By Bianca

"So tell me Mia, what you have to tell me?" I waited and waited what's her answer. For a few moments, I was thinking that she doesn't care about me anymore. That she's now over me and just wanted to say goodbye. But then, she put her right index finger on my lips.

"You want to come with me?" Mia nod to the public bathroom only yards away from the bench we're sitting at. She grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom and into one of the stools. She quickly closed it and looked straight at me. "I can't let you go. Not ever." She whispered very softly as she leaned up.

"I want you." I whispered to her. I grabbed her waist towards me as I leaned down to her. Our lips softly touched, quickly turning passionate. This is what we both dreamed of, us finally being together.

"Mark, I love you. I'll always love you." She whispered one more time before we kissed again.

"I love you too, Mia." I whispered. I kept on whispering those 3 words to her. But then it got hazy, very hazy and I couldn't see. I kept on saying this to her, but when it got clear I was not at Connoly Station's bathroom, but the bathroom of Birmingham's NEC Arena. Why am I still dreaming about her?

Chapter 1

*present day, May 2002*

"Mark, get yer arse out of the loo!" Bryan shouted through the door. "And I know you love me." He bursts into laughter that was also joined by Kian and Nicky.

"Mark, can you please get out?" Kian shouted. "I need to fix me hair!"

"Wait, I was here first." Bryan pushed Kian away from the door. "A lad's gotta shit when a lad's gotta shit." Then they both knocked. "MARK, GET YER ARSE OUTTA THERE!" Nicky just stood there and laughed.

I was sat there on the stool, not wanting to get out of here. Just the memory of her precious face still hunts me. Ooh I still love Mia so much that is just killing me. Wait, I need to give you some updates on everyone. It's been a long 4 years.

Where should I begin? Oh yeah, the band. When we were in Dublin where we left off, we met Ronan. Then a few days, we met up with Bryan and Nicky to the record label. It was nervewrecking, but I had Mia on my mind. So all those nerves went away. We got signed to BMG right on the spot. I don't know who was more proud, us or Louis Walsh? A few months later, we did 3 major tours: we opened up for both Backstreet Boys and Boyzone, then went on the Smash Hits tour. What surprised me was that we won Best New Tour Act that year, and yet we didn't released our first official single. Then the spring of '99, we released "Swear it again" and that went straight to number 1. All of a sudden, we were on automatic pilot, having number 1 singles left and right and conquering the pop world. Currently at this moment, we're in the middle of our UK leg of our "In the round" tour. Hey don't call us copycats, we're doing everything different from what Backstreet Boys did in '99.

Oh I haven't introduced to everyone the other 2 members, Bryan and Nicky. Nicky Byrne is just a good chap. He was actually planning to be a goalie for Leeds and become a football star, but they cut him because he's short. Thank gosh he's in the band because he brings this competitiveness to the band. A good trait for a pop band, if you know what I mean. He's also most likely to be hanging with either Shane or his partner, Georgina. Gigi is by the way an all-around doll. She reminds so much of the lasses back home, especially a curvaceous brown-eyed brunette. But I'll get to that later. As for my other bandmate Bryan. Well, unlike Nicky, Bryan McFadden is a taken lad. Earlier this year, he married his soulmate, the always perky, but total sweetheart, Kerry Katona. Not a day goes by that Bryan talks about his wife and his daughter, Molly. But besides being lovesick, he's a total prankster. He's the same age as myself, but he's still trapped in a 10 years old's soul. The only way he grows up if Kerry and Molly is around. Although I'm close with Shane and Kian, Bryan and I are very close. Hey don't get me wrong, I'm great mates with Nicky too.

Now to me Sligo mates. Since the record contract, he and Deirdre are nothing but a memory. They remained great friends, but he felt that she felt very betrayed when he took a liking of Kian's cousin, Gillian. They were on and off for in the beginning of Westlife, but in the past year or so, Shane and Gillian became more open of their romance. Deirdre and Kian gave them their blessings and now they just bought a home in Sligo in which they'll move in after this tour is over. But for now, Gillian is here keeping Gigi company while us lads have our jobs to do.

As for Deirdre, she went to UCD that fall, majoring in Dance. She's actually about to graduate in a few weeks, with honors. We talk on the phone now and then, but she's too busy with her boyfriend. Yes, she got over Shane. But what I'm surprised about it is that she's now dating Rowan. Yeh, my best mate Rowan. It's now over a year since they started dating and they're very happy together. They haven't moved in together, but who knows they'll do it soon.

Kian, on the other hand, is a ladies man. I couldn't catch up all his sexual partners since the band took off. He's gotten more demanding lately, but that's because of his work ethic. As for who's his sex partner of the week, it looks like he's back with his ex-girlfriend, Jessica. She was one of the dancers on our last tour, and they kinda stuck together. But what I don't get is his hostility towards Annick. Why would he be angry at sweet and innocent Annick Tierney? Speaking of Annie, she's with Didi at UCD, majoring in Computer Science. Besides, she's the lead singer of a punk cover band called The Groupies. They would do some gigs around Dublin, but I do wish they would open up for us. Trying to go something different for the fans.

Finally, there is Mia. So you want to know what really happened at the train station? Where were we?

Chapter 2

*June 1998*

"So tell me Mia, what you have to tell me?" I waited and waited what's her answer. For a few moments, I was thinking that she doesn't care about me anymore.

"Mark, I guess that we're not going to have long-distance phone calls." Mia smiled.

"What you mean no more long-distance phone calls?"

"I'm staying here!" She jumped and hugged me.

"You are? Oh my gawd, that is grand." I hugged her back, knowing there is hope for us. "But I thought you have a scholarship to Princeton?"

"Well, my stepdad pulled some strings and got me an interview with the admissions office at Trinity. We'll get to spend time together."

"That is so great that you're going to stay." Kian came from behind and gave her a bear hug. I forgot that Kian and Shane are also here.

"Oh we also have news for you, Mee." Shane added to all the fun. "We're all going to meet Ronan Keating today and hey, who knows, we'll might be signed by a record label by the end of this week."

"Oh my gosh!" She shirked that was heard throughout the station. We just stood there and celebrate our future accomplishments.

*back to 2002*

By the look of Mia's eyes, she was very excited about the band. She went with us to meet Ronan. I knew she was a big Ronan fan, but I never thought she would be starstruck. It was great that she was very supportive of my career. She was there from the beginning. She would usually be with us on the road when she doesn't have classes at Trinity. She was a great comfort, something from home was here with me. We've became closer than we ever anticipated, But the main question is did we ever got together?

"MARK! GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!" All the lads now shouting through the door.

Chapter 3

I'm relaxing in my hotel room after last night's concert at the arena. Only 1 more night here in Birmingham and off to London.  Can't believe I'm celebrating my birthday in a couple of days.  I can still see loads of fans outside our hotel. Guess this is the price of fame, no privacy at all. Lately, everybody is on me back. I couldn't even pick up a paper without reading a story about myself. Recently is that I was a bad performer in bed with some Swedish bird named Mersina. I never even met her in my whole life. Yeh I hooked up with a fan that evening, but never slept with anybody. I was too drained to do anything that evening. And now I'm linked to Cathy from Bellefire. She is a great lass and we always have a ball, but she knows there is only one woman in my life. And it's not me mam. I truly miss her. She's probably home in Sligo, preparing her wedding to Trevor. It's not that I hate Trevor for having her. Don't get me wrong, I respect the bloke. But sometimes, I wished that she deserved better. She deserved....what's the use. She's happily in love with him, probably more than me. I'm not going to ruin that for her. But I know that the love was there in the past. She loved me first. First! I remember when all of this wasn't as big as it is now.

*late December, 1998*

I was driving to the driveway of her family home. It was completely decorated for the holidays. Usually, Mrs. Caffery always have the best window display in this side of Sligo during the winter holidays. The lights are all white, matching the red bricks that holds this house. Even the gate is all white. Put this with snow, and it is like you entered Santa's home. I spend most of the holiday at my Gran's home like every holiday. But now that Mia celebrating her first Christmas holiday back here in Sligo, I wanted to make it special for her. I parked my Fiesta, in which mam let me have the car for keeps. Mental note for myself, most get her something bigger for next Christmas. I walked to the door, waiting for a response. But instead of getting her, I got someone else.

"Mark?" Kian answered the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh sorry, I was like miles away." I gave Kian a simple handshake and walked in. "Just wanted to see if Mia got home safely from her holiday in New York." Then I saw Mrs. Caffery walking into the living room.

"Oh Happy belated Christmas, son." Mrs. Caffery had a tray full of Christmas cookies. "Have a Christmas cookie."

"Sure." I took a cookie from the tray and ate it. I just love her cookies ever since I was a child. Ok, she's behind me mam and Gran, but she's up there. "Is Mia here?"

"Listen mate, I have to get going. Cheers!" Kian grabbed his coat and headed to the door.

"Bye, Ki mate. Take care." Kian left the house with a wave, leaving myself and Mrs. Caffery alone. "So how's ye, Mrs. Caffery?"

"How many times I told ye can call me Aoife." Mrs. Caffery chucked as she put the tray of cookies. "I'm having a wonderful holiday." Then she began to cough.

"Are you ok, Mrs. Caffery?"

"Just a little cold. I'll live."

"That is great to hear."

"Maoloisa is upstairs, unpacking." Mrs. Caffery smiled. "Just be careful, will ye?" She playfully pointed at me.

"I will, promise." I took out my mobile and dialed her room number.

"Good idea what you're doing.  She's been thinking of you all through the holiday." She winked as she went to the kitchen. I continued to let it ring for a few minutes. But hey, I'll just go into her room and surprise her. Her Gran let me go up.

Chapter 4

I walked upstairs to her room, still waiting for her to pick up her phone. I can hear that her radio is blasting through the door of her room. But then I noticed that her door is open.

Oh baby baby
Oh baby baby
Oh baby baby
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby, baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight, yeh
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby
Cause I need to know now oh because

My loneliness is killing me, and I
I must confess
I still believe, still believe
When I'm not with you
I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Oh baby baby
The reason I breathe is you
Boy you got me blinded
I bet you baby
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
It's not that way I planned it
Show me how you want it to be
Tell me baby
Cause I need to know now oh because

My loneliness is killing me, and I
I must confess
I still believe, still believe
When I'm not with you
I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time

Aww, her cute singing voice.  That voice will never change.  She looked very cute with her outfit. She's wearing a red Playboy bunny top, snug to her oh-so-perfect body. She's wearing a pair of dark denim jeans that flare on the bottom. Those flare jeans are very popular now for the lasses. Her hair is let down, still natural light brown. But this time very straight, cascading through her lovely shoulders. She's a vision, that's for sure.

Oh baby, baby
Oh baby, baby, yeah-yeh
Oh baby, baby
How was I supposed to know
Oh pretty baby
I shouldn't have let you go, ohh

I must confess that my loneliness
Is killing me now
Don't you know I still believe
That you will be here
And give a sign...
Hit me baby one more time...

"Hello?" Mia turned off her stereo and looked around. I noticed I opened the door even more wider than it was moments ago. "Anybody out there?" I dialed her room number one more time. She heard my phone ring from outside her room. She then picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hiya, Mia." I answered to her. What I didn't see is her coming from behind and grabbed me.

"Mark!" She gave me a bear hug from behind.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I turned around and gave her a hug facing her. "I was actually trying to surprise you but if you'd just pick up your bloody phone." I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Sorry, I was just unpacking." She lead me to her room.

"Nah, you're busy singing along to that new girl, Britney Spears. I saw ya."

"You peeping Tom!" She laughed as she lay down on the bed.

"Sorry I wasn't there to pick you up at the station. I was busy picking up something." I sat by her on the bed.

"What you picked up?"

"Err...nothing special because I'm broke." I laughed. "But I did get you this though." I handed her a small velvet box. "It's not much and it's nothing fancy. I just saw it and well thought of you and since 2 days ago was Christmas...well-"

"What's this?" She asked, while looking at the box. She sat up and held the box.

"Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out, isn't it?" I laughed as she gets a little nervous of opening it. "Go on. Open it." Slowly she opened the box. Then I heard a gasp escaped her lips. Oh no. What if she doesn't like it? Kiss that month's pay goodbye. I looked at her face intensively to see what she's thinking.

"Oh my God!" She leaned over and gave a soft hug.

"I take it as you like it then?" I smiled that her response it positive.

"Of course. Mark, this is beautiful." She looked back down on the gift.

"Well, I though now with Westside and all, I'll have to go out of Dublin a lot and maybe well maybe, you could wear it. It'd be like," I paused for a moment, thinking what to say. "Well, like a part of me was here with you." Ooh, how cheesy I've just sounded right now.

"That is so sweet, Mark. Can you put it on for me?" Mia let her right wrist out as I took out the emerald-diamond bracelet out of the box and put it on her wrist. I closed the lock and kissed it.

"Sealed with a kiss." I looked up at her and winked. "Happy Christmas, Mia."

"Gosh, I'm really going to cry. I didn't get you a huge gift for Christmas."

"Hey it doesn't matter." I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "What you got me?" She got off the bed and went to her closet. She grabbed a small bag and handed it to me.

"Here's your gift." I took it from her and reached down to get it.

"No way. An autograph cd of Mariah's "#1's" album." I looked at the cd cover which had Mariah Carey's handwriting. Mariah touched this cd! "How you got that?"

"She had a signing at Virgin and I got lucky." She took something out as well, a picture of her and Mariah together. Aww, my 2 fantasy women, Mariah Carey and Mia Caffery, together.

"You really made my Christmas a good one. Thank you." We just hugged for a long time.

Chapter 5 (Mia's pov and back to May, 2002)

"Mia! Mia! Earth to Mia!" Annick waved her hand affront of my face. I finally got out of my daydream. "We're here."

We finally arrived at Birmingham, England, after a very long ferry ride from Dublin to Liverpool, not to mention the long drive here too. I hope they'll be thrilled that we're surprising them on their tour. It's been a few months since we've seen them. Besides, we need to take a fun road trip for ourselves.

"Oh England, I miss you so!" I smiled as I put my upper-body through the window.

