By Jayne
Don't Let Me Go
It was 11pm and Mark was driving through the dark countryside, trying to find a hotel to get some well-needed sleep. suddenly he heard a bang from the front of the car. His first instinct told him that he had hit an animal, so he slammed on the brakes and got out the car to have a look. As soon as he started to open the door, he realised that it wasn�t an animal but the engine had done something, because there was smoke pouring out. He cursed to himself as he pushed the lever to open the bonnet. As he lifted it, He wished he hadn�t. More smoke poured out into his face and it crossed his mind that he could die there and then from smoke inhalation. But soon realising that he was perfectly fine and the smoke had died down, he had a glimpse inside the bonnet. Not really knowing what he was looking at, he banged it shut, annoyed. He opened the door and reached for his mobile. �No signal, Damn� He said to himself. he leaned against the car for a moment, wondering what to do with himself, when he saw alight in the near-distance, a blue-ish rectangle light. A curtained window! - A house! Mark grabbed, his keys and pocketed them along with his mobile, locked the car and made his way towards the light. He eventually managed to get himself to the front door, tripping over several objects including a cat on the way there. He rang the bell, hoping someone was up and didn�t just sleep with the light on. Mark Heard movement from behind the door and immediately cheered him up.
�Brandon, if that you, f**k off, if it�s anyone else, I apologise for my language.� Mark heard the beautiful but shaky voice call through the door.
�Um no, Hi, I�m Mark, My car has broken down and I haven�t any signal on my mobile, I was wondering if I could use your phone� He called back.
He heard some locks being undone and half a face peering at him through the crack in the door.
�Sure, come in� She opened the door wider. Mark saw a tall beautiful girl stand before him. She had very dark hair and a perfect pale complexion. It looked as if she had been crying. She had red puffy eyes and was trying to hide them.
�Um, Can I use your bathroom first please?� He said as he felt a sudden urge.
�Sure� She said for the second time, pointing. She didn�t seem very chatty.
�So, whose Brandon then?� He asked as he came out the bathroom.
�No-one for you to lose sleep over�
�Well he obviously is for you.�
�Yeah, well� was her reply �Didn�t you want to use the phone?�
�Oh yeah, not very good reception round here is it?�
�No, we�re in the country, not many pylons about.� She pointed to the phone across the room and he went over and dialled the recovery number. �By the way, what�s you name?� He asked as he was waiting for someone to answer.
�Trinity� She replied
�Pretty� Mark said in an overly high voice. �oh, yes, hello. My Car has broken down...�
Trinity gazed at him, deep in fantasy when she was interrupted by him trying to get her attention.
�Trinity, Trinity! Where am I?�
�Oh, Langellingle, Tangier Lane, Number 3.�
�Sounds Welsh. Am I in Wales?!�
�No, No.� She laughed as he was looking at her very alarmed. "Don't forget the phone!�
�Oh yeah!� He though for a second. �Where are we?�
She sighed and took the phone and repeated what she had just told mark, down the phone, and handed it back to him when she had finished. She had just gone back into her fantasy land, when a shout shook her out of it.
"You WHAT? Tomorrow morning? I have to be somewhere early. This is really important."He slammed down the phone.
"Not good then?" Trinity asked.
"Mmm" he replied " So, seeing as I have some time, and I would rather spend it in the warm with you, tell me about Brandon. I am at good at kicking ass hee-yah!" She had to giggle.
" Well, he's just my ex. I knew he played around but it didn't bother me because I knew he loved me. She paused
"Carry on" Mark said, interested.
"Why am I telling you this? I only just met you"
"I have that effect on people."  He gave her a grin and she carried on.
"Well, tonight I went to this club with a couple of my girlfriends. He knew I was going there and he took this Girl and started kissing and groping her in full view of me, and that was the last straw. He was just rubbing it in my face, thinking he could get away it with it. I just walked out. "
"Men!" Mark interrupted.
Trinity gave him a strange look and tried to hold back a giggle but it came out as a snort and they both laughed.
"I tell you what, why don't you crash here tonight? My house mate Chloe is round her boyfriends, so you can have her room. You can borrow my car in the morning. I don't need it. It's nothing special, but it goes. I could do with the company as well."
