Dear Lie
The days when everything was still normal. The days when they were still happy, nothing to worry about and the days when they were living a carefree life... But who knows whether the days would end one day......?

Mark left the doctor; he took a deep breath. Remembering what the doctor just told him, about his illness. 'Stop thinking about it, you fool.' Mark told himself. The only thing he knew was to get some fresh air. He walked to a park. Mark walked in the park, watching some little children. Some of the children were playing ball games; some of them were chasing each other�s. Mark got a little better; at least that's what he thought. A ball rolled and stopped in front of Mark's feet. He picked it up and glanced around, wanted to find the owner. 'I'm sorry, that's our ball...' A girl with her little brother stood in front of Mark, asking for the ball in his hands. 'Alright, here you are.' Mark gave a smile and handed the ball to the girl. 'Thank you.' The girl smiled back. She was not very tall and she had a pair of big and brown eyes. Her brother looked like her. She didn't seem to know Mark. He realised that from her eyes. 'What's your name?' Mark asked the girl's little brother. The cutie boy was shy. He just kept a laugh, didn't answer Mark's question. The girl gave the ball to her brother and told him to play with the other children in the park. Then the little boy ran to the children. 'He's so cute. What's his name?' Mark asked the girl. �Christian.' The girl replied, watching Christian. 'A nice name. Well I have two brothers. I'm the eldest of three. But I'm not a good brother. I've never play with them in a park.' Mark sighed. 'Christian is my only brother and the best brother I could ever had. And he's only 4 years old. So I should take good care of him.' The girl smiled again. Mark noticed that the girl love smiling very much. Mark looked at the girl for a second, the girl who didn't know anything about him. 'Yeah he's too young to take care of himself.' Mark agreed. Before the girl replied to him, Mark felt faint and he knew that was his illness. He needed to sit down. The girl helped him immediately. 'Are you okay?' The girl asked with concern. 'Yes...I just ate something that was bad.' Mark answered when he was sitting down with her. He knew he had told a lie. 'Did you see a doctor?' Mark's heart sank 'Yes, I'm gonna be okay.' He wanted to change the topic. 'What's your name?' 'Yeah I forgot to tell my name. I'm Melody. And what's your name?' 'My name's Mark. Do you often come here with Christian?' 'Yep I come here with him every day cause he loves here. You?' 'No, I had some stuff to do near here today. I'm just a passer-by.' 'Oh I see.' Melody turned to look at her brother. Mark turned to look at Christian too. They both kept silent. 'So you don't have to go to college?' Mark broke the silence. �I just started College. I�m 17' Melody shrugged. 'Oh you don't really look that young. You just look like you're 20.' 'Well do I?' Melody said losing her smile. 'Yep!' Mark laughed. He couldn't believe that he laughed finally. Christian ran to Melody. Melody wiped his sweats on his forehead. 'I'm hungry. Can we go home and have dinner?' 'Yes Dad and Mum are waiting for us!' Melody smiled to her cute brother and felt his head. Then she turned to Mark. 'I gotta go home for now. You know, Christian want his supper.' She told him. 'That's okay. Will I see you again?' 'Sure. Hey we really have to go now, see you!' Melody took Christian's hand and they went away. 'Bye...' Mark said in a low voice. He was alone again. 'Yes it's time to go back to the hotel.' Mark tried his best to cheer himself up. He stood up and walked towards the hotel, with the thought of his band, his family, his illness, and Melody and Christian... in his head.

