**** Mark's hotel room ****
Mark grunted in frustration as he watched television. How could he make Michelle see the he, not Nicky, loved her. He picked up a bottle of vodka and began to drink the bitter liquid. Soon enough, he became drunk with fury. As he drank the bottle, he saw that there was no more liquid left.
"I need? Some more? he slurred as he got up from the couch.
Mark knew there was a liquid store in the hotel lobby and checked his back pocket for his wallet. It was still there.
"Must buy some?"
He left his room with the door open and decided to walk down the stairs after determining the elevator took too long. His eyes were starting to get blurry as soon as he saw there were many stairs involved. Mark and the rest of the guys were staying on the 8th floor of the hotel. He gripped the stair handle and started to make his way downstairs.
"Ooh? he groaned, taking each step with time.
Suddenly, the drunken state of his body gave out and Mark slipped down the stairs, falling two floors' worth. He was only left at the bottom of the 6th floor stairs in a crumpled heap.

**** Meanwhile ****

Nicky twirled me around as we danced in a club. When he twirled me back into his arms and dipped me, I couldn't help but kiss him as he did so.
"Since when could you dance? I thought Westlife was famous for their stool singing." I teased Nicky when he pulled me up again.
"Since we got a better choreographer." He laughed and pulled me close to his body.
"I need a break." I inhaled for air after dancing the whole night away.
We both went back to my table and Nicky left to get us some water. I heard my cell phone ring while he was gone.
"Hello?" I spoke into it.
"Michelle is that you?" I heard a man's voice on the other line.
"Yes, this is her." I was wondering who it was.
"Michelle, it's Shane." Shane's voice was faint.
"Oh hi Shane. What's going on?" I looked around trying to see if Nicky was on his way back since I assumed Shane wanted to speak to Nicky.
"Michelle, you have to come to the hospital. Mark's in pretty bad shape."
I gasped. "What happened Shane?" I started to panic.
Nicky slid into the seat opposite me with two glasses of water.
"Shane, what happened?" my voice was getting more worried and I saw Nicky leaning forward to see what's wrong.
"Mark had an accident. Just come to the Madison Street hospital. I forgot the name. It's on Madison, for sure." Shane said.
"Be there soon." I closed my cell phone and dropped it in my bag.
"What's wrong?" Nicky asked me.
"Mark had a bad accident. We gotta go to the hospital. Can you get a taxi cab?" I told Nicky.
"Right away!" he got up and left to find one outside.
"Oh God, let him be okay." I silently prayed to myself. I wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to Mark.

**** Hospital ****

"I'm looking for a Mark Feehily." I told the nurse as we came into the Emergency Room.
"He's in Room 501, at the end of the main hall and the last room on the left." The nurse replied. "But you're not allowed to go in until the doctor says it's okay."
"Oh God Nicky. I hope he's alright!" I held on to Nicky's arm.
"It'll be okay. Don't worry." He gripped my hand.
We saw Shane and the rest of the guys in the waiting room near the nurses' station.
"What happened? I want to know!" I demanded Shane for the details. I couldn't walk into Mark's room without knowing what happened. I didn't want to see anything until I found out the details.
Shane sat me down. "He was drunk Michelle." Shane looked around the waiting room as anxiety hit him. "He fell down the stairs. Some people found him on the 6th floor and it's possible that he fell two flights. We won't know until he's conscious."
I put my hand to my mouth, not knowing what to say. "Is he okay?"
Shane shrugged his shoulders.
Kian spoke up. "Doctors won't tell us anything right now. They're ringing up his parents back home for permission to give us the details."
"Oh my god." I whispered. I could not feel anything. Nicky sat down next to me and held my hand.
"Michelle, Mark will be okay. He's a tough lad." Nicky assured me.
A doctor finally came in with a clipboard in hand.
"Is he okay?" Kian asked him.
The doctor looked at his clipboard. "My name's Dr. Churchill. Your friend had a bad accident, for sure. We found a broken leg and a sprained hand. No major injuries. The good news is that he's not unconscious anymore."
I let out a sigh of relief. "When can we see him?"
"As for now, he can only see one person. Your friend's still groggy."
Shane pointed to me. "Go and see him Michelle."
"You sure?" I responded.
"You're his best friend. Go now. We'll be right here." Shane sat down.
The doctor pointed to the hall. "I'll take you there."

