Chapter 1 (Shane)
The Johnson family was the family next door. They have lived there like
forever or something. My mom and Marie (Mrs Johnson) had known each
other sins school. Marie was like a extra mom for me. My family and the
Johnsons was like one family. Marie was a nurse. She's married to Dr.
Geff Johnson. Yes, there story was the doctor, who fell in love with the
nurse. It's a pretty romantic story. They have 5 kids, Christina (the
oldest), Sara, Michelle, Yvonne and Sam (the youngest and a tom-girl).
Sam's real name was, and still is, Samantha. She just hates when people
call her that. You couldn't call Sam a boy, cuz she got things that lads
doesn't have (you know what I mean) and you couldn't call her a girl,
cuz her inside was a boy. My 3 big brothers, me and Sam was group 1, and
my 3 big sisters and her 4 big sisters was group 2. I remember they
hated that they were group 2. Sam was really one of the lads. I remember
she got SO mad when she fund out that she couldn't go to the same school
as us, cuz she was a girl and we went to an all boy school. Sam was 5
years younger then me, and that means a lot younger that the others in
group 1, but we did care. She was our little thing. We would do anything
for her. Walk over fire swim over the 7 seas. Sam and I was/are best
friends and had be sins she was born. I remember the day Sam was born.
Mom took me to the hospital just me, cuz my brothers and sisters was at
school and dad was at work. When mom and I came in and saw Sam, right
then and there I knew that that she was going to be a cool girl. Sam has
supported me in everything, even when nobody else did, she still did.
Sam was the BIGGEST fan of IOU. She was the best. She came to every
concert and every gig we had. She also went riding with me, even when
she was afraid of horses, but as time past by I got her to see that
horses was ok, I was the one who showed her how to rid. There was only 1
bad thing about Sam. She was to nice. If you told her to do something,
she did it. No matter how you asked her or how sick she was, she would
do anything for you. She would also do almost anything for people she
didn't know that well. That was good, but some people used her. If you
asked her why she did anything for people, then she would say: "Cuz it
makes me happy." That was true, she was happy almost all the time. She
never got made, except when there was something she couldn't do together
with the rest of group 1, cuz she was a girl, that she REALLY hated.
There was a lot of thing Sam love to do, but there was 3 things that was
her true love. 1: Do things together with Group 1, no matter what it was
she loved it. 2: Music. And 3: Football. She was in heaven when group 1
was playing football, and there was some music playing. Sam never cry
when anyone looked at her, I was the only one who could
see her cry. I was the only one how she really opened up to. It took
REALLY heard on her, when we got older and my brothers and sisters
started to move out, and her sisters too, but I was the only one she
told how she felt about it.

Chapter 2. (Shane)
The day I got home from Dublin, where Kian, I, Mark and Louis had fund
the 2 new members for the band, she was out playing football. I took
Bryan and Nicky over to her house, so they could meet her, but Sara told
me that she was out playing football. We (Westlife) drove over to the
plays, where she always played football.
When we got there was saw Sam running around play with her self. She was
REALLY good. "I'll call for her." I said, and was about to yell when
Nicky said: "No! She's good. I want to see her play some more."
"Ok." We stood there of 10 minuets just looking at Sam.

I was Play football with my self, when I felt someone looking at me. I
looked around. Suddenly I saw 5 lads standing looking at me play. They
where standing far way, so I couldn't see who it was.
"Hey. Do you want to play?" I yelled, cuz it was starting to get a bit
boring playing with my self.
"Yeah, sure." On of the lads yelled back. I knew that voice.
"Shane?" I yelled.
"The one and only." He yelled back. I screamed and run to him. I jumped
in to his arms. I hadn't seen him for 1 and � week or os. I had missed
him SO much.
"I missed you so much, Shane." I whispered into he ear.
"Ditto." He said. He sat me down again.
"Hey Kian. Hey Mark." I said giving them a hug.
"Hey Sam." They said.
"Sam." Shane said. "This is Nicky and Bryan. Guys this is Sam."
"Hey Nicky, Bryan." I said.
"Hey. I'm glad to finally met you. Shane has talked a lot about you."
Bryan said.
"Really. I didn't know there was so much people could say about me."
"There is. I can see that he was right when he said you were beautiful."
Nicky said.
"Thanks!" I said. The only guy how had told me that was Shane and he's
brothers. "Sorry, can we play some football. I getting pretty cold."
"Sure. Sam, you'll captain no. 1. And Nicky, you'll be no. 2." Shane
"Why is she captain and I'm not?" Bryan asked.
"Bryan, you saw who good she was when she played alone, she's much
better when she's playing in a game. So......."
"No, Shane. It's ok. Bryan can be captain if he wants." I said. I didn't
want to be captain if Bryan also wanted to be it.
"Thanks Sam." Bryan said.
"No problem Bryan." I said and Shane pulled me aside.
"Why did you do that Sam? You love being captain."
"I know, but Bryan wanted to be captain. I didn't want to be it if he
"You're to big hearted Sam." Shane said.
"That's life, Shane. That's life."

Chapter 3 (Bryan)
The teams was Nicky, Kian and Mark, and Shane, Sam and my self. It was
so fun playing football. Sam was REALLY good. She was strong, anybody
could see that. That was probably because she played a lot of football.
Well, that was what Shane had told him.
After the game.
"Sam! You're really good." Nicky said.
"Thanks! You are really good too, better than me." Sam said.
"Well, I left school to play football. Well soccer, but it's what you
call football."
"Really? Cool!"
"Well yeah, but I regret that."
"Sorry!" Sam said. "By the way, have you talked with Anna yet?"
"No Sam, Why?"
"Who's Anna?" I asked having a feeling about who it was.
"A girl Shane have been seeing the last 4 months." Kian explained.
"But not much longer." Sam said.
"What?" Shane asked.
"Oh, nothing." Sam said. I was the only one who heard what she said. I
thought about it.
I pulled Sam aside, and asked her was there was the matter.
"What? Oh, you heard. The Shane Anna thing, right?" She said.
"Right! Don't you like Anna?"
"NO!!! I did b4, but I don't do anymore."
"Why not? Have you fund out that you are madly in love with Shane."
"No, well I love him, but only as a friend."
"Then why do you like her?"
"She's cheating on Shane! I saw her kissing and hanging out with another
lad all this week."
"WHAT??? You have to tell Shane."
"I can't Bryan. I can brake Shane's heart. I love him to much. He's my
best friend."
"Someone has to tell him."
"I know Bryan, but it's not going to be me."
"Do you think Anna would do it?"
"I don't She has done that b4, and she didn't
tell her ex-boyfriend what was going on, b4 he saw her kissing some
other lad." I looked hat her. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know
Sam that well, and I have never met Anna. I just knew someone would have
to tell Shane.
"Ok, I'll tell him tonight."

Later that night. The lads was sitting in Shane's room, when I came in
though the window.
"Why don't you come in though the door like everybody else?"  Nicky
"I never come in though the door, always Shane's window." I told him
"What do you do if you find Shane in only his boxers?" Bryan asked.
"I have done that one. Well I don't mind. I have seen him without his
boxers, so I don't think of that." I explained.
"You don't mind Shane?" Nicky asked.
"No not really. I have know Sam sins she was born, she my best friend. I
don't see her like a girl, she's.............Sam."
"Shane can I talk to you?" I asked, I didn't want to, but someone had to
tell him.
"Sure." He asked, he didn't move.
"Outside." I said looking at the window.
"Oh, ok." We went out the window, and walked down the road to the

