Love and Dreams
Chapter 1

   "WHAT????????????????????????????????" Mark yelled. "How can you say
yes to that guy?"
   "Lets see, shall we? He's nice, he's good looking, he's funny and he
like's me and tells me that, not like some guys I know, who just keeps
it inside." Martine turned around and walked away.
   "Are you referring to me?" Mark asked running her.
   "How else should I talk about? It's not like I'm talking about Kian or
   "How can you go out with one of my mates?"
   "Why shouldn't?"
   "Cuz...........cuz..........cuz I....."
   "Cuz what?"
   "Cuz I can't tell ya."
   "Mark!!! Why can't you just say it???????" Martine ran off.
   "Martine." Mark yelled.

   "I'm the BIGGEST fool in the world." Mark yelled has he slammed the
   "I won't argue with that, but why?" Kian and Shane was sitting in
Kian's room when Mark came in.
   "Just one of my mates asked Martine out, and he knew that I liked her."
   "And why does that make you a fool?" Shane asked.
   "Cuz if I just told her that I liked her, then she wouldn't go out with
him, but I couldn't say it."
   "Ok you're a fool." Kian had put the book he was reading in away.
   "That's a mill Kian!!!! That's really want I needed to hear."
   "Sorry, I just told you the same thing as you said a minute ago."
   "I know, but still....."
   "Shut up lads!" Shane said. "If Mark want to get Martine, b4 we leave
for Dublin to find the new members for our band, then we have to work
   "You're right, what can I do?"
   "Go over to her now, and tell her how you feel." Kian suggested.
   "You don't think it's to late."
   "You'll never know if you don't try."
   "You're right. I'm going to go over to her, and tell her how I feel."
   "That's great! So go." Kian said.
   "I'm going to tell her that I have liked her for so long."
   "That's good, so go tell her that." Shane almost yelled.
   "And then I'm going to.........."
   "GO Mark!!!!!" Kian and Shane yelled pushing him out the door.
   Mark ran down the street, down 5 blocks, up Martine's drive in and rang
her's doorbell.
   "Mark, what are you doing her?" Martine asked when she opened the door.
   "I'm here to tell you why you can't go on a date with Patrick."
   "And why is that?"
   "Cuz I like you. I like you so much. I have liked you the last year."
   "Mark, you're a bit la.........."
   "No! Please don't tell me that, please don't tell me I'm to late."
   "Mark!" Martine didn't get to say anymore, cuz Mark put his hand on
Martine's neck and pulled her over to him, and kissed her. When he let
go of her, he looked at her with fear in his eyes.
   "Put that look away Mark. I'm not going to hit you or hate you. I'm
going to......"
   "Going to what?"
   "This!" Martine leaned over and gave Mark a kiss.

   Chapter 2

   "Bye honey!" Mark kissed Martine again. "I'm going to miss you so
   "Me to, but you're only going to be away for 1 or 2 weeks." Martine
said with her arms around Mark.
   "Mark, we have to go now!"
   "Yeah, yeah! I'm coming Shane!"
   "Bye Sweety!" Martine said kissing Mark.
   "Bye!" Mark and the other's got on the plain.
   Martine smiled. "That's one great guy."

   "This is me dad's shirt." Bryan said.
   "Ok!" Shane, Nicky and Bryan was really hitting it of.
   "Shane! Come over here! Louis wants to talk to us."
   "Sorry lads, gotta go."
   "Ok Shane, see ya." Bryan said as Shane left. "I'm never going to get
into that band. You on the other hand. You didn't great up on stage."
   "Come on mate. You were great." Nicky tried to convince Bryan that he
did great, but it didn't go that well.