"Mia, stop acting silly and let's get our bags." Deirdre giggled as she and Annick grabbed our bags to headed to our hotel. "This is so great, the 3 musketeers, back again for another exhausting holiday!" Didi shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Ok, you don't have to say that out loud." Annick covered her ears. "We've just drove more than 2 hours from Liverpool to here. And before that, a 7-hour ferry ride from Dublin. Not to mention the 3-hour drive from Sligo."

"Come on, this is Mia's last holiday before you know..." She gave me a few winks.

"Hey don't mention that yet." I started to blush, but a little sad. "It's only a couple of months away."

"But you're getting married, Mee." Deirdre wined.

Yes I'm getting married, to a great guy. Over a year ago, I met a lad named Trevor Preston. We do come from the same society circle. His family are founders of a farming company in Galway, while I'm come from a family of aristocratic origins. Some of the elders of society thought this is a good match, a good one that would make my late grandmother proud. Oh Grams, I miss you. Anyway, about Trevor, he's very handsome. He's got dark blonde hair, hazel-brown eyes, and tall. He's only 2 years older than me, which is 24. He's a total sweetheart, very much reminds me of....well you know.

"Look, she's thinking of Trevor." Annick pointed to me as I blushed. "I bet you miss him."

"I do. But he's out of the country right now. So I rather go with you guys than stay at the estate alone." Trevor does many business work in either London, Sydney, or Cape Town. He just left a week ago and won't return until late June for pre-wedding festivities. As for the estate, my parents are here in Ireland and is staying there while I'm gone. They were truly the ones that encouraged me to go on a final road trip with my friends, not wanting me to feel alone as the wedding day gets closer. "When are they going stay here in Birmingham?"

"Until tomorrow, last time I checked.  They do have a couple of days off in between." Didi, who like Annick isn't the biggest pop fan, knows her schedule. How weird.

"Ok, Westlife, here we come!" I shouted as the oodles of obsessed fans outside the hotel got jealous when they looked at us.

Chapter 6 (still Mia's pov)

We finally arrived at our room. It isn't glamorous, but it's better than nothing. I may have money, but I have other things to spend on.

"So when are we going to surprise them?" Deirdre asked as she lay down on the bed.

"Later on this morning. After we get some breakfast." I unpacked my bag as the others went to their beds.

"Oh I can't wait to see the look of that prick Egan. Oh I would love to torment him." Annick said naughtily.

"Annette Nicole Tierney, you should watch your mouth!" Didi threw a pillow at her. We both know what Annick and Kian hate each other. I remember that day. We were all in Teneifre when the lads were filming "If I let you go" 3 years ago. A lot of things happened there besides Annick and Kian's fallout.

"Uh-oh. Mia is daydreaming again." Annick threw the pillow that was thrown by Deirdre and hits me. Still, I was in my own little thoughts.

"Mee, what's with all your daydreaming? I know you miss Trevor."

"I do. Just thinking about our trip to Teneifre back in '99."

"Don't remind me." Annick covered her ears, not wanting to remember her fallout with Egan.

"Oh I remember that very well. I always wanted to know what you and Mark did that evening on the beach and why you returned at 2 AM." Didi was trying to imply something.

"Nothing really happened." Nothing that Didi and Annie doesn't have to know about. I look down at my bracelet and remember that evening in the island.

Chapter 7

*June 1999*

I was looking up at the stars as I sat on the sands of Teresitas Beach in Teneifre. My stepfather Raul have family here and let me have the vacation home for the week. The lads were filming their video for their second single "If I let you go". This is a beautiful and exotic location for a music video. Then I felt a little tap on my shoulder.

"May I join in with you?" Mark whispered in my ear. I nodded as I gave him some space on the blanket. It's after sunset and looking at the sun setting on the West is nothing but breathtaking. "So you're enjoying the trip? I'm really glad you're here."

"I'm having a wonderful time. This is of course my first time in the island." I smiled as he put his arm around me.

"Hey, you're not the only one who hasn't been here before." We laughed for a moment. Then we talked about the shooting today at another beach nearby. I wasn't there because I was busy touring the island.

"To be honest with you, Mark, this is 10 times better than going to the Caribbean."

"And why is that, Mee?"

"Because I'm with all my friends...and you." I smiled again as Mark kissed my forehead. "Can't believe I had to go to that Summer Ball next week. I mean, I don't get why people think of me as Sligo's prettiest deb?"

"Well, they are right about you being the prettiest." Mark giggled at me as I began to blush. "And besides, nothing really happens in Sligo so that's why people made a big deal about that."

"At least the headlines will not say 'Sligo Heiress spotted with Former Pizza lad turned Pop Star in exotic island'."

"Better not or else Louis will have a cow."

"Mark, I'm not really a debutante. I never went to an elite boarding school or went to one of those balls or even hung out with that crowd." I rubbed my shoulder, feeling a little cold.

"Well, you could've fooled me." Mark laughed as we took his sweater and put it on me. "Put this on, hun."

"Thanks. Why you say that?"

"Because you act perfectly." He began to cuddle with me as we look at the waves of the beach.

"No I'm not. I'm just this tomboy who lived in an estate part of her life with her family then moved to this penthouse apartment in New York City and now is back at the estate. The education I received was in Catholic school and the one crowd I hung out with were not-so-rich girls who only got in because of a scholarship."

"But don't get me wrong, Mia. You are one sexy tomboy." We both laughed. In a way, I'm feeling a little insecure because of Mark's flirtations. But I really love it. Minute by minute, my heart is pumping so fast that it's about to burst. "And I love the way you are." He squeezed me so tight.

"Mark, you're taking away my circulation. Let me breathe." I giggled as he began to tickle me.

"Throw yourself in the sand for the might Pizza King." Mark continued to tickle me, almost unclasping my blue bikini top.

"You know what, I don't give a shit what these other stiff debs think of me."

"Obviously the other debutantes haven't had a taste of my pizzas or heard our record." He gave me a wet one on the cheek. Something inside of me feels so turned on by his humor. We stood there in silence for a few moments, just looking straight at each other.

"Mark, may I ask you a question?" I tentatively asked.

"Yeh of course. Ask me anything you want."

"Don't get upset what am I going to ask. How you really feel about me. Be honest." He place a piece of my hair behind my ear and look straight at me."

Chapter 8 (Mark's pov and still a flashback)

Oh no, I'm begin to be chicken. Mia got me right on the spot. Ok, this is your cue to tell her. You know she loves you, Markie boy. So tell her or else the next bloke that hits on her at the ball will take her away from you.

"I truly care about you, Mia." I smiled at her. "And to be honest, you're the most beautiful creature that ever step foot on this planet."

"Thank you. And did I also mentioned that you look beautiful too." She smiled at me, one of the many traits I love about her. "And I don't mean by looks, but what's inside here." She placed her hand on my chest. All of a sudden, I'm having goosebumps all over my body. This is even better than kissing. Something as innocent as this can surpass any sexual act a girl can give hands down.

"You really look beautiful." Then I began to caress her soft skin. All of a sudden, someone has Boyzone on their stereo, knowing that it would seal it.

I don't know but I believe
That some things are meant to be
And that you'll make a better me
Everyday I love you
I never thought that dreams come true
But you showed me that they do
You know that I learn something new
Everyday I love you...

"Mark, this is so peaceful." Mia put her head on my chest. I began to stroke her hair as the stars finally began to come out on this midsummer evening.

"Yes I know. Not as perfectly peaceful as you."

Its a touch when I feel bad
Its a smile when I get mad
All the little things I have
Everyday I love you...

"I love you, Mark." Mia whispered and she relaxed. She still feel the same way I feel. I mean, even after Gemma and all the girls I dated in the past year, she truly loves me.

Cause I believe that destiny
Is out of our control
And you'll never live until you love
With all your heart and soul

If I ask will you say yes
Together we're the very best
I know that I am truly blessed
Everyday I love you
And I'll give you my best
Everyday I... love you

"I love you too, Mia." I whispered in her ear. She finally raised her head up and look straight at my blue eyes. What I see is exactly what I'm feeling, nothing but love. I leaned closer to her as our lips are about to touch for the first time in about a year. Finally, it touched each other and a current have just went through our bodies. Soft kisses turned very passionate and slowly we began to let go and let our desire take over.

Chapter 9

*back in the present*

I touched my lips on my fingertips, still lingering on our first real kiss. It may be 3 years ago, but it still fresh in my memory. Our love is one of those loves that only a few people will ever experience. I do hate it that I kept on lying to the press that I never been in love. But I was. No, I take that back, I am. I still am in love with her and there is no way I'm letting that go, even if she's happy with her fiancee.

"Mark, may I come in?" Kian knocked on the door. I walked over and opened in.

"Why do you think I've just opened it." I let Kian walk into my room. "So talk to me."

"Nothing." Kian sat down on the chair nearest to the window. "Just wondering when are you going to stop hibernating in your room."

"I can't stand this media. Always wanted to know about my private life."

"Sorry about that. I mean, the other day, everybody is having a field day over the fact that I'm back with Jess."

"I'm used to this, but something's have to keep private." I leaned down on my bed, covering my face.

"Well, the media never knew about your relationship with Mia."

"Which is good. I don't want what happened to Gillian happen to her."

I remember when Shane made it public about his relationship with Gillian. Many of the fans weren't thrilled that Shane lied to the fans about his dating status. I know if fans knew that I lied in many of my interviews, the fans and the media will crucify me and Mia. I can't do that to her. Nicky dating Gigi, Bryan married to Kerry, and Shane dating Gill are different from my relationship with Mia. Yes, Kerry was in Atomic Kitten and gave it up for Bryan and Molly. Yes, Gillian is from our hometown. Yes, Gigi's father is Prime Minister Aherne. But Mia is different. She's aristiacy, which is off-limits to a common lad such as myself. And our love was made public, I don't think she can't handle that.

"Mark, Mia is a pro on being on the spotlight." Kian commented, getting out of his chair.

"Besides, what's the point? Mia is marrying Trevor in a several weeks." I looked at him, losing hope that I'll ever be with her ever again.

"Yeh, we should all be happy for her." Kian went to me and pad me on the back. "As much as all of us wanted you two to stay together, maybe it is time to move on. I know she did."

"This is just hard, Ki. Nicky never gave up Georgina when she turned him down. Bryan never gave up Kerry when she kept on telling him she doesn't like him. Why should I give up on one day Mia will come back to me?"

"There is a difference, Feehily. Georgie didn't know that Nicky liked her. And as for Kerry, her love grew through time, just like you and Mia did when you were together. But now she's in love with Trevor and I don't think she'll give him up that easily."

"Oh so mate you are, Egan!" I got up, angry that Kian, who was the one who pushed us to be together, doesn't want us together anymore. "You were the one who want us together more than anybody and now you want me to let go of her. Well mate, I'm not letting her go that easily."

"I'm just saying that if you really love her, you'll let go of her and let her be happy with Trevor." Kian walked out of my room, upset.

Chapter 10 (Mia's pov)

"So where you wanna eat for lunch, girls?" Deirdre asked.

"McDonalds is a top choice for me." I suggested, grabbing my purse off the chair.

"I agree." Annick took off her sweater, leaving on her purple tank top. "Hotel food is way too much for my liking." She grabbed the hotel card key as Didi opened the door.

"You know what, I can't really wait to see the lads again." I giggled as I accdiently bumped into someone. "Sorry."

"Mia?!" A familiar voice, with a cute Irish accent gasped. I looked back and saw a familiar face.

"Kian!" A ran and gave him a bear hug. "I didn't know you were going to stay at this floor."

"I didn't know you were coming here. How are ya?"

"Great. We all wanted to show some Sligo pride." I smiled as I straighten my clothes out.

"You mean-"

"The girls are here." At that, Didi and Annick came out of the room. "Hey, guess who I bumped into."

"Kian, hiya." Didi came over and gave Kian a hug and kiss. Annick, on the other hand, maintain her distance.

"Hiya, Dees." When he saw Annick, he shot a dirty look. "So where you off to?"

"McDonalds. Wanna come along?" Didi suggested. "By the way, where's the others?"

"Well, Shane and Gill are in their room. Same goes with Nicky and Gigi and Bryan and Kerry. Mark is in his room, but doesn't want to come out until showtime."

"How come?" Annick asked.

"Why you wanna know?" Kian replied snotty.

"I'm entitled to ask, you know, prick."

"Ok, no fighting. Hey if they're awake, tell them that we're waiting for them at the lobby." I suggested.

"How about this, we'll all eat here. I don't want you girls to be attack by the numerous of fans outside." He smiled at us. "Ok, put Annick out there, but you can stay." Annick got very angry and went into the elevator.

"Kian, you can be so mean to her." Didi got upset that he still teases her. "Please grow up."

"How about this, you guys, I'll meet you in 10 minutes. Just wanna surprise someone." I walked down the hall, looking for Mark's room.

"Oh if you want to know, it's Room 703." Kian shouted as he left with my 2 friends down the elevator. Ok, I have no idea what I'm going to do when I see him. I'm getting closer to his room, but then I'm getting scared of knocking on the door. A hunting image is still in my head.

Chapter 11

*September, 2000*

I'm reaching towards his hotel. It's been a couple of months since we've seen each other. He was very busy recording his album in Sweden, while I had a summer internship at a psychologist office in Belfast. We talked almost every single day since he's away. There was times on the phone where Mark would play tracks off the new album. There was this very pretty song "Close" that meant so much to me. That song completely says how much we truly love each other.

I look down at my outfit, a black tube top with dark blue flare jeans. My hair was put in a high, tight ponytail. Tonight's the night. I've waited for this for a long time, me finally giving myself to him. There were many times that I wanted to lose my virginity to Mark, but I wanted it on the right time in the right moment. I feel tonight is perfect. I look at myself one more time, thinking when I come out of this room after this, I'll be a woman. A woman, a very scary thought. I finally knocked on the door, waiting for him to take me in his arms and off to the bed.

"Hello." Someone answered the door. It was a woman, around my age with a pink wing. She was wearing nothing but a white sheet to cover herself.

