Chapter 1.


I didn't believe it!!!! I was sitting there, I was sitting in the
hospital's waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come and tell me if
Angel is ok. The girl I have know sins I was 6 years old, I have known
her for about 10 years. I don't get it. How could she do it??? She was
so, well I thought, she was so happy. She had a GREAT boyfriend, that
she really loved, she had a lot of friends, a nice sister, a nice dad
and a nice.............or did she???????? Was her mom so nice??????? I
had heard so many story's about how her mom always yelled at her, her
mom said she was stupid, her mom even hit her sometimes. Was it because
of her mom she tried to commit suicide???? Maybe. She was home alone,
when she tried to commit suicide, I was on my way over to her, �cuz she
had had a fit with her mom, and she had called me and asked me to come
over, so I did. When I got to her house the door wasn't locked, it's
always locked. I came inside and yelled hi, but no one said anything. I
went out to Angel's room, but she wasn't in there.
"Angle?!?!?!" I yelled. "Where are you?" She still didn't say anything.
I went out in the bath room, and there she was. She was lying on the
floor bleeding from the wrist.
"Angle!!!!!" I yelled. "You tied ones, why again?????" I sat down to see
if she was still alive, she was. I took my T-shirt of and tied it around
her wrist. I ran out and called 911. After that I don't  remember
anything b4 I was in the hospital's waiting room, calling her boyfriend.
I was sitting thinking of all this, when her boyfriend came running in
to me.
"Mixi!!! is she ok?" He said well he was giving me a hug.
"I don't know Michael! I don't know" I told him.
"Here is her parents?"
"I don't know Michael! They weren't home when I got home to Angel, and I
don't have there mobil number. The hospital is calling them, at home,
every 10 minuets." In that moment the doctor came in: "Michala
"That is me!" I said.
"Angel is going to be ok. She didn't hit the right plays." The doc said.
"YES!!!!!" Michael said.
"Thank you God!" I said looking up.
"You was the one who saved her life. You did the right thing." The
doc said. Right the I couldn't any more, I broke down crying. Michael
put his arms around me, and said the doc why I first started to cry now,
when I know Angel was ok?
"A lot of people do that. Michala was so cool, thinking about everything
she did, and she did the right things. Now she didn't have to be cool
anymore. That's is why she first started to cry now." The doctor said.
"Can we see her?" I asked though my tears.
"Yes. She is in room 45." The doctor said.
"Thanks doc!" Michael said and we went in to her room. After an hour or
two, Angel's family came. In that time I had told Michael everything I
knew about Angel and her mom. Angel was still sleeping, I think she
needed it.
"Is she ok?" Her mom said. I didn't want to answer so Michael did:
"Yeah, she is going to be ok."
"She is always so stupid!" Her mom said.
"What did you say???" I said mad.
"She is stupid, she has always been and she always will be." Her mom
said again.
"STOP IT!!!!!" I yelled. "JUST STOP IT!!! Angel is lying her and she
could be died, and you are saying she is stupid!?!? HALLOO!!!!! Have you
ever thought: That maybe it is that you call her stupid and you always
yell at her, that mad her do this? Did you? Well I got news for you.
That is why she did this. She has tried it b4, and she told me why she
tried to do it, and it was you."
"I don't want you to see Angel anymore." Her mom said.
"I don't care what you say, it is true what I'm telling you. Isn't is
right Julie?" I yelled at Angel's mom. Julie is Angel's big sister.
"I know that this isn't a nice thing for you to hear mom, but it is
true." Julie said in a small voice. Now I couldn't anymore. I ran out of
the room and down the hall. The tears was in my eyes and down my face,
so I couldn't see anything. When I almost was at the end of the hall, I
bombed in to a guy.
"Sorry" I said in voice you almost couldn't hear.
"It's ok!" A voice said. I looked up, and though my tears I saw Shane's
sweet face. That was to much for me: My best friend tried to commit
suicide, I had yelled at Angel's mom, Angel's mom had said I couldn't
see Angel anymore and now on top of all the bad came a good thing,
meeting Shane. I passed out.

Chapter 2.

"Hey Shane!"