   "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We made it!!!! We are going to second
round!!!!!! " Bryan screamed on their way home.
   "I know. This is so weird." When Nicky got home, he called Georgina.
   "Hey Georgina?.........Oh, hi, is you're daughter anyway around?"
   "Yes, just a sec. By the way. Wasn't the audition today?"
   "Well, how did it go?"
   "They want to see me AND Bryan again."
   "Nicky, that's great. Sorry, I'll give you Georgina now."
   "Thanks, I'll see ya later."
   "Yeah, see you."
   "Hey Honey!" Georgina said, when she got the phone. "How did it go?"
   "Great! They want to see me and Bryan again."
   "Sweety that's great!!! Oh, I hope you'll make."
   "Thanks honey, so do I."
   "Do you want me to come over?"
   "That will be great!! I'll see you soon."
   "I love you."
   "I love you too Nicky." They hung up.

   "Congratulations lads, you made it!" Louis said. This was unbelievable.
Bryan and Nicky made it in the band.
   "Wow! Thanks. This is..........this is.....great." Nicky said
   "And totally unbelievable." Bryan added.
   "Yeah!" Was all Nicky could say.
   "Come on lads. We have a lot to talk about."  The lads left the room.

   Chapter 3

   About 2 years later.
   The lads was on tour, but they had some time of. Shane, Kian and Mark
was going to take Nicky and Bryan back to Sligo, just for some days.
They just had to go get Bryan's things, and then they were of.
   "Something's wrong here!" Bryan said when they came to his house.
   "What?" Shane asked.
   "I don't know what, but wrong was the wrong word. It's more like
   "Well, let's go in and find out what's different." Kian teased.
   "You don't have to make fun of me Kian, but you're right." All 5 went
in side. They were greeted by some loud music, which was coming from the
living room. In there, were a girl dancing like crazy. She was a good
   "Who's that?" Nicky whispered into Bryan's ear.
   "I don't, I think I do, but I'm not sure, no it
couldn't be, or could it?" Suddenly she put it over on the radio and
�Fly On The Wings Of Love' by Brothers Olsen began (you know that one,
how won the European song contest 2000.). It was weird, cuz it had never
really been big in Ireland.
   "It is her!" Bryan got him self from yelling it out loud. He walked
over to the girl and asked: "May I have this dance?"
   "What?" The girl trued around. "Bryan honey!!" She flew around Bryan's
   "Is that a yes or a no." Bryan grinned.
   "A yes." They danced until the song stoped.
   "What are you doing here?" Bryan asked.
   "I'm done at school. Totally done."
   "You're joking!?"
   "You have really changed."
   "You think I should on 3 years."
   "3 years?! Has it really been 3 year?"
   "I was16 when I left, I'm 19 now."
   "Bryan, may I ask who this girl is?"
   "Of course! Sorry. Lads this is a great friend of my family, she's
Mick. Mick, this is Shane,........"
   "Bryan, I know who they are. Just because we haven't see each other in
3 years, doesn't mean I don't know what's going on in your life."
   "Yeah, you're right. But what about you? What's up in your life?"
   "Not much, I'm just going to be in a video together with........"
   "Yeah, with who."
   "No one special, just Boyzone."
   "Mick!!!! You're joking."
   "Nope. I got the job offer 2 weeks ago, and I'm going to be in their
next video and if they like me, I'm going to be in some more. And I'm
going to be on some other band's next tour."
   "ARGH!!!!! Mick that's GREAT!!!!!!!"
   "I know, I can't even get over it my self."
   "This is great, this is just great. Sorry, who's the other band?"
   "Some other Irish band, Westside, Westlife or someting like that." Mick
   "No way?" Mick nodded
   "You're one of our new dancing girls."
   "So you're going to tour with us?"
   "Mick, this is GREAT." Bryan gave her a hug.
   "HALLOO! Have you forgotten us?" Mark asked.
   "Sorry. Well, I'm Michelle, but everyone calls me Mick. As you just
heard I'm going to be one of your new dances."
   "Yeah, I spotted that too." Shane laughed.
   "So, could you tell something about you?"
   "There isn't very much to tell. I grew up here in Dublin, my family was
good friends with Bryan's. I have danced all my life. When I was 15 I
got a chance in a dancing school in New York, so the great mam and dad I
have took me there, and when I got a place in that school, they let me
have it. That's 3 year's ago. That's what you need to know."
   "No not really, they want to know more, and I want to be more with you.
Can't you come with us to Sligo?"
   "Bryan, would you listen to your self? You guys are going to Sligo, I
need to be here, and be together with my Family and friends, remember I
haven't see then the last 3 years, besides holidays."
   "PLEASE!!!!! Come on Mick. Lads help me out here."
   "Ok Bryan. Come on Mick, it'll be fun." Nicky said. Nicky had meet Mick
one time b4.
   "I need to talk to mam and dad."
   "You're mam and dad, are they also here? They got of work?" Shane
   "They work here in Dublin."
   "You lived alone in New York when you were 16?" Mark asked.
   "Yeah, well not totally alone, I live with some great friends my mam
and dad has there."
   "You mam and dad let you do that?"
   "More than anything I wanted to dance, and that was one of the best
school's you could find. My mam and dad wouldn't take that chance away
from me."
   "I don't think my mam and dad would let you do that when I was 15."
Shane said.
   "No, but they let you be in a band when you were around that age."
Bryan exclaimed.
   "You're right."
   "Ok, asked your mam and dad then." Bryan said giving Mick the phone.