Chapter 4 (Sam)
"What's the matter?" He asked. I didn't want to tell him, so I played a
bit with my favourite pony and acting like I didn't hear him.
"Sam! What's the matter?" He tried again. This time I knew I couldn't
act like I didn't hear him, so I said: "There's something I have to tell
you, and I don't think you want me to tell you."
"What is it Sam?" He asked looking a bit worried.
"This week, where you have been away, the I have seen Anna hanging out
with this other lad." I started.
"Well, it's ok that she has male friends."
"I'm not talking about friends, like we two are friends. I'm talking
about the way you was friends with her."
"I'm not with you." He said, but I could see that he was with, all the
"Shane. I saw her kissing another lad. I'm so sorry." I went over to
give her a hug, but he pushed me away.
"No. You're lying." He yelled. I could see he was REALLY mad.
"I'm NOT lying. Why should I lie to you?"
"You tell me." Shane was SO mad.
"Shane, you're my best friend. I love you. I wouldn't lie to you. I SO
sorry, but Anna did it b4, and she did it again."
"NO! It's not true! IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!" He yelled. I had never see
him so mad.
"SHANE!!!!! I'm NOT lying. Believe me. I'm your best friend."
"IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!" Shane lifted his hand, and I could see that he was
going to hit me, so I moved so he didn't hit. When he had done it, he
relaced what he had done. He looked at me. I had was SO scared, Shane
had never tried to hit me b4, well he had but only for fun and this was
NOT for fun. He started to cry: "I'm so sorry!" I didn't know what to
do. Shane just stood there crying.
"I'm sorry." He said again. I wanted to run away hating him for not
believing me, and trying to hit me but I couldn't. He was me best
friend, and he was sitting crying. I went over to him and put my arms
around me. He looked at me.
"I thought you would hate me." He said all up in tears.
"I couldn't hate you." I said.
"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, and I'm sorry I tried to hit you."
"Do think about it."
"You have to big a heart.........."
"Stop! Don't say anything." We sat there for some time. He looked at me,
the next thing I knew he was kissing me. I have to admit I kissed him
back. When we let go of each other, we looked at eachother.
"What in the world are we doing?" I asked. We looked at each other and
started laughing.
"We were kissing!" He joked.
"I know that!" I hit him but only for fun: "This is like never going to
"Not as long as I can do something about how I'm in love with." Shane
"HEY! I'm not that bad a catch."
"You know what I mean. What are we going to do?"
"WE?" I asked looked a bit mad. I looked almost scared at me. "Joking,
joking. But let's try giving her some of her own medicine."
"Let's act like we are seeing each other behind her back."
"You'll do that for me, after what just happened?"

Chapter 5 (Nicky)
We where still sitting in Shane's room, when Shane and Sam came in
though the window.
"Did you tell him?" Bryan asked Sam.
"Yes, she did. She also told me that you was the one who made her tell
me." Shane said.
"Is that a good thing or bad thin?"
"Good. We need you guys to help us." Shane said.
"Sure. For what?" I asked.
"We'll tell you tomorrow, cuz I need to go home now. Goodnight." Sam
said, jumped out the window and ran though the garden and home.

The next day.
We were all at Mark's house. His mom, dad and brothers was out of the
house. Sam met us there.
"Ok, what do you need our help for?" Bryan asked.
"You guys have to help Sam and me to look like two people who are in
love. We are going to give Anna some of her own medicine." Shane
"Good idea! Ok lets start with the kissing." Bryan said. "Look at each
other and......."
"Bryan, we know who you kiss. Ok Shane lets do it." They looked at each
other and was just about to kiss when Sam started to laugh: "Sorry. It's
just the thought of kissing him. Sorry. I'm ok now." They tried again,
but a agin Sam started to laugh again: "Sorry! I can do it now." But she
"Ok lets try a France kiss." Bryan said.
"No way!" Sam said. Everybody looked at her. "Ok, ok. I'll do it." They
tried, and they did ok, until the France came. Then Sam pulled her mouth

away and laugh again.
"Do you want our help or not?" I asked.
"I do! Well, Shane does, but when the tung thing came.....that was just
to weird."
"Please! It not that hard." Shane said.
"No, come on Sam!" Bryan said.
"I have an idea. It's heard to loose you boyfriend to and girl, but it's
harder to loose him to another guy." Sam said with a grin on her face.
"What are you getting at Sam." Bryan and Shane asked. I knew what she
was getting at, so helped her.
"What she's getting at, is that you two should play the part." I grinned
and put my arm around Sam.
"Thanks Nicky. That was what I was getting at."
"There's no way I'm kissing a guy." Shane said.
"There's no way I'm kissing Shane." Bryan said.
"Hey. I'm not that bad a catch." Shane said and we all started to laugh.
"I think I have heard that one b4." Sam said to Shane.
"Well......" Shane said.

Chapter 6 (Bryan)
We drooped all the kissing thing, cuz there was not way Shane and I
would kiss, we both loved girls to much and fund out that the best thing
to do was that Shane just talked to Anna. (Sorry Charlie they did do it,
I hope you'll live HIHIHIHIHI)

I was lying in the bed trying to fall a sleep, when Shane came in though
the window and sat in my windowsill..
"Hey Shane! How did it go taking to Anna?" He didn't have to say
anything, he didn't have to I could see everything in his eyes. "What
did she say?"
"First she said you lied, but after some time she said the you were
right." Shane said. I could see the tears in his eyes. I was on my way
out of bed, but Shane stopped me and came over to me. I sat up in my bed
and he stood in front for me. I put my arms around him and he let the
tears run. We stood like that for some time. We let go, we looked at
each other, in side him I could see something I hadn't see b4, so much
"Shane, you really liked her, didn't you?" I asked. He nodded.
"Is there room for one more in that be?" He asked talking about me bed.
"There was when we were younger so I think there still is." He so for
his clothes of and got in to be. I put my head on his chest, like I
always did when we were younger. We didn't say anything, we knew what
the other was going to say b4 the other one said it, sometimes we had it
like that, but not always.
"What would I do without you?" Shane asked.
"I don't know. The same thing I would do without you probably." I said.

In March year 1999. (Yvonne, Sam's big sister not Shane's)
"Ring.......ring.........RING!" The phone said.
"Yeah, yeah. Hold you houses, will ya! Hey!!" I said and got the phone.
"Hey babe of group 2! What's up?" I know that voice. There was 5 people,
who called me babe of group 2, and I couldn't see why 4 of them should
call so: "P.C.!? It's great to hear you voice again. Well, I'm fine.
"I'm fine too. Can I talk to Sam?"
"You can't talk with me for just 2 sec?" I said joking.
"Ok, well. Do you know what's happening 19th next month?"
"No, tell me."
"Westlife is releasing there first single!"
"P.C. that's GREAT!!!!"

"What's great?" I asked, just coming by.
"Westlife's releasing there first single the 19th next month." Yvonne
said. I screamed.
"Is that Shane? Give me the phone! GIVE ME THE PHONE!!!" I was SO
exited. I got the phone from Yvonne. "Shane, is it true?"
"Yes! The 19th this next month Westlife's first single "Swear It Again"
is going to be out in the shops and the video is going to be on MTV."
"Shane that GREAT!!!!!!! I know you sang "Swear It Again" for me last
time we were together, but know I don't remember it."
"I wanna know, Whoever told you I was letting go, Of the only joy that I
have ever known, Girl, they're lying" Shane sang.
"Oh yeah, that's right. The chorus goes something like this: I'm never
gonna say goodbye, cuz I never wanna see you cry.......And know I don't
remember anymore."
"I'll send you a cope as soon as I can, and don't worry, it's going to
be signed but the one and only Westlife."
"GREAT! Thanks!!!" I yelled.
"SHANE!" I heard someone call in the other end. I think it was Mark.
"I'll be right there." Shane yelled back. "Sorry Sam, I have to go. It
was GREAT talking to you."
"Ditto." I said. "By the way, when are you coming home? I miss you SO
"I don't know yet, but I'll call you as soon as I know something."
"Ok, thanks." I hated this, not being together with Shane. Ever sins the
day I was born I had see Shane every day, or every second day. The
longest we had ever been apart was 2 weeks. Those two weeks was the
worst weeks of my life. I knew there was going to be longer and longer
time between we saw each other, but I knew that this was the thing Shane
wanted the most, ever sins he was a little boy. I hated it.