Part 2
Mark entered the hotel through the side door. A large amount of fans had gathered at the front. Mark didn�t want to meet them. He was tired. All he wanted right now was a shower and go to bed. He almost managed to sneak to his room. But Nicky just opened the door of his room when Mark walked passed it. �Hey Mark, where have you been?� �I had the doctors appointment, remember?� Nicky nodded. �So.� He said with a smile. �They can�t help you anymore and you are a lost case?� Nicky�s smile faded fast when he saw Mark sway on his feet. �Mark?� Nicky quickly wrapped an arm around his shoulder and guided him into the room. Mark sat down on a chair and took a few deep breaths. Nicky handed him a glass of water. �Are you ok?� Mark rubbed his face. �I�ll be ok.� �I�m getting the other guys.� Before Mark could utter any form of protest Nicky had run from the room. To return a few minutes later with Kian, Shane and Bryan. Mark was still sitting in his chair. He stared at the glass of water. �Mark?� They all gathered around him. �What did the doctor say?� Mark raised his head. A look of despair was clearly visible on his face. �They don�t know.� He whispered. �They did all these tests but my symptoms are too vague. It can be anything.� �But is it serious? Will you get better?� Mark look at Bryan. �I don�t know. I have to stop touring when things get worse. You have to finish this tour without me.� �No!� Shane rose to his feet. �There are five members in Westlife. We finish this tour together or we cancel.� �Shane you can�t do that.� Shane kneeled in front of Mark. �What about those fans that come to you see. They�ll be so disappointed. We�re in this together. We can finish it when you are better.� Mark bit his lip. Kian placed a hand on his shoulder. �Just promise us you tell us when you can�t do it anymore. And be honest. Don�t try to be brave. Your health is far too important for that.� Mark nodded. He closed his eyes as a wave of nausea hit his body. He took a deep breath. He opened his eyes again and saw the worried looks on the faces of his friends. �Don�t worry guys I�ll be ok. I�m just going to freshen up. May I use your bathroom, Nicky?� Nicky nodded and Mark made his way to the bathroom. Shane was the first one to speak. �Someone should stay with Mark during the night. We can take turns.� Bryan nodded and frowned as he heard Mark throw up. �Maybe we should call that doctor and ask him what�s wrong.� Kian shook his head. �We shouldn�t betray his trust. When Mark is ready he will tell us.� The door opened again and Mark joined the others. �Are we ready for dinner?� He asked with a faint smile.

Part 3

'Let's go.' Kian stated. The guys left the hotel through the side door cause they were not in a good mood to meet their fans. They went to a small restaurant to have their dinner.

The five guys took their seats. When they were about to have orders, Mark recognised one of the girls working in the restaurant, it was Melody.

Melody walked to the guys to take their orders. Mark pulled his head into his hands, trying not to be recognised.

Bryan was sitting besides Mark. 'Hey what you want?' He asked pushing Mark lightly. 'Whatever...' Mark used his smallest volume.

Melody gazed at Mark. She thought that he was familiar but Mark just kept covering his face. So Melody still couldn't figure who he was.

Melody got the guys' orders and left the table. 'What's wrong Mark?' Shane asked with a deep misunderstood. The rest of lads looked at Mark, waiting for his answer.

'Hey Mel you just talked to the hottest stars in the world!' Donna, Melody's mate in the restaurant, told her.

'What Donna?'

'You don't know them? They're Westlife!'

'West...what?' Melody was confused.

'Westlife! The hottest boy band from Ireland!' Donna got a picnic.

'Calm down Donna, what hell is Westlife?' Melody calmed Donna down.

'A group of gorgeous guys.' Donna explained.

'They're singers?'

'Yes.' Donna nodded. Melody frowned.

'Donna can you please stop playing tricks on me? I've never heard of that.' Melody said leaving Donna.

'I knew that girl.' Mark whispered.

'You mean the little waitress over there?' Nicky asked.

'Yep that one. She doesn't know anything about Westlife. She doesn't know that I'm in a band. She only knows I'm Mark.'

'And so you don't want her to know who you really are?'

Mark nodded.

'I don't understand.' Bryan said shaking his head.

'...Mark, you like her. ...Am I right?'

Mark didn't answer. He felt faint; he wanted to have his face washed. He stood up and told the guys 'I'll be right back.' Then he found the door of the lavatory and got inside.

About 10 minutes later, the meal of the guys arrived at their table. Melody noticed that the weird guy was missing.

'It's 10 minutes already.' Kian looked at his watch, showing a worry look. He dragged Shane and asked Melody 'Where's the toilets?'

'Over there.' Melody pointed to the door. Kian and Shane rushed to the door.

'Oh my god it's locked!' Kian shouted.

'Here's the key to that door.' Melody gave them a key. Kian opened the lavatory door.

'MARK!' He screamed. Mark was lying on the floor. He had fainted.