The next thing I remembered, was upping my eyes and I was lying in the
same room as Angel, Angel's family, Michael and Shane was there, and I
had a fever.
"Hey Shane! What happened?" I asked with a small voice.
"You passed up." Shane said. "And now you have a fever, so the doc wants
you to stay for the night."
"Ok!" I said, took Shane's hand in mine, and went back to sleep.
Then I think of that, I think that I must have had a fever, �cuz the way
I was that night. I meet Shane, one of my biggest idols, and......I was
When I woke up the next morning around 9 or so, I looked around in the
room. It was just me and Angel in there. What had happened? Last night
was just one blur. I couldn't remember what had happened. I got out of
bed and walked over to Angel's bed. When I looked at her everything came
back to me. Why I was here. What had happened to Angel. My fight with
Angel's mom. That I had meet Shane and everything. I wanted to run away,
run away from everything, but I couldn't. I loved Angel to must to just
let her stay here alone. I walked out side in to the hall. I looked
around. I the end of the hall, I could see Shane. I walked down to him.
"Hey Shane!" I said.
"Hey Girl! How are you?" He asked.
"Ok. I think my fever is gone."
"That is great! What about Angel?"
"I don't know. She is still sleeping."
"Ok! Michala, right?"
"Hey Lads!" Shane said to the others form Westlife. "Lads. This is
Michala, the girl I told you about. Michala, this is Bryan, Ni.."
"Shane! I know who they are." I interrupted him. "Hey!"
"Hey Michala! Why are you here?" Nicky asked.
"Ok, but remember you asked. My best friend tried to commit suicide and
then I got a fever well beeing here I don't know why I just did so the
doc wanted to keep me over night but the fever is gone now." I
told them very fast without breathing.
"Oh!! I sorry I asked." Nicky said.
"Don't be. To get it out of me, I have to talk about it. Why are you
guys here?" I asked.
"One of our dancers got hit by...." Mark started.
"By what? A car?" I asked
"No." Bryan said.
"A group of fans." Kian finished.
"Hi hi!Oh....sorry! Not good! How is she now?" I asked. I chouldn't help
laughing a bit.
"She is going  be ok, but the doctor is with her now, and maybe she is
not going to dance again." Shane said, as Angel's doctor called me:
"Yes?" I said.
"Angel is a wake now. She want's to talk to you." The doctor said.
"Ok! Nicky?" I said.
"Would you please come to, �cuz to put it??? She thinks
you are cute. REALLY cute."
"Ok, I'll come Michala."
"Thanks Nicky." I said and we went over to Angel's room.
"Angel?" I said and she opened her eyes. "How are you sweety?" I asked
giving her a hug.
"I have someone I want you to meet. Nicky!" Nicky came over too Angel's
bed and said: "Hey girl! How
are you?"
"Hey! Ok, thanks." She said with a small voice and Nicky gave her a hug.
"Thanks Miggi! Of this" She said and looked at Nicky. "And I heard you
saved my life."
"I'm not going to say: "Anytime", �cuz the next time you do this, I'm
going to let you die. I don't want to loose you. I love you. You're my
best friend."
"I think I better get back to the others." Nicky said
"Ok. Thanks Nicky!" I said
"Anytime girl! Bye Angel!" He said
"Bye! I sorry Miggi. It was stupid."
"Yes IT was. But remember you're NOT stupid."
"My mom was here, right?"
"Yes. She and I had a little fight, so now I not allowed to see you
"I hate her!" Angel yelled with her small voice.
"No you don't! She will be here soon, and the we 3 are going to talk
together and find out something, so this don't happen again."
"Ok. What about Michael?" Angel asked as Michael walked in too the room.
"He's here! I'll go now. I'll be back later, ok?" I said giving her a
giving Michael a hug, walked out the door and bombed in to Shane: "We
just can't stop bombing in to each other."
"No. Come Michala. I'll give a soda."
"Thanks Shane." And we walked over to the cafeteria.

Chapter 3.

