**** The next day ****

Mark yelped as he tried to move his leg in bed. "Shit." He muttered to himself.
There was a knock on his door.
"Come in." Mark called out from his bed.
It was Michelle, armed with a big brown paper bag in one arm and a white plastic bag in her other hand.
"I've brought some life-saving goodies," She set the bag down on the night table. She saw that Mark was having trouble getting out of bed.
"Let me help you." Michelle reached out for his arm.
Mark immediately grabbed his arm away. "I can do it myself, you know?" he cynically told her.
"Fine. Let me see you do it then." Michelle sat down on the bed, waiting for Mark to help himself up.
It was no use to Mark. "You can help me now."
Michelle laughed. "You're too stubborn," She pulled him up and adjusted his leg. "I've brought some breakfast for you" She pulled out a box that contained pancakes and some packages of maple syrup. "And some pain relievers for you."
Mark sighed. "I need some now. It was so hard to sleep last night."
"Yeah I can see." Michelle looked at him and passed him a box of extra-strength Advils.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you last night. I was delusional." Mark apologized to me.
"It's forgotten." I lied to him. I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said to me, if I really loved Nicky as much as I say I do.
Mark ate his breakfast in bed and I cleaned up his room for him.
"You need to take a shower Mark." I told him when I saw a pile of dirty clothes in one corner.
"Help me in there?" He looked up from his breakfast and laughed.
"God no! You're 22!" I threw a dirty shirt at him and sighed.

After Mark took a shower, I helped him get dressed.
"What are your plans for today?" I asked him as he combed his hair.
He thought for a moment. "Oh yeah�. We have a day off I suppose," He checked his watch. "It's only 11 A.M."
"Nicky went out to do some shopping. Why don't we go to Central Park? I haven't been there yet?" I suggested.
"You mean, you're willing to be seen with a cripple out in public?"
"You're not a cripple. Just an asshole who got drunk," I laughed. "What do you think anyway?"
Mark nodded his head. "Sounds good. It'll be cool going around in my new wheelchair. Premium parking, you know?" He laughed along with me.

**** Meanwhile ****

Nicky browsed through the stores of New York City. He was shopping for a birthday present for Michelle, whose birthday was coming up in a month. But by then, he wouldn't be able to see her since the promotional tour was going west.
He spotted a small jewelry shop near Central Park.
"Can I help you look for something?" a salesman asked him as Nicky searched the display cases.
"I'm looking something for my girlfriend. Her birthday's in a month and I would like to knock her socks off."
The salesman nodded his head. "Gold or silver?"
"Gold definitely. She's not a fan of silver."
The salesman took him to a section of the store that contained gold jewelry.
"What kind of jewelry does she prefer? Rings? Necklaces?"
Nicky remembered that Michelle loved to wear rings. "Rings." He was hoping she would love his birthday present when he planned to give it to her tonight.

**** Central Park ****

I pushed Mark's wheelchair through the busy pathways of Central Park. It was a pretty busy day. Kids were everywhere and pigeons practically covered every inch. It wasn't a great idea for Mark had a slight fear of birds attacking him.
"Don't be silly. They only want to see the moldy food off the ground." I reminded him.
Mark chuckled nervously. "You told me you did that once, right?"
I nodded sadly. "Yeah, when I was like seven years old. I remember going on a field trip to the zoo with my first grade class. Some people asked me to eat some food and I was like 'Okay' and ate moldy bread off the ground."
Mark laughed. "Did you get sick?" He looked up at me from his wheelchair.
"No� That's the funny thing." I continued to push him until we found a nice spot in a quiet area.
"Help me onto the bench. I look ridiculous in this stupid-assed chair." Mark tried to climb out of it and I helped him onto the bench.
"I pity your mother. You must have been a restless child."
Mark stuck his tongue out. "Actually, I was a pretty good kid."

Michelle looked so pretty today. Her red hair was down in curls and she was wearing nice dark denim jeans and a red top. He had to tell her right now what he was feeling at the moment and what happened last night.
"Can I talk to you about something?" he asked her nervously.
Michelle shrugged her shoulders. "Sure. Anything."
"It's about last night."
He saw her bite her lips. "What about it?"
"I need to be honest with you�."

I was getting worried about what Mark had to say to me. He looked handsome today. Although despite his "minor" injuries, his blue eyes still stood out and his dimples shone.
"What do you need to say to me?" I asked again.
"Nothing�.." he turned away from me and fidgeted with his hands.
I took a hold of them and clasped them. "Mark. You know me. I'm going to get it out of you, no matter what."
All of sudden, I felt his lips on mine. They were warm and soft, but very different from Nicky's. I let him kiss me for a moment because I was too much in astonishment to see what had happened.