"You're not even going to check my criminal record then?"
Trinity was alarmed "Should I?!"
"No!" he laughed, I was joking. Trinity was still a little tense and wary but relaxed a little when she saw he had no bulges in his clothes where weapons could be stored, - ooh! one, Wow!  Mark became aware of her stare and shifted his position on the sofa. She came back to reality.
"You  hungry? Want any food? Well, I don't know if we have any, but I could knock up something, or, all-night kebab shop? Delivers!? "
"No I'm fine, I could do with a glass of water and some sleep though "
"Of course" she got the glass and led him through to a room that was surprisingly tidy for a young girl living away from parents and unmarried.
"I am not employed at the moment, so I find stuff to do during the day.� Trinity explained. "My room is just across the hall, my name is on it, and you know of where the bathroom is, yes? "
"Yes, thank you "
"Everything okay now? I'll see you in morning."
"Night Trinity"
She closed the door and walked over to her room amazed she had such a gorgeous male sleeping  across the hall from her!
She settled into bed and fell asleep almost straightaway.
" hee-yah! " Brandon felt of the floor with a thud.  �Oh Mark, you're so wonderful" Trinity said.
They were leaning into kiss when...
" Trinity, Trinity, wake up, it's time for me to go. TRINITY! "
" Wha!! " She jumped awake.
" It's time for me to go" 
"Oh, Yes, morning Mark, yes, um, keys. Oh, please don't crash it because I wont be able to afford to fix it. "
" I won't "
"Do You want clean underwear? " Trinity asked him in the least embarrassing way possible.
" I not going in knickers! " He said horrified.
Trinity giggled  �No silly, Chloe's boyfriends, there are some clean."
�Nah, Blokes don�t really share underwear�
Trinity laughed, �Neither do girls really�
�Oh, do you know the way to Logan? I have to be at Bridge Street Warehouses in ten minutes.
�Oooohh La-di-da, whats happening there mister, or should I call you Sir?�
�No, please don�t� He replied slightly embarrassed
�Well, it�s two towns away, go through the village and it should be sign posted. you may have to ask where the warehouses are though. What are you doing there then?�
�Just working - photo shoot, nothing special�
�Why?� she was intrigued. Was he a model? Well, he certainly could be!
He said he had no time and kissed her on the forehead and rushed off, shouting that he�d be back later.
That day, Trinity was much happier then she had been for a long time. She didn't even once think about Brandon. She saw the tow men taking a car. She was very impressed, a BMW, he must be rich! She carried on with her work, cleaning almost all day.
" Honk-Honk " Mark beeped as he pulled into the warehouses car park. All his friend for waiting outside for him.
" Mark! Where did you get that piece of shit? " Asked his friend Bryan
" I got lost and broke down last night and a girl lent it to me! "
" you could have called me, I would have come and pick you up. Anyway you are late. "
" But she was GORGEOUS!
they carried on chatting as they walked in.

Mark had an all right day. But all he wanted to do was sit in a comfy armchair and watch a bit of telly. He was worried that he wouldn't we be able to find his way back to Trinity's, but he found out he had quite a good memory if it involved a beautiful girl! He knocked, and when Trinity open the door, he was greeted with the lovely sight of her, and the wonderful smell of something cooking.
"Honey, I'm home!" He smiled. So did she.
"Come in " she led him through. "Dinner will be ready in five minutes, would you like to sit? "
"Can I help with anything? " He asked.
"No, just sit " he did as he was told and sat down at the neatly laid table.
A few minutes later they were sitting eating and chatting.
"It's a really nice dinner, thank you very much. " Mark told her. She'd thought he had obviously been brought up properly.
"That's ok " she applied, that's all I did today, what did you get up to? I guess you found the place "prefer
"Yeah it was fine " he replied shortly
"Is that all I'm getting? At least tell me what you did it. "
"I told you, photo-shoot. " Then he quickly changed the subject.
Dinner had finished and they were sitting, full up, watching television.