"I have known her for about 10 year. I have known her big sister for
11 years. I really love Angel. She is my best friend. If she died I will
go down, all the way down. I think I will leave school, my life would be
a hell. Sorry! No it won't be a hell. It will just be a places where no
one could live." I told Shane.
"I have no idea how you have it know. I'm sorry!" Shane said.
"Hey don't say that. You should be happy for that. I'm a big Westlife
fan, I don't know if you knew that. I
haven't been my self sins I found Angel lying on the floor in the
bathroom. I think, if I had been my self you wouldn't have been here
with me
"What happened? If I may ask?" I told Shane how I it all happened. I
started to cry. Shane sat down beside me and hugged me: "Sorry I asked,
I didn't want you to cry."
"I know Shane! I know more about you than you think."
"Michala!!!!" I heard Michael yell.
"What?" I asked.
"It's Angel. It's like she is giving up. It's like she is making her
self more sick. It's like she is dying." Michael, Shane and I ran to
Angel room. Michael told me what had happened: "She started to say that
she still wanted to die, and then she closed her eyes, and I couldn't
get her to open them" When we got into the room I yelled to Angel:
"Angel!!! Don't you even think about leaving me alone in this world.
ANGEL!!!!!!!!!" Angel didn't mouve. I started to sing Angel's favorite
BSB song:
"It's not that I can't live without you
It's just that I don't even want to try
Every night I dream about you
Ever since the day we said goodbye
If I wasn't such a fool
Right now I'd be holding you
There's nothing' that I wouldn't do
Baby if I only knew" Then Shane sang along and Michael as good as he
"The words to say
The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do
To get to you
And find a way back to your heart

I don't know how it got so crazy
But I'll do anything to set things right
'Cause your love is so amazing
Baby you're the best thing in my life
Let me prove my love is real
And made you feel the way I feel
I promise I would give the world
If only you would tell me girl

The words to say
The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do
To get to you
And find a way back to your heart

Give me one more chance, to give my love to you
'Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do,
tell me

The words to say
The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do
To get to you
And find a way back to your heart

I turn back time
To make you mine
And find a way back to your heart
I beg and plead
Fall to my knees
To find a way back to your heart

The words to say
The road to take
To find a way back to your heart
What can I do
To get to you
And find a way back to your heart" When we were done, Angel opened her
eyes and looked at us: "You guys can't live with out me can you?"
"No! Of cause not." Michael said.
"Then I'll better get well again. Shane?! You look the same and sing the
same in real life as you any where else." Angel sad with a smile on her
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Shane asked.
"Not good." Angel said and Michael and I looked a each other and
said: "She's back!"

Chapter 4.

Michael gave Angel a big kiss, and Shane and I could see that we should
leave, so we did. When we got out side Shane asked me: "You are in love
with Michael, right?"
"Are you sure??"
"You just sems a bit weird around him."
"Well, Angel and I are falling a bit a part, and a bit of it, is because
she has gotten a boyfriend, but Michael is so nice, and he's such a
great guy!"
"Hey Guys! Michala! Are you coming tonight?" asked Kian who just had
seen us.
"What is tonight?" I asked.
"We are having a concert tonight."
"That's right!! I have totally forgot, and I had tickets and
"We can hear that!" Shane said.
"What can you hear?" Bryan asked, who came over to us together with
Nicky and Mark.
"She forgot that we were having a concert tonight, and she a tickets."
Kian explained.
"Ok. You have a good memory!" said Mark.
"Please! I'm at the hospital, and my best friend tried to kill her self,
and now you want me to remember that I'm going to a concert tonight!" B4
any of them could say anything, Angel's mom came over to me to talk to
"Guys!" I said looking at them.
"Right! See you later!" Mark said, and the left.
"Michala!" Angel's mom started. "I'll try to change, I hope I can. I
don't want to lose Angel." I didn't say anything, I just nodded, put my
arm around her and we walked over to Angel's room.

Later that evening.

I was sitting together with Angel and Michael. Angel was sleeping so
Michael just sat there and talked.
"Yes Michael?"
"You and Angel are still best friend, right?"
"Of cause! Why shouldn't we be?"
"It just sems like you are falling a bit a part, and I think a bit of it
is be cause she has gotten a boyfriend."
"I know what you mean, but she'll always be my best friend and maybe
it's a little bit be cause she has gotten a boyfriend, but she loves you
sooo much! Why are you asking me this?"
"�Cuz I really love Angel, but I didn't want to come between you and
"No guy is ever going to come between me and Angel."
"This hasn't change anything between you and me, you know as friend."
"No!" I gave him a hug as Shane came in the door. "Oh, sorry!"
"No it's ok Shane. I have just told Michael what we talked about." I
"Why?" asked Shane.
"`Cuz I asked. Why did you tell him?" Michael asked.
"He asked." I said getting up.
"You're a bit weird, you know." Michael said.
"I know and I love it." I asked.
"Michael, you are right, she is weird." Shane said grinning at me. I
grinned back. Michael gave me a hug, we said goodbye and I walked out of
the room together with Shane.
"So now he knows." Shane said as we walked down the hospital hall. "How
do you feel."
"I'm in away glad he knows, cuz the he knows how I feel. I think we'll
be better friends now." I told him, as he gave me a kiss on the
smiled at me and said: "Friends is the best thing in the world." Shane
"They defiantly are." I said.