Chapter 7 (Bryan)
In November 1999 at the MTV European Music Awards.
Sam was my date, after I broke up with Lene there wasn't really any girl
I would like to go to the awards with, so I thought that I would go with
Sam, cuz she was a good friend and she didn't have a date, and if she
didn't have a date she couldn't come. She was really going with Shane,
but the she got sick and said to Shane that he should get another date,
and he did. Sam got well again and could go, but she couldn't go with
Shane, cuz he had a date, but I didn't so she got to be my date, I have
to admit that I didn't mind going with her, cuz she was a pretty girl.
"And the winner for Best UK and Irish act is:" It was one of the only
Award, we were nominated for. I didn't think we would win it, in a way I
didn't hope we would win it, cuz we were up against Boyzone and some
others, and we were NOT better than Boyzone.
"Boyzone!" Everybody got stood out and clapped. I could see that Sam was
SO happy, cuz she was a BIG, really BIG fan of Boyzone, but I knew she
felt sorry for us that we didn't win. Well, we didn't win, but it was a
GREAT show anyway, just being there and be nominated.
It was SO funny the first time Sam met Ronan, when she met Boyzone was
funny to, but not as funny as when she met Ronan. She came to see us in
Dublin. She was at Nicky house together with the rest of us. Shane and I
was running after her, I don't remember why, I think it was something
with the trying to kiss scene from the year b4, she would NEVER let us
forget that. Ronan had just arrived, but Shane, Sam and I didn't know.
Well, we were running though the hole house, or flat or what ever you
would call it, when we came into the living room, Sam thought that Ronan
was Nicky (she's only 5ft2 so she didn't look at the face, cuz his chest
was in her eye level.) so she grabbed him turned him around, so she
could hid behind him.
"Oh. Hi Ronan!" I stopped and said, when I saw him.
"Yeah, yeah. Like I'm going to fall for that one, Shane had used that
one me ever sins I started to like Boyzone." Sam said, she stilled
hadn't looked up.
"Hey Ronan. Sam. Look up!" Shane said.
"Why?" Sam asked, she still didn't let go, she didn't really believe us.
"Just do it." Shane said, getting ready for a laugh. Sam looked up, and
looked right into Ronan's face. She screamed!
"Oh, my hear!" Ronan said, everybody started laughing, except Sam.
"Sam." Shane came over and made she let go of Ronan, on to of everything
she had forgot to let go. "Ronan, this is Sam, the girl I have told
about, and Sam this is...."
"I think she know who that is, Shane." Mark said still laughing.
"Hey Sam. It's nice to met Shane best mate and a fan at the same time."
Sam couldn't say anything, she just looked at Ronan.
"Sam." Shane hit her in the back of her head.
"What?" She "woke" up. "Oh, hey Ronan. Just a sec. Don't go anywhere."
"Ok." Ronan said, she runned into the room where she was sleeping
together with Shane.
"What was that all about?" Ronan asked.
"Oh, she's just getting her Boyzone cd's. She knew she was going to me
you, so she has all 4 of them with her." Shane explained.
"Ok!" Ronan said again. Sam came back with the cd's.

Chapter 8 (Sam)
The party after the awards was one of the best party's ever. Bryan got
pretty drunk, but that was fun, cuz he got really funny and was SO
sweet. He danced a lot with me and everything. It was the first time
someone really made me feel like a lady, and I have to admit that I
liked it. I also have to admit that I kinda like Bryan, but Shane was
the only one who knew. I has known that since he started dating Lene
from Aqua, don't think that I hated her or anything, cuz I didn't. I
really like her and Aqua, I just hated the fact that Bryan had a
Bryan and I was dancing when we saw Lene.
"Go talk to her." I said.
"Sure?" He asked.
"Jep. Go!" He walked over to her and started talking with her. I sat
down by the bar and got a soda. I was only 15 so that was the only thing
I could get.
"Hey Sam!" A voice behind me said
"What?" I said as I turned around and looked into Steve from Boyzone's
eyes. "Oh, hey Steve! You know my name? We have only met like one
"Well, I remember you, Shane's friend right?"
"Why are you sitting here? Why aren't you dancing?"
"I was dancing with Bryan, but he saw an ex-girlfriend he wanted to talk
with." I explained.
"Ok! WOW, cute guy 10 o'clock!"
"Oh MAN, yeah he's cute!" I said. "Have you seen the guy at 5 o'clock?"
Steve looked that way.
"MAN! He's HOT!"
"Yeah.......what a minute! I'm sitting here talking about hot guys, WITH
A GUY! Ok, that's weird." In that moment Eloy came over to us.
"Hey! What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Cute guys!" Steve said.
"There can't be that much to talk about, cuz I can only see one and he's
sitting right here!" Eloy said and looked at Steve and Steve looked at
"PLEASE! That was one thing I didn't need to hear."
"Sorry Sam." Steve said as Shane called for me.
"Sorry guys. Shane is calling for me. It was nice talking to you."
"Yeah, it was nice to see you again." I gave the 2 guys a hug and walked
over to Shane.

Chapter 9 (Shane)
Some months later.
We were in a hotel in London. The others and I had asked Sam to come to
London for the weekend, cuz I hadn't see her since christmas, and it had
to be a weekend cuz she was still in school, but it was her last year.
Bryan wanted her to met that girl he had been dating the last 3 weeks or
so, Kerry. I knew Sam didn't want to met her, cuz he was in love with
Bryan, he just didn't know it. So she met Kerry just to make Bryan
happy. I couldn't met the person I like's girlfriend, well boyfriend for
me, but we are talking about Sam. She did it, and everytime she was in
the same room as Bryan or/and Kerry, she had a smile on.
"How are you hanging on?" I asked, stading alown with her in my and
her's hotel room.
"I'm living!" She said. I could see she was sad.
"What do you think about her?"
"I hate to say this, but I like her. She is really nice."
"I'm proud of you, hanging on like that."
"Thanks Shane." I went over to her an put my arms around her, a moment
later Bryan came into the room: "Oh, sorry!"
"No it's ok!" I said, letting go of Sam. "It's just so long time ago
since I last saw Sam, and I haven't had time to be alone with her."
"Ok. I just came in to asked Sam something. What do you think of Kerry?"
Bryan asked.
"She's nice."
"That's GREAT! I'm SO happy you like her." Bryan kissed Sam. Sam looked
at him and ran out of the room and out of the hotel.
"When are you going to stop doing this to her?" I asked Bryan and was
about to run after her when Bryan asked: "What did I do?"
"You act like you like her, but you don't, do you? You are just playing
with her." I ran after her. I have SO mad at Bryan, but I really
shouldn't cuz he didn't know that Sam like him.

Chapter 10 (Sam)
I was running down the streets. I could hear Shane yelling and running
after me, but I didn't stop. Suddanly came to a road where there was
driving a lot of cars, so there Shane got me. He didn't say anything. He
just looked at me for a moment and the put his arms around me and let me
cry as much as I could. When I was done crying, we walked a bit up and
down the streets for London. Ters was still roling down my cheeks with
same minutes between. Suddanly a girl said : "Shane?"
"Yeah, that's me." shane said. I didn't look up.
"Hi! I'm Nikki. Could I......Oh sorry! I didn't know.....sorry I'll just
be on my way." She said when she saw that I was crying.
"No! It's ok!" I said. "I know you really would like to talk to Shane,
don't mind me."
"Thanks! Your that girl from Sligo, right? Shane's friend.....Sam."
"Yes. That's her! So what do you want me to write on?" Shane asked.
"It doesn't matter. I'll live. I think she needs you more that I need
you." Nikki said.
"Thanks Nikki!" I said with a low voice. "That's really sweet of you. I
don't think there's many fan, who would say that."
"Yeah. That nice of you Nikki! Why don't you come with us? Then you can
meet the rest of the guys." Shane said.
"Yeah, I'm going to be ok soon, so come a long with us."
"For real?" Nikki asked.
"Yes, for real." Shane said and the 3 of us walked to the streets, back
to the hotel.
"You look like a girl I know." I said. She really look like a girl I
have seen on a picture. I think it was one of my penpals, on of them I
hadn't told who I really was.
"Really?" She asked. "Who?"
"One of my penpals. What's your last name?"
"Lockyer. I'm from Bristol, here in England."
"WHAT???" I yelled stopping, and so did she and Shane. "Nix?"
"Yeah, who did you know that?.....Hey! Where do you live?"
"In Sligo."
"You're THAT Sam?"
"Yes!" We gave each other a BIG hug. We were SO good friends.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were that Sam?"
"You didn't ask."
"No! Cuz everytime the thought go into my head and said to my self that
that couldn't be true, cuz then you would have told me. Well, I was
"Ok. I'm lost!" Shane said looking at us.
"Shane this is Nikki. My penpal."
"Oh yeah. That one I wrote to in your letters to her?"
"That was you?" Nikke asked.
"YOu're not angree that I didn't tell you?" I asked her, cuz maybe she
would be.
"No! I can see why you did it, cuz almust every Westlife fan knows who
you are, and you probably wanted to have a Westlife fan as friend, who
didn't try to get you to get her together with Shane."
"Jep." It was SO great that I finally had met Nix and I had told her
that I was Shane's friend. I hated holding the from her, cuz we almust
didn't ceep anything from each other. We walked back to the hotel