Part 4

"Someone get a damp cloth.' Yelled Kian. Melody dashed off to the kitchen. Kian lifted Mark's head in his lap. 'Mark? Can you hear me? Mark?' Melody returned with a damp cloth. Kian gently wiped Mark's brow. He stirred a little. 'Is he ok?' Nicky and Bryan showed up behind Shane. 'He fainted.' Mark stirred again and opened his eyes. 'Hey Kian.' Kian sighed with relief. 'Thank god.' Mark sat up straight. 'What's all the fuss about?' 'You fainted, Mark.' Mark shook his head. 'I think I just hit my head against the door. I'm ok.' He stumbled to his feet. Kian was thankful he was standing behind Mark as he swayed on his feet and fainted again. Kian lifted Mark in his arms. 'We're going back to the hotel.' The rest nodded and gathered their things.

Mark woke up the following morning with a slight headache. He rubbed his eyes and saw Nicky, Kian, Bryan and Shane sleeping on chairs beside his bed. He saw that Nicky was waking up. 'Morning.' Mark said cheerfully. Nicky frowned. 'Mark, what is wrong with you? You throw up, you faint.' 'Nothing is wrong with me. I hit my head against the door.' Nicky wanted to say more but Mark's phone interrupted him. Mark grabbed it and answered the call. 'Hello?' 'Hi Mark. It's Doctor Benning. I got the result back from your scan.' Mark quickly got out of bed and walked to the window. 'Ok.' He said and closed his eyes. 'I'm sorry to tell you this on the phone but it's a brain tumour. We can't operate on it.' Mark swallowed hard. 'How long do I have to live?' He whispered so the guys couldn't hear him. 'Six to eight months max. I'm sorry Mark.' A hot tear ran down his cheek. 'I'll send the results to Ireland for you. I'll subscribe some medication.' 'Will I notice anything?' 'You'll get headaches, you'll pass out occasionally. You can get short-term memory loss.' Mark sighed. 'Thank you doctor.' 'Good luck Mark.' Mark hung up and turned around. The rest was awake now too. 'That was the doctor.' Mark smiled a fake smile. 'It was just the flu with some food poisoning. I should be back to normal in a few days.'

Mark was glad the guys bought his lie and that they left soon after. He didn't want to lie to them. But he didn't want to see their faces as he wasted away. He promised himself to disappear when things started to get worse. And he couldn't believe he fainted in the restaurant where Melody worked. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Mark rose from the bed and opened the door. 'Mel�Melody.' He stuttered. Melody smiled shyly. 'You forgot your things last night. Shane said I could find you here.' Mark opened the door a little further and Melody entered. Melody handed him his sweater and his jacket. 'Are you feeling any better now?' Mark nodded. Thoughts raced through his mind. 'Mel?' She smiled. 'I know we just met but will you come to Ireland with me?' Mark didn't want to die alone.

Part 5

Mark hung his head low. 'I'm sorry.' He whispered. 'Forget I even asked.' Mark sat down on his bed and buried his head in his hands. Melody kneeled in front of him. 'Mark, sometimes people meet and feel connected straight away.' She gently pulled away his hands. 'We may only know each other for a day but I have the feeling we met years ago.' Melody took a deep breath. 'I have to discuss things with my parents first. I'll have to transfer to Ireland.' Mark slowly raised his eyes and looked at her. 'You'd really do that?' Melody nodded. 'You are obviously scared of something. I would be scared too if I would lead your life.' A small smile appeared on Mark's face. 'I want to share this with someone. The life on the road as I see it.' 'I can't promise you that I can come with you. My parents have to agree first.' Mark nodded. 'I know. I won't get my hopes up too high.' A big smile broke through on Melody's face. She rose to her feet and kissed Mark on his cheek. 'I'll go and ask them now. I know where you are staying so I'll be back here tonight to let you know.' Mark nodded. Melody smiled one last time and left the room. Mark fell back on the bed. He couldn't believe he just asked Melody to join him. Hopefully he could hide the truth as long as possible.