Chapter 5.

This is seen from Shane's eyes.

"Hey Guys! We are here."  I yelled when Michala and I got to the plays
where we were giving a concert. The others were already here.
"There you are, where have you been?" Kian asked.
"I just had to say something to Michael b4 we could go. So it's not
because of Shane we are late." Michala said in my defense.
"Shane! She is here." Nicky came in and told me.
"Who?" I asked.
"SHE! You know who!" Nicky said again, and now I got it and said: "Oh,
her. When did she come?"
"10 minutes ago or so."
"Ok, thanks Nicky. Michala, there is someone I want you to meet."
"Shane, when someone says that, it is probably someone you are dating so
something like that, so just say: I want you to meet me girlfriend or
want she is. Ok?"
"Ok, girl! Hun, will you please come her?" Helena came in.
"WOW! She is beautiful!" Michala told me. "Who is she?"
"Helena, this is Michala. The girl I told you about. Michala, this is my
fianc�, Helena! Oh, It is great to call you that" I said putting my arm
around Helena and waiting for Michala to be mad
or scream or something, but she didn't, she just said: "Helena, it's
to meet you. I'm glad you not some r.....SHE'S YOUR
"OH! My ears!" I said. I think Michala didn't get it b4, �cuz now I got
the scream, like a minute to late. "Helena is my fianc�. Are you mad?"
"Am I mad? Of cause not!!! That is great!!!!" Michala said and gave mea
big hug.
"I'll glad you're not mad." Helena said.
"Why should I get mad? It's great that Shane has fund the girl the girl
he want to be with. What I can't believe is that I don't know Shane had
a girlfriend."
"Well Shane and I haven't been dating of more than a month." Helena
"Only a month? How come you're already engaged?"
"Well we have know each other almost all our life. We where together for
3 years b4 Westlife, but when Westlife came into the picture we thought
it was best to stop seeing each other, so we broke up. Then a month ago
we meet again and we knew if we wanted we could make it work, so we
tried and see where it took us."
"That is nice."
"Gotta go and get ready for the show. You girl's get to know each other,
ok?" I asked.
"Sure Hun!" Helena said and gave me a kiss.

This is seen from Michala's eyes.

"See ya, Shane." I said as Shane left. "So, when did you get engaged
with Shane?"
"Yesterday." Helena replied.
"Yesterday??? So it's something totally new."
"Yeah. My heart is not down on it's plays yet."
"How did it happen?"
"Shane called me and said: "Helena. I would have asked you tomorrow when
you where coming to see os, but I can't wait. Helena? Will you marry
me?" I had been waiting for that question for I don't know how long, so
I said yes right way."
"Oh! That is so sweet! When are you going to tell your world?"
"Don't know. Soon. Shane is going to explode if we don't tell the fans
it soon."
"That's sweet. My I ask you something?"
"Sure! What?" As Helena said that I saw that ring and said: "WOW!! That
is the must beautiful ring I have ever seen!"
"Thanks! I LOVE having it. So what was the question?
"Are you truly happy? I know it's a bit weird question after you have
told me all this, but are you? I have only known Shane for 2 days or so,
but I would kill that person how hurts him."
"I feel the same way, so yes! I'm truly happy. I think I'm so happy I
could explode."
"That's great, that is really great. I'm so happy for you and Shane, I
"You wish what?"
"I was just half as happy as you, or just a bit more happy than I am
"Yeah! Shane told me about your friend and her mom." I sat down and
started to cry. "Are you mad that I know?"
"No. It's ok." I said. I started to cry even more. Helena sat down
beside me, put her arms around me. She didn't try to make me stop
crying. She just sat with her arms around me making sure that I knew
that she cared. She told I should keep on crying and get it all out. I
hope me and Helena will become friends.

Chapter 6.