"So are you staying another night? " Trinity asked as he made no move to go home and it was getting late.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask that. If I could please, if you don't mind. I have to be in Logan again tomorrow, and I know the way now! "
"Yeah, it's fine. "
"There is one thing though... " He looked at her cheekily. " I'm awful lonely in that big double bed that I have all to myself. Could I come in with you for a chat? "
She looked at him for a second and then nodded
As they walked into the room they both felt the chill. " Aagh! Its FREEZING!!! " Cried Mark. He ran and took a giant leap onto the bed. He scrambled to get under the covers " Aargh!! It colder under here! " He squealed. He threw the covers off him " No it's not! " and covered and himself back-up.
Trinity changed quickly, aware of his eyes on her body, wishing they were a couple.
She sat on the bed, next to him. She was scared to get under the covers. She had issues.
"Aren't you coming under? " Mark asked " I've warmed it up for you! "
She reluctantly and silently got under. They talked for hours.
Mark was watching Trinity drift off. He lightly stroked her soft silky hair. What Mark didn't know though, was that Trinity was in love with him already.

The next day, Trinity dropped Mark off at the garage. His car was ready. Trinity got a quick peck on the cheek. she knew it was goodbye but she didn�t know for how long. But that was the last time that they saw each other. (For a while)

Chloe stumbled through her front door, slightly drunk. She was greeted with the sight of her house-mate sitting on the sofa, in silence, with  a pile of used tissues surrounding her.
�Honey, whats wrong?� Chloe asked Trinity.
�I love him Chloe, I really do.� Trinity sobbed. Chloe shooed her boyfriend, Will out. He had given her a lift home.
�What�s he done to you now?�
�No, not Brandon, Mark� Trinity replied
�What happened to Brandon?�
�He dumped me, well, I dumped him, I don�t know� She wailed
�Tell me everything from the beginning, I can�t believe you didn�t call me!�
Trinity began to tell Chloe all that had happened in the last couple of days. All that came from Chloe was a few giggles and a few �*gasps* he never!�
�And I�m never going to see him again.� Trinity sobbed, ending.
�You have to go after him Trin.� Chloe told her
�I know, but I don�t know where he is.�


Trinity and Chloe were in town shopping. It was three months after Trinity had last seen Mark.
�Oooh, Can we go in here?� Asked Chloe, �I wanna buy that video that�s out, um, you know which one I mean, we watched it at the cinema ages ago.�
�I probably do, but we watched loads.� Trinity replied
�Ahh, just come on� She dragged her into the music superstore thing. There were hundreds of people in there. They were mostly in a queue waiting fro something or other. She hoped that it wasn't the queue to pay for stuff as she wasn�t going to wait in that. Chloe had found the videos and was mooching around looking at absolutely everything. Trinity was bored her eyes wandered around the store. She found out the big queue was for a record signing. It was for a band called Westlife. She�d bought their first single years ago, but never really got into them. She was just about to turn around and tell Chloe to hurry up, when something caught here eye. It was Mark. Not the real Mark. But a poster of him, where underneath were the words she had read a few seconds previously. It took a while to sink in. �Westlife signing today. Mark�s in picture. Picture is of Westlife. Mark is in Westlife. Westlife are signing here, now. Mark is here!!�
�Oh my god child, don�t do that.� Chloe had an awful fright. �What then? seeing as you made half the shop turn around.�
�M m m Mark� Was all she managed to get out, pointing to the poster.
�Yes dear, that�s Westlife, and I do believe they have a member called Mark.�
Trinity shook her head. �No, My Mark� She whispered
�Don�t be silly, you don�t have a Mark. She thought for a second. Oooh. Mark, yeah. MARK? THAT MARK?�
Trinity nodded
�Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod, queue girl queue!!�
�I can�t!�
�Why not? If you don�t I will.�
�You have to buy their album, and I don�t have enough money left.�
�Stop making excuses, get in the queue and I�ll go and buy an album for you.�

She rushed off and then rushed back. The long queue was hardly moving, Trinity hadn�t shifted much. At least she was still in the queue. The two girls waited for ages in the queue. But finally.
�I�ll be right behind you Trin, no need to worry.� Chloe assured her
Mark was sitting at the far end, so Trinity would see him last. That might be a good thing.