**** Mark's room ****

I walked into Mark's room. His leg was raised and in a huge cast. His left wrist was all heavily bandaged. This wasn't the Mark that I knew.
I pulled a chair right by his cot and sat down in it.
"Carrots?Is that you?" he turned his head in my direction.
"Shh?I'm here. Don't try to move." I whispered to him.
Mark didn't listen to me and shifted his body over to me. "I'm so sorry."
I was confused. "Sorry for what Mark? You didn't do anything." I saw Mark reach out his hand, palm outstretched.
"Hold my hand, please."
I took it and squeezed it. "You'll be okay. The doctor says you only have a broken leg, a sprained wrist and a mild concussion."
Mark laughed. "I deserved worse."
"Mark. You do not. We all love you. You're my best friend." I kissed his hand, hoping he would feel better.
"You don't understand. The thoughts that are in my head made me like this." Mark said bitterly and groaned in pain when he tried to move his leg.
"Stop that!" I pushed him over so he could be lying down properly. "What do you mean, what kind of thoughts?"
"It's too late now. That's it. It's too late." He looked at me with a sad face.

Nicky secretly walked down the hall and stood outside Mark's room to see if he was alright. The other lads were desperate to know if he was really okay or not. He saw Mark clenching Michelle's hand. Even though Nicky had gotten back with Michelle, he still knew that Mark had feelings for her, no matter how much Michelle didn't believe it.
At least Mark was okay. That was all it mattered right now.
"I'll deal with him another time." Nicky thought to himself as he walked back to the waiting room.

Mark looked at his best friend, who seemed so worried about him. Her hand was soft and gentle. The radio was playing softly by his bedside.
Music helped him calm his nerves. Then a recognizable song came on.
"Carrots?Listen. It's our song," Mark whispered to Michelle. "Do you still remember?"
Michelle started to listen to the radio. "I still remember. That was when that guy Jacob dumped me. You came over to comfort me and the song was playing on the radio." Michelle smiled.
Look into my eyes, you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart, search your soul
And when you find me, you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do, I do it for you

"I'm glad I got the opportunity to go to Ireland as an exchange student because I got to meet you." I said to Mark, who started to lighten up a bit.
"Yeah?Me too. I've never found anyone to have such a fiery temper like yours." Mark chuckled as he touched my hair with his good arm.

Look into my heart, you will find
There's nothin' there to hide
So take me as I am, take my life
I would give it all, I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do, I do it for you

Mark touched her red hair and brought his fingers to her face. She covered it with her own hand.
"Why does she not want me?" he thought as she smiled at him.
"Are you really going to be okay?" she asked him softly.
"Don't I always?" he kissed her hand.

There's no love like your love
And no other could give more love
There's nowhere unless you're there
All the time, all the way

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you, I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you, yeah, I'd die for you

I let Mark kiss my hand. As much as I loved him, I could not be with him. It was too impossible to give up such a great friendship. It was too risky. I loved Nicky deeply. Somehow, Mark keeps hanging onto me. He would always pick up the pieces whenever I fell apart.
"If you love him, you've got to let him go." I said to myself silently.
I heard Mark groan again. He looked really tired.
"I'm going to go now. You have to rest." I told him as I got up.
"No! Stay!" he begged me.
I looked at his puppy dog eyes. Who could resist them?
"Mark, I'm not allowed. I would love to, but I can't. I'll come in the morning okay?" I tried to convince him.
It worked. "Okay?" He pouted and started to drift off to sleep.
It broke my heart that I could leave him like this. I would not give us a chance. I could never risk our friendship for such a tricky thing - love.

You know it's true
Everything I do, I do it for you

song performed by: Bryan Adams
Everything I Do
By Mattie Scott
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