"Oh sorry I got the wrong room." As I was about to turn around and leave, I saw someone sleeping on the bed. I knew that body from far away. It completely made me sick. "Excuse me." My voice was breaking as I ran out of the room and into the elevator. I couldn't stop crying in the elevator. The thought of Mark, sleeping with another woman just kills me. I thought he loved me. But now I realized he only loved me because of my body. He was probably planning this, he'll sleep with me then leaves me.


I look at his room again. He's probably has a girl there, screwing him. Sometimes, I don't believe that he would do that to me. But this is Mark Feehily...or is it Mark Westlife, always horny all the time. I don't know how we became friends again after that betrayal. Why am I thinking of him? I have Trevor, someone who has been faithful to me from the very beginning.

Chapter 12 (Mark's pov)

Tonight was a great concert, as always. The fans just get better and louder every night on this tour. The lads are calling an early night. Bryan wanted to spend some quality time with Kerry. Shane, Nicky, Gill, and Gigi wanted to play some bowling after the concert. That shocks me. Bowling on a Friday night? And Kian, well he's Kian. Don't know he's at. Guess that leaves me going to the clubs here. Bakers is not that bad. Since being here in Birmingham, I haven't drank or went clubbing. But I think tonight will be a fun night. It kinda reminds me when Mia and I go to the Nox back home. Now the Equinox is what I call a club.

*March, 2000*

"Can you believe it?" I grabbed Mia around her waist. "A new world record." I smiled as I gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "Fool Again" became our fifth #1 in a row. We also found out we broke a record of having our first 5 singles to all debut at #1. But there is one person I would love to celebrate with.

"I'm so proud of ya." Mia smiled back, taking the glass of water, while I have a glass of vodka and Coke on my hand. "I hope you'll have more singles going to #1."

"You know what, Mee, we're also going to the US to do some promotion."

"No way!" She jumped and hugged me, causing me to spill of of my drink on myself. "Now you see the whole entire world. Gosh all your dreams are coming true."

"I know." I looked down at her, smiling. "And I couldn't do it without you. I love you."

"I love you too." She leaned up and kissed me. "Now let's party."


I continued to drink some pints at the pub while looking at the other clubgoers having a great time. Then I saw a beautiful brunette wearing this beautiful strapless black dress that snug through her curves in the corner of the club. She looks so gorgeous, a perfect way to get over Mia. Actually, I've been doing that for a while. Date, snug, or sometimes shag with girls in order to get over her. But I guess this bird is a perfect remedy for those Mia Caffery blues.

Chapter 13 (Mia's pov)

Going clubbing is such a release. I was in a RV for a couple of days, so finally going out and party is a good thing. No, I don't go there to hit on guys. I'm very happy with the man I'm with. But for a good time. I mean, only in a several weeks, I'll be officially off the market. Annick and Didi went off to dance, leaving me behind at the corner. Then I saw a hot guy at the bar. He had dark brown hair that looks like he just washed his hair. Very attractive. I can see he's all alone. Just wondering why would a guy like him be alone. I shouldn't be thinking that way. I have a man, a man that isn't here at all.

"You seemed a little bored." I heard a very sexy Scottish accent. "How does a beautiful bird like you be all alone this evening?"

"Thanks for the complement." I blushed a bit. He's very handsome, dark brown hair, brown eyes, very tall.

"No problem, sweetie." He winked at me. "So no date?" I nodded no. "How could someone not want to accompany you?"

"It was my choice."

"So want to dance?" He bowed like a perfect gentleman. Reminds me of Trevor...and Mark. I took the lad's hand and headed to the dancefloor. He held me very tightly as we danced.

"Sorry if I'm being shy."

"It's perfectly okay with me. But hiding those beautiful eyes are a crime." He grinned at me. Oh what a flirt. "By the way, I'm Rhys."

"Mia. Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

We continued to dance parts of the evening, but I was feeling a little tired so I called it a night. I told the others that I'm going go back to the hotel to get some sleep. I left the club, not realizing that Rhys is still following me.

"You know, a young lass shouldn't be alone at night." Rhys said from behind.

"It's alright. I'm looking for a cab." I waited at the corner for a cab, feeling a little uncomfortable with a stranger around.

"No, it's better if you take a ride with me." He reached for my mouth slowly and grabbed it. I was trying to pull away from him, but he continued to gag on my mouth. Then he put a napkin in my mouth. Suddenly, I became very weak and passed out.

Chapter 14

I woke up in an alley and I see that guy again. I feel very weak and powerless, not able to get up and defend myself. The girls are still partying in there. If only I can reach to them.

"Help me." I whispered weakly. "...Mark, help me." My body completely went limp as I blackout once again.

"Oh Mia, Mia, Mia." Rhys said, drinking a mini bottle of vodka from his pocket. "You always get your way. Tonight is my turn.

"Mark, help me." I whispered once again.

"Oh Mia, are you ok?" Rhys faked an Irish accent and pretended to be Mark. He grabbed me for a moment, making me face him.

"Mark?" I opened my eyes and saw him, Mark, helping me. I felt somewhat dazed though.

"What baby?"

" me." I whispered to him. He began to caress me with his right hand, while holding me very gently on his left. "Hold me."

"I'm here. Don't worry." I look at him one more time and had to kiss him. He saved me from Rhys. So I push him towards me and kissed him hungrily. Our tongues began to dual with each other, not wanting to let each other go. "Ummmmmmm Mia. He began to wonder around my body, touching me everywhere.

"More, Mark. More!" I began to moan in his mouth as he squeeze my breasts through my dress. He went lower to my thigh and starts rubbing it. Slowly he's going closer....and closer....and closer to my region. He leaned me over to the wall as he got some access to what's underneath. I gasped for a moment as I felt his hand right between my legs, with my black panties covering it. "I want you." I moaned. "I wanted you since forever. Ooh I love you, Mark."

"Oh how have I wanted you." He said, removing my panties so he can have full access. As he finally try to reach to my region, my vision is beginning to come clear. What I thought it was Mark, it was a stranger.

"Let me go." I weakly said. I pushed away for a moment but he held me back to the wall.

"Baby, why? It's me, Mark. Relax." He continues to fondle me, but I grabbed his hand before he even starts probing me.

"No, you're not. Now let me go before I scream." My dizziness turned into fear as I struggled to get him off me. He continues to rub me up and and down. I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed so loud I think the whole town heard me.

"There'll be none of that, YOU HEAR ME?" He shouted at me, gagging my mouth with his hand. "Now let Marky help you." As he unzipped his pants, I began to cry. I don't think I ever cried this much in my whole life. It was nothing but fear what I'm feeling. I don't know what's going to happen next for me. Maybe this is fate. Maybe this is it, this is how my life is going to end.

Chapter 15 (Mark's pov)

It was another boring night at the club. I danced with a couple of birds, but not that one with the black dress. All of a sudden, my mind wonders to Mia. I wonder what she is doing in Sligo. But she wouldn't be wake at this hour. It's 2 in the morning. Gawd knows she's in bed with Trevor, screaming his name, instead of screaming-

"MARK! Help me!" A scream from the alley. I completely ran out of the club and into the alleyway. It looks like 2 people having fun there. This guy is about to put his manhood in his lady. So I turned away and let them be.

"Can't you hold still, bitch!" The guy shouted, slapping her across the face.

"STOP!" The girl shouted through her tears., that's Mia's voice. I ran towards then and pushed the lad off her.

"Get yer flithy hands off her." I took the lad down.

"That's none of yer business, prick." He shouted back. "Go back to yer fruity little boyfriends." I whacked him a few times across the face. Then the bouncer came to the alley and grabbed him off, leaving me with a shocked Mia. She was cradling herself, still feeling the fear and confusion.

"Are you ok, luv?" I began to reach for her, but she pushed away.

"Don't touch me! DON'T TOUCH ME!" She's sobbing uncontrollably. Ooh I should've killed him when I had the chance. But I don't care right now. Her well-being is my top priority.

"Mia. Mia, it's me." I whispered to her as I make her face me. Her face is full of fear.

"Mark?" Mia whispered, very shaken.

"Yes, Mia? I'm here. I'm going to protect you." I held on to her, hoping no one will ever hurt her again. Then I felt something limp. She blacked out on me. All I can do is pick her up and took her back to the hotel, where she is safe.

Chapter 16

Mia slept all through the evening in her room I slept on the couch. Deirdre, Annick, and I made a room switch so Mia won't be confused when she wakes up in the morning. The good thing we had a couple of days off before our London shows, so I can easily take care of her. She look very fragile and weak. Why would anyone hurt her? The last time she was that distrught was when her Grandmother passed away earlier this year. It was the first time I've seen her in a long time. But it was one of the worst days ever for me too.

*January, 2002*

I've just got home from the station. It's great to be home, after all that tour rehearsals. The band and I have a 2-week break from rehersals because Bryan is in his honeymoon with Kerry. But it seems that everyone is on holiday. Nicky and Gigi went to the Caribbean, Kian is in Miami, Shane and Gillian went to Italy, and Rowan, Deirdre, and Annick are in Las Vegas. That leaves me all alone in Sligo, with my family. I'm thinking I should call Mia. But what's the use. She's hasn't spoken to me since we broke up less than 2 years ago and for sure she's not speaking to me now. Actually the more and more I think about it, I'm missing her terribly. I never hurt her anyway. So why did she left me?

"Sad news here in Sligo." The reporter on the telly announced. I turned the volume up. "Aoife Lynch-Caffery, heiress to the Lord Lynch's fortune, died last night in her sleep. She is famous for her contributions to the city of Sligo and has a foundation for underprivileged children throughout Northwestern Ireland. But everyone here in Sligo, she will be remembered her for being the town's resident saint. Her kindness and compassion spread from generation to generation. Yet her family was hit with tragedy. Almost 20 years ago, her only son, Colm Caffery was killed in a car accident on Road 6 by a drunk driver enroute to Dublin. Then 5 years later, her husband of 38 years, Malacaly, died of a stroke. She is survived by her only granddaughter and heiress to the fortune, Maoloisa "Mia" Caffery. Aoife Caffery was 79 years old."

I turned off the telly and just look straight at it blankly. Mia's Gran is dead? Oh gawd, what is Mia's feeling right now. This without a doubt is shattering her. Impulsively, I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then ran back and put on anything, mainly black, and rushed out of the house, without telling my parents where I went. I don't care if Mia tells me to never speak to her again, but I just don't want her to be alone, especially suffering such a great lost.

I finally arrived at the Caffery's residence. Thank goodness that there wasn't the media outside. I would hate that if the press would camp outside of me place if someone in my family died. There were though some flowers outside the gate. Not a whole mass of flowers like Princess Diana, but a reasonable amount of flowers are out there. I walked to the door, which the knob has a black ribbon, symbolizing the death of a family member in her family. I knocked hard on her door, hopefully for her to answer. Finally someone answered. The girl I'm so in love with stood at the door, looking at me for a moment. Mia's eyes are full of tears, threatening not to come down. My tears were beginning to well up as well just by looking at her. She then outside the house and hugged me very tightly, not controlling her tears. All I can do is cry with her.

Chapter 17

I made her some hot chocolate in the kitchen as she sat on the couch. She was wearing a black dress that goes no lower than her calves. She wore a black scarf around her head while holding a rosary in her hand. I returned to the living room, where she is still fragile. I put the hot chocolate down on the table and just hugged her.

"Mia, tell me exactly happened to you." I continued to caress her hair as she began to relax. "It'll be ok. I'm here now. It'll all be ok."

"No it won't, Mark." Mia finally spoke. "She's gone."

"She's still here, Mia. You just can't see her now." I was very close to tears, seeing her like this. "Let it all out, Mia." I continued to let her cry a bit, until she was ready to speak.

"She....I woke up.....and wo..wondered why I don't he...hear her cook in the" Mia explained, stuttering through her words. " I checked her room and....she was asleep."

"Oh Mia." I held her tight, knowing this was traumatizing for her. "So you found her?"

"I tried to wake her...and...and...," she paused for a moment, more tears coming down, "...she never woke up."

"Mia, I'm so sorry." I continued to hug her, knowing I lost a Gran too. She may not be my Gran by blood, but she was one by heart.

"I don't know what to do."

"There's one good thing at least, Mia, at least she didn't suffer. Just don't worry. I'm here. I'll always be here for you."

"What if I have to go back to New York permanently?" She finally looked up. "I lived there for a time after we broke up but had to move back after 9/11. But what if I go back?"

"I don't want you to go back there, ever. I can't afford to lose you again."

"Just hold me." We just held each other all through the night.

Chapter 18


I step out of the room for a moment, not wanting Mia to wake up in an awkward state. I went to the girls' room just 10 doors down the corridor. The girls seems like they're packing their things.

"Morning, ladies." I walked to them and gave them hugs to both lasses. "Leaving so soon?"

"Actually, we're leaving with Shane and Kian." Deirdre smiled, yet her eyes are still glassy. "I think it'll be nice for us to experience the tour bus instead of the RV."

"Hey as long as I don't be in the same room with that prick Egan, I'll be very happy." Annick added.

"You really hate Kian, don't you?" She just nodded with a sinister smile. "But what are you going to do with the RV?"

"Drive it." Didi insisted. "We're giving the winny to ya so you and Mia can spend some time together."

"Yeh. Don't think we're trying to get you 2 back together because I doubt that'll happen." Annick added. "But I think you 2 need to clear the air a bit before she gets married." I hate that word, married. What is weird about it is that last night, Mia called my name for help, not Trevor. I feel if she's subconsciously is still in love with me. Why would she call my name if she loves Trevor?

"Thanks again for taking care of her after last night." Deirdre hugged me, followed by Annie.

"No problem." I let go of them for a moment. "Wait, what about Louis-"

"The lads took care of him and Anto. Just make some time with Mia." Annie grabbed her luggage. "I bet the road trip will be worth it after it's all done."

"How long am I going to be in a winny with her?" I asked, thinking that Louis and the lads will have a cow if I don't stick with them for the rest of the tour.

"Until we're back home in Dublin." Didi smiled. Then Shane, Gillian, and Kian came from behind.

"All ready, girls?" Shane asked the girls. The girls answered to Shane as they picked up their luggage.

"Oh, this is going to be great." Gilly cheerfully said.