'I have the feeling he is lying.' 'Bryan we don't know for sure.' Bryan threw his hands in the air. 'He has been sick for weeks. No one has the flu for so long.' Nicky placed a hand on Bryan's shoulder. 'We've been working really hard lately and I find it hard to shake off a little bug. I can imagine that if you don't take proper care a flu can last for a few weeks or longer.' Bryan slumped in his chair. 'Still, there is something wrong.' 'We'll never know unless Mark tells us. And there must be a good reason why he isn't telling us the whole truth.' Kian spoke for the first time. 'See.' Said Bryan. 'Ki thinks something is wrong too.' Kian sighed. 'No Bryan. I think that if something is wrong and Mark is not telling us he must have a damn good reason not to.' 'Listen guys, he told us this morning what the doctors told him. He'll be back to the old Mark in a few weeks. Let's just back off for a while ok?' Shane looked at the three other members of the band. Slowly they all nodded. 'Ok, now let's discuss the new album.'

Part 6

Melody was very excited. They were about to land in Dublin. Her first time aboard. Her parents had agreed once they'd spoken to Mark's parents. She had been able to transfer to an Irish college. Melody looked at Mark. He was still sleeping. She had spent a few days around him now. He was still the sweet boy she met in the park. He worried her a few times when he went to the bathroom and came back almost an hour later. He told her he ran into some fans and took the time to talk to them. Melody reached out and touched his face. He didn't even seem to notice. Melody touched him again. Mark didn�t respond. 'Nicky?' Melody softly asked. Nicky's head popped over the seat in front of her. 'Is Mark a heavy sleeper?' Nicky shrugged. 'Not really. Why?' 'Look.' Melody touched Mark's shoulder, shaking him softly. Mark didn't wake up. Nicky quickly got up and kneeled beside Mark. 'Mark?' Nicky shook him a little harder. 'Mark, wake up.' Nicky didn't want to speak out loud. The others, especially Bryan, shouldn't be worried. Nicky looked at Melody. 'He isn't sleeping, is he?' Asked Melody with a trembling voice. Nicky shook his head. 'I think he passed out. I'll alarm the steward if he doesn't wake up before we can exit the plane.' Melody nodded. 'Will you be ok?' Melody nodded again. 'I'll just sit here and wait.' Nicky rose to his feet. 'I'll make sure the others don't expect anything.' Melody sadly smiled. 'Thank you.'

Nicky managed to get the others of the plane without any of them noticing that Mark was still not awake. Melody softly whispered to him. Encouraging him to wake up. Suddenly he stirred. His eyelids fluttered and Mark moaned. 'Mark?' Mark moved his head and opened his eyes. 'Hi.' He said with a sleepy voice. 'Are you ok?' Mark nodded but instantly grabbed his head. 'My head hurts.' 'You passed out.' Mark closed his eyes again. 'Sorry Mel. My head just hurts really bad.' Nicky returned to the seats. 'Come on man. We have to get you out.' Nicky helped him to his feet. 'Are you sure you are ok?' Asked Melody again. 'I just have a headache.' Snapped Mark. Melody bit her lips and grabbed her bag. Nicky supported Mark on the way out. 'You didn't have to snap. She was just worried.' Mark sighed. 'I'll apologize later.'

Part 7

Melody developed a nice routine over the next few weeks. She would get up early in the morning for a run in the park. Than she would have breakfast. Most of the time alone but sometimes Mark would be there too. He had apologized but things were still a bit awkward. After breakfast she would go to University and attend classes or study. Her evenings were filled with either studies or a social event with Mark. Melody had noticed some odd behavior. But she was afraid to asked. Maybe it was nothing, just the strain of life on the road. She just couldn't ignore the alarms bells ringing inside her mind.

'Um, hello, Melody right?' Melody looked up from her books. A tall dark haired girl stood at her table. 'Hi, I'm Kathy. We are in the same history class.' Melody nodded. 'I was sick last week and I was hoping you had some notes.' 'Let me check.' Melody checked her bag. 'Sorry, I think I left them at home. I could bring them tomorrow.' Kathy sat down. 'I really need them today. I have to re-sit that test.' Melody checked her watch. 'I could run home and get them for you.' Kathy sighed with relief. 'I can walk with you. I live in the same part of town.' 'Yeah sure.' Mark was still in the studio. He wouldn't be home until after dinner. Melody gathered her things and they walked the short distance to her house. Melody's face dropped when she saw Nicky's car parked in front of the house. 'I'll go and get the notes.' Melody opened the front door. 'Can I just use the bathroom?' Asked Kathy with an innocent face. Melody sighed. 'Yeah sure.' She let Kathy in and walked to the living room. Nicky sat on the couch. 'What are you doing here?' Nicky jumped up. 'Mark's missing.' Melody paled. 'Missing?' She mumbled. Nicky pulled her in his arms. 'He went out for lunch but didn't come back. The others are looking for him.' Melody looked at Nicky. 'He's ok right? He'll be ok?' Nicky didn't answer. He had no idea what to tell her.

