By Marita
That's what they were since they were kids. Not just friends, but the best friends in the world.
Nicky and Lindsay.
Everyone at school always thought they were a couple, which wasn't even that weird because they told each other everything and they spend most of their day together. But none of the couple things were true, they were just best friends.

"Nicky hurry up!!!" Lindsay shouted :We're gonna be late!".
Today was their first day at their new school, so of course they couldn't be late.
"Yeah, I'm coming" Nicky shouted as he ran down the stairs.
"Sorry I'm late but I couldn't find those maths books", he explained.
"That's OK, but we'd better hurry up cause I really don't wanna be late on my first day at school" Lindsay replied.
They lived in the southern part of Dublin, where they grew up together. It was a 5 minute walk to their new school, and they talked about the daily things on their way down there.
"So are you excited?" Nicky asked Lindsay.
"Yeah I am. Things are gonna be so different compared to our last school. But I'm glad we're in the same class, so you can help me out" she said.
Nicky smiled and they entered the school.
"Oh my god it's so big in here" Lindsay whispered to Nicky.
"Yeah it is...ah wait there's my sis, she'll know where we have to go".
Nicky went over to Gillian and came back smiling. He grabbed Lindsays' hand and went up the stairs, and they went into their classroom.

They sat down in the back and Lindsay looked at her new classmates. She only knew a few of them. "There was Bryan sitting next to Kian and Mark sitting next, who is that?" she thought as she saw the handsome guy sitting next to Mark. He was quite small, with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She had never seen him around, but maybe she could ask Mark who he was sometime.

1 year later......

It was their last day before the summerholiday started. The class had become one big group of friends, and after their musicteacher told them they had talent, Nicky even started a band together with Mark,Kian,Bryan and Shane.
Speaking of Shane...
That's the name of the lad Lindsay fancied since their first schoolday. It turned out he liked her too, and they had been together for 8 months now, so it all turned out great, even for Nicky.
He met a girl named Georgina, a very pretty girl from Dublin. He fell in love with her straightaway and they have been together for 9 months.
"I can't believe this is our last schoolday already" Shane said to Lindsay.
"Yeah, this year has gone so fast!" Kian said.
The bell rang so everyone grabbed their bag and they left the school.
Nicky and Lindsay said goodbye to everyone, and walked home together.
"So what are you up to this summer?" Lindsay asked.
"Well, I was ust about to tell you that"Nicky said with a huge smile on his face.
"What?? Is it something exciting?" Lindsay said.
"Well you know Shane,Kian,Mark,Bryan and myself have this band eh? Well.....we've send a tape to Louis Walsh and we've got a meeting with him tomorrow!!!"
"O my god, that's great! I can't believe it!!" Lindsay said."Does anyone know it yet?"
"Yeah I told Georgina last week"he said, "But I gotta turn left here, I'll see ya around!"
"OK good luck, and letme know how it went ok?" she said as he walked away.

She was so happy for Nicky. He always wanted to be famous, and hopefully this would be the first step to a carreer. Why did he tell Georgina about it before her?? Ofcourse they were boyfriend and girlfriend, but Nicky and herself were best friends.....
She felt a bit jealous towards Georgina over the last months, because they spend so much time together, and she hardly ever saw Nicky outside school.
Everytime she saw them together hugging, smiling, kissing, it felt as if someone was stabbing a knife right though her heart.
She'd never felt like this before, even though Nicky had girlfriends before.
She talked about it with her friend Natasha. After she had told her the whole storing and her feelings, Natasha didn't say anything, she just looked at Lindsay and grinned.
"What??" Lindsay asked, "Why are you grinning?"
"You really don't see it do you?"Natasha said.
"See what?" Lindsay said.
"Look don't get mad at me, but it's obvious that you've got a major crush on Nicky" Natasha said.
Ofcourse Lindsay denied her feelings for Nicky, but she couldn't fall asleep that night.
She kept thinking about what Natasha said, and she realized her friend was right. Lindsay's feelings for Nicky weren't just was love.

6 months later.....
Lindsay sat on the couch in the livingroom, watching tele. She just came back from Nicky's house, where she had said goodbye to him. The boys had become very popular over the last months, and it was time for their europian promotion for their first single. While sitting on the couch, Lindsay had mixed feelings. She still felt the same way about Nicky, but things hadn't change much. They were still best friends, but they were both single again as Lindsay dumped Shane because of her feelings for Nicky, and Georgina dumped Nicky because she couldn't handle all the fame and the fans. What if Nicky got another girlfriend again? That girl might be the one for him, and then he'd never be hers, and she'd had to deal with the stabbing pain in her heart for the rest of her life.
Suddenly Lindsay got up, got her jacket, ran outside and got a cab. "To the airport please" she said.