Nicky strolled along Central Park, hoping to find a cup of tea. He was thirsty after buying Michelle a nice gold ring. Then he recognized two figures sitting on a park bench and it seemed to him they were kissing. Nicky dropped his bag in horror. It was Mark making a move on Michelle!
"What the hell?" he thought and picked up his bag.

"Mark! What are you doing?" I exclaimed as I pulled away.
His face turned red. "I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." He touched his lips, feeling embarrassed that he had taken advantage of Michelle.
I felt my lips tingle, as if something had happened.

I try but I can't seem to let myself think of anything but you
Your breath on my face
Your warm gentle kiss
I taste the truth
I taste the truth
You're what I came here for
So I won't ask for more

Suddenly, I saw Mark fall backwards.
"Take that! You�." Nicky huffed.
"Oh my god!" I cried out and helped to pick Mark up.
Nicky was still breathing heavily. "I knew it�" he whispered to me.
"What do you mean, you knew it? He's only lonely Nicky!" I yelled at him.
Mark groaned in pain and climbed back onto the bench, with his hand on his eye. It seemed Nicky had hit him in the eye.
"You kissed him!" Nicky sputtered at me and tossed a black bag at me. "I thought you loved me!"
Still holding Mark's shoulder, I said, "I do. You didn't see everything."
"If you love me, then you will never see him again!" Nicky gave me an ultimatum.

I wanna be with you
If only for one night
I wanna be the one in your arms
To hold you tight
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

I stared at Nicky, and his hand was beginning to swell. "How can you do such a thing? He's my best friend! And you're my boyfriend!"
"I have to do this. I know he loves you more than you think he does!" Nicky quieted a bit.

So I hope tonight like if you were mine
To hold forever more
And I'll savour the touch that I wanted
So much to feel before
How beautiful is this
Just to be like this

I looked at Mark who was moaning from the wrath of Nicky. "No Nicky. I can't do this. It's not fair," I shook my head. "I can't decide between you two."
Nicky exhaled. "Fine Michelle, then as for us, it's over. As long as you keep seeing him, there is no more 'us'. Have a nice life with him." He started to walk away.
I lost my breath for a second. "Nicky!" I called out after him. "Please!" I begged.

I wanna be with you
If only for one night
I wanna be the one in your arms
To hold you tight
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

Oh baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
Drives me crazy when I try to
So, call my name
Take my hand
You make my wish
Baby your command

Mark saw the whole thing. He felt horrible for breaking up Michelle and Nicky. He touched her arm, but she jerked it away.
"Don't touch me." She whispered bitterly to him.
Mark sighed.
"I can't leave you here, so I'll take you back to the hotel." She would not look at him in the eye.
Mark followed her instructions and let her help him back into his wheelchair. The walk back to the hotel was a long and silent walk.

I wanna be with you
If only for one night
I wanna be the one in your arms
To hold you tight
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

When we came back to our hotel rooms, I saw that Nicky's room was empty. I sat outside the doorway, waiting for him to come home. When he finally did, he looked at me for a long time.
"How long have you been out there?" he sat down next to me outside in the hall.
"Doesn't matter." I mumbled.
"Did you open your birthday present?"
I picked up the black bag. I had not opened it yet. I pulled out a velvet box and knew it was jewelry. I opened it to find a gold ring with a simple garnet embedded in the center.
"It was your birthday present, you know?" Nicky sighed.
"Why can't we be together?" I started to cry softly, the tears hitting the ring.
"Look, I know you love Mark. I see the way you look at him. You don't look at me that way." Nicky sighed rejectedly.
I glanced at Nicky. His blue eyes were starting to water.
"I'm doing this for you."
I scoffed. "Don't do this so you can be the better man," I closed the box and wrapped my palm around it tightly. "It's true I love Mark, but not the way I love you."
"You're so dense. Can't you see it? You were meant to be with him!" Nicky touched my cheek.
"But� I love� You." I whispered breathlessly.
He wrapped his arms around me. "I know you do. That's why you need to talk with Mark."
Biting my lips, I knew Nicky was right. I always feared having a relationship with Mark. I wasn't sure why then, but now I do. I wouldn't risk our friendship because he meant the world to me.
"I still love you too. I will always. But I need to let you go." Nicky kissed my forehead and got up to go back inside his room, leaving me alone in the dim lighted hallway.

I wanna be with you
If only for one night
I wanna be the one in your arms
To hold you tight
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

song performed by: Mandy Moore
I Wanna Be With You
By Mattie Scott
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