She shook hands with each of the other four members and got their signatures on her album and then she got to mark.
�Hi Mark.� She said. He looked up, he recognised that voice.
�Trinity! Hi, How are you?�
Behind her, Chloe was gaping, her friend wasn�t going mad.
�I�m alright, I didn�t know you were in a band.�
�Well, yeah.� He was embarrassed
�I helped her find out!� Chloe�s head peered over Trinity�s shoulder.
�Mmm� Trinity kind of agreed.
�This is Chloe.� She introduced her to him.
�Ma�am, thats enough, please move along.� A security guard said in her ear.
�Ok, Bye.� She rushed off before Mark had a chance to say anything more. She left her album, still unsigned by Mark, Behind.
�Sorry� Chloe mouthed to Mark as she went chasing after Trinity.
�What the hell was all that about?� Chloe demanded as she caught up with her.
�The security man told me to go away, and Mark didn�t tell him it was ok, he doesn�t want to know me. thats why he hasn�t called me. Why am I so stupid? I thought I loved him, but it was just a stupid teenage type crush and now I've seen him, I think I love him again.� She cried into Chloe�s shoulder.
It was the day after Trinity had seen Mark and she had pulled herself back together, and had told Chloe hundreds and thousands of times that she blames her for making her stand in that queue.
�I�m just going to the shop Chlo, we�re out of milk, and I�m dying for a cuppa.
Trinity grabbed her purse and stepped out the front door. The shop was quite near, so she decided to walk.
Wandering aimlessly down the narrow lanes, she spotted a black car whizzing towards her. Her heart leaped as she thought it was Mark, But it dropped when she realised that it was a different car altogether. She wasn�t to know, but Mark was sitting in the passenger side of the car, directing his friend Shane to her house, and he had spotted her. He breathed a sigh of relief as he didn�t have to come face to face with her.
Mark and Shane arrived at Trinity�s house.
�It�s ok Shane, I�ll go in.�
�What? I thought you wanted me to come so I could go in.�
�It�s ok, I can do it. I�ll face up to it.� He said. Knowing full well that he had just seen Trinity walking down the road.
�Hey Chlo, They were out of Semi-skimmed, so I had to get full-fat. I hope you don�t mind.� She stopped. Chloe had walked out with a big smile on her face.
�What? does that mean you don�t mind?�
�Well, while you were out, a certain person called Mark called round and dropped this off.� She held up the cd that she had left in the record shop the previous day.
She took it from Chloe�s hand and looked at it. All of the other band members signatures were there, where they were before, but where Mark should have signed his, there were the words:
� Trinity, I�m sorry if I upset you, I like you loads, give me a call.� Then it had his number.
�I�ve never known a person to write so small.� Was all she could say. The writing was tiny so it could fit in the space that was left.
Trinity and Chloe giggled together.
A chauffeur driven car pulled up the front of Trinity�s house. She was looking out the window. The most gorgeous male ever, stepped out of the back door.
�Are you ready then Trin?� Asked an excited Chloe.
�I think� She said. �Are you sure I look ok?�
�You look absolutely stunning, go-on, go, have a great time.�
�Eeee� Trinity gave an excited wail.
Chloe gave her one last hug and then hustled her out the door. It was their very first proper date.
�Hi Mark.� Trinity said as soon as she stepped onto the porch.
He was sppechless for a second at the sight of her.
�Hiya� He gave her a soft peck on the cheek. �You look absolutely beautiful.�
�Thanks� She said, turning her head away as she was a little embarrassed. �You look great yourself.�
�Thank you� He led her towards the car. The chauffeur was standing next to the back door, and opened it as they approached.
It was a lovely date. It was a very formal dinner, but Mark and Trinity had a laugh together.
As time went by, Trinity and Mark�s relationship grew stronger. They spent a lot of time apart, but that made the time that they had together more valuable. After about year when they had been going out, Trinity began to tour with Mark and his band. She thoroughly enjoyed herself. After one year and 10 months, Mark asked Trinity to marry him. She  happily accepted and they lived happy ever after.
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