"Then let's go." Didi headed to the elevator. "Have fun with you and Mia!" She waved at me. Meanwhile, Annick and Kian are still bickering with each other.

"Oh stop thinking that you're all high and mighty, Egan." Annick shouted. "I can carry me own luggage!"

"Fine, break yerself a nail." Kian teased her, but I don't think she likes it. She let go of her luggage and went to him, giving Kian a very hard slap on his face. "You bitch!" Ok, this is getting out of hand between those 2. Gotta go back to my room, hopefully that Mia will wake up.

Chapter 19

I walked back into the room, hearing the sounds of an occupied bathroom. Guess Mia is very cheerful because she's humming in the shower. That is one of her annoying yet cute habits that I like about her. As I walked in the bathroom, I can see the steam taking over the room. I can see her silhouette through the shower door. Ahh, the perfect body. Big tits, nice waist, the whole package. I've never seen her completely naked before. The closest she was naked infront of me was when she's either wearing a bikini or her bra and panties. But that's about it. I would give anything to her hand right now, rubbing.....touching....caressing....

"Annick, is that you?" Mia shouted from the shower. Uh-oh. Gotta think fast. Annick has a girlie voice, so I guess I gotta be Didi.

"No, it's Didi." I answered in a feminine, yet deep voice. "Annick went to the hall and raise some havoc with Kian.

"Oh. Sorry about my behavior last night."

"It's ok." My voice was starting to become normal. So to cover it up, I began to brush my teeth. "I mean, it's ok. At least Mark saved ye."

"Yeah he did. How did he know I was there last night?" Mia continued to shout as she rinses off the shampoo off her hair.

"Beats me. What really happened?" I asked, really wanted to know how did Mia got into that mess.

"I wanted to go home and then this dude I danced with followed me. I think he drugged me or something because I've been feeling a bit lightheaded this morning." She now went for the conditioner from the opposite side of the tub.

"Lightheaded? You're feeling any better?" I mumbled as I'm continuing to brush my teeth.

"Sorta. Just wish I can thank Mark for saving me." She smiled as she rinses it out the conditioner. She then turns the knob off. I prepared myself to take my late-morning shower.

"I wanna go in now." I shouted, keeping a feminine voice. Mia got out of the tub, without a towel. Man, she is beautiful. Her breasts are just what I expected, big but doesn't look fake. Her middle isn't hairy at all, completely bare, just the way I like it. She slowly looked up and that relaxed look changed into a look of fear. She slowly looked down at herself, and then to me in my nakedness. "Hiya, Mia." That's all that came out of my mouth. That face of fear quickly changed into paranoia, a look I'll never forget.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She shriek, piercing through the walls.

Chapter 20

"Mia, let me explain-" I went to her, but she continued to scream. "Really, I'm sorry about that. Just wanted to surprise you. By the way, how are you feeling?" Mia's face continue to show fear and embarrassment. She quickly found a towel to cover herself, while I hide in the tub, as I prepare for my shower.

"Well, you surprised me!" She shouted, still not happy.

"Listen, about last night-"

"Oh." She paused for a moment as I turned the knob. "Yeah, I guess. Thank you."

"Hey, I have news for you. Guess you and I have been set up because..."

"Because what?" She began to brush her teeth. What I didn't know is that she began to look at my silhouette.

"Deirdre and Annick left us with the RV. Good thing is that we don't have a concert until Tuesday in London. So we do have some time to hang out, just the 2 of us." I rinse the soap off my body as I continued to speak to her. My hard-on is very visible, standing proud. Oh, Mia, why do you always have this effect on me?

"So, what are we going to do those next 2 days?" She asked, finishing brushing her teeth.

"I don't know, personally. We do have an extra night here in your room so how about this." I turned off the knob and reached for the nearest towel on top of the shower curtain. I finally opened the curtain, still seeing her wearing only a towel. "Today, we'll stay here at Birmingham then tomorrow, we'll drive to London." I smiled at her as I went to the bed and changed. "Is it fine with you?"

"It's fine with me." Mia walked back to the bed, seeing me putting on my boxers.

"Then it's settle." I finished putting my boxers on and lay on the bed, relaxing. I noticed that she isn't feeling comfortable with me in my boxers while she's wearing nothing but a towel. I went to my bag and found a pair of jeans and put it on. Mia went to her bag and grabbed anything in there and disappear back to the bathroom. "It's good that you and the ladies are here. I really needed something from Sligo here to keep me grounded, especially with my birthday coming up. I mean, to be honest, I've been depressed for a while. I just hate it that I'm my own prisoner of my own fame. So for you to be here, it's a treat."

"Oh, Mark." Mia cheerful replied as she gets dress in the bathroom. "I'm glad I could be here."

"So how about you? How's the wedding plans going?" I forgot for a moment that she's engaged to Trevor. Oh, why? Why? Why? You're such an eejit!


"It's good to hear. Hmm, so the wedding is only a few weeks away, eh?"

"Yeah." She abruptly replied. "Hey let me get dressed, ok?"

"No problem."

Chapter 21

I waited for her as I just lay in bed. Why does birds take forever in the loo? Always powdering their noses. Just couldn't get rid of the vision of her being naked infront of me though. I envisioned it for a long time, but that I've seen her, it's more than I bargained for. But get real, she's engaged. Think of other naked ladies. Nah!

"So you wanna bring some room service or something? It just that we're most likely to stay in because of the rain, so it's best to make of everything we have here."

"Raining?!" Mia shouted again while putting some mousse on her damp hair. She finally came out of the loo. This is the Mia that usually takes a lifetime in the loo just to wear something comfortable. She had a black tank top that isn't tight, navy blue sweats that still shows the curves of her arse as baggy as it is and a gray zip-up sweater. Her hair is usually straight or a little wavy, but when she leaves it wet, she has the cutest full curls cascading her pretty face. She's only wearing white socks, knowing to put some shoes or sneakers on when it's necessary to go out of the room. She checked the window on the end of the room, seeing the torrential rain pouring throughout Birmingham on a late-May Sunday. "Guess we are stuck." She looked a little annoyed of the rain.

"Hey cheer up, luv. You know we always have fun together."

"Yeah we do." She smiled very shyly. I walked over to her as she kept looking at what's outside.

"Hey, come here." I went behind her and gave her a firm hug from behind. "Promise this road trip will be worth it." I smiled at her, still holding her in my arms. "Ok, let's call for pizza."

"Aah, I'm hungry." Mia put on a genuine smile for me. "Sure."

"Ham, pepperoni, and pineapple on your side, sausage and extra cheese on mines. How can I forget?" I let go of her and went to the duvet and reached for my mobile phone and dialed the nearest pizza parlor.

"I'm very impressed that you still remember my favorite toppings." Her favorite toppings is very weird. I understand ham and pineapple, but mix with pepperoni? This is going to be a fun day in the room.

Chapter 22

It's been a few hours since the others checked out the hotel and Mia and I are having a ball. We pigged out on our pizzas, at times eating each other's slices. We also channel surfed through the telly. Nothing new on the telly. Just reruns of "Friends" and "ER". We did in fact order a movie via pay-per-view, watching the movie "The Fast and the Furious". As I had my eye on the fast cars, she had her eye on Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. It was like old times between us, just us watching telly while cuddling with each other.

"So what does your dress looks like?" I asked as she continues to cuddle with me. "Is it something those posh snobs at the country club want you to wear?"

"Well," She thought for a moment. "It is this big expensive thing."

"Not matter what, it looks beautiful on you." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. And it will. But I prefer her without clothes.

"Wait, how do you know?" She inhaled sharply. "You've never seen it."

"I've seen you and that's enough." Yep and with lesser clothing. I just smiled at her as I played with her hair. Then she pulled back a bit and moved to the other corner of the bed. I don't know why. I still managed to look at her and just admiring her beautiful face. Since I known her, she barely ever wears makeup. She doesn't need it at all. Her skin is completely flawless. "I like this. You and me, alone with nothing but peace here. She just nodded and bits her soft lips. "It's like the old days. We could just stare at each other without saying a word. Just fall asleep in each other's arms...with our clothes on, of course."

"Yeah. Of course." She just giggled as I just looked at her. As a matter of fact, we continued to look at each other, not letting go of each other's gaze. I can see right through her. Trevor does treat her well, but she wants more. She craves for something more, and its coming from him. I can see that she needs some passion in her relationship and that only comes from me. I pushed her hair back off her face, loving what its affront of me. I don't know if I should go ahead and kiss her, but then again, she might push me away.

"Mia, please tell me what you're thinking?" I whispered to her. Her eyes showed her ever present vulnerability.

"Mark..." Her eyes just kept dropping then looking back at me. "I was thinking something that...that I shouldn't have been thinking."

"You can tell me, you know." I was reassuring her that she will be ok.

"I have this strong urge for you to kiss me!" She said it very bluntly.

"Kiss you? What about Trevor?" I'm stunned that she said it that bluntly. When she's in love, she doesn't say that to other people. Guess that makes me special.

"Oh Mark, I'm so sorry." She blinked a few times before she went back to normal. "I don't know what my problem is." She sat up, pulling her curly hair into a ponytail. "I love Trevor immensely. He's all I could ever ask for and more." I can see in her eyes that she really loves him. She stared at the engagement ring for a while. It's a very exquisite ring. It has 3 diamonds, the largest is more than 2 carats, set with a platinum band.

"I bet he is....him with his dick and his money." I said it out loud, not knowing that a moment later, I felt a slap across my face.

Chapter 23

"Mark! What the hell is wrong with you?" I can see the anger and hurt across her face. "I thought you were happy for me."

"Well, I am. Just that I...I see you with someone better. Didn't you tell me when we were younger that you'll marry someone for love, and not for money."

"Like what, a man like you?" She shouted, getting off the bed. "And didn't I just told you that I love Trevor? Are you deaf?"

"Oh you love him alright. Loving him with his millions." I'm getting more agitated by the moment. Trevor may be a nice guy, but not the right guy for her. But I don't realize is that I'm about to hurt in the worst way. "You posh people are all the same, know how to hurt the poor or as you can call it 'new money'."

"You know what, Marcus," Mia is never been that angry in all her life. I've seen her upset, but never like this. "I thought you had grown up a bit after we broke up, but're still the same man I broke up with. I feel like I'm standing next to Mark Westlife, the selfish, cigarette smoking, horny prick that only want a quick fuck!"

"Oh look who's talking, Mia!" I got up, very heated. "You think I've changed? Look at you. You've turned into this selfish rich snob. Only care about yourself and your money!"

"Rich snob? RICH SNOB? Is that how you see me, Mark? Is it? How can you call me names? Or wait, do Mersina and Ebony and--what was her name again? Do they and your behavior not count for anything?"

"First of all, you don't know SHIT what happened!" I'm now at my boiling point with her. I got infront of her face and stare at her viciously. "I never met a lass name Merisna in my whole life. As for Ebony, we only had some moments, but she just acts like a damn slut!" I grabbed her violently and just stared at her. "All those times I'm with those girls, I can only think what you're doing with Trevor. You can resist me, but can't do that with him, huh?"

What happened was on Valentine's Day, I was planning to surprise her for her birthday, since we had rehearsals in Dublin and she had to stay home after her Gran's death. Instead, I found her fucking Trevor at his hotel room. I always thought she would save that for me. She said she loved me, but I guess she's over me after all.

"Bet he's a great lover in bed, screaming out his name in ecstasy when it should be ME doing that!" I know pushed her towards me, our faces only inches apart. "You have no idea how much I love you. How much I still do! But you made your choice." Mia turned away, letting out a huge breath. Her breathing getting erratic like before. "You have no idea how much that kills me everytime I see you, I think of that, you sleeping with him."

"It...does?" She finally faced me once again. "But-"

"But what? You have to stick with that crowd and marry him. Well you know what, I'm the best you're ever gonna have."

"Oh that's very humble of you to say." She gave me a dirty look.

"Than I'm right. You've turned into them."

"I have not!" She pushed me hard, landing me on top of the bed. She is very strong for a lass.

"Then what explains this bitchy behavior? Oh if your Gran see you now, she'll be so disappointed in you." She was walking towards the door until she heard that comment. "I can see your Gran right now, shaking her head, seeing her only granddaughter and heiress to the name, failing miserably to carry out the family name."

"Stop it! Just stop it" She turned around with tears in her eyes. "How dare you say that?"

She then walked out of the room. Oh what have I really done? I may have hurt her when I turned her down 4 years ago. Not to mention, our breakup really shook her up. But saying something about her Gran? You blew it big time, Feehily. I walked out of the room, hoping to catch up with her, but she isn't that far. She was sitting on the floor, crying her heart out. Losing her Gran was too much for her to bear. So I sat next to her and cradle her.

"Mia, I'm so sorry." I whispered as I hold her.

"I know." She softly replied. "I'm sorry too."

Chapter 24

We lay down on the bed after staying a while outside for a while. It's now evening and we haven't really spoken to each other since that argument. We just lay there, me holding her tightly, while she took a quiet nap. She looks very peaceful, like a little child. My eyes paid more attention on her lips. I love kissing those lips from the first time we've shared our first kiss. We never really went far as kissing, knowing that I should respect her decision on remaining a virgin until marriage. Yet that's too late now since she is with Trevor. My memory wants to keep the lasting innocence in her, an innocence that will never go away.

*August 1999*

Mia picked me up at McDimmera station earlier in the day after a long train ride from Dublin. The lads and I had to make some promotional stops in Europe after filming the "If I let you go" video. She wasn't able to come along because she had engagements with the high society leaders. She complained to me how much she gets bored having tea with stiffy women who really doesn't have class. So I wanted to spend a few days with her before going on an intense promotional tour of Australia and Southeast Asia. Missing that pretty little face of hers is a little too much for me to bear. But now that I'm back here in Sligo, I'm going to make the best of this time with her.

"Here we are." Mia announced as she drove through the driveway. "Casa Caffery."


"It means house in Spanish. Didn't catch on with the natives when we went to Teneifre not long ago?" She giggled as she leaned over and kissed me. Aww, I so missed those lips since I left.

"Mmm, been a while since we've done that." I wrapped my left hand around her neck for another kiss. "Now let's go inside."