   Chapter 4

   The day after.
   Mick was with the lads in Sligo.
   "So, how did you and Kian get together." Mick asked Kian's girlfriend
   "Well." Bernadette started to tell the story.
   "It was cuz of Bryan we got together. The guy's what in a coffee shop
in Switzerland, where they meet me. I was sitting alone at my table, cuz
I just got of school work. Then Bryan came over and talked to me.
   "Hey! I'm Bryan." Bryan said with his lovely Irish accent.
   "Hi! I'm Bernadette."
   "So, what are you do sitting here all alone?"
   "Not much. I'm just drinking my coffee."
   "Ok, do you want to join me and my mates?"
   "I don't know if I should."
   "Come on. We're no going to bite ya."
   "Yeah. Ok why not."
   "Great, come on." We walked over to the guys table, and the first thing
that meet my eyes, was the most gorgeous guy I had ever see. I was
introduced to the guy, and I found out his name was Kian.
   "Lads, this is Bernadette. I asked her to sit with us, if that ok."
   "Sure. Hi I'm Mark." He gave me his hand, and toke it as I said "Hi."
   "That is Kian, Nicky and Shane." Bryan explained. That was 1, 1 and �
year ago.
   Then guys left Switzerland, cuz the had a tour they needed to go on.
Then fate and God smiled at me and Kian. We had really hit it of back in
Switzerland. Well, I got a new job, and that job moved me here to Sligo.
I remembered that they lived in Ireland, but thought they all lived I
Dublin. It was first later I found out that Kian, Shane and Mark lived
here in Sligo."
   "How old are you?" Mick interrupted her.
   "That's in a young age you moved."
   "You were younger." Kian interrupted.
   "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, go on tell."Mick said and Bernadette
   "I was on my way home from work, when I meet Kian. I had lived in Sligo
for just a month at that time.
   "Kian?" I asked. I hoped he would remember me.
   "Yeah?" Kian turn around and looked at me. "Bernadette?"
   "That's me."
   "What are you doing here? Oh, it's great to see you." We hugged and I
started to explain: "I got a new job, which moved me here to Sligo."
   "Man, that's great. I live here in Sligo."
   "I thought you lived in Dublin."
   "No, that's just Bryan and Nicky." We talked for a long time, and Kian
took me over to meet Shane and Mark. Kian and I were together almost
everyday until he had to leave Sligo. At that time we were starting to
fall in love with each other. When he got home again I couldn't hold it
back anymore. I asked Kian to come and get me after work, so we could go
for a walk. So he did. We walked down to the harbour, where sat down and
   "Kian, there's something I need to tell you." I started.
   "I'm all ears."
   "You want?"
   "I.......I kind of like you."
   "What do you mean by kind of?"
   "That I really really like you."
   "That great you have the courage to be the first to say that, cuz I
didn't, and I really really like you too." Just like that we got it out.
We didn't kiss or anything, we just hugged and sat with our arms around
each other. We did kiss until 2-3 days after."
   "That's really sweet. That's a really sweet story." Mick said when
Bernadette was done with the story.
   "How long time ago in that?"
   "4-5 months." Kian said and gave Bernadette a kiss.
   "Mick, come. We have a lot of caching up to do." Bryan put his hand on
Mick's shoulder and Mick got up. They walked outside to have a talk.

