band together with two Dublin guys Bryan and Nicky.  All of them now had girlfriends and Annie was happy that she wasn�t the only girl around, but she got along with Jenn the best, they were like sisters.  Shared the same hobbies, ideas, and had lots of fun together.  Westlife became very big over the 4 years, it was Annie and Kian�s 4th year anniversary.  Kian planned a night of romance and that�s what they did, they made sweet love the whole night.  After a month Annie noticed that she was tired, fainting, and getting sick in the morning and Jenn suggested that she should go to the doctor. 

Which Annie did, what Annie found out was that she found out that she was a month pregnant and was so happy that she had to tell Kian.  She decided to fly over to London where Kian was and grabbed the next flight their, Bryan gave her the spare key to the hotel room.  Annie walked over to room 179 and slowly put the key in the keyhole, and quietly opened the door.  Annie walked into the hotel room and found Kian sleeping with some girl in her 20�s that had auburn hair with blonde tips.  �I can�t believe you! You little bitch!� Annie yelled, Kian got up and grabbed her arm �I�m sorry I didn�t mean to do this!� Kian said.  �Bull shit Kian! Let go of me now, and get the hell outta of my life!� Annie yelled with all her anger �I love you!� Kian said trying to calm Annie down.  �I love you my ass! What a great lie! Now don�t eva talk to me, phone me, or even think of me! I hate you! I want you outta my life for forever!� Annie yelled and left.  Bryan heard all the yelling and saw Annie crying so he lead her into Jenn and his room, Jenn was in the room when he brought Annie their.  �Annie what�s wrong?� Jenn asked and Annie told them everything �And I was going surprise him by telling him�.that I was pregnant�.but couldn�t!� Annie said between her sobs.  �You can�t tell him and I�m not going to. When I found him with her he disowned me practically and the little one, so I don�t think he should know! You promise not tell him� Annie said.  �Cheyenne I think you should leave, and never see me again!� Kian said and Cheyenne left the hotel room out of his life.

After awhile of talking Annie decided to go to University of California Los Angeles for her studies, Annie and Jenn took the next flight back home to Ireland.  Jenn helped her pack the stuff she needed, said good - bye to her parents, bought the next flight to Los Angeles.  Then she contacted her cousin Diana and asked to live with her and her old best friends Brittany and Leanne that they agreed and to pick her up at the airport.  They didn�t know why Annie was coming here to live but were happy to see her again.  Within 12 hours Annie was at Los Angeles out of Kian�s life forever and had a new life on for her, they all hugged and explained everything to them.  �Hey now your single! You don�t need him if he�s gonna play you right girl� Leanne said in the car and put on Serena Paris - Single Life and Annie felt a bit better.  Annie kept in contact with Bryan and Jenn and them only, they promised not to tell anyone but Shane, Nicky, and Mark were getting suspicious.  Over the next 8 months of Annie life had become hectic, she had to stop school because of all the stress and then she had to earn some money for the baby by working.  Bryan and Jenn were worried about Annie�s money needs and wanted to help her but she wouldn�t accept it, but she ended up accepting some of it. 

On February 7, 2002 Annie gave birth to a small premature baby girl that weighed in at 5 pounds 1 ounce.  Annie decided to name her Ella Jenn Nguyen, Bryan and Jenn were so happy that Annie had given birth to such a pretty girl from the picture they had that Annie sent them.  Ella was small but beautiful, Annie named Bryan and Jenn Ella�s god- parents.  After about a year and half, Shane found out about Ella then Nicky, and Mark found out last.  Joanne, Emma, and Donna already knew but kept their promise not to tell anyone.  A month later Westlife were touring in the area of California and Bryan planned to meet up with Annie and Ella.  They all met up at the mall all of them got to see baby Ella, she was great she didn�t cry and just played around with the guys.  �Annie, how are you?� Bryan asked in their private conversation with Jenn. �Fine!� Annie said unconvincingly �Annie tell us the truth here! We�re trying to help you out! It�s not easy to raise a baby on your own with your studies and work� Jenn said �I�ve done it for a year and half don�t know why I can�t anymore!� Annie said tired.  �Look at you! You probably haven�t gotten enough sleep!� Bryan replied back.  Annie looked really tired, and worked out �Bryan I�m find don�t worry about me okay!� Annie answered back more convincingly and smiling to make the happy.  �Let�s do some baby shopping!� Joanne announced �You guys I don�t need your sympathy or pity for me!� Annie said �Who said it was that we call it gifts!� Donna said.  While they were shopping Kian had just arrived at the mall looking to do some shopping and get out of boredom.  When Bryan�s cell phone rang �Hello� Bryan answered.  �Hey Bry, It�s Ki! I�m at the mall you should come cause theirs some great shops!� Kian told Bry.  Bryan thought that would be a great idea for Kian to see Annie and Ella �I�m already here, I�m at Baby Gap come on over the whole groups here!� Bryan answered back in to the phone and hung up.