"I agree with you." Mia smiled as she took my things out of the trunk of her Mercedes-Benz. I envy her for having such a nice, comparing to my Fiesta. But when I have enough, I'll buy myself a decent car for me. I was going to stay for the night, thanks for the permission from my parents. They want me to spend time with her before I leave for a month of touring in Asia. As we walked into the house, I couldn't help staring at her nice, firm arse. Those tiny shorts does something for her legs and her arse.

"So... you ready for the ball?" I asked, knowing that next Sunday is the ball and I won't be there for it.

"Just wished that you were staying here so you can be my date." She was very disappointed, but knows that I have a job to do. She reached for the Sprite, that was in the refrigerator and poured 2 glasses for us.

"Yeah, but I'll feel embarrassed. A debutante with a pop star?" I took a sip of the drink and placed it down so I can pay attention to her.

"But you're a pop star the snatched an American princess." She giggled as she reached for the Oreo cookies.

"More like the American princess snatched me." Mia took some of the cookies and took it with her.

"Hey, let's go to the back. Gotta show you the rose garden that Grams and I planted." I just followed her into the back.

Chapter 25

"Here it is." Mia turned on the lights of the yard. This is what dreams made of. It was like they took out a page from the novel, "The Great Gastby". The lights are all white around the trees. Even the path between the door to the house to the patio is completely full of white lights. The roses are planted in almost every section of the yard, making it most mystical.

"On the bank of the roses, me love and I sat down. And I took out me fiddle and played me love a tune..."

"You just have a good memory, don't you?" Mia smiled at me while looking at the roses. "Grams always sing that to me when I was younger."

"Yeah I remember. It reminds me of this garden. By the way, how is she?"

"She's fine. She's at one of those society dinners at the city centre." She sat down at a nearby marble bench. "Wanna sit on the bench with me?" I went over to her and sat with her at the bench, taking her hand in the process.

"What did I miss while I was gone?"

"Well, your little princess just played matchmaker." Mia smiled very proudly.

"You mean, Annick and the bartender at the Belfry?" She just nodded. Well if you want to know, Annick needs a man. She hardly ever dates, but all is changing when she kept calling me about this bartender at the Belfry. From what Annie described, he's very tall and strong, something that is appeals her, who is like Didi is very small. "Well, good work, babe. Guess that one year of Psychology at Trinity is paying off." I gave her this huge bear hug, very proud of my girl.

"Hey, I only have 3 more years to go." She winked. "Hey look at the sky." I looked up and sneaked one on me. "Hahaha, don't tickle me." She just continued to tickle me around my waist, which is my most ticklish spot, besides this one spot she never went to yet. "Ahhh, stop woman." I tried to escape, knowing she's not going to let me go that easily.

"You can't escape me now!" She grabbed me from behind and piggy backs me. I ran around, taking her with me and pretending to be a horse.

"Escape, eh? Not for long." I dropped myself to the ground, taking Mia with me. Immediately, I ran back into the house to hide, leaving poor little Mia on the ground.

"Owwie!" Mia moaned as she rubbed her right knee. Meanwhile, I'm lounging in the living room and watch some telly. "Mark, help me! Boo-hoo-hoo. Boo-hoo-hoo." She continued to fake her tears as I continued to ignore her.

"Fine. What is it?" I got up and off the couch and went back to Mia, who was still on the ground. "What's wrong?"

"My knee. It's hurting me." She continued to rub her knee. I guess it is serious.

"Luv, it's only a little scratch." I checked her knee for a moment before getting her to her feet. Feeling very chiverious, I lift her up and took her back to the house.

"Aww, my knight in shining....tee-shirt." Mia giggled as we walked upstairs to her room. She wrapped her hand around my neck continues to smile. Then she began to tickle me yet again.

"Alright, you asked for it." I took her and carried her on my shoulder back to her bedroom.

Chapter 26

We're now settling in her room. As much as I want to sleep here in her room, I'm going to sleep in one of the guests rooms in the house. This is usually the occurrence everytime I stay over at her place. But soon, I'll be sleeping in her arms.

"So what color would the lady like this evening?" I went to her closet to pick her pajamas. It's wasn't a big deal to see her undressed. I've seen her with only a bikini, so seeing her in her bra and panties is nothing.

"Let's or blue? You're pick, Feehily." She put her clothes away and just lie there on her bed on her underwear. It was a seafoam green cotton bra with white panties. I look through her draw and finally found something nice for her, a white tank top and blue pleaded bottoms.

"Here it is." I threw it at her, landing on her face. Then I took off my clothes, all the way to my boxers.

"Yeah!" Mia began to chant as she puts on her night clothes. "Whoo-hoo! Strip baby, strip! Take it off! I got 50 pounds if you go all the way!"

"Mia!" I blushed as I went to her bed and cover myself. "You're too much." Then I kissed her cute nose. "So have you given any thought to what you're gonna do after summer hols?"

"Besides school? Hmmm...I might wanna take a job at some doctor's office, get some field work for my major. But other than that, don't know."

"No matter what, everything sounds great, eventhough you're not going to need a job." I smiled at her, loving the way she's relaxing by the sound of my voice. And to think about it, I'm not even singing.

"Yeah I know I'm set up for life, but still, I don't wanna just go to Dublin during the week and just come back home to Sligo on the weekend and just do nothing."

"True, but still..."

"But at least you have your career."

"Baby, let's get to bed. We're both tired and need our sleep." I got off the bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night, luv."

"Mark?" Mia called as I was about to leave the room.

"Yeh Mia?" I turned around and looked at her.

"I wanna thank you for the other night, when we were on the beach at Teniefre. You really made me so happy." I walked up to her on the bed and sat down.

"Oh Mia, don't. Don't. I want to thank you."

"Thank me? For what?" She sat up and looked at me.

"You made me realize how much I really loved you." I pulled her hair back, wanting to feel her soft face. "How much I've always loved you. I was just in denial. I didn't want to admit it because the truth would stir up so many things." My hand went from her hair to her cheek. A single tear is coming down her face.

"Really Mark, thank you." I just smiled at her innocent face, loving her minute by minute. "I've never been this happy as I was on that beach that night.

"Me neither, Mee. I've never felt like this ever before. I know it might sound cheesy, but you.... you complete me."

"Just like you had me at 'hello'." She giggled, not facing me.

"No serious, see." I took her hand and held it with my own as our fingers entwined. "Can you tell where yours end and mine begin?" I smiled at her once again.

"You complete me too." She whispered as I leaned forward and gently kiss her sweet lips. I leaned forward, placing the 2 of us on the bed, with our kisses turning more passionate. Unlike the beach, I'm feeling like losing control at this moment. Both our lips are on fire, searching and longing for more. My hands sneaked down to her right breast. Slowly, I began to rub her nipple through her top. Her nipple is getting hard by my touch. "Oh Mark." She moaned softly.

"Yes, luv?" I asked, continuing to stroke her breast, wanting to see what's underneath that damn tank top.

"More." She grabbed my neck and placed my face on her neck.

"Ok, but you'll end up with a mean lovebite." I laughed a bit as I began to suck her neck gently. Then on the back of my mind this isn't right. I love her, that's true. But I don't her first time to like this, not now. "Mia, I think we should stop." I pulled off her, feeling bad that I had to stop. "This isn't the place or time for it yet. This is your Gran's home and it won't be appropriate to do it here." I told her apologetically, caressing her face. "I promise I will make your first time special, but that's when you're ready."

"To be honest with you, you are right." Mia agreed, sitting up on the bed. "We've just got together and I want our love to grow. Thanks for stopping."

"But that doesn't mean that I can sleep on the same bed with ye." I pulled the cover off her so I can put it on me. "Just want to wake up beside you, having you in my arms." I cuddle along with her on the bed. "Sleep tight, luv. I love you." That even surprised me. This was the first time I said that before she did.

"I love you too. Good night." She placed her hand on chest and her head on her shoulder. This was the very first time I slept peacefully....wasn't the last.

Chapter 27


She is definitely a vision when she sleeps. Something that shouldn't be harmed, nor corrupt. She is still on her tank top and sweats. I didn't realized it was past 8 in the evening. Guess we really didn't care about the time. I think God stopped the clock so we can talk to each other. I continued to look at her as she sleeps. I would give anything to have her back. Yes, she is back in my life, but I only want more. I can't just settle being friends with her. I leaned over to her and softly sang to her.

And now the hills are getting hard to climb

I'm running out of time

My designs are pending on you

I will except the blame

Burning out the flame

Hoping the story will twist once again

And if I could turn back the time

I would put you first in my life

And I risk it all for you

To prove my love is true

I build a wall around my hart

That will only break apart for you

Change the way I feel

So tell me what's the deal

Don't say, don't say it's too late...

"Mmm, Mark shut it!" Mia moaned as she began to come out of her early evening nap, yet I see a smile on her face. She yawned very loudly as she stretched herself. "Soooo?"

"So... any ideas for tomorrow on the road trip?"

"Doesn't matter at all. Let us both just enjoy the ride." She gave me a wry smile. "Make sure we stop by the pubs while on the road, Markie."

"That's the sprit, Caffery." I snuggled her with a smile on my face.

"Well, you know me, very creative with my ideas." She said impishly.

"Then how about this." My hands wandered around her waist and began to tickle her.

"Maaaaaarrrk!" She squirmed as I attacked her waist with my fingers.

"Don't you think I forgot your sweet spot."

"Stooooop!" She then took her hands and tries to tickle me back. I then got on top and straddle onto her, holding her wrists.

"There's no escaping the pizza king!"

"'Pizza king'?" She mocked me by sticking out her tongue. "Ok, get off me." Her wrists was trying to break free from me, but there is no way I'm letting her slip away.

"No way. Not when you're on the wrath of the shirtless pizza king and you like it!" I gave her funny faces, mainly silly imitations of The Rock.

"Oi, you're heavy. Argh, Mark!" She continued to try to get off, but a certain little friend was trying to interfere. I feel myself being turned on by Mia just under me and neither of us don't know what to do. Perfect diversion.

Late last night I had a dream

And it was then I seen her.....

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mia shouted, knowing what I'm singing, especially off-key.

Didn't need no diamond rings

Fancy cars, Versace things to please her

She's my perfect girl

I call her my imaginary diva...

"Mark if you sing that again, I'm gonna bust your lip!" Mia getting angry that I'm singing this song. What she doesn't really know that this song is really about her.

Every girl she passes by

Just can't deny that they would love to be her

All the guys comparing sizes

Tucking shirts and fixing ties to please her

She's my perfect girl

Exclusive to my world

No you can't get her

She's my imaginary diva...

"SHUT UP!" Mia screamed as I continue to carry this song, singing very badly.

Shine on

Imaginary diva

Shine on into this world

Join us in our imagination

Help yourself believe in all you have her

All you have to do is close your eyes

All you have to do is close your eyes...

Finally Mia sang along, singing louder than me... and more badly.

Forget real life and fantasize

When you fantasize, when you fantasize, oh

Erase my thoughts now to replace, c'mon

Create your own amazing face

Her voice finally drowned on mines. Our voices singing badly was overshadowed by the sound of silence. My erection is now standing proud underneath my jeans. She looked at it for a moment, then stared at me. Her eyes is finally giving me the answer I've waited for. She wants me. She truly wants me. I know it is wrong to pursue her. Everyone told me to get over her. That she isn't going to go and turn her back on her upper crust world for someone like me, especially after her grandmother died. But hell with them. I'm going to follow my heart, hoping she's following hers too. I leaned closer to her, wanting to finally kiss her. Then it stopped on her nose. Our lips are only inches apart. I can finally hear her breathe. Her breathing is becoming erratic by the moment, wanting....needing. I chose something diplomatic, eskimo kissing her instead.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I whispered on her lips

"You're right." Mia isn't moving at all, just staring at me.

"Everyone tells me to give you up, but I can't."

"You should. You know I'm....marrying Trevor."

"And I have Westlife. I'm not going to back out of your promise."

"Yeh, you have the band. Don't give that up for me." She finally turned away, her breathing still erratic.

"Mia, please don't-"

"Get off me."


"GET OFF ME! You're cutting my air supply!" Then I realized I'm putting my whole body weight on her, preventing her to breathe. I quickly rolled off her, lying on my back. If this is what's happening now, then what are we going to expect on the rest of the trip. Oh this is going to be a long stretch.

Chapter 28 (Mia's pov)

Last night was really interesting. We went from seeing each other naked, to being friends, to being enemies, to being friendly, to being.... maybe more. Oh I need Trevor now. I need to marry him as soon as he comes back from his business trip in Sydney. I do like however the feeling of being this close to Mark. I don't think I ever had that much goosebumps in my life. Ok, get your head straight, Caffery. You're marrying a Preston, not a Feehily. I'm supposed to.

*January 2002*

"Miss Caffery, Mrs. Ochoa, are you ready to for me to read the will?" Mr. Keavy, the family lawyer asked. It's been 3 days since my grandmother's funeral and I just couldn't get over it that she's gone. I know I'm expected to receive a sum of money, but I don't care. I just want to carry the family name.

"I'm ready, sir." I look down as my mom and Raul held my hand.

"'To my daughter-in-law, Adriana Benante Caffery Ochoa: before and after Colm's death, I still see you as a daughter I never had." Mr. Keavy begins reading the will, first to my mom. "'I thank you for enriching Colm's, Malachy's, and my life with your witty humor and gentle heart. As the wife of my son, I am giving you one-fifth of the estate, a value of 25 million pounds. That is included with my son's will.'" Mr. Keavy stop for a moment as my mother digest what she heard. She is surprised because she thought that Grams will never give her some of the will even after she married Raul 9 years ago. It is true what she said, she was like a daughter to Grams. I leaned over and gave her a hug.

"You may continue, Mr. Keavy." Raul, my stepdad, said gently.