Part 8

'Did you try his mobile?' Asked Melody in a soft voice. 'We tried his mobile. We called here in case he had gone home. No one answered.' Melody repressed a sob. 'Where can he be? Did he say anything or did he act strange?' Nicky sat down on the couch and pulled Melody beside him. 'Mel, we both know that Mark has been acting very strange the last few weeks. He never said anything part from that he was going for lunch. He said that he had to pick something up.' Melody buried her head in Nicky's shoulder. 'Let him be ok. Just let him be ok.' Nicky rubbed her back to comfort her a little. 'Mel?' Kathy entered the room. 'I'll come back later for those notes ok?' Melody looked up. 'I'm sorry Kathy. I can get them for you now.' Kathy shook her head. 'Nah, don't bother. You have important things to care about now.' Kathy smiled at Nicky and left. Nicky raised an eyebrow and looked at Melody. 'Who was that?' 'She's in my history class and needed some notes. I thought it was ok as Mark wasn't suppose to be back till later this evening. I had no idea you're going to be here.' Nicky smiled apologetic. 'I wish I was here on a nice social visit.' Melody hugged him. 'I'm glad you are here.' She rose to her feet. 'Do you want some tea? It might help us pass the time.'

Nicky left shortly after dinner. There was still no sign of Mark. Melody was very worried. Shane had called to say that he was going home. Later Bryan and Kian had called with the same message. They couldn't find Mark. Melody sat on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her. It was cold. Suddenly she heard a key being turned in the lock. She jumped up. Mark walked into the living room. Melody started crying and hugged him. Mark softly pushed her away. 'Something wrong?' He asked. Melody couldn't believe her ears. 'Something wrong? You were missing all afternoon. I was dead worried.' Mark shrugged. 'It's no big deal. I went for a walk and my battery was empty.' Melody shuddered from Mark's cold tone. 'I'm off to bed.' She said. Mark fell down on the couch. He couldn't tell her that he went out for lunch and suddenly couldn't remember where he came from or what he was suppose to do. He couldn't remember his phone number or where he lived. He had walked around aimlessly until things finally came back to him

Chapter 9
Melody woke up with a sore throat. She had cried herself to sleep. Her eyes were still red and puffy. Her head pounded with each step she took. Melody grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a large sweater. All she wanted right now was some tea and a hot bath. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mark was already up. Melody looked at him. He was still wearing the clothes he wore last night. Mark looked up from his coffee. 'Morning.' He said. Melody mumbled a few similar words and filled the kettle with water. With her back towards Mark she said: 'I've been thinking last night. It kept me occupied while I waited for you to go to bed. Which you obviously haven't.' Melody turned around. 'I think that we need to move to Sligo.' Mark raised an eyebrow and looked at her. 'Move to Sligo?' He echoed. 'You're not happy here. Even Nicky said that you have changed so much.' Melody turned to the kettle again. She felt Mark step behind her. 'I've been up all night thinking about you. About you and me. About life in general.' Mark touched her arms. 'I'm sorry Mel. I'm sorry for snapping at you all the time. I'm sorry for making you cry.' Mark turned her around. 'I don't want to hurt you anymore. I'm sorting out a few problems. Moving to Sligo won't make them go away. What I need is you.' Mark rested his forehead against hers. 'I know I dragged you from the other side of the world to be with me. And that I haven't been the easiest person to be around with.' Mark sighed. 'I love you Mel. I think that I fell in love the first time I saw you.' Melody closed her eyes. She had fallen in love with Mark weeks ago. She had prayed that he loved her too. Mark moved closer and Melody felt his warm lips on hers. She sighed deeply. This was all she dreamt off. Mark was the first to end the kiss. 'No more fights, no more lies. I promise.' Mark placed a hand on his heart. 'Cross my heart and hope to die.' Little did Melody know that Mark prayed that the doctors were wrong and that he had a few more months longer to live.