Kian wondered why they were at Baby Gap and guessed that Jenn was pregnant, he quickly went over to the store.  When Kian arrived their he saw Bryan talking to a girl he hasn�t met yet, she looked vaguely familiar, and her hair was so much like the girl he had loved, and then he saw Annie.  �Annie turn around will you for a second!� Bryan said to Annie softly not to awake Ella who was in Annie�s arm sleeping happily.  �Why?� Annie asked curiously but Bryan had spun her around and she was standing in front of Kian, Annie couldn�t do anything but stare at his eyes like she did a year and a half ago.  Kian was about to move a strand of hair out of Annie�s face but Annie yelled �I hate you Bryan!� and walked outside to the bench and sat down trying to calm down the baby.  The baby looked a lot like Annie and Kian he couldn�t believe it. He had a child or so he was thinking he wasn�t sure if it was his but it looked too much like him to not be.  Kian went outside and sat next to Annie �Annie is that my child!� Kian said pointing to Ella who was sitting in Annie�s lap playing with her hair.  �Yeah! She has a name you know! It�s Ella!� Annie said rather cold but wanted to take it back she missed him so much nights without him near her holding her, kissing her.  �Can I hold her?� Kian asked shyly and Annie gently gave him Ella, Ella and Kian just clicked they were playing with each other and Annie was afraid Kian was going to take Ella away from her and never let Annie see her.  �Kian�. Um!� Annie was stuttering �Come on tell me!� Kian said �You aren�t going to take Ella away from me are you!� Annie said �Course not! I don�t want to do that to you!� Kian replied.  �Thanks!� Annie said �No need to thanks but how old is she anyways!� Kian asked �Um a year and a half!� Annie said.  Kian was busying calculating when she got pregnant and the dates didn�t come out right and Annie knew he couldn�t figure it out �Ella was born premature Kian! I was a month pregnant with her when I found you cheating on me!� Annie said  with a tear rolling down her face and Kian brushed it off.  He had hurt her so bad, and it really showed.
Jenn came out and said they were all done shopping and that they would go to some restaurant �Ah I think I�m going to go put Ella to sleep at home and stay at home the night! But you guys can go!� Annie said �Annie come on have some fun! So let�s go over to your house and eat pizza, watch movie, just like the old times!� Bryan said smiling.  They went to Diana�s house ordered pizza, while Bryan and Jenn went to go rent some movies and Shane & Joanne went to go buy some snacks.  Annie and Kian were in Annie�s bedroom changing Ella into her sleeping clothes when Kian said �Annie, I�m sorry!�.  Kian put Ella to sleep while Annie just lay in bed closing her eyes and thinking.  Kian just finished putting Ella to bed and saw Annie laying bed so beautiful and wanted to touch her, kiss her but didn�t want to push it.  Kian went over to the bed and moved stands of hair out of the way, when Annie opened her eyes to see Kian crying.  Annie just couldn�t take it anymore she still loved Kian with all her heart and wiped the tears away, Kian was surprised by Annie�s reaction, but craved to kiss her.  So without thinking of the consequences Kian kissed her with all his love and passion for her.  But they had to pull apart because Bryan, Jenn, Shane, and Joanne came home with food, movies, and snacks.  They all put the food in Annie�s room and Bryan popped in the tape.  They were going to watch Save The Last Dance, Annie and Kian were sitting on her bed with Ella crawling around (Ella woke up from all the racket) Bryan and Jenn were happy that they were getting along so well and that they would probably get back together if it went well like this forever. 

Kian put Ella back to sleep in the middle of the movie and by the time he came back Annie was under the covers sleeping, he got under the covers and put his arm around Annie�s waist and fell asleep in pure happiness because he was getting back the love of his life. 

Four in the morning Annie was awoken to Ella crying, Annie hurriedly picked Ella up and brought her out to the living room more like play room for Ella.  Annie was playing with Ella when Kian went up to Annie and put his arm around her and kissed Ella on the forehead and Ella just laughed.  �She�s so cute isn�t she!� Annie said putting her head on Kian�s shoulder �Sure does! She looks a lot like her beautiful mother!� Kian said and Annie blushed a bit cause Kian still had that effect on Annie to make her blush and Kian laughed at her but kissed her on the cheek to make her feel better.  They played with Ella till she got sleepy and Annie put Ella back to bed while Kian sat on the sofa, when she came back to him he was waiting for her �Annie I�m Sorry!� Kian told her �Kian just don� ever do it again� Annie said back �I�m sorry that I kept Ella away from you for so long!� Annie said �It�s okay I think god punished me for cheating on you by doing that!� Kian said and leaned closer to Annie and kissed her,

3 years later.  4-year-old Ella was running around playing with Bryan and Jenn�s 2-year-old baby Crystal Anne.  Bryan and Jenn have been married for 3 year now and so have Mark and Emma.  Donna and Nicky, and Shane and Joanne have married for two years now.  The Feehily�s were expecting their little bundle of joy soon, while Donna and Joanne just found out that they were pregnant.  They were all at the park having some fun when Kian popped the questions �I love you! Will you marry me?� Kian asked it was simple and easy and slid a gold ring on Annie�s finger.  All Annie was doing was squeal and kiss Kian and the others were giving them weird looks at why Annie was so happy.  But no one could know how they both felt, they were both getting married to the love of their life, even though they had their ups and down their love brought them back together and now their living in harmony together and will forever be together.
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