Meanwhile at the airport....

The boys had just checked in, and were now waiting untill the boarding started. Kian,Bryan and Mark were shopping, Nicky was reading a magazine and Shane was just staring at the planes. He kept thinking about what Lindsay told him about Nicky when she dumped him. He knew about her feelings, and he had accepted them, even though it had been a pretty hard time for him. Nicky didn't know anything of Lindsays feelings for him, and Shane was thinking if he should tell him or not. They'd be leaving in half an hour, so if he wanted to tell him, he'd had to tell him now.
"Ehm...." he started..
"Yeah?" Nicky said.
"Nah, never mind"Shane said.
It was so hard to tell him. What if Nicky didn't feel the same? It might ruin the friendship between Nicky and Lindsay, and what if Lindsay didn't want Shane to tel him?
He just decided to do what he thought was best, so he decided to tell Nicky.
"Nicky an I talk to you about something?"
"yeah sure"Nicky replied as he closed his magazine.
"Please don't get mad at me for telling you this, but I just have to tell you.
Well, you know Lindsay broke up with me a few months ago right?"
"Yeah..."Nicky said, waiting for Shane to go on with his story.
"This is very hard for me to tell you, because I still have strong feelings for Lindsay, but the reason she broke up with me is.....because she loves you". Pfeew....he said it.
Nicky looked at him like he had just seen a ghost. he stared at Shane for a few minuted and said "You're not making a joke, are ya?"
"No ofcourse not. I just think you have to know this, in case you feel the same way, and I think you two are a great couple together, but please....don't tell Marita I told you ok?"
"No I won't" Nicky said, "But thanks for telling me".
Nicky smiled at Shane and Shane smiled back.
"Attention for passengers for slight 657, boarding starts now, please make your way to gate B26".
"Where the hell are Bry,Ki and Mark??" Nicky said.
"They've probably heard the boardingcall for our flight, so i think they'll be here in a second. Let's go stand in the queue",Shane said.
Bryan,Mark and Kian arrived a few minutes later, and they all waited to go on board.
Mark,Kian and Shane were in the airplane already when suddenly.....
Nicky turned around and saw Lindsay coming his way.
"Lindsay....what? What are you doing here?"
"Nicky I just have to talk to you. I've been thinking about you ever since we said goodbye this morning and not only today, bit I've been thinking about you over the last months because.....I think I'm in love with you". She waited for Nicky to say something but he didn't.He just looked at her for a while and suddenly a smile appeared on his face.
"Lindsay.....I haven't told this to anyone before, but you are the reason it went wrong between me and Georgina. I realized I loved you more than just as a friend, I love you as a girlfriend" he said, and he walked over to her. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. The looked into each others eyes and then their lips touched each other. They ended the kiss because they heard some people clapping behind them, and they turned around to see Mark,Kian,Shane and Bryan giving them an applause. They looked at each other again, smiled and shared another kiss.
Nicky went over to the stewardess and asked :"Excuse me, is there a possibility for this lady to come with me on the plane?"
"We've got 6 seats left on this flight, so there is, you'll just have to pay the full ticket".
"That's OK, you can put it on the BMG bill" Nicky said and he accepted the ticket.

The next night on a showcase in Holland...

"Ok people that was our debutsingle "Swear it again" and now, I think Nicky wants to say something", Shane said to the dutch fans.
Nicky stepped forward and said "Holland!!! it's great to be here tonight, but what makes it even better is that my lovely girlfriend Lindsay is here about getting her on stage?" The whole crowd screamed and Kian helped Lindsay to get on stage.
Nicky gave her a quick kiss and smiled.
"Ok people, the reason I brought her up here is because I wanted to tell her something so shhtttt.
Lindsay, I know things went a bit weird between us, but I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, and I never want to lose you. This is a song which I've written for you, and it's called "Moments".
Lindsay and Nicky sat down on stools, and so did the other lads. "Ok normally, this is Shane's part, but I'll sing it for this special occassion".
He grabbed Lindsays hand and started singing....

"If I die tonight, I'd go with no regrets. If it's in your arms, I know that I was blessed. And if your eyes, are the last thing that I see, then I know the beauty heaven holds for me. But if I make it though, if I live to see the day. If I'm with you,I know just what to say, the truth been told, girl you take my breath away....every minute,every hour, everyday.....
Cause every moment, we share together, is even better than the moment before.
If everyday was, as good as today was, then I can't wait till tomorrow comes.
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