It was a late night when Annie got a phone call from the Sligo Hospital telling her that her Shane was in the hospital.  At first Annie was in the greatest shock of her life, and when she pulled herself together was when the phone rang and it was Mark; one of Shane�s best friends and band mates.  See Shane�s in a group called Westlife and they are real big, it�s how they met too.  Annie was somewhat a fan and was at one of their concerts and when Shane spotted her he thought she was cute.  But that was the last time Shane saw her well to his luck he saw her at a local pub dancing around with friends.  He thought she was a great dancer and a real cute one to, well after that they totally hooked up.  And well back to the story �Annie are you there?� Mark asked after no one answered �Oh yeah sorry Mark!� Annie said after waking up from dreamland �Do you need a ride to the hospital?� Mark asked concerned Annie would go suicidal if she really knew Shane�s condition �Yeah sure!� Annie answered back and hung up.  The nurse didn�t tell her much except that Shane was in the hospital, what great help ha, well she was gonna be more shocked when she gets to the hospital.  Mark arrived at Annie and Shane�s apartment and helped her get to his car, they made their way to the hospital, it was real quiet in the car no one talked and Annie was praying and hoping it wasn�t anything big.  When they arrived at the hospital Annie ran into the hospital and started to ask the nurses for information but no one would give them information or let her see Shane.  Annie was getting furious and she went up to one of the doctor�s and started to yell at them to give her information, and the doctor told her to sit down and he would go get a doctor to tell her about Shane.  Mark brought her to go sit down in the waiting room and to calm down.
A few minutes later Nicky, Kian, and Bryan arrived at the hospital, they were apart of Westlife too and so did the doctor.  The doctor told Annie that Shane was in a hit and run car accident where Shane�s car flipped over 3 times and Shane�s arm, legs were all severely damaged also Shane�s back was broken and if he lived he could never walk again.  Everything went in Annie�s mind as a daze until the doctor said that Shane only had a few days or a week tops to live is when Annie came out of her daze and broke down crying.  She started to question the doctor if he could try to save Shane but they couldn�t and plus Shane said don�t try to save him