   Chapter 5

   Bryan sat down on the front lawn, and Mick lay down with her head on
his lap.
   "So, what have you been up to? Any boyfriends?"
   "What do you think Bryan?"
   "So what's his name, where do he live, so I can find him and beat
the...blip...out of him."
   "Bryan why do you alway's want to beat the.....blip.....out of my
boyfriends? And no, I don't have a boyfriend."
   "Cuz I know how guys think, and I'm glad that you don't have a
   "If it was up to you, I wouldn't have a boyfriend to the day I die."
   "You know me to well."
   "Shut up Bryan!"
   "Yes ma'am." They both laughed. They talk for about an hour. Bryan ran
his finger through Mick's hair, he knew she loved that. He did that the
whole hour.
   "Hey Bryan!" A girl suddenly said. Bryan and Mick looked up at her.
   "Oh, hi Martine." Bryan said when he found out who it was. "By the way
Martine. This is Michelle. Mick this is Martine, Mark's girlfriend."
   "Hi Martine, nice to meet you. I'm one of Bryan's friends." Mick got up
and gave Martine her hand.
   "Nice to meet you too. Mark's mam told me that Mark would be here, is
that true."
   "Yes, he's inside." Bryan said also getting up.
   "Ok thanks." Martine walked inside. Mick and Bryan walked inside too.

   When they got inside Mark and Martine had vanished.
   "Where did they go to?" Mick whispered to Bryan.
   "They haven't seen each other in 3-4 months." Bryan explained.
   "Ok, I got it. Hey Bernadette!"
   "Yeah?" She looked away from Kian and Nicky, who she was talking to.
   "Come here." She got up and walked over to Mick.
   "What's up?"
   "I need to ask you something, if it's ok."
   "Sure thing, go ahead."
   "All my friends lives in New York, ok this is going to sound weird, but
I'm in desperate need of a girl talk, would you help me out?"
   Bernadette laughed and said: "You're right, it does sound a bit weird,
but sure thing."
   "Thanks, you just saved my day." They walked out in the kitchen and sat
there talking for 1 or 2 hours. They got along really well.