Chapter 11 (Sam)
3 weeks later.
I never told Bryan, why I ran away that day. I just said that I didn't
what to talk about it, when he asked.
I was sitting ready e-mails, when the phone rang. I was home alone so I
got it.
"Hallo!" I said when I got it.
"Shane!!!!!! I didn't think I'll hear from you that soon, since you rang
last night."
"I don't have anything to do, so I thought I would ring you."
"I thought you would ring some other person b4 me."
"Sam, just be cause I'm starting to seeing Nix, doesn't mean I wouldn't
rather call you than her, you are my best friend."
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm actually reading a letter from Nikki right now."
"Cool. Did she write anything about me?"
"No not really."
"Well, that's life. By the way, I talked to Bryan.................."
"NO! How could you?"
"Take it easy. He doesn't know that you're in love with him, but I can
tell you that he feels the same way about you. That just mean that you
have to take the first move."
"Shane, I can't."
"Well, if not then I'm going to make you. You and Bryan are right for
each other, I'm not going to let you run away from that, just because
you're shy. You are going to come on tour with us this summer, like you
did last summer, and then you and Bryan can find out what you are going
to do. Maybe, if you want, you can tour with us longer than that. Your
mom told me you didn't really have any plans for next year, is that
"YES! I was actually hoping you would ask me to come on tour with you.
My life has just been so weird after Westlife hit of."
"What happened to your dream about being a reporter? You love writing
thing for mags."
"I know. I still have that dream, but as I have told you b4, I want to
see the world b4 I do that."
"Well, you can come this summer, and if it goes well, then I'll talk to
Louis and Ronan about it."
"Cool. Thanks!!!" We talked for an hour, but that Shane had to leave.

Some time later.
School had just stopped 5 day b4. It was a bit sad, cuz I was never
going back. I was standing in the airport in Oslo. Waiting for the lads.
There was a lot of other girls also waiting for the lads. Suddenly the
girls stared screaming. Shane, Mark and Kian came out to the fans and
took pictures with than and things like that. Bryan and Kian came out a
bit later. Bryan saw me and smiled. My heart started to beat a bit
faster. A moment later he looked at me again,  and made funny faces at
me. I couldn't help but laugh. He laughed back and send me a finger
kiss. My heart jumped up in my throat. 15 minutes later or so they had
to get away from the fans, so the ran out to the bus talking them to the

Just as I was about to ran out of the airport I saw Sam. I yelled to her
that she had to run after us, so he did. Good thing she had played that
much football. When everybody got into the bus, it drove of. I sat down
beside Sam and gave her a BIG hug. It was so great seeing her agan. I
hadn't seen her for months.
"Hey Shane!" She said. It was GREAT hearing her voice again, and it
wasn't though the phone.
"I missed you so much." I could hear that she felt the same way as me.
"I missed you too. By the way, have you thought about that Bryan thing?"
I whispered
"Yeah, I'll do something about it if I'm going to chicken. You know I'm
"Remember that he's shy too."
"Yeah, yeah......"
"Can we say hi to the girl now?" Mark interrupted her.
"Sure Mark." I said. The others said hi and gave her a hug. I could see
that there was something different about the way Bryan said hi to her
than the others.

Chapter 12 (Bryan)
The 5 of us and Sam was sitting in a hotel room talking. Suddenly Nicky
got up and asked Mark if he could talk to him outside.
"Sure!" Mark said and got up.
"That reminds me. Kian can I talk to you outside too?" Shane asked.
"Ok." Kian and Shane left the room.
"Ok. That was weird!" I said, cuz it was. I had a feeling it had
something to do with that I was in love with Sam, but I acted like I
didn't know anything. "Do you know what that was about?"
"Well, maybe." Sam said after thinking a bit.
"Bryan, there's is something I need to tell you." WHAT? She wanted to
talk to me about something. I didn't know what to do. Could it be that
Sam was in love with me too? 'Bryan forget it!' I thought to my self.
'How could she like you? Well, she did run out of the hotel when I
kissed her, and Shane asked me, why I kept doing that to her, maybe she
feels that same way about me.' Will I was thing all that, Sam was
talking, but I didn't hear any of it.
"Bryan!" She yelled and go me out of my thoughts.
"Did you hear anything of what I said?"
"No." I had to confess.
"Why are you making this so hard for me?" She asked.
"Sorry Sam. I was just sitting in my on thoughts."
"You can say that again!"
"Well say it again then!" I thought she would say it again, but: "Bryan
I can't. Do you know how hard it was for me to say it the first time?"
"Well, if you said it once then it can't be that hard to say it again."
"Do you have any idea what you have put me though?"
"I'm not with." I said. She got up and ran out. I could see there was
in her eyes. "That was just great Bryan." I said to my self and ran
after her. I saw she run into her and Shane's room beside the one we
were in. I
knocked on the door. Nicky came out.
"What did you do to her?" He asked.
"I don't know. She said she wanted to tell me something, and then I sat
thinking about what it could be, and I didn't hear what she said, and
then she got sad and ran out of the room."
"Next time hear what she has to say."
"Yeah, I know. Can I talk to her?"
"I'll see. Wait her." Nicky went inside and 2 minutes later he, Kian and
Mark came out.
"You can go in." Mark said and I went in. Shane was standing beside
bed were she was sitting.
"He's her. I'll go now." Shane said, but Sam didn't let go of his arm.
"No, Shane stay!" She said.
"Sam!" She let go of him and he walked out. As he walked by me he gave
me a look. I couldn't say what look it was, but I just know that I
didn't what to see that again. I went over the bed.

Chapter 13. (Bryan)
"Sam?" She looked at me, there was still tears in her eyes. There was
something about her that just made me want to kiss her. I put my head in
front of hers and I pressed my lips against hers.
She pulled her head away after a minute or so. She looked at me with big
"Sorry. I didn't......" She interrupted me by kissing me again. It
lasted for some minutes.
"WOW!" Was the only thing I could say afterwards. I had never thought
that this would happen. She had a smile on her lips.
"I didn't know you liked me." I finally got out.
"I don't like you." WHAT???? She didn't like me? How could she then kiss
me like that?
"I think I'm in love with you." She said.
"That makes two of us. I mean that I think I'm in love you with you
too." For a long time we just looked at each other, just knowing that
she felt the same way made that nothing else mattered. The jet lag was
getting to us, I laid down on the bed. He laid her head and one arm on
my chest. I closed my eyes. It was the best feeling I had ever felt. The
girl I was in love with, was also in love with me. I knew that this
would be different
from when I was with Lene and my other girlfriends. Suddenly she started
singing. She had a great voice.
"I need you, I couldn't live a day without you.
Well, I tried to write a specially song, and love song just for you, to
explain the way you make me feel inside. But the meaning maybe simple,
and the words may not be new, I couldn't make it better if I tried.
I need you, and I couldn't live a day without you, I need you, more than
anyone could ever know, I need you, and I wanna build my world around
you, I need you, I need you.
Well, I sing the words a realize, that they all been said b4, so I tried
a different mind that meant the same, but it didn't have the feeling,
and the first one said much more, so I guess I have to say it once
I need you, and I couldn't live a day without you, I need you, more than
anyone could ever know, Couldn't live a day with out you, I need you,
and I wanna build my world around you, babe I need you.
I need you, babe, and I couldn't live a day without you, more then
anyone could ever know, more then anyone could ever know, Couldn't live
a day with out you, I need you, and I wanna build my world around you, I
need you,
I need you, and I couldn't live a day without you, I need you, more than
anyone could ever know, I need you, and I wanna build my world around
you, I need you, I need you.
So, I tried to write a specially song, and love song just for you, I
need you."
"Who was that?" I asked without opening my eyes. I could feel she was
looking at me.
"3T and Michael Jackson." She answered.
"Who's 3T?"
"Michael Jackson's sister's 3 boys."
"You could have said that much easier."
"I know, but I felt like saying like that. Like i feel like doing this."
She kissed me. I opened my eyes and looked into her eyes.
"Did it hurt?" I asked with a smile on my lips. Why I asked that? You'll
find out.
"Did what hurt?" She asked with a weird look.
"When you fell down from heaven." We both laughed. She gave me a kiss.
"You know that's the oldest one in the book?!" She said.
"Yeah, but it still work. You gave me a kiss, didn't you?" We started to
laugh again. Shane and Kian came in.
"Hey guys! What are you laughing at?" Kian asked.
"Nothing special." I said. "Did you came in to check on us or what?"
"Well, yeah. And to say that we have a interview in an hour." Shane
said. "Sam can I talk to you?"
"Can't it wait?" She asked.
"Sure, see you later." Shane and Kian left the room. We both sat up in
the bed.
"Where do we go from here?" I asked.
"I don't know. I guess we'll just have to let nature take over." He
"Yeah. There one thing I don't know. I have never had a boyfriend b4."
"What? You are a 15 year old girl."
"I'm a 15 year old tom-girl, remember that. I have liked different lads,
but they never liked me, cuz they saw me as one of them. Nobody, who
knows me, has ever really seen me as a girl. Try asking Shane about how
many times he has seen me in a dress and I wanted to have a dress on. I
don't think he can find one time." When I had said that, he looked a bit
weird. "What's the matter?" I asked
"I just can't believe that no boy ever had seen how great you are." I
smiled, that was the sweetest thing anybody had said to me.
"Come!" He got up and pulled me with him.
"Where are we going?"
"We are going to get a dress for you, that you can have on tonight at
the party."
"No way. There's no way you're getting me into a dress."
"Oh, yes there is." He put his hands in the back of my head and gave me
a kiss. When he let go of me he asked: "So?"
"What colour?" Was all I could say. We left to go shopping.