Part 10

Melody was in heaven. A few days after their first kiss Melody had moved into his bedroom. It was rather soon but Melody knew that what they had was forever. Mark started to open up more. He continuously surprised her. Romantic candle light dinners, long walks down the river. He even whisked her away for a short weekend break in the country.
Kathy had told everyone willing to listen to her that she had found Nicky at her house. Melody explained to her that Mark was a friend of the family and that she was only sharing a house because she needed a place to live. Strangely enough Kathy instantly believed her. Even after a newspaper printed some pictures of Mark and her in a tight embrace.
Melody softly whistled as she walked up the stairs. She was cleaning the house and wanted to check out the attic. It's wasn't as dirty as she expected. Mark seemed to spend an awful lot of time here. Melody touched the rocking chair. She could picture him sitting here. Melody placed the bucket on the floor and started cleaning. She moved a few boxes. She was fighting all her curiosity not to look in side. But when she saw a box that said Mark's baby pics, she couldn't control herself anymore. She looked at all the pictures. They made her fall in love even more. As she put them back in the box she noticed an yellow envelope. It was stuck between the wall and another box. Melody pulled the envelope out. It was from the Dublin hospital. She opened it and looked at the contents. A deep chill settled in her bones. Mark hadn't fully opened up to her after all.
Part 11
Mark was happy for a change. He had managed to control his headache for a few days now. The new medication he was given were working. His hopes had never been this high. Things were going great between Melody and him. He smiled. A beautiful engagement ring was almost burning a hole in his pocket. He wanted to marry Melody before he died. To make sure she had a little piece of him. Mark dug up his keys and opened the door. �I�m home.� He sang. He hung up his coat and opened the door to the living room. Melody stood at the window staring outside. Mark walked to her and bent close to kiss her. Melody took a step back. Mark frowned. �Something wrong?� he asked. Melody snorted. �Is there something wrong?� She repeated Mark sarcastically. She walked to the table and threw something at him. Mark stared at the papers surrounding him. �Where...Where did you find these?� He stuttered. He looked up with a look of panic in his eyes. Melody shrugged. �Does that matter now?� Mark opened his mouth to say something but Melody raised her hand. �Why didn�t you tell me Mark?� Mark couldn�t answer her. �All these months I thought that it was me doing something wrong. That I caused those mood swings you had. But this... this is cancer.� Melody sank on the couch. �It�s killing you.� Mark moved to her side. He wanted to touch but Melody jerked away. �Don�t touch me.� �It�s not contagious.� Snarled Mark. Melody shook her head. �That�s not what I mean. You lied to me. You made me believe that I was living a happy life.� Mark raised his hands and softly cupped Melody�s face. �You were living a happy. You still are.� Melody slowly shook her head. �How can I be happy when you are dying?� �Because I�m happy. I have you here with me. I don�t need anything else.� Melody bit her lips to stop the tears from flowing. �Why didn�t you tell me?� Mark kissed her lips. �I�ve had more number one hits than any other band. We just did a world tour. 164 dates completely sold out. We�ve conquered the world. And I�m fighting a fight that I can�t win. I�ve achieved so much. I was so angry.� Melody covered his hands with hers. �I could have been at your side.� Mark smiled. �I just came back from the hospital when I saw you in that park. I was just about to give up on life when I met you.� Melody closed her eyes. �The doctors gave me six to eight months.� Melody quickly calculated. �I�ve been here for nine now.� Mark nodded. �See, I�m still alive because of you.�

