By �isl�ng
"Honey, I'm gonna go to the studio and see if I can put some lyrics down with Greg" Aisling told
Kian as she pulled her jeans on.  "Right. I'll be waiting for you when you come home"  Kian
replied slyly as if to say "hurry home baby".

Kian was so proud of Aisling.  Getting to work with Greg Fitzgerald was a huge opportunity for
her. Greg was a great songwriter who had worked with the likes of Atomic Kitten, Kylie Minogue
and Reel.  He had requested Aisling work with him on his latest project for the up & coming pop
group SIX.

It was 4:30pm when Aisling left for the studio and Kian was well into watching the football.  It
was a marathon day of football on the telly, so Kian didn't even notice the time passing until
he got up to get himself a drink.  He looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and noticed it was
10:15pm.  "Wow, Aisling's been gone a good while" he thought.  "I'd better ring and make sure
she's alright".   He picked up the phone and dialed the studio.

"Hello?" Greg answered.  "Greg, it's Kian here.  Is Aisling still with you?"  "Ya, Ki she's
here, but she's in the other room working with Shane at the moment".  "Shane?"  "Ya, he showed
up just a while ago and wanted Aisling's opinion on some lyrics he was working on".  "Right!
Well, will ya tell her to give me a ring when she's on her way home.  Thanks mate".  "Will do.
later".  And with that, Kian and Greg disconnected their call.

Kian had nothing to worry about - Aisling was at the studio, where she said she'd be; She was
with Greg working, well with Shane now, so she was in good hands.  But for some reason, Kian's
mind kept going back to the fact that Aisling was working with Shane.  He trusted them both
completely.  After all, Shane had been with Gillian for 2 years and never cheated on her and
Kian & Aisling had been together for almost 3 years and never once was there an episode of
infidelity.  "Stop it Kian.  You've got nothing to worry about" he tried to convince himself.
It wasn't working.

As Kian lay there on the couch, waiting for Aisling to ring to say she was on her way home, he
couldn't get the images out of his head - Aisling and Shane sitting at the table across from
each other, laughing, bonding over their song-writing.  Aisling goes to reach for the pitcher of
water and as her hand wraps around the handle, Shane's hand meets hers there.  It isn't on
purpose, he just wants a drink as well.   The touch of Shane's hand sends shivers down her
spine, making Aisling slightly uncomfortable but loving the sensation.

Aisling removes her hand from Shane's touch and gets up from the table.  She feels awkward, but
doesn't want to leave.  Shane goes to her, reaches out and touches her on the shoulder, causing
her to turn and face him.  He strokes her face with his hand and pulls her hair back to get a
better view of her beautiful blue eyes.  Her eyes draw him in.  He can't look away - he doesn't
want to look away.  Shane pulls her in close, barely an inch separates them, their lips almost
touching.  He wants to kiss her, but waits a few seconds, making the anticipation even stronger.
She can't wait for him so she leans in and kisses him longingly.  "I want you Shane Filan" is
what her kiss says.  He responds immediately to her kiss, tasting her.

"Aaaaaahhhhh" Kian yelled "I can't take it".  He jumped up from the couch, grabbed his anorak
and took off in the car towards the studio.  By this time, it was almost midnight and Aisling
still hadn't called.  Kian had to believe that Aisling was not messing around with Shane.  He
wasn't sure, but he had to trust her, he had to trust Shane.  He stopped at Starbucks to get
Aisling's favourite coffee, a caf� mocha, so that he had an excuse for showing up at the studio.
He didn't want Aisling to know what thoughts had just consumed his mind for the past hour.

Nervously, Kian took the elevator up to the 4th floor and found Greg working in his studio.
"Hey mate" Greg said as he saw Kian enter "She's in there with Shane".  As Kian reached for the
handle, the door opened and there was Aisling and Shane about to come out of their work session.
"Hi honey" Aisling squealed, ecstatic to see Kian there.  "For you sweet-pea" Kian replied as he
handed her the coffee  "I thought you might need a pick-me-up".  "Hey man, where's mine?" Shane
joked and gave Kian a pat on the back.  He whispered "You've got one heck of a talented girl
there mate.  She's gonna be a star".

Shane turned to Aisling, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and thanked her for her help.  Kian
watched intensely, looking for the tiniest sign that there was a "more than friendship"
connection between them.  He saw nothing.   As Aisling and Shane discussed their next move for
the song, Greg pulled Kian aside.  "He doesn't get the look" Greg quietly said to Kian.  "Hah?"
Kian replied somewhat confused.  "As an outsider on this situation, I can tell you honestly Ki,
that Shane doesn't cause her smile to light up, her eyes to sparkle, her voice to tremble at the
first sight of him" Greg explained.  "You've been together for 3 years and you still do that to
her, you still give her butterflies.  Now that's what I call true love".

Kian for the first time realized that he was the one that Aisling wanted.  Despite the fact that
she and Shane will spend a lot of time in the future together working on songs, that's all that
Shane will get - Aisling's talent, her gift for song-writing.  It was Kian that had her
completely - her body, her soul, but most importantly, her heart!!
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