Chapter 14 (Sam)
I felt like Julia Roberts in "Pretty Women", except the whole hooker
thing, and we didn't get me anything. Bryan admitted that I looked much
better in bants than in a dress.
When we got back to the hotel, Bryan left for the interview together
with the others, and I went up to my room and saw Jenny Jones. It was
updates. She show a clip from 1998. It was about this girl, who was in
love with one of her best friends. The guy knew he was coming to the
show, cuz there was someone how was in love with him, but he had NO idea
who it was. When he fund out who it was, he told her that he felt the
same way. Well, the update was that they were getting married. It was SO
When I was done seeing that I called home.
"Hello!" Sara said in the other end.
"Hey Sara! It's Sam!"
"Hey Sam! How is the road?"
"GREAT! I love touring with the lads. You know, I already go a
"A boyfriend."
"WHO? Don't say it Shane."
"It's not. You know I only love him as a friend and a brother. No, it's
"BRYAN?! That's great! Haven't you liked him for I don't know who long."
"Yeah." I told her about everything. We talked for some time. When I was
do talking to her I hung up. 5 minutes later the phone rang.
"Room 405." I said as I got the phone.
"Hey Sam. We are done with the interview, we are going to eat now, so if
you will come down in the lobby now."
"Sure. I'll be right down." I hung up and walked down.
When I came down we went into the hotel restaurant to get something to
eat. The food was GREAT. I couldn't eat anything, it didn't look like

Then we were about to leave the table, when I asked Sam: "Sam, can I
talk to you?"
"Sure!" She said and let go of Bryan, who left the restaurant together
with Kian, Mark and Nicky. "What's up?" Sam sat down again.
"Tell me everything!"
"Tell you what?"
"You know what I mean! What happen with you Bryan?" We both started
laughing, and she told me everthing.
"I'm glad you and Bryan finally got together. But take care. You know he
has fans......"
"I know Shane!" She interrupted me. We stood up and I went over to her
and gave her a hug.
10 minutes later we left the restaurant.

I was standing out side the restaurant talking to some fans. Suddenly
one of the fans grabbed me and kissed me. Of course in that moment Sam
and Shane walked out of the restaurant. When the fan let go of me, I
looked over at Sam. I have never seen a person with that much pain in
her eyes. I ran over to her, but I didn't make it. She was already
running over to the lift. I stopped and looked after her.
"What are you doing Bryan?" Shane asked. "Run after her, don't just
stand there." I looked at Shane and ran after Sam.

Chapter 15 (Bryan)
When I came up to the room I knocked on the door. Someone opened the
door. I looked into the to saddest eyes I have ever seen.
"Can I come in?" She didn't say anything, she just let the door stand
open so I could walk in.
"I sorry S....."
"Don't say it. I'm not mad at you. I'm just sad, scared and every
"As I have told you. I have never had a boyfriend b4. Everything is new
to me. When I saw that girl kiss you........"
"You got mad?"
"No. More scared. I'm afraid of losing you."
"You'll never loose me."
"How do you know?"
"You just have to trust me on this one, ok?"
"Yeah, ok." She said. I went over and kissed her. It was a MUCH better
kiss than the one the fan gave me, but that was probably because I was
in love with Sam and not with the fan.
"Do you really want to fight for this?" She asked.
"Do I really want to fight for what?"
"This! You and me. There's like 4-5 years between us."
"I know, but yes I want to fight for this. But promise me one thing."
"That you'll tell me if I move to fast." She nodded. I kissed her again.

That evening we had on of the best concerts ever. First of all the fan
was great and Bryan was
singing better than ever. It seemed like getting Sam was one of the best
things there has happen to Bryan for some time. The party afterwards was
great too. We partied all night. I would say Bryan got a bit much to
drink, but the next morning he had a big hang over, and Sam and I teased
him all day about it, cuz I didn't drink that much that night, I don't
know why, I just didn't feel like it, and Sam didn't drink at all. It
was SO funny. The 3 others also had a hang over, but that just mad
everything more fun.
On the plain to Sweden, I was sitting beside Sam, we were talking. Bryan
and Shane, who was sitting behind us, was sleeping.
"Hey Sam. Du you want to play a joke on the two sleeping beauties?" I
asked referring to Shane and Bryan.
"What do you have in mind Kian?" I got two pens from my bag. She gave me
a cheeky smile and took one of the pens. She started on Shane and I on
"Hey! What do you think?" She asked a bit later. She had turned Shane's
face into a spider.
"Cool. What do you think of mine?" I asked. I had drawn a picture of
Kenny from South Park. "WOW! Not bad! That's really good! Hey, let's
swop." She said, and we swopped. When we were done with thous two, we
looked at Nicky and Mark, looked at each other and Sam said: "Let's do
it!" So we started on thous two.
"Done?" I asked a bit later.
"Just a sec.......Yes, done."
"Ok, swop." It was so fun. It was heard not to laugh will we were
drawing. When we were all done, we sat down and laugh SO much. I don't
remember last time I laughed so much. Sam was a GREAT kid, I could see
why she was Shane best friend and Bryan's girlfriend.
"Lets do this again next time the guys are sleeping on a plain." I said.
"You got a deal."
When the 4 lads woke up, they saw what we had done and as quickly as
they could they got it of. Luckily Sam and I had gotten a picture of it.
"We're going to get you back on this one!" Bryan said.
"Really?" Sam asked. Well they did get back on me, but not on Sam, cuz
when she was sleeping, we were also sleeping, and when she was awake we,
or just some of us, were sleeping. I can put it like this: Sam got to
drawn a lot of faces. Sam didn't need very much sleep. She could go to
be at 2 and wake up at 8-9 and then be ready for a new day. I wish I was
like that.