   Chapter 6

   Months later.
   "Mick you have to help me." Lara came running into Mick's room.
   "Sure babe what's up?" Mick and Lara meet each other in New York a year
   "You know I meet Shane and the other's from Westlife sometime ago at
   "Well, me and Shane got to be really good friend, right?"
   "Well, I started talking with Shane down in the lobby...."
   "He asked me out on a date."
   "ARGH!!! Lara that's great!!!!!!!"
   "No, it's not."
   "Why not? I thought you liked him?!"
   "I do, but I don't have....."
   "You don't have what?"
   "Anything to wear." Mick started laughing out loud.
   "Come on Mick."
   "Sorry, it's just funny. You don't want to go out with Shane, cuz don't have anything to wear." Mick got out still
   "Come on Mick, of course I'm still going out with him. I just need to
borrow some of yours."
   "What's wrong with yours?"
   "I only have clothes, as if I was going to be together with you all the
time. It is you I came to see."
   "Yeah, yeah. Sure, take what you want, but of course you have to ask me
   "ARGH!!! Mick!! I love you. You just saved my day." Lara flew around
Mick's neck.
   "Yeah, yeah, yeah, what ever. Now go find something." Mick said trying
to get away from Lara.
   "Thanks a mill." Lara let go and looked through Mick's clothes.
   "So, when's the big date?"
   "Yeah, tonight's the only night, where he's not working."
   "Oh, yeah. I'm going to work every night this week, but tonight I'm
not, so I'm just going to watch a movie."
   "Together with Bryan?" Lara asked, holding a dress up in front of her.
"What do you think of this?"
   "I like it, cuz I wouldn't have it if I didn't, but try it on."
   "Thanks. So are you going to watch a movie together with Bryan?"
   "I don't know. I don't know what he's doing tonight."
   "He said he just wanted to stay in his room tonight." Nicky said
walking in. "Love the dress Lara. It looks like the one you have Mick."
   "That's probably cuz it is mine. Lara is going out with Shane tonight."
   "Yeah, I heard that Shane was going out with someone tonight."
   "By the way Nicky. What are you doing in here? And next time please
knock b4 you enter a room."
   "Sure. What I wanted to ask if you wanted to go down to the bar and
have a drink with me, Mark and Kian tonight."
   "Sure, why not?"
   "What happened to your movie?" Lara asked.
   "I can watch a movie, and then go down to the bar with the lads."
   "Great, see you at 10 p.m.?"
   "Sure! One thing more. Why me?"
   "Cuz we need to drown our sorrows, cuz we miss our girlfriends, and we
need someone to make sure we don't drink to much."
   "Gee thanks! Now I really feel loved."
   "I knew you would." Nicky grinned and ran out of the room, b4 Mick
could do anything to him.
   "Nice guy, huh?" Lara said putting on make-up.
   "Yes, but I can't help loving him anyway."
   "YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH Nicky???????" Lara yelled.
   "No. I love him as a friend."
   "Ok, thought so."
   "Are you going to need me right away?"
   "No why?"
   "I'm just going to see what's up with Bryan. It doesn't look like him
to just stay in he room."
   "You're right. No I won't need you, just go."
   "Great, thanks. Good luck tonight." Mick hugged Lara.
   "Thanks." Mick left the room, walked down the hall and knocked on
Bryan's door.

   Chapter 7

   Bryan dried his eyes and coughed so the person at the door wouldn't
hear that he had been crying.
   "Come in." He yelled hoping that he didn't look like shit. Mick came
   "Bryan what's the matter? Man, have you been crying?"
   �I guess I got to tell her.' Bryan thought and said: "Yeah! Mick, I
have to tell you something. "
   "I'm all ears!" She sat down on the bed beside Bryan.
   "You what?"
   " you."
   "You what?" Mick got up from the bed and looked out the window with her
back to Bryan.
   "Love you. I have always had a little crush, and these last months my
feelings has grown. I just wanted to know if you maybe felt the......."
   "Bryan." Mick had started crying.
   "What's the matter?" Bryan got up, walked over to Mick and put his arms
around her.
   "Bryan, don't." Mick got away from Bryan.
   "What's the matter?"
   "It'll never work."
   "What do you mean by that?"
   "We have know each other for as long as I remember. It'll be like I'm
going out with my brother, I can't do that."
   "But do you?"
   "Do I what?"
   "Love me?"
   "I.......I.....I gotta get out of here." Mick ran out of the room, down
the hall and into her room. Bryan ran after her. Luckily Lara wasn't in
the room anymore, so Mick didn't have to explain anything to her, well
just yet that is.
   "Michelle! Please open the door!" Bryan begged knocking on the door.
   "Go away Bryan" Mick cried, but Bryan kept knocking.