The next day I had to say goodbye to the guys. The last 2 days had been
like a dream, and when I said goodbye to them and I saw them leave, it
was like I woke up from the best dream I had ever had, except the part
with Angel. I left the airport and took over to the hospital to see
Angel. When I went into Angel's room, I didn't just see Michael, I also
saw Jakob, one of Michael's friends. I had like the biggest crush on
him. I hadn't seen him in 3-4 months so I thought I didn't like him like
that any more, but when I saw Jakob all my old feelings came. Michael
and Jakob were sitting talking, but stooped when I came in.
"Hey guys! How's Angel?" I asked as I gave Michael a hug.
"She is ok. She is sleeping right now." Michael told me.
"I can see that. Jakob, long time on see. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm fine. What about you?" He said as he got op and gave me a hug.
"I'm ok, thanks!" I said surprised, �cuz I think the only time I got a
hug from Jakob. "I better go home. It has been 3 LONG days. Say hi to
Angel from me, ok? Jakob! It was nice meeting you again." I said and
almost ran out of the room. On my way home I felt REALLY bad, but it all
got better when I got
home and Shane called me. I thought that I  wouldn't hear from him for
a LONG time, but luckily I where wrong. Shane and I talked for some
time. When we were done, he said that Nicky wanted to talk to me.
"Hey Michala!" Nicky said as he got the phone.
"Hey Nicky! What's up?" I asked him.
"I just wanted to know if you would like too go too the MTV Music
Awards with me, �cuz my girlfriend can't come. We'll pay everything."
"I would LOVE too, It has always been my biggest wish to go there, and
togethef with you, it could be better, but I need too asked me mom and
dad and they're not
home right now."
"Ok. I'll call when I have time, then we'll see what we will do, ok?"
"Ok Nicky! See ya! Oh and thank you sooooo much!"
"NO problem!" When I had talked too everyone, I hung up. I felt so
much better now, knowing that the guys wouldn't forget me. I wasn't just
a fan there where nice to for 3 day or so, we where really friends.
After a talk with mom and dad, which took me an hour, I got them to let
me go with Nicky. 2 Days later Nicky called and we planed everything.
After 5 days I was really happy. As time pasted by Angel got happy too.
Angel's mom tried to change and she where
doing a good job. After some days she could go home in the day, but she
had to sleep at the hospital, so the could help her, she stayed there
for a long time.

Chapter 7.

A day b4 I were leaving too go too the awards with Nicky, Jakob called
and asked: "Hey! I want to talk to you. Can we meet at the mall in half
an hour?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"I'll tell you when you came." Jakob replied.
"Ok. Where shall we meet?"
"At McDonalds."
"Ok! See ya." I said and hung up.
When we meet, Jakob asked me if I liked him.
"Yes! I have for a long time." I told him.
"I also like you you, so.........would you like too be my Girlfriend?"
"I would." I told him and he gave me a big hug. We were together all
When I meet Shane the next day in New York airport, I told him
everything. He was really happy for me. I was more happy than I had ever
been b4.

The day after.

"And the winner is.........Westlife!!!!" It was great. Westlife won 2
awards. When people at the after party had partied for a hour or so, I
got REALLY tired, so I sat down at a table in a small room. After some
time I heard a Irish voice asked: "Can I sit here?"
"Sure!" I said and looked at him. "SHANE!?!? Shane from Boyzone, right?"
"So you know me?" He asked.
"Of cause! I'm a big fan." I told him. We had talked for an hour when my
mobilphone rang.
"It's Michala." I said.
"Hey Miggi!" Angel said.
"Hey Angel! What's up?"
"Miggi! There has been an accident." Angel told me.
"WHAT????????? What accident?" I yelled.
"Jakob got hit by a car."
"WHAT??? Is he ok?"
"I'm sorry Miggi. He died an hour ago." I couldn't say anything.
"Miggi?! I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye." I said and hung up.
"What accident?" Shane (bz) asked.
"My boyfriend got hit by a car and died." I told him with a weird voice.
I just couldn't believe it. He made me so happy and now he couldn't any
"I'm so sorry Michala." Shane (bz) said. I looked up in his eyes and
started crying. Shane (bz) put his arms around me. I just cried and
cried. Shane (wl) heard me cry and came running.
"What happen?" He asked.
"She got a phone call from someone called Angel, who told her that her
boyfriend got hit by a car and died." Shane (bz) told him. Shane (wl)
took me from Shane (bz) and got me away from the party and back to the
The next day I didn't fly home alone. Boyzone was on the same plain as
me, cuz they were doing a concert in Denmark, and the took care of me.
When I got home,
I fund out that Jakob died at the same time as I meet Shane (bz). One of
my biggest wishes became true at the same time as one of my biggest
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