"Very well, Mr. Ochoa." Mr. Keavy went back to the will and read it. "'To my granddaughter and pride and joy, Maoliosa: you are as witty as your mother and as generous as your father. I have seen you grow up right before my very eyes, turning from a mischievous little girl into a beautiful and lovely young lady. Your grandfather and father, not to mention myself are very proud of you.' You want me to read on?" He noticed the tears in my eyes as he read that. I just nodded. "Very well. 'You will be receiving three-fifths of my estate. One-fifth goes to your mum and another goes to my foundation. The estate includes the following: you will now own the manor in Sligo, where you had grown up all your life and the summer cabin in County Clare. You will also be the chairperson of my foundation. I know I will not be worried because you have done a wonderful job helping the children at the hospital. Finally and most importantly, you will now carry the name Lady Caffery. Mia, you are the owner of this name. Carry it on with pride.'"

I paused for a moment and think. I knew where my family came from, which is aristocracy. But I never thought this would be a reality. When I was young, I knew after my father, I'm the next in line. But now that I am the head of the family, it is a huge responsibility.

"There is conditions to this will, Miss Caffery." Mr. Keavy warned me. "Since you are over 21, you must be married no more than 6 months after your recent birthday after her death."

"Oh gosh, I got to be married by September."

"Didn't that Trevor Preston asked you to marry him recently?" Mr. Keavy asked. Trevor asked me around Christmas and I told him that I want to think about it. I'm 21 and not completely ready for marriage. There is only one condition other wise, but it's not worth it. "I guess you have to say yes in order to keep your family name or else..... all will be lost for your family."


Those last words of the will shook me. It's my duty to be with Trevor. I do love him, that true. He treats me well and would make a great husband. Gosh I now feel like one of the royals, have to choose duty over my heart. Guess that's how it works in this high society. I checked my watch and it's almost check-out time. I wonder why Mark is taking so long.

"MIA!" Mark shouted in the bathroom, sounding just like Ozzy.

Chapter 29

"Come on, tell me what's wrong?" I asked as we loaded the RV with our stuff. Mark just acted very stubborn. Got that trait from Egan, eh? "Please, Markie?"

"Argh!" He closed the door and went to the passenger's seat as I got on the driver's seat.

"Fine. I'll kiss and tell to News of the World backing up on Mersina's comments about your willy." I knew saying that girl's name will make him cringe. Actually, anything that bugs him tremendously will make him open up.

"Ok." Mark finally replied. "But it is all your fault."

"Why is it my fault? Just because I had problems breathing last night on the bed, doesn't give you to act like Kian." I picked up the speed, going 50 mph on the main road. Mark is usually easygoing, not a male diva.

"Yeah I'm still mad over that. But there's more." He gave me this very nasty look.

"Then what is it?" Slowly Mark took off his baseball cap and show off his hair. All of a sudden, I couldn't stop laughing.

"What?" I just pointed at his hair. The middle of his hair is bleached blonde, while the sides are still brown.

"Are you trying to be like Kian or Bryan? And how did you got your hair like that?"

"I don't know. I use one of those shampoo bottles."

"Mark, silly. I think you used my peroxide bottle. I store it on one of my bottles because I had a tiny cut on my leg while I was shaving." I couldn't bend down and show him the little cut on my leg but I pointed to it. "Oh my gosh, you're trying to be like Eminem." I love winding him up.

"I don't know what to do now." He kept playing with his hair, still embarrassed over the blonde part of it. "This is just weird."

"Although it's funny, I like it." I turned and smiled at him. "Very different look for you. Hey who knows if the fans love it. Just get the right cut and you'll be there." I checked everything on the car. Oh gosh, these girls aren't responsible when it comes to the RV. "Mark, gotta make a pit stop at the gas station."

"What? No petrol?" Mark leaned over and check the gas is near to empty.

"I'm afraid not."

Chapter 30

We went to the nearest station on the road to fill up some gas for the RV. Mark was feeling very sleepy so I told him to take a nap as I drive the RV to London. Then I noticed nearby 3 girls having problems with their car. I know it's taking a risk on helping anybody, knowing that I have a celebrity in the car. Hey who cares, they're probably not much of fans.

"Fiona, give me my diskman!" A girl with a Dutch accent shouted to her shorter friend.

"Oh you're so concerned about your diskman. Can't you see we're stranded in the middle of nowhere!" Fiona shouted back to her Dutch friend. "Gosh, when will this car be ready." I paid my gas money, but then again, felt bad that for those girls.

"Hiya. You seemed like something happened." I said, walking towards them.

"Oh hiya." The Dutch girl have dark hair and eyes and is tall, taller than me. She seems very nice, considering she is Dutch. "Actually, we're having problems with our car. Can't get it to start and we're stuck here."

"Eve, it's me car." Her friend Fiona is short and pudgy with dark brown hair and a heavy Scottish accent. "We're having engine problem and the mechanic told us that it won't be ready until 7 PM tonight."

"Damn it!" The third, a tall light brunette with a thick American accent cursed out, walking towards her friends. That accent is very familiar. "Do you have to remind her? You fucking car, why you have to die on us?" That girl beginning to kick on the car out of frustration. The 3 girls continued to quarreled as I just thought of something to make them happy. They seemed very exhausted on their trip and probably need some company.

"Well I am on my way to London tomorrow. If you want, I can stay with you until your car is ready this evening." I offered them

"You will?" The Scot replied. "Aren't we going to be a pain for you if we stay with ye?"

"No, it won't be a problem. My friend and I just might like to help a few people off the road." I know it's a bad idea to pick up hitchhikers, let alone Westlife fans, but they seem nice. So why not? "So how about it?" The girls huddled for a moment to decide to take my offer. Quickly they gave a respond with a nod. "Great. Oh by the way, I'm Mia."

"Hiya Mia." The Dutch girl shook my hand first. "I'm Eveline. And this is Fiona and Sadie."

"Hi!" The 2 other girls waved back. Well they are fans. I hope Mark doesn't mind that.

Chapter 31
I let the 3 girls into the RV so they can freshen up. They seemed in awe of seeing a RV this big.

"Welcome to my home for the next few days." I sat down on the couch by the window. "Bathroom is on the right and well, there's the fridge. Help yourself."

"Wow, this is as big as the Road Rules RV." Fiona lounged on the couch next to me. "Never really been inside of a winny before."

"Neither do I." Eveline added, grabbing the container full of ice tea and pouring it on a glass. "This is even bigger than my flat."

"So where are you all from?" I asked, wondering who they all are.

"Well, I'm from Scotland." Fiona answered. "Glasgow, for exact."

"And I'm from Holland." Eveline added. "I know, we have loads of fans from there." She giggled as she took a sip of her ice tea.

"How about you, Sadie?" I noticed that she's on her mobile phone with someone.

"Oh don't mind her." Eveline explained. "She's talking to her fiancee in America. She's been doing that even since she arrived here." Aww, love. I don't know why I haven't called Trevor once on this trip. I do miss him though. "She's practically hooked to that phone."

"Eve!" Sadie threw a pillow on her. "This is an urgent phone call to Kenny. Oh by the way, I'm from New York."

"No way, so am I."

"Kenny, let me go. Yeah love you too. Bye." Sadie hung up her mobile and look at me. "You're from New York? Oh gosh, where?"

"Manhattan, you?"

"Brooklyn." Sadie smiled. "Finally, I found another fan from New York City. Whoo-hoo."

"Well actually, I'm from Sligo. But I lived in Manhattan for a while." I explained to them about the road trip, without saying anything who's in the RV with me. I can tell they're not teenies. "So you've been following them all through the tour?"

"Sorta." Fiona answered, lying down on the couch. "We're members of the WFU. You know, Westlife Fans United. It's a fan organization where we all can become friends and share some news to other fans all over the world. I'm head of the WFU Scotland and Wales division. Eve is part of the WFU Holland division and Sadie is part of the WFU America division."

"Right now, we're going to London, which is mines and Sadie's last stop on the tour." Eveline added. "Fee is continuing to Dublin after this. Well, after she goes back home."

"In other words, it's like what those 2 N Sync fans did last year for N Sync's tour." Sadie wrapped it with that comment.

"Guess my friends and I aren't the only ones doing that. My 2 best friends are in London right now, but I had to pick up a fan in Birmingham to then go to London." We laughed for a moment as Fiona reached for the radio.

"You mind?" She pointed at it as I nodded. She puts on anything that is on.

I've created a monster

Cuz nobody wants to

See Marshall no more

They want Shady I'm chopped liver

Well if you want Shady

This is what I'll give ya

A little bit of (bleep)

Mixed with some hard liquor

Some vodka that'll jump-start my heart quicker

Then a shock when I get shocked at the hospital

By the Dr. when I'm not cooperating

When I'm rocking the table while he's operating

You waited this long now stop debating

Cuz I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating

I know that you got a job Ms. Cheney

But your husbands heart problem's complicating

So the FCC wont let me be

Or let me be me so let me see

They tried to shut me down on MTV

But it feels so empty without me

So come on and dip

Bum on your lips

(bleep) that, (bleep) on your lips and some on your (bleep) and

Get ready cuz this (bleep) about to get heavy

I just settled all my lawsuits

(bleep) you Debbie!

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cuz we need a little controversy

Cuz it feels so empty without me

Now this looks like a job for me

So everybody just follow me

Cuz we need a little controversy

Cuz it feels so empty without me

"Ok, enough with Eminem." Fiona shouted. "Playing some quality music." I take it as she and Eveline don't really like Eminem, while Sadie and I do. She changed the station and another popular song comes on, Atomic Kitten's "It's ok". "Now that's civilized."

Well I remember all the nights I used to stay at home

On the phone all night long

Used to talk about the things we really wanna do

I believed in you

I remember how you used to say

Have no fear, be ok

When you told me anything you want is possible

We could have it all

I believed in you

Must have been a fool

All my dreams were with you

I say it's ok

I can promise you it's alright

You ain't keeping me up

All night no more

You're not here but its ok...

As the 4 of us pretend to be like Atomic Kitten, minus the baby bum and adding one more member, I finally know the meaning of the lyrics. Yes Mark was my world, 3 years ago. But he chose his path and I chose mine. That path is Trevor. All that speech of him still loving me and that is complete bullshit. He may be my friend, but nothing more. I'm happy with Trevor just like Mark is happy with the band. I am so over him.

Well now you got to where you wanted

Like I knew you would,

Cash, car, house, it's all good,

Is the why you never come around here no more

Like you did before,

Got it all thats the way it seems

Looks like you lived your dream,

And I hope your life has turned out for the better now

When I'm not around...

These girls are so much fun. Guess it's always better to have some good-time music like Atomic Kitten to play on a RV, instead of Eminem, eventhough pop isn't my style. I don't understand why the lads don't spend too much time with their fans. Those of the kind of girls that if Mark or any of the others were a girl, he'll hang out with. But it also makes me miss Didi and Annick since they're like my sisters. But they're having a better time at the hotel. Well, maybe Didi. Annick just be annoyed by the presence of Kian.

"Ok, break it down now." Eveline giggled.

It's alright and its ok and

It's alright and its ok and (and you're not here with me)

It's alright and its ok and (its alright)

It's alright and its ok and (its ok)

It's alright and its ok and (and you're not here with me)

I say it's ok

I can promise you it's alright

You ain't keeping me up

all night no more

You're not here but its ok

I assure you babe

It's alright,

You aint keeping me up

all night no more,

You're not here but its ok....

"Mia, can you put the music down." Mark walked out of the bedroom from the back. Then he noticed 4 girls on the couch. "What the hell is going on?" He shook his head, thinking everything is a dream. Meanwhile, all 3 girls were trying to keep their composure.

"Excuse us for one moment, please." Sadie, followed by Eveline and Fiona walked out of the winny. Then I heard a chorus of shrieks.

Chapter 32

The girls reminded outside of the RV, still giggling and screaming of what they saw. Meanwhile, poor grumpy Mark, with his bleach hair, gave me that nagging annoyed face to me.

"Were they just fans in the car?" Mark asked, feeling agitated that he seen some fans in the RV.

"Mark, the girls' engine is messed up and need to be repaired. I'm just sheltering them." I explained to him, but I guess his alias is taking over.

"Mia, are you stupid? They're going to call their mates and tell them where I am. Nice way to blow our cover." Mark threw his hands all over the place. What hurt me is that he called me stupid.

"First of all, don't you dare call me stupid ever again!" I lashed at him. "And secondly, stop being such a jackass. They came a long way to see you guys, only might be missing it because of their car. Can't you be selfless for once and help them? I know the Mark I know would help anyone in need. But as always, I see Mark Westlife in front of me." I spit that one at him. "Please, do this once for me. I won't ask for anything big ever again." Mark just looked blank at me and plopped to the couch.

"Sorry about that. Guess I got that from Kian." Mark lay down on the couch, feeling drossy. "Bring them in." At that, the girls came back to the RV, still shocked. "Sorry about that, girls."

"Hey no problem, Mark." Fiona smiled as she sat on the driver's seat. Meanwhile, Eve, Sadie, and I leaned towards the sink. "It's not everyday we see you with blonde hair."

"You mean-"

"We've met you so many times that it like old hat." Eveline responded. "We're just shocked over the hair. Looks very different."

"Yeah, its very much like you." Sadie added. "It's not like we love your dark hair, but it's something very unique."

"See Mark, your fans love your hair." I just went over to him and played with his hair.

"Just make sure you know who's to blame." He pointed at me like if I was guilty of making his hair blonde.

"Ok, you asked for it." I went behind him and tickled him around his waist. Guess the girls doesn't mind at all.

Chapter 33

The 5 of us were all hungry, so a pit stop at McDonald's will have to do. We were debating whether or not go through the drive-thru or go inside and eat there. But I doubt it that anyone would recognize Mark with his bleach hair. Unanimously, we chose to eat at the restaurant, after Mark decided to put a baseball cap on. We all ordered our food: Mark and Fee had the Chicken Sandwich meal, while Sadie and I chose the Big Mac. Eveline is satisfied with her Double Quarter Pounder with cheese meal. We chose a booth at the corner of the restaurant, fitting the 5 of us. Besides, the restaurant was very quiet on a Monday afternoon.