Chapter 16 (Bryan)
Some time later
I was in Sligo on a weeks brake. Sam wanted me to met her family. We
were having a barbeque in the Johnson's garden. Shane's family, Sam's
family, some partners and of course me, but I was a partner. The
doorbell at the Johnson's house rang. Christina (Sam's sister) and her
son (Charles) went to open. An moment later Christina came back with a
weird look on her face.
"Sam! There's someone at the door, who wants to talk to you." She said.
"Who?" Sam asked, she stood with her arm around one of Shane's brother,
his name was Peter. It was weird, thous two families acted like one, a
BIG one.
"A guy you really want to met."
"Oh yes!"
"Oh no!!!!"
"Who's Michael?" I asked, almost everybody knew who he was, but not me.
"My worst enemy." Sam went out to the door with Bryan and Shane behind
"What are you doing here?" She asked when she got to the door.
"No how's that to welcome you best friend?" Michael asked.
"You mean her worst enemy." Shane interrupted.
"Well, with Shane by your side as always."
"Back of Michael!" Sam yelled. "What are you doing here?"
"Just to tell you thanks for last night!"
"What? What is he talking about Sam?" I looked at Sam, I did know what
to think. Sam had be away last night, and I didn't know where.
"There didn't happen anything last night."
"Well, I better go now!" Michael said.
"You better, or I'll kill you." Sam yelled after him as he ran away.
"What was he talking about Sam?" Now it was Shane turn to ask.
"I don't believe this! You believe in my worst enemy?!"
"We didn't say that. We just want to know what happened."
"I can't tell you so back off! Believe Michael if you want. I'll just
then have to tell you, I well NEVER forgive you for believing in my
worst enemy and not me." Sam ran out of the house and down the road.
"SAM!! COME BACK!" Shane yelled, but it didn't help, she kept on
running. I ram after her.
"Bryan, what are you doing?" Shane yelled after me.
"I'm going to get her!"
"Bryan, it no use! You don't know your way around Sligo."
"Than come with me!" Shane stood still of a sec and then he ran after
me. Shane was right, I had no idea where to go, so it was a good thing
Shane was with me, cuz I seemed like he knew where to go. He was right.
We were going to the football filed, and there Sam was, playing
football. We didn't interrupted he, and make her more mad than she was.
She looked at us and stoped playing. We walked over to her.
"Sam, we didn't believe him, we just want to know where you were
yesterday." Shane said. "I can't say anything about Bryan, but I could
NEVER believe Michael, if you said something else."
"I know Shane, but......."
"But what Sam? You have promised me that you would do anything for me,
and you have kept the promise until now, so keep that promise a bit
longer time and believe me when I ask you to."
"I know you didn't believe him, I believe you. There's just have a lot
of things on my mind."
"What?" I asked.
"You, Shane, my family, Shane's family, the rest of the guys from
Westlife, if your family will like me when they'll met me next week,
what if they don't like the age different? Should I stay on tour with
you guy? What am I going to do with my life? School is done, I don't
know what I going to do now. I just know that I don't what to go much
more to school, cuz I have never liked school, I have never been good at
"Yeah, I can see you have a lot of things on your mind. But I think my
family is going to like you, so don't have that on your mind."
"What I think is:" Shane started. "That you should stay on tour with us
for some time, cuz you have just turned 16, so you're not the old yet."
"You're right Shane, but what am I going to do on tour? You know I'll
hate touring around for your money without giving you anything. And what
about my football? I'll still have my music, but not my football."
"You're NOT going to give me anything but a good time, by being on tour
with us. I just don't know what you can do on tour with us, or what
we'll do with your football."
"Well, you can help out different places, there's almost alway need of a
helping hand when we are on tour. There's just that football thing."
"There's 2 thing more there's on my mind, and that is what's going to
happen if you get tired of having me hanging around?"
"WHAT?" Sane almost yelled. "Will you take that back? There's no way
will get tired of you, well I won't. Think about b4 Westlife, we were
together almost 24 hours a day."
"Yeah, sorry Shane."
"What was the other thing?" I asked.
"What's going to happen with you and me?"
"I don't know hunny." I said and put my arms around her. I felt a bit
bad about not knowing, cuz there was a said look om Sam face. She was
that age, where everything was heard, you didn't really know who you
were, will you know what your name was and things like that, but who
your were deep in side, you didn't know. Well some did, but not
everyone. It's still like that, Sam's just not that age anymore.

Chapter 17 (Shane)
I let those two be alone. I thought they needed it.
"See ya back at the house." I said and was about to leave.
"Ok." Sam said and walked of, but got stopped when Sam said: "Shane!" I
turned around. She came over to me and gave me a hug.
"Thanks Shane!"
"For what?"
"For everything. For being there for me all my life, just being my
friend all my life."
"Well, then thank you too."
"I love you Shane."
"I love you little tom-girl." She looked up at my and
smiled. I looked at Bryan, who was looking at us with a smile. "I don't
know how much longer you'll be my little tom-girl."
"Shane. No matter what happens, I'll always be your little tom-girl." We
looked a each other, I gave her and kiss and said: "Go over to Bryan,
you're going to met his family and he has already met your's, so he'll
be a big part of your life now."
"He'll never talk your plays." She gave my a kiss too.
"Ditto." I said and left.

"What were you talking?" I asked.
"We just found out that no matter what happens we'll always be best
friends." I looked at Sam, I didn't know how I felt about her. 'Do I
love her or what? Does she love me? Or does she just like me? What am
I'm going to do?' All these questions was running around in my head. It
was like she knew what I was think, cuz she came closer to me, if that
was possible, and her lips met min. We stood there on the football filed
kissing. It started to get a bit dark, but that was weird cuz  I guess
it was only around 7-8 p.m. already. Suddenly it started rain, I was
about to run home, but Sam didn't let go of me, so I couldn't.
"Don't you want to get away from the rain." She just shock her head.
"Kiss me!" She whispered. I did as she told me and it seemed like the
rain and everything disappeared, it was like me and Sam was the only
living things in the world, well also the only thing in the world. After
some time we rain over to the Filan's horse stable to get away from the
ran, cuz it was back, well it had been there the whole time but you know
what I mean.
"Man, I'm wet!" I said looking at myself, I was SO wet. Sam gave a towel
she had found.
"Where did that come form?" I asked.
"There is towels here in this hoses stable." She was really wet to. "I
hope you don't mind me taking of my shirt, cuz it's REALLY wet."
"You're going to take of your shirt?"
"Come on Bryan, you not going to die. Shane has see me without a shirt I
don't know how many times, so I think you can live seeing me without one
one time."
"But Shane's not your boyfriend."
"True." Was the only thing she said b4 she took her shirt of. There she
was standing just in her bra. I just wanted to grab her and kiss her
like I had never kissed a girl b4, but I didn't cuz I was afraid she
wasn't ready for that.
"You better take your of to, or else you'll get sick." She said.
"What well you family and Shane say if they knew this?"
"They would say: You were wet, so it doesn't matter."
"You have a cool family you know."
"Thanks! Yeah, that's one of the reasons I love them. Now take that
shirt of, you're going to get sick." I took my shirt of, she came over
to me. A drop of rain dripped down on my chest, she kissed it away, but
kept kiss my chest. I just stood there with my arms around her back
enjoying every single kiss, she had her arms around me. It felt GREAT. I
wanted to do the same to her, but suddenly I thought of that she was
only 16 and she had only been my girlfriend for 2-3 months.
"Are you sure your ready for this?" I asked her, she looked up at me and
said: "Yes, are you?"
"More than ever." I kneeled down in front of her and kissed her stomach.
After a moment I looked up at her, she had the biggest smile I had ever
"You know you have made me so happy." She nodded and kneeled down in
front of me and kissed me on the lips, it lasted for some time, but we
got interrupted cuz my mobilphone rang. Sam got it.
"Hello........Oh hi we're fine...." I started to kiss her
neck, I knew she loved it. "We're at the hoses stable.........just a
sec...." She turned around, looked at me and asked: "Shane asks if we
want him to come at get us, shall he?"
"You decid." I said still kissing her neck.
"Ok.....Shane, are you still there?......No, we're fine here. We'll come
home when it's stops raining........ok see ya." She hung up, but didn't
turn around.
"Why are you still looking the other way?" I asked.
"Cuz I want you to keep doing that." So I did.

Chapter 18 (Sam)
This felt so good. The guy I loved had his arms around me and was
kissing me the plays I loved getting kissed. I guess it was about time I
told Bryan how I really felt.
"Bryan?!" I said and turned around. "Need to tell you something."
"What?" He asked still kissing me. "Bryan stop. This is serious." He
stoped, and I have to say that he looked a bit worried.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I need to tell you how I feel about you, cuz if you don't feel the same
way, then......" I stoped.
"Then what?"
"Never mind. Bryan, I love you, well I think I do. Every time I see you
my hearts beat faster, I hate when you're not around, and hate when the
fans kisses you and I can't do the same. I....."
"Shhhh!" He put a finger in front of my mouth. "I love you too." He
whispered. "And I feel the same way as you do." I smiled. One of the
hoses did something, so I got a choke and fell backwoods in to some hay.
Bryan laughed at me and so did I as I lay down.
"Come here!" I said and he sat down beside me and kissed me on the
"What are we doing?" He asked.
"I think we know what we are doing, and I know that I like it." I
started to freeze.
"I like it to. Are you freezing?" I nodded. He put his arms around me
and pulled me close to him. We lay the same way as we did the day in the
hotel room 2-3 months ago. That day we found out that we felt the same
way about each other. We talked for some time, but the it stoped
raining, so we thought that we better get home, b4 it started again.

