Dearbhla flipped on the TV.
Nothing good'll be on at this ungodly
hour, she thought. It was eight o'clock
in the morning, very early to Dearbhla's
Being in Lord of the Dance wasn't
all she thought it would be. For the most
part, is was. She was dancing her heart
out in front of thousands of people every
night, which was her dream Little girls
were asking her for her autograph and saying
they wanted to be just like her when they
grew up. But it was incredibly lonely. Sure,
she was friends with everyone included in
the cast and crew of the show, but she didn't
have a boyfriend. A few of the guys in the
show asked her out, but she didn't want to
be caught in the awkward position of if they
broke up. Many happy couples came out of
troupe dating, but it wasn't for Dearbhla.
Dearbhla played with the channels
until she came to a music one. They were
interviewing another of those God-awful
boy bands.
"Bryan, if you could speak to anyone
dead or living, who would it be?" an excited
fan squeaked out.
"Whom is this directed to?" the VJ
asked, obviously not hearing the whole thing.
"Bryan. I LOVE YOU!" the girl screamed.
"Thank you," a tall blonde member
of the band said. "My answer is a little on
the crazy side, just to let you know. I've
been thinking about it a lot lately."
"No, not this again," a dark-haired
member said.
"Yes, Shane, it's HER, again.
I'm afraid it would have to be her," the
blonde said, teasing the dark-haired one.
"Well, who is she?" the VJ asked.
"My old girlfriend. She went to the
same drama school as I did. She lived in
Dublin for two years, I think, and then
moved back to Canada."
'Is he talking about me?' Dearbhla
asked herself. Dearbhla lived in Dublin for
nearly three years, attended a drama school
as well as regular school, and then her dad
got transferred back to Canada. There was a
boy named Bryan, whom she went out with
and...Oh God! He was talking about her!
That was Bryan McFadden!
"Her name was Dearbhla," he confirmed.
"She was a year or two younger than I, and after
she moved away, we kind of lost touch. I really
loved her. I know I shouldn't be talking about
this, but I really need to find her. All I
remember of her name was that it was Dearbhla
Niamh, rather long, and it was an O'something.
If you're watching this Derv, then come to
London in three weeks. I'll be having an
autograph session and a search for you.
If you're there and can produce ID, then
I'd really like to get to know you again.
You really mean a lot to me."
"Wow!" the VJ exclaimed. "You're
really crazy about this girl."
"Not exactly, but she liked me for
me. I was just starting to come out of
being chubby," Bryan recalled.
Yes, thought Dearbhla, he had been
fat when she first met him. They became
friends after that. She loved his funny
and carefree personality. As he slimmed
out, she realised how good-looking he
actually was, and loved him all the more.
He looked amazing now! He was how old now?
Twenty? Yes, he would be twenty, as he was
two years older than her, and she was
eighteen. The last time she had heard from
him was three and a half years ago.
"All right, so, Dearbhla Niamh,
meet this dude in London in three weeks!
Don't forget! Moving on..." the VJ's
enthusiastic voice droned on.
London, three weeks, why, that
was where Lord of the Dance would be!
Dearbhla figured that since he was so
distraught, she might as well go.
It was three weeks later. Bryan
sat behind a table, signing autographs.
The other lads weren't with him, it was a
personal thing. Many girl's had come with
fake ID's, trying to prove they were Dearbhla
Niamh. Many of them were good quality, but
Bryan had hired a man who knew what were fakes.
As well, Bryan knew what eye colour and hair
colour she had. None of the fake girls matched.
No one could have the same liquid, doe brown
eyes as Dearbhla Niamh.
The autograph and proof showing session
was nearing its end. The real Dearbhla Niamh
had not yet shown herself.
"All right, the autograph session
will continue for another five minutes!" a
security guard announced.
Groans of girls knowing they wouldn't
get their things signed were heard. Many even
Five minutes rolled by and the
guard announced no more autographs.
Dearbhla arrived just as everyone
was clearing out. She saw the guards
leading Bryan away.
"Wait!" she called. She ran and
caught up with them. "I can prove I'm
Dearbhla Niamh O'Reilly." She took out
her driver's license and handed it to
one of the men.
"It's real," he said. "She's
Dearbhla Niamh Aoife Caoimhe O'Reilly,"
he read.
"You didn't need to say my whole
name!" she snapped. She always begrudged
her parents that curse of a name they
gave her.
Bryan approached her. He looked
very deeply into her eyes.
"It's her," he announced. The
guards saw there were no extra fans waiting
around (AN: Yeah right! What fans would
just leave!), and left.
"You always did have beautiful eyes,"
he said.
Dearbla believed her eyes to be the
opposite of beautiful. Dull, boring. Same with
her straight brown hair. She was extremely
pretty, but she wasn't what most guys wanted.
"Did you want to grab a coffee or
something?" he asked.
"I have about an hour," Dearbhla
nodded. "Then I have to get to rehearsals."
"Really?" Bryan asked, as they
walked down to a small cafe just down
the street.
"What kind of rehearsals?"
"Oh, dance. I'm in Lord of the
Dance," she answered.
"Right, you did Irish dancing,
and what else? he asked, his memory
failing him.
"While I was in Dublin, I studied
ballet and modern, as well as Irish. You
also persuaded me to take your tap class
there for a while. I wasn't really interested
in tap though. I just thought you looked so
cute when you tapped," Dearbhla answered.
"Really? That was back in my chunky
days! I didn't think anyone liked me then,"
Bryan replied. "You were the first girl who
liked me once I lost some weight."
"Remember how we were nearly best
friends when I first arrived, and then
I told you my parents didn't like you
and didn't want me hanging around with
you?" Dearbhla questioned.
"Yes, that practically broke my
heart! I thought you were the cutest girl
in drama school," Bryan laughed.
"That was when you started losing
the weight. I realised how much I liked
you then. I was too embarrassed to be
around you that much, so I made up that
excuse. For the most part really, my parents
did think it was unhealthy for me to be best
friends with a boy though," Dearbhla confessed.
"I never knew that. I didn't even
think you would like me," Bryan admitted.
"So, I ditched you for nothing?"
Dearbhla laughed, Bryan joined in.
"I guess you did," he said. "Boys
are fairly stupid at that age when it comes
to girls."
The two had reached the cafe. They
were seated and ordered their drinks.
"Dearbhla," Bryan began. "I've been
wanting to tell you this for the past three
and a half years. I was a fool to let you go.
I had just turned seventeen. I was a man, I
thought I didn't need a fourteen and a half
year old, waiting on the other side of the
world for me. There was a girl I liked, and
I thought she wanted a real relationship.
She just wanted a fling. After I figured this
out, I thought you would hate me for not
writing. I was also too ashamed to write
to you," Bryan looked down as he said the
last bit.
"Bryan, I was mad at you, but I didn't
stay mad for long. Who could blame you? You were
alone, and there were other girls. It's
understandable," Dearbhla said.
"No, it's not. I let you get away.
I miss you," Bryan replied.
"I'm here, aren't I?"
I Miss You
Authors Note
Hey, please, please PLEASE tell me what you
thought! I haven't gotten any feedback as of
yet on this story. I need my paycheck! (Just
so you know, fan fiction writers are paid by
e-mail) Thanks for taking the time to read
this, so please take the little extra time to
write a short note of approval, or of dislike.
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