We all talked about our lives. Mark told the girls about his adventures on tour with the lads, including the old days. Can't believe he brought up some of the wild childhood stuff that we have done. Meanwhile, the girls talked about their organization, the WFU. Eve and Fee told us about their trip in Holland when they started the tour almost 2 months ago and how they camped out all day at the stadium holding the WFU banner, which I thought was very cute, considering they are very loyal fans. This is the last stop before Fee, Sadie, and Eve separate to their own ways. Sadie is really missing her fiancee and just wanted to continue planning her wedding. Something I should've been doing right now.

"One thing I learned about the British version of American fast food restaurants is that you so love to avoid ground meat." Sadie commented as she took a bite of her Big Mac.

"That's cause we don't want to get Mad Cow!" Fiona replied, laughing. "Besides, I think it's been cured for a while now."

"So where's the other lads, Mark?" Eveline asked.

"Well from what I know, Shane and Kian are both in London at this moment. And Nicky and Bryan are playing at that Soccer Six football game in Chelsea." Mark took a couple of fries and put it in his mouth. I couldn't help but stare at him. He just look so cute eating french fries.

"So..., how do you 2 know each other?" Fiona put us on the spot. I just looked at him, getting his approval.

"Wow, be prepared for a long stay at McDonald's." I laughed at first. "You don't mind, Freddy?"

"Go ahead, Caffery." I turned to them, giving them my fullest attention.

"Well, where should I begin." I thought for a moment, thinking about my past. "It all began a few years ago, about 1985. It was the first day of school and to be honest I wasn't ready to go."

Chapter 34

*September 1985*

Ma walked with me to the steps of the school. I wasn't completely ready to go to school. It's been less than a year since my father died of a car accident and the non-existing presence of my father still hurts me. Yes I have my Grams, who I adore. I have Gran Da, who is actually the Principal of this school, who is nothing but great fun. I have my Ma, who has been nothing but loving to me. Now today, I have to make friends besides my own family. I don't have any cousins or relatives, since both of my parents, like myself right now, were the only child in each other's families.

"Mam, do I have to go in?" I asked my mom, who was leading me to the classroom.

"You will have a wonderful time in school." Ma replied as we're only doors away. My mother is some beauty. For someone in her early 30's, she is beautiful. But even a little girl like myself can see she is lacking some sleep and not as happy as before. My mother is a very strong and thick person, never letting people see what is really going on in her mind. I never really see her cry. The only time was at my dad's funeral. She is still hurting, but is a pro on not letting people see that. "You never know if you meet a friend here."

"But I don't want to, Ma. I wanna play at home." I begged my mam, pulling myself to the main entrance.

"You will after school." She bend down and gave me a huge hug. "I will pick you up at 2:30. I have to go to work, capice, cara?

"Capice." I told her. At home, English and Irish is usually spoken there. But my mam would teach me a few words in Italian. She always tells that it's great to learn different cultures. Being half-Italian, I am proud of it's history. Yet I do feel some prejudice here in Sligo, because I have slightly darker skin than the other kids. It's like they have never seen someone who isn't completely Irish in this town. But I am proud of my family and their history.

My mom than let me go and I walked into the classroom. All the kids were running around the classroom, playing in different corners. Some of the kids were playing with the blocks, while others were playing with the board games. Then I saw an empty seat on one of the tables where this lad was sitting at. He seemed all alone and bored, not making friends right away. Hey since I am a loner, I decided to join him.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked the little lad. He put his head up and what I saw the cutest bluest eyes I've ever seen. It reminded me of my father's blue eyes for a moment. "Wow, your eyes are very blue."

"Thanks." The lad blushed for a moment. "You can thank me mam for that."

"So is it taken?"

"Go ahead." He moved his bookbag and gave me some space. "I wanna go home and play with Pac-man."

"You have Pac-man?" I asked. He nodded and put his head down. "So do I. I wanna play, not go to school."

"Me too. Me mam said it is good to go to school. It makes you smart."

"That's what me mami said too. I wanna go home and stay there forever." I placed my elbows on the table, feeling sad and bored. But then again, this lad is keeping me company.

"I want me mammy!" He put his head down once again and began to cry.

"Me too, but she's at work. Hey I got an idea. You wanna play Pac-Man with me after school? Then we can watch cartoons. Maybe mami can take us to Burger King." I kept on giving him ideas, hoping he won't be sad anymore.

"Cool. Lemme ask mam after school." He finally have a smile on his face.

"Cool. By the way, my name is Maoloisa. Maoloisa Aoife Caffery." I introduced myself to him. "Mami calls me Mia. She says that because I am hers... or if that's what it means."

"My name is Marcus. Marcus Michael Patrick Feehily." He gave me his hand and shook it. "Mam calls me Mark. Don't know what Marcus of Mark means."

"Well, you're in the same boat. I'll call you Mark."

"And I'll call you Mia."

"Ok, let's play. There is another board game that no one is using right over there." We shook on it one more time, beginning a long lasting friendship.

Chapter 35


"And that's how we met." I finished telling my story to the girls.

"Yeah, she was always a leader, my Mia." Mark leaned over and gave me a little snuggle.

"Aww, that was such a cute story." Eveline smiled at us, still haven't touched her food. "So you've been best friends ever since?"

"Yeah, she and I were Tiddle-Dee and Tiddle-Dum."

"More like Bert and Ernie." I commented, laughing.

"Hey I don't have a big head like Bert. You do however, have the big round head, playing with the rubber ducky."

"Me playing rubber ducky? Didn't you sucked on your thumb even after you mom told you to get out of that habit?" The other girls couldn't stop laughing.

"Well anyway, we were very close mates. We go over each other's houses and play, since we didn't live that far. But most of the time, we would play at Hazelwoods." Mark smiled at me, remembering the times we would stay for ages playing and swimming at the lake.

"I think that is very cute." Sadie smiled, still missing her fiancee. "So how you met the others?"

"After that, we were in the same classes until I was 9. Mark, of course, was still my best friend, but I also made another friends since. I met Deirdre that same year we met and Annick at recess when I was 7. But when I was separated from them, I became classmates with Kian. He sat next to me in class. Then a year later, I met Shane and Kian's cousin, Gilly, through Ki."

"I wasn't close with Kian or Shane back then." Mark added. "We were more like acquaintances than friends, since they knew Mia. As a matter of fact, she and Kian were kinda of a couple when we were young."

"I was not." I defended myself. "Yeah Kian had a crush on me for a short time and yeah I thought he was kinda funny, but I never had a crush on him." Oh gosh, I brought up that I had a crush on Mark in the past.

"Yeah Kian wasn't that good-looking back then." Eveline added her opinions to Kian. "But look at him now. Kinda regret that, Mia?"

"No. I see him as a brother, not a boyfriend. Though I do admit that he has a funny way showing his friendship to Annick. These 2 just despise each other. They did went through a stage when they got along, but they always clash." I laughed of that, thinking how silly these 2 act towards one another.

"Hmmm, maybe they like each other." Fiona hinted.

"Doubt it, Fee. He's with that Jessica girl." Sadie corrected her. "Wadda bitch." To be honest, I did agree with Sadie. Kian needs more of a complex, over-opinionated girl instead of a trophy girlfriend.

"But anyway, we all were there for each other." I continued with my story. "Then after my mom remarried, my step-dad have a job at the United Nations. So we had to move to New York."

"Mia begged her mom if she can stay in Sligo, but thought it was a good opportunity to see the world a bit." Mark continued the story. "It was hard to let her go. She was the link that brought everyone together." He looked at me with his glassy eyes. I still remember his pleads to my family to have me stay in Sligo. "After that, we separated for a time. Then when we went to secondary school, we all became close friends again. Kian and I were in the same Maths class when we went to Summerhill and became very close friends. Then Shane was dating Deirdre for a time, while Annick dated Derek, who later became one of our bandmates in IOU. See the connections that lead to IOU?"

"Oooh I never knew about that." Eveline smiled, finally touching her food. "So everyone had a connection to Mia one way or another, eh?" We both nodded. "Wow."

"Then after a graduated from high school, I wanted to see my friends again." I told the girls about coming back home. "What was supposed to be for 2 weeks turned 2 years. I had to move back to New York for school. But after September 11, I had to go back home."

"I know what you mean." Sadie said, feeling a little sad. "I remember that day clearly. I was supposed to stop by that area that day, but overslept. When I woke up, Kenny called me and I didn't believe him. When I turned on the tv, it was like I was watching an action movie that gone bad. I'll never forget it."

"I know what you mean. I still remember it like it was yesterday." To this day, that morning replays in my head since it happened. That day made me realized what priorities has to come first. That life is too short.

Chapter 36

*September 11, 2001*

I got out of my family's apartment house on the Upper East Side and headed down to work. My mom gave me an intern job at a psychiatrist's office on Rector Street, only 2 blocks away from the world famous World Trade Center. I took the 6 Train at Hunter College to Grand Central Station. Then I transferred to the Manhattan Shuttle to Times Square so I can take the 1/9 Train to Rector Street, which is underneath the World Trade Center. I realized I was a little early to work. It was 8:30 in the morning and I had to be in by 9 AM. Today is kinda weird though. Rush hour was moving even quicker today, thus making me a half-hour early. It still feels like summer outside, give or take 73 degrees. Clear blue skies with the sun shining as always. Usually New York is humid in the summer, but today it felt a little dry. This is a perfect day to go out have some fun. Knowing I was very hungry, I went over to Starbucks Coffee to grab some coffee.

"May I take your order?" The counter girl, Maria, asked.

"Maria, you know what I always order." I smiled at her. I know most of the employees here at Starbucks. This is where I usually get my breakfast in the morning or have a quick lunch at.

"I just wanna ask." She giggled. "White chocolate mocha, extra mocha, set on warm with extra whip cream. Don't forget the cheese danish." She went over and made the drink. She then grabbed the danish off the pastries and handed to me. "$5.20."

"Gosh, why does Manhattan always have to be so expensive, especially in Lower Manhattan?" I took out my wallet and took out my debit card. Maria swiped the card and hand it back to me. "Thanks. I'll be back later." I waved at her and took the coffee and bag and ate my quick breakfast. Then my cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hiya luv." A familiar Galway accent ring through my ears.

"Trevor. Hi."

"How's my baby doing?" Trevor asked. Trevor's job is based here in New York, not far from where I am right now. He work towards the East River by South Street Seaport, while I work near the World Trade Center.

"I'm ok. Oh last night's concert at MSG was great. Thanks for the front row tickets." Last night, we went to see Michael Jackson in concert. Seeing Michael Jackson reminded me a bit when the whole gang went to see him on tour in 1992. That was such a fun time.

"Hey, I know you like celebrities."

"Don't blame me if I was starstuck when I saw O-town."

"Oooh it's Danny Miller of O-town. Cause I want it all...."

"Trevor, don't ruin the moment." I giggled, knowing he can't sing for his dear life. He usually tease me about O-town. As a matter of fact, he teases all the boy bands. I understand N Sync, 5ive, and A1, but Backstreet Boys and O-town? I may not be a big pop fan now, but I do like them. He even teases about Westlife, but since he knows I'm friends with all of them, he kept his mouth shut... well sometimes. "Oh you wanna come over later?"

"How later?"

"About 8. I'm planning to stop by at Virgin to pick up the new Jay-Z and POD albums. I heard they are both good."

"Ok, and after that you're gonna lend me that POD album, eh?"

"Not in your lifetime, baby." I got out of my seat and left Starbucks, heading to work. "Listen Trev, I have to get going. I have to be in the building. It's a quarter to 9."

"Alright, luv you cutie."

"Love ya too, Trev." As I was reaching the "END" button, a plane just hit the North Tower. "Oh my God!" And that was the beginning. I stood there in shock, wondering if that was an accident. I called up my boss, asking him if he saw what happened. Then I saw a second plane hit the South Tower. Immediately, I left that area. Yet I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Seeing all those people dying right before my eyes. Someone even jump out of the building. Never in my life I was that scared. I called my parents to let them know what was going on, as I walked north to Broadway, since they shut down the subway system. Then suddenly, I see the South Tower collapsed. Right before my eyes, my whole world and life has changed forever.

Chapter 37


I sat on the couch, still thinking about what happened that morning in Manhattan. One week later, my parents told me to quit my job and move back to Sligo with Grams. Although I wasn't completely ready to go back there, I had to for my safety. Trevor got transferred to London one month after the attacks, but we don't see each other as often. I'm still thinking if I was in one of the buildings, if I was in a position that I was about to die. All those things kept replaying in my mind.

"Mia, luv. You ok?" Mark asked as he joined me on the couch. The 3 girls, Eve, Fee, and Sadie were in the bedroom, watching "Moulin Rouge" on the tv. "You were a little shaken when you were telling that story to them."

"I'm fine." I lied to him. I'm still scared of everything in this world is happening. The US is in war with Osama and friends. Israelis and Palestinians bomb each other. I'm getting married because it says it on my Grandmother's will. Ok, that isn't happening all over the world, but it's happening in my own little world. "Honestly Mark, I'm fine."

"I was just worried about ye, that's all." He wrapped his arm around me and just held me. "Hey thank you for finally letting me to be me. I really had a great time with them today. Hopefully, we'll do something with other fans soon." He then leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Anything for you." I smiled at him, knowing that I did my job right. Today he wasn't Mark Westlife, but my Mark. The Mark I became friends with. The Mark I knew and loved dearly. "I also had fun today. Rather be on the road that stay at some poshy hotel and do nothing, especially when fans are camping out." Then we heard a knock on the door. Mark got up and walked over to open it.

"Hiya. The girls' car is ready." The mechanic announced to us and went back to his garage.

"Girls, your car is ready!" I shouted as the girls walked out of the room, very excited.

"Yay, we're finally going to London!" Fee screamed very happily.

"We can actually make it in time before all the hotels are completely booked." Sadie added to the excitement. "Mark, Mia, thank you so much for everything. I don't know how to repay you."

"Just come to the concert tomorrow night." That's all Mark can simply say. "Supporting us is good enough."

"Mark, you are too kind." Eveline came over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Can you tell Kian that I'm sitting in Block J?"

"I'll tell him that." Mark promised. With that, Sadie and Fiona also gave him and myself hugs and kisses. "Drive safely, alright?"

"Ok." Fiona simply said and opened the door. "Thank you so much Mark and Mia. See ya in London."