Chapter 19 (Sam)
"Where am I?" I asked myself looking around in the room, where the bed I
was lying was standing. Suddenly a nurse came in, so I guessed I was at
a hospital.
"Where am I?" I asked her.
"You're at Sligo general hospital."
"I feel totally heavy in my head, the way you feel when you have slept
for a long time."
"Well, you have bin in a coma the last year."
"You got hit by a car and went into a coma. That was about a year ago."
"A year ago?" I didn't know what to think. "Where is my mom and dad?" I
knew my mom and dad worked there at that hospital.
"I'll get Marie."
"Thanks!" The nurse left the room and the next thing I knew was that my
mom came running into the room.
"Oh Hunny!" She gave me a big hug.
"Hey mom." My dad came running.
"Hey Sam!" He gave me a hug too.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Do you remember the night where is rained a lot, and you and Bryan was
in the hoses stable?" My mom asked.
"Yes. I remember we running some of the way home. I remember Bryan
yelling something, but that's the last thing I remember."
"Well, that must be when the car hit you." My dad told me. We talked for
sometime, but then they had to get back to work. My sisters and some of
Shane's came about 2 hours later. We talked for a long time. We had a
LOT of catching up to do.

Same time but in the other side of the world, to be exacted in
Australia. (Shane)
It had been one weird year. It had been the worst year of my life. Sam
was.......well you know what she was. I looked a Bryan, he hadn't been
the same since that day where Sam got hit by a car. He had been so said,
he had done his work and good, but you can't say he enjoyed it. Nikki,
you remember the girl I started seeing a year and a half ago or
something like that, was sitting with me and Bryan in the hotel room.
Bryan was sitting looking out the window, like he had done a lot the
last year, when my mobilphone rang.
"Hey............oh hey Michelle.........WHAT??.............When did that
happen?...........We'll be there a soon as we can...........just a sec.
Bryan, when do we have some time of?"
"What? a week we have a week of. Why?"
"Great! I'll tell you later.......Michelle?.......We'll be there next
week. We'll have a week of.......ok see the was. Can I talk
to her or anything?........Ok. Say hi from me, ok?" I hung up. "That was
"What did Michelle want?" Bryan asked.
"Who's Michelle?" Nikki asked.
"Michelle is Sam's sister, and she wanted to tell us that....."
"That what?"
"That Sam woke up yesterday afternoon." It was unbelievable. She was
finally away, after a year. I was started to think that we wasn't every
going to wake up. Bryan didn't say anything, she just started to cry. I
guess it I didn't really know what I was thinking.
"Really?" Nikki asked. She was really happy, Sam had be her penpal for
some time.
"Yes." I said as I want over and put my arms around Bryan.
"I never thought she would wake up. I never thought." Bryan whispered.
"That make's two of us." I whispered back.

Chapter 20 (Bryan)
A week later the 5 of us was sitting on a plain to Sligo. We were sone
with the tour in Australia, and we were going to start on Europe.
"Bryan!" Shane said.
"Yeah!" Was my relay
"You never told me what happen that night a year ago in the hoses
"That's probably because it isn't any you should know."
"Come on Bryan! She's like my little sister and she's my best friend,
I'll like to know."
"Well do you tell her everything?"
"Everything she wasn't to know."
"Well, you'll just have to ask her."
"Come one Bryan! Just tell me if you know what I mean."
"That's what you think happened?"
"I don't know what to think."
"Well, I can tell you this much. We didn't. It was close, but we
"What do you mean by 'close'?"
"You just ask me to answer the other question." I said with a grin. I
think it was one of the first times I felt REALLY happy since that day
Sam got hit by a car.

At the hospital.
Shane and I was walking in to the hospital. It was weird being there
again and knowing that we wasn't going to see a sleeping kid. The 3
others would come and say hi later, they just let Shane and me say hi
first. We walked into the room where she was lying. She was sleeping, I
suddenly got afraid. 'What if she hadn't woken up anyway? What if she
went back into a coma again?' I pushed thous thoughts away. They were to
Suddenly Marie came in.
"Hey Hunny!" She said as she gave Shane a hug. "How are you?"
"I'm a lot better now, than I have been the last year."
"You and me both." Marie said as she let go of Shane and gave me a hug.
"How are you Bryan?"
"I fine thanks."
"I'll wake Sam up."
"No that's ok Marie. We'll just wait." Shane said. "If it's ok with
"Sure." Bryan said. I haven't talked to her of a year, a bit more don't
"Well, ok. I'll be back later."
"Ok, bye Marie." Marie left and Shane and I sat down.
An hour later Sam woke up.
"Hey Beautyful!" Shane said.
"Hey!" She said. I didn't say anything, it was just totally weird that
Sam was awake again.
"How are you feeling?" Shane asked.
"I'm ok. Hey Bryan!" I looked at her and smiled.
"I'll think I'll let yo two be alone." Shane said and got up from where
he was sitting.
"Thanks for coming Shane. I love you."
"Love you to hunny." Shane gave her a hug. "Man, I have missed you."
"I have missed you to!"
"What? You have slept the last year."
"Well, I have missed you the last week." Shane and I laughed a bit.
"I'll see you two later." He said walking out of the room still laughing
a bit.
"Yeah, see ya later." I said. I looked at Sam and she looked at
"How have you been?"
"Bad, but I'm great now. How about you?"
"Ok, could be better." She said with a smile, but I could see that she
wasn't totally happy.
"What the matter girl?"
" have being �away' for a year"
"NO! Of cause not. There isn't another. I love you so much." I gave her
a kiss. "I have missed you so much. It has been the worst year of my
"Yes. I can prove it."
"How?" I kissed her, it felt SO good. I haven't so it for a year.
"Wow! That's what I call proof."

Chapter 21 (Sam)
A month later
My life and my family and friends' life was beginning to go back to the
normal again. I had a lot of training, but I was starting to play
football again and things like that. I wasn't at the hospital anymore, I
had come home and it was great. I was really happy, but something felt
wrong. I could feel it in my body and I could see it in my family's
faces. One dag I was on my way down the stairs and I could see into the
dining room. Everybody was sitting there, my mom, dad, Sara, Yvonne,
Christina and Michelle. They looked happy, sitting there talking,
laughing. It was like the old days, b4 Christina got married and
Michelle moved out.
"Hey mates. What's up?" I asked.
"Hey Sam." My dad said and there came a serious look on everyone's face.
"Ok, what's up? What is it you're not telling me?" My dad looked at my
sisters and they left the room without a word.
"Hunny, sit down." My mom said. I sat down.
"Hunny, you had your uterus removed." My dad told me, without hitting it
or anything, he just said it like that, it's probably because he's a
doctor and has to say things straight out.
"What? Why?"
"When you got hit by the car it totally crashed it. It had to be
removed, there was nothing else we could do."
"What?" I didn't get it, why did this had to happen? Why? What was I
going to do? How could I tell Bryan? If he didn't already know. I could
feel tears coming up in my eyes. My mom kneeled down beside me, and put
her arms around me.
"Who knows?" I asked.
"Just us 7, Jack (Christina's husband) and the Filans, except Shane. "
My dad told me.
"Why doesn't Shane know? And Bryan, does he know?"
"They had left to go on a tour when we found out the we had to remove
it, so we didn't want to tell them." My mom explained. I just nodded.
"You can call Shane and Bryan if you want?" I looked at my mom. My eyes
was filled with tears. I had never thought about having a kid, but now
when I knew I couldn't have any, I found out how much I wanted one, not
now, but when I got married.
"Are you sure? Do we have money for that?"
"Sam! Your dad is one great doctor, we have got the money. You have
never asked if we had enough money b4. You have always known that your
dad got a lot of money from he work, why do you think it's different
"I don't know mom. Yes, I would like to call Shane, I'll tell Bryan
later." I walked over to the phone and called Shane. I could his
mobilenumber by heart.