Part 12
Melody shook her head. �No Mark. A miracle kept you alive.� Mark took her hand in his. �Please Mel don�t be angry with me.� Melody look at Mark. �Where you ever going to tell me that you were dying.� Mark dropped her hand and got up. �I�ve bought a small cottage in the country. I had plans to go there when I felt that the time was right.� �You� You were going to leave me and just die on your own.� Mark nodded. �How could you?� Yelled Melody. �Do you have any idea how I would feel? Or your parents or the lads? You can�t just go somewhere and die Mark.� Mark grabbed her arms. �Don�t you think that I don�t know that? I�m afraid to go to sleep each night. I fear that I might not wake up in the morning. I don�t want you or anyone else go through the pain I�m going through.� Tears were freely flowing down Mark�s cheeks. Melody cupped her face. �I�m not angry. Just disappointed. You seem to feel that you have to go through this alone. You are not alone Mark.� Melody kissed his tears away. �You have me. And if you tell the lads than I�m sure that they will support you too.� �No!� Snapped Mark. �I don�t want them to know.� �Why not?� Melody was getting desperate. �I don�t want them to see me weak and ill.� �Are you going to hide from them?� Mark shook his head. �No�yes�I don�t know.� Mark sank down on the couch. He pulled Melody with him. �I�m scared to die Melody. I don�t want to close my eyes to never open them again.� Melody wrapped her arms around him. �You have to be scared alone. I�m not leaving your side anymore.� Mark buried his face in her neck. �Thank you so much.� He sobbed. �Just promise me one thing.� Melody felt Mark nod. �Promise me that you won�t go away when you feel that it�s your time. Stay with me.� �I promise.� Mumbled Mark.
Part 13
Melody and Mark tried to live a normal live. But Mark�s headaches became much worse and frequent. He had missed several days in the recording studios. Melody knew that Mark�s time was nearly up. She had rang the lads and asked them to come around for a old fashioned barbecue. She stood in the kitchen and looked outside. Mark was talking to Shane whilst handling the grill. Melody sighed. The lads were all happy and cheerful. Little did they know that this was a goodbye for them. �Penny for your thoughts.� Nicky�s voice startled her. �My thoughts aren�t worth a penny.� Nicky wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug. �What�s bothering you Mel? You aren�t your happy self. You look tired.� Melody shrugged. �End of term at college. I�ve been up all night studying.� And taking care of Mark. She silently added. Nicky kissed her cheek. �Don�t work too hard.� He walked out side again. Melody grabbed the salad bowl and followed her. For the next few hours she forgot about Mark�s illness and managed to enjoy herself. Mark had the time of his life. He chatted with everyone. Shane, Kian and him spent at least an hour talking about childhood memories. With the other he talked about life on the road. Each memory broke Melody�s heart. Each memory was a good bye. The lads finally left long after midnight. Melody helped Mark get upstairs. He was almost exhausted. �I had a great time.� He mumbled. Melody kissed him. �So did I. We needed a Westlife party.� Mark smiled. �I love you.� �I love you too.� Melody undressed and slipped in beside him.

The sun woke her up the next morning. Melody rubbed her eyes. She was lying with her head on Mark�s chest. He was still asleep. Melody snuggled a little closer. Suddenly she jerked up. She couldn�t feel or hear a heartbeat. She looked at Mark�s face. A small smiled tugged at his lips. He looked peaceful. �Mark?� She gently shook him. Mark didn�t respond. �Oh god please. Mark.� She shook him harder. �Please Mark, wake up.� Melody started to cry. �Don�t leave me please.� But Melody knew that he couldn�t hear her anymore. She wiped away her tears and picked up the phone. She waited for someone to pick up. �Hello?� A sleepy voice answered. �Nicky? There�s something I have to tell you.�

Melody carefully placed the flowers on the grave. �Hi Mark.� She sat down. �I got promoted last week.� Melody smiled. �I�m almost head of department.� Someone placed a hand on her shoulder. Melody turned around. �Hi Nicky.� �Thought I might find you here.� Nicky sat down next to her. �How is he?� Melody laughed. The lads always talked about Mark as if he was still there. They had thanked her after the funeral for the party. It had dawned on them that it was Mark�s goodbye to them. Even after 7 years they kept the memory of Mark alive. His grave was visited when ever they could. Melody went every month. �Mark�s fine Nicky.� Nicky hugged her. �Are you coming to the launch of my solo album?� Melody nodded. �And Patrick?� Melody looked at the young boy playing a few feet away. �Patrick would love to come.� Nicky gave her a kiss and left again. �Patrick?� The young lad came to Melody. �Say goodbye to your father. We are leaving.� Patrick touch the grave stone. �Bye daddy.� Melody grabbed his hand and walked away. She had known that she was pregnant the night that Mark died in his sleep. She now raised her son alone with the help of four great guys. Melody felt guilty for not telling Mark. But she knew that somewhere he was watching over her and that he knew. He would forgive her little lie she told him when he caught her throwing up. Patrick squeezed her hand. �Are we going home now?� Melody nodded. Home, to Shane. To a new life she had recently started. She only had to tell Mark about it.
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