"Bye." The 3 girls chorused as they left. Again, it's only the 2 of us, a RV, and a 3 hour drive to London. This trip is getting longer, yet more pleasant.

Chapter 38

It's the good things that bad girls do

That makes you wanna sweat

Feel them wet all over my body

It's the good things that bad girls do

Each city day and night

They're so fine

I'm going out of my mi-i-i-i-ind...

"You know you should make a US mix to it. Adding US cities to it." I suggested to him as we driving to London.

"But we do have LA and Miami in the song." Mark laughed as he continues to drive the RV.

"Yeah, but there is New York and Philly and O-town, not to mention Dallas has some fine women there." Then I improvised my lyrics.

New York City and LA

Got some bad girls

St. Louis and O-town got some bad girls

Dallas-Fort Worth and Detroit got some bad girls

Salt Lake City and DC got some bad girls

Philadelphia and Miami got some bad girls

Gotta really really love those bad girls

Got a thing, got a thing for the bad girls

And the things they do-oo-oo...

"Hmmm, they all fit." Mark thought it was a good idea.

"I'm surprised you never added New York City into your lyrics."

"Hey it ain't me fault if Bryan hogged up the lyrics. Not that I have anything against Asian fans. They all look beautiful."

"Bet they are."

"Well I guess we have to repeat those lyrics."

"Not so fast." Again I made up cities to fit the song.

San Francisco and Toronto got some bad girls

Cincinnati and Las Vegas got some bad girls

Boston City and Phoenix got some bad girls

New Orleans and Chi-town got some bad girls

Montreal and Hotlanta got some bad girls

Gotta really really love those bad girls

Got a thing, got a thing for the bad girls

And the things they do-oo-oo...

"Ok, you just mentioned 2 Canadian cities in your lyrics." Mark continues to laugh as we finally got to our exit off the highway.

"Hey you just can't leave out Canadian fans. Besides, Canada is cool." I turned off the cd player for a moment and put on the radio.

If you feel like leavin'

I'm not gonna beg you to stay

I'm not makin' you stay

Soon you'll be findin'

You'll be findin'

You can run

You can hide

But you can't escape my love...

"You can't escape my love....." Mark is faking a high note just like Enrique.

"Ok, it's bad enough that you were singing 'Imaginary Diva', don't do that with 'Escape". I turned up the song, loving Enrique's voice echoing the stereo.

You can run

You can run

You can run

You can run

You can run

(Baby you can run, baby you can hide)

You can run

(You can not escape me love)

You can run

(Baby you can run, baby you can hide)

You can run

(You can not escape me love)

"Ok, that's enough or we're going to have big moles on our faces." Mark laughs as we approached to the hotel. It's now 10:45 and by then there wouldn't be that many fans out there to sneak in. Boy we were wrong. "Bloody hell." We see nearly over a hundred or two outside the hotel, camping out. This is going to be very difficult to go in, especially when we don't have Paul for help.

"Guess we have to sleep someplace else tonight." Mia commented, seeing the many fans screaming every few seconds. "Time for Plan B."

Chapter 39

I told Mark to park the car one block away from Hyde Park, where they won't give a ticket for parking. It's very quiet at night and the fact that we have to share a bed yet again made the silence more deafening.

"So..." Mark began, looking at me and playing with my hair.


"Well, we should just get ready and sleep. I have a huge concert tomorrow night." I just nodded as he walked back to the bedroom in the back. I just stayed there and looked at my engagement ring. It really look so beautiful. I really miss Trevor. Why can't he be here? If I was with him, I won't have these feelings for Mark. Mia, snap out of it. You're marrying Trevor. Trevor! Not Mark. You don't love him anymore. He's just your friend, a friend you fell in love with a long time ago. I picked up my mobile phone, not caring that a phone call to Sydney is very expensive. I need to hear his voice.

"Hiya. I am unable to get to the phone right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back at ya. Bye." Trevor's voicemail ring through my ears. I just press "END" and put it down. Then I heard a ring off my phone, which a quickly picked up.

"Oh Trevor I miss you." I said the moment I picked up.

"Oooh and I miss you too." Another familiar voice ring through my ears. "It's me, Kian."

"Hi. Long time, eh?" I giggled at him.

"It's been almost 2 days, Mee. Bet I know what's on your mind for the last couple days. So what's up with you and Feehily on your road trip?"

"Well, we were sidetracked by 3 fans when we left Birmingham." I explained to Kian about the girls and their car. Told him how nice they really were and that they would be there in London. "Oh and Eveline, one of the girls, said to wave at her section. She's sitting in Block J."

"Promise has been granted. But besides the fans, how about you and Mark? Have you 2 behaved yourselves on this trip?" Kian asked like a concerned daddy.

"We've been behaving. I just miss Trev that's all. Anyway, how's you and Jess?"

"Alright." I can tell by the sound of his voice that everything isn't really ok with these 2. "Jess is Jess. It sucks that I can never have any free time with her because.... because of-"

"Annick, right." I know when he's mad, it's because it something that Annick told him or to Jess. "I still don't get it. You 2 were very close. What made you hate her so much? She's been nothing but supportive of you."

"She thinks she can get her way all the time. Then she makes these remarks to every single bird I dated, calling them classless bitches." Kian expresses his frustration to me. "And she thinks she's better than them."

"Annick is a great girl and you know that." I responded to that. I know deep down, they suit each other. Annick is very complex yet very sweet, while Kian is very stubborn yet very romantic. "I'm sorry to say this but I don't think Jess is the right girl for you. Remember how she treated you the last time?" Jessica isn't the ideal girlfriend for him. She bitches too much and acts very stuck-up, just like all the girls Kian have ever dated. Jess is very possessive to him and he even complained that too me about that. So why is he still with her?

"Mia, you don't know her like I do." Ki got every mad at me.

"I'm trying to help you, Kinno. But it's your life."

"And thinking about it, when you should be planning your wedding, you're here with Mark. Why, especially when you said you're over him?"

"I am over Mark. Honest."

"Then why the other night when that prick was trying to rape you, you called out Mark's name? Mia, you ain't over him. Not by a long shot." Kian set me straight. "I'll bet you that you will at least kiss him on this trip."

"I did saw him naked though."

"Oh my God, that's a horrifying sight." He laughed. "But you like it, don't you? I want to rub that body of his, eventhough I would stay away."

"Kian, get your ass over here." Jessica shouted at him as I heard over the phone.

"Listen Mia, I gotta go. Jess is waiting for me. Behave." Kian laughed and hung up.

"Fine. Hey, love ya."

"Love ya too, Mee. Now go to sleep!" I pressed "END" and turned off the phone all together. I do wonder what Mark is doing in the room.

Chapter 40 (Mark's pov)

I have a such a grand ol' time today. These girls are very sweet. I just thought it was a little ludicrous for some fans to travel so far just to see us. But that's just being loyal. I still wondered why Mia hasn't come to bed yet. Hey she doesn't mind me in my boxers. I got out of bed and reached for the door, only to be interrupted by the sound of her beautiful voice.

"Fine. Hey, love ya." Mia said with a cheery sound of her voice.

I bet she was talking to Trevor on her mobile. Gosh, this is really killing me. I loved her longer than that posh prick. Oooh Trevor and his millions from dear ol' Grandaddy. I don't even stand a chance with her. She made her choice and going to stick with it. Why does she have to make me hard? My partner is standing tall, poking through my boxers. Just the thought of her makes me this way.

I walked back to bed and lay down on it. My hard-on wouldn't go away at all. I need that release, the release of wanting and needing to be with Mia but can't. Slowly, my hand wondered around my belly, down to my little path. My hand then wondered around my balls, which is still covered by a piece of cotton. I began to rub is very slowing, thinking about the way Mia looks. Her golden brown hair that smells like wild strawberries. Her innocent brown eyes, that can win anybody's heart just by one look. Those lips. The ones I've craved for since the moment we broke up. Red and juicy. And that body. That perfect body. Mariah has nothing comparing to Mia's body. Those big, yet natural breasts. Juicy and supple, for me to crave. That small waist. Curvy hips, but firm. That arse. Nice, round, and worth grabbing onto. My erection is getting bigger. It needed some air.

Quickly, I removed my boxers, welcoming my prick to the outside world yet again. This is usually an occurrence. Whenever I think of Mia, I have to be released. But the desire and her presence here makes it more pleasurable for me. I look at my friend down there, pink with a touch of purple. My head is swollen and needs to breathe. My finger slowly tease around the rim, moving up, following the path of my vein. I only do this because that what I think Mia would do to me. When she kisses me, she usually does it very slow and gentle, wanting me to savor it. I remember that way she rubs my back whenever we made out. She would sometimes would rub me arse, but preventing my friend. Finally, I made it to my head. I gently touched it and then moved down to my rim again. Then I began to wank it in slow and gentle strokes. All I can do is think of is Mia's beautiful body. What would she do if she would just take him in her small mouth. What would she do if she licked my balls, teasing me like there is no tomorrow. What would she do if she lowered herself to me and let me fill her. I can just imagine her face when she feels it. My strokes is getting faster, thinking of her riding me like if it was one of Shane's horses. I would be grabbing her breasts and give it a pinch to it. That just rolling her over and take her completely. It was getting faster. All the blood is rushing to my friend. My balls are getting tighter as my dick is getting harder. I would give anything to feel her, all of her. Just to have her tighten up when I'm about to come. My hot load is getting closer to the edge. My pants and moans are starting to be uncontrollable, wishing I can come in her. And then... it happened. My load has shot up like a geyser, hitting my chest and just inches away from my chin. This is how much I usually come for her, hard and very thick. But then reality sunk in. She only suck on Trevor's cock, not mines. All I did is betrayed her trust when I shouldn't.

"Oooh, Mia. What do you always do this to me?" I whispered as I quickly drift to sleep.

Chapter 41 (Mia's pov)

I stayed outside the RV, looking at the stars. I personally don't know what to do. Oh why does she put me in this position? I love my family, but this is becoming overwhelming. I love Trevor, don't get me wrong, but I feel a part of me was gone the moment Grams died. Like my innocence died and I have to live my life with obligations to my family, as well as my social class. I want to take my time and plan my perfect wedding, not do this all in 6 short months. But then again, I go back to what the will said.

My attention then went to the window, where Mark is now probably asleep. I care about him. He has been there for me, even when we're not together anymore. He had saved me in a couple occasions. I just don't know anymore. I feel like I'm in his shoes when I told him about my feelings. But hey, there is a difference. He had the option to dump Gemma, while I can't break my engagement to Trevor. But why there is a part of me that just draws me to him? Then I looked at the clock and it's 12:30 AM. May 28. Mark is now 22 today.

I walked back to the bedroom, seeing Mark deeply asleep. He look so cute when he sleeps, especially that little snore he does. Not that I like snoring because I don't. I can see there is a couple of used tissues in the little trash can. Same ol' Mark. Always like a quick wank. I've never seen his dick until yesterday, but he did admitted to me that sometimes when he goes to bed after speaking to me on the phone, he would masturbate. I never heard him do that and to be honest, don't want to hear it. Slowly, I changed my yellow tee shirt and blue jeans and into my pink cotton nightgown. I sat on the bed and wrapped myself with the sheet. I just looked at him for another moment. Then I began to rub his back a bit, making little trails with my fingers.

"Happy birthday, Mark." I whispered in his ear, knowing I am the first to tell him. He then rolled over and opened his eyes.

"Thank you, Mee." He smiled and put his right arm around my waist. "Well, you look very peaceful."

"I don't feel peaceful." I snorted out.

"How come?"

"Just because.... all of this between you and I. All those horrid emotions, this sexual tension between us..." I panted a bit when I saw his hand briefly moved around my waist.

"Horrid? This is the first time I've heard you say that since we were kids." Mark chucked that some of my European English is coming back. "Ooh I just love that wicked face of yours, eh?" He stick out his tongue and gave me this mischievous eye.

"Wicked face?" I gave him the puppy face.

"Ok, puppy face."

"At least I don't have a... a..." Ok, what to call Marky Mark? Deadly beautiful?

"Hmm, one of a kind?"

"Just wait, I'll think of something."

"Well, ha ha ha!" He turned away and took the sheet away from me.

"Oooh Markie, what's wrong?" I then imitating his mammy. "Mam is here to take care of you." But he continued to act stubborn, ala Kian Egan. "Fine. Be like that."

"You ask for it." He turned around and attacked my waist with his hands.

"Aaaaah!" I squealed out. "Not again!"

"That's for making up names for me!" He continued to tickle me around my waist. Accidentally, he rolled over and is on top of me yet again.

"Uh!" I grunted, having his full body weight on me. "Who started with the names thing anyway? It wasn't me!" He continued to tickle me, our faces only inches apart.

"So... peaceful face..." He winked at me ala Bryan McFadden.

"Yeeeeeeess?" I then played coy with him, acting all seductive.

"Peaceful face... peaceful face... peaceful..." He stop for a moment, only to tickle me again.

"Well, you're anything but!"

I tried to pull away, couldn't contain my laughing anymore. His lips then gently landed on my neck. Suddenly, I felt him pressing against me once again. He began to slow down his tickling and just breathe on my neck. Why am I feeling some hot just now? His face then face me, our noses now touching each other. Why am I not resisting him? I should turn away just like last night, but my eyes are so focused on him. Finally, he leaned forward and our lips touched for the first time in nearly 2 years. His lips gently brushed against mines, just like he usually kisses me. A sudden, undeniable feeling has came over me. My hand reached behind his head and make him kiss me more deeply. My tongue entered his mouth as my passion just took over. My hands are now wondering around his bare back as his hands are now on my breasts. I didn't finches because I'm used to his touches all over my body. Well, almost.

"Ooh I missed this." Mark whispered in my ear.

"Me too." His member is getting harder down there than before. I have this certain urge to give in and have him right here, right now. But then, something came over me. The will. I can't do this. So I pulled away and got out of the bed. "Mark, I'm so sorry. I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight."

"But Mia-"

"No buts. I'm just sorry." I quickly took the pillow and left the room. I quickly just went to the couch and just cried. Cried that I just broke a vow because.... I followed my heart for once.
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