"Hallo!" I said when I answered the phone.
"Hey Shane. It's Sam!"
"Hey Sam! How are ya?"
"Fine, thanks. You?"
"I'm fine, but what's the matter? I can hear you have been crying."
"There's something I need to tell you, but you can't tell Bryan or the
others yet. Ok, you can tell Nikki, but that's it. I'll like to tell
them myself."
"Are you alone? Or can anyone hear you?"
"No, I'm alone in the dressing room. What the matter?" She told me
exactly what her mom and dad just had told her.
"Oh no. I'm sorry Sweety."
"Thanks." She said with a sad voice.
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
"No, thanks anyway. By the way. My dad told me yesterday that I can come
on tour with you again in a months time. So if you still want me to come
on tour with you, then I'll get my bags, and met you and London, when
you're going there next month."
"Oh, that's great!"
"Yeah. My dad said it was ok. Cuz he knew you were doing a concert in
Dublin 3 weeks later, and then he can check up on me."
"That's really great!"
"I'll better go. I'll see you in London."
"Yeah, see ya."
"Say hi to the others, and tell Bryan I love him."
"I will. You say hi to everyone too."
"Will do. Love ya."
"Love ya too." We hung up.

Chapter 22 (Bryan)
A month and 2 weeks later. Right b4 a concert in Holland. I was standing
alone with Sam in my dressing room.
"Sam, there's something I need to ask you."
"What's on your mind?"
"What's the matter? You have been really sad the last 2 weeks. You have
had a smile on your lips, but you can't hit it from me. I love you some
much, so I can see it on you."
"I don't think you'll love as much after I'll tell you this."
"Oh yes I will. There isn't anything that can make me stop loving you.
This year without you has be unlivable......."
"Bryan..." She interrupted me, but I didn't let her talk.
"When I saw the car hit you, and when I saw you lying in a coma, I found
out how much I really love you."
"Bryan!" She tried to talk again, but I still did let her talk.
"And the last 2 weeks has be the best 2 weeks of my life, except that
you have been sad."
"Bryan please."
"I love you more than life itself."
"Shut up!" She yelled. "Sit down and listen to me." I sat down with a
worried looked on my face. I was a bit scared.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound that mad. What I just going to tell
you something that's....."
A tear ran down her cheek. I got up and put my arms around her, but she
pushed me away.
"I'm sorry Bryan, but if you stay with me you have to know, that you'll
never be a real dad." She whispered with tears in her eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I can't have children." She told me everything. At the time she was
done, her tears was running again. I tried to put my arms around her,
but she did the same thing as b4.
"I can understand if you don't want to be with me anymore."
"No way! No matter what, I'll still love you." I kissed her. "And I
don't think we want a kid yet."
"No, but maybe someday we do, but we can't...................cuz I
can't. Maybe it's better if you leave me now instead of later."
"What are you talking about? I won't leave you." I don't know what
happened to her, but she just ran out of the room, but Shane got her and
stoped her in the doorway.
"What's going on here?" He asked. Sam was all up in tears. I told him
what happened.
"Sam, what's the matter with you?" Shane asked. "You know he loves you,
why are you then acting like that?"
"Cuz I want to brake up with him, but I didn't want to tell him, so I
tried to make him brake up with me."
"So you lied to me?" I couldn't believe, she was going to leave me.
"In a way, but it's true that I can't have kids." Sam got away from
Shane and ran out of the building.
"Something's wrong with that girl." Shane said, he hadn't seen that I
had sat down and was crying. He looked and me. "Oh, Bryan! I'm so sorry.
I don't know what's the matter with her. The last 2 weeks she have cried
herself to sleep, and when I asked her why she said that she was afraid
of what you would say, when she told you she couldn't have children,
nothing about she wanted to brake up with you." Shane put his arms
around me.

After the show Bryan went back to the hotel, but I hold the 3 others and
Nikki back, cuz I needed to talk to them. I told them the whole story.
"You're right, there's something wrong." Nicky said. "She told me the
same thing, when I asked her what there was the matter."
"So you knew that she couldn't have kids?" Nikki asked. I had told Nikki
"Yeah Shane, so did Kian and Mark."
"So all of you knew?" They nodded.
"Ok, but we have to do something. Kian and Nikki, you'll come with me
and we'll take care of Sam, and you two you'll take care of Bryan. We'll
met down here in an hour and find out what to do."
"Ok!" We when back to the hotel to Bryan and Sam.

At the same time at the hotel.
I was lying on my bed in my hotel room. I was crying my eyes out. "How
could I brake up with Bryan? I love him so much and he love me too, or
does he anymore? How? How could I be so stupid? Now he will never
forgive me." I yelled out in the room. I was SO mad at myself. Someone
knocked on the door.
"It's open!" I yelled.
"Sam?" I knew that voice. It was Bryan's. �What's he doing here?' I
thought to myself. I could hear that he had been crying. He came into
the room, where I was lying. He look at me and asked: "What did I do to
make you brake up with me? I would do anything to make it good again."

Chapter 23 - The last one. (Sam)
"You didn't do anything. It's me who was the stupid one. I don't deserve
you. You deserve someone better, someone who came make you happy,
someone who can give you children when you want some." I didn't look at
him. I didn't want him to see my face. I was probably a total mess.
"Listen to yourself, will ya? You deserve me more that anyone else does.
There isn't anybody better than YOU. YOU make me happy. Ok, you can't
give me kids, but so what? We'll adopt a kid or two when we want one."
"But Bryan it's not the same."
"I don't care. The things that matters is that I love you, and I want to
be with you. If you don't want to be with me, that I'll just have to
live with that, but if you do you'll make me happiest person in the
"I love you Bryan, more than life itself, but....." I still didn't look
at him.
"But what? Well I don't really want to know. You love me, I love you and
we are both unhappy when we're not together, so I think we should be
together." I could feel that he sat down on my bed. He kissed me on the
neck and said: "Sam, please look at me!" I could hear that he was
starting to cry again. I turned my head slowly, so I faced him. I could
see tears and pain in his eyes. �How could I ever make a person feel
that way? How could I ever hurt someone like that? Not just someone, the
person I loved must in this world. What am I saying? Do I love him more
that my friends and family? Well......I guess I do. Well probably just
in another way'
"Bryan!" I whispered. He lay down beside me. "I love you so much, and if
you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I'll be your girlfriend
again." Suddenly all the pain disappeared from his eyes and love and
happiness came into them instead.
"You mean that?" I nodded.
"You are a weird girl you know that? But that's one of the reasons to I
love you so much." He whispered into my ear and right after that he
kissed me. It felt so good. We didn't hear Kian, Nikki and Shane coming
in. We first realized it when Shane said: "Sam, are you o......." But
stoped when he saw me and Bryan letting go of each other.
"Oh, sorry. We'll leave again." Shane said. Nikki and Kian couldn't say
anything, he were laughing his head of. I couldn't help but laughing to.

Nicky and I came running out of Bryan's room, she wasn't in there.
Suddenly Shane, Nikki and Kian came out of Sam's and Nikki's room. Kian
was laughing his head of. Nikki was getting her self togethe.
"Where's Bryan? Bryan's not in his room. What's so funny? " I asked.
"Bryan's in SAM'S room." Shane explained
"Yeah, and.......oh! Is Sam in there too?" Nicky asked. Kian nodded. He
couldn't say anything. I didn't really know why it was that funny, but I
have to admit Kian is a bit weird.
"Let's go down and get a drink, what do you say?" Nicky asked, we all
thought was a good idea, so we went down and got a drink.

I looked at Sam right after Shane and Kian had left the room, and asked:
"Now, where did we come from?" She smiled to me and kissed me. It felt
SO good. We kissed and talked for some time, and went down for a drink
in the bar, where we met the 5 others.
"So you guys are together again?!" Nicky asked with a grin on his face.
"Guess!" Sam said and kissed me.
"I think there together again!" Mark said.
" think?" Kian made fun for him. Sam hit him softly over the
head, but right after she gave him a hug. We sat down and ever thing was
as it should be.
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