"Bryan! Please leave!" Mick begged.
   "No, come on. Please let me in." Kian and Mark came past and asked what
was going on. Without thinking Bryan told them everything.
   "Bryan, go into your room. I'll try talking to her."
   "No Kian, I want to talk to her. I love her." Bryan broke down crying.
"It's all cuz of me, I ruined it all. She'll never be my friend again."
   "Wait and see Bryan, you're not sure things like that." Mark got Bryan
into his room.
   "I'll be right back." Mark walked out to talk to Kian. "I don't think
it's just Mick, it can't be just be that."
   "You're right. It doesn't look like Bryan to act like that. Go and talk
to Bryan. I'll talk to Mick.
   "Yeah. Talk to you later."
   "Yeah." Mark walked into Bryan and Kian knocked on Mick's door.
   "Mick it's me Kian. Can I come in?"
   "What ever." She yelled back.
   "I'll take that as a yes." Kian opened the door and walked in. Mick was
packing her bags. "What are you doing? Why are you packing?"
   "I'm leaving tomorrow. That guy, who I worked for, when I was working
for Boyzone, called me some time ago. They are making a new video, and
they want me to come as soon as I can, so I'm leaving on a plain to New
York tomorrow."
   "What? Have you talked with Anton about this, or who you have to talk
   "Why didn't you tell us? And when had you plained to tell us?"
   "I plained to tell you tonight, and then Bryan layed this on me. And
did you want me to tell you that I wanted to work with Boyzone, more
than I wanted to work with you? And cuz of that they sacked me."
   "They what???" In that moment Mark came in.
   "Kian, I know what's up with Bryan. It's not just you Mick."
   "What is it? I'm not with. What does Mark know?" Mick was totally
   "Mark know's everything, and a bit more then me. What's was it with
   "He's sick."
   "Oh, bad?" Mark just nodded.

   Chapter 8

   They walked into Bryan's room.
   "Can I talk to Bryan?" They nodded and Mick walked over to the bed
where Bryan was laying.
   "Hey! You're talking to me?"
   "Yeah, I just wanted to say good-bye."
   "You're leaving?"
   "I can't stay here, and I just got a job offer to work with Boyzone."
   "You're talking it?" Mick just nodded.
   "Do you love me?"
   "I don't want to talk about it."
   "Yes, I do, but I'm still not going to say."
   "Why not?
   "I have a job waiting for me, and I.....I don't want you as boyfriend."
   "Why not?"
   "It's to complicated. With me work, you work."
   "But if you stay as a dancer for Westlife, we'll be together all the
   "No, they have firing me."
   "They said it was working with Boyzone or working with you. And I said
   "Working with Boyzone has always been my dream, now I can make it come
   "But what about me?"
   "It's to late. I said Boyzone, b4 I knew you loved me."
   "Why do you want me to give up my dream for you? Why don't you give up
your dream for me?"
   "I can't do that, you know I can't."
   "Why do you then expected I can do it?"
   "I.....I.....I don't know."
   "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so I'm say good-bye now."
   "Michelle, please stay!"
   "Sorry. If non of us can give up our dream for the other one, who can
it be love?"
   "But, is there anything I can do to make you stay?"
   "No. Good-bye Bryan" Mick walked out the door.

   Chapter 9.

   The next morning around 9 o'clock.
   "Bye Nicky. Thanks for talking me."
   "You're welcome Mick. See you sometime soon?"
   "Time will show. Say hi to the others from me, ok?"
   "Ok." Nicky said and looked at her entering the plain.
   "What am I do?" Mick asked her self when the plain was over the ocean
to America, with tears in her eyes. "I'm fulfilling my dream." Mick said
with a smile, when I saw a picture of the Boyzone in a mag I was
reading. I was going to be in my second Boyzone video, and if I was
lucky I was going to be a dancer on their next tour.
   "Hey Michelle!" A guy behind me said, when I just got out of the
   "RONAN?!?!?!?!?!?" I flew around his neck. "What are you doing her?"
   "I didn't want you to walk alone in the streets for New York."
   "Ronan, I have lived in New York for 3 years, what are you really doing
   "Bryan called me."
   "What did he tell you?"
   "What I think was everything, but I'm not sure."
   "Ok, so where are we going."
   "The hotel and then Central Park."
   "Ok. When are going to start filming?"
   "Tonight, we need some shots in the dark."
   "Man, that means we are staying up all night."
   "May I ask something a bit personal?"
   "Sure Ronan, go ahead."
   "Do you really love Bryan?"
   "I don't know. I think I do, but why wouldn't I give up my dream for
   "I can't answer that one. You have to find out for your self."
   "I hate this."
   "This were much easier when we were younger, b4 I want to New York. We
were just good friends back then."
   "The best relationships start with a good friendship."
   "I know."

   "Cut!" The director yelled! "Michelle! What's going on? You're not
doing it right."
   "I know. I'm sorry. My mind was some place else. Lets try it again."
   "Are you sure you don't want a break? You didn't make one thing wrong
last time." Mickey asked me.
   "Yes, I'm sure. Lets just do it!" Mick yelled.
   "Well, sorry. You don't have to bite me head of."
   "I know Mickey. I'm sorry. Come on lets do it." Mick said, trying to
sound happy.

   "Ok girl. What's up with you?" Keith came into the room.
   "Why do you think..."
   "Michelle! Anybody can see your not the some you as last time." Keith
   "You're probably right."
   "I know I'm right."
   "Ok." Mick told Keith everything from Nicky came and asked he to come
down to have a drink with them to her talk with Ronan from the airport.
   "Ok, I can see you're mind is somewhere else." Keith sat down.
   "What do you think I should do?"
   "I really don't know. I may be married and have two kids, but that
doesn't mean I know that much about love."
   "Michelle? Are you in here?" Ronan knocked on the door.
   "Yeah Ronan. Come in!" Ronan opened the door and came in.
   "Oh hi Keith. Michelle. It's Bryan on the phone. He wants to talk to
   "I don't want to talk to him. Please just tell him I don't want to talk
to him."
   "I wouldn't let you do that. Here's the phone, you'll talk to him, and
you'll find out what you're going to do." Ronan half gave half forced
the phone into my hand.
   "Hi Bryan!" Mick said into the phone.
   "I hope that they find out what they are going to do, and they are both
happy about it." Ronan looked a Keith and replied: "You and me both."

   Chapter 10

   "Hi Bryan."
   "Hi Mick! How's life?"
   "I living, but not much more."
   "Yeah, you and me both."
   "Bryan, we have to fine do something about this. I have mad so many
mistakes in the video, I almost didn't make any last time."
   "It's the others who mad me call, cuz they said that I'm not the same
person." Mick didn't as something for some time.
   "Mick, are you there?"
   "I love you."
   "I know Bryan." She paused for a sec, but the she said: "I love you
   "What are we going to do?"
   "If they'll take me back, I'm going to come back and dance for Westlife
   "You're joking?"
   "No, I have always said that I'll be happy just working with Boyzone,
and I have done that, so now I'm going to take care of my two other
   "What's that?"
   "Just being a dancer, and be with you."
   "That's your dream? Since when?"
   "Since now."
   "I can live with that." Bryan grinned. "I'll do the calls and find out
if you can come back, and be a dancer for us again, ok?"
   "When are you done with filming for the video?"
   "Tomorrow at some time. So I can be on a plain on.....that will
be....Monday, ok?"
   "Ok. Argh, Lara get of me." Bryan yelled half into the phone half away
from the phone. "Lara. Sorry, Lara wants to talk to you."
   "Ok! Hi Lara."
   "It's great that you're coming back. You have no idea how glad I am."
   "Why? And why are you still with the lads?"
   "Nothing big. Me and Shane are just together now."
   "That's great! How serious?"
   "As serious as it can be in just one or two days."
   "That's great honey. Are the guys still in London, yeah they much be.
But good luck."
   "I don't think she'll need any luck." Some one yelled in the back
   "Shane shut up! I'm talking to Mick."
   "If Shane say that, I don't think you'll need good luck." Mick said
with a grin.
   "I better get going. We are starting filming again in a few minutes.
Bye Sweet."
   "Bye Honey. See ya." They hug up. That Monday Mick was one a play to
England, where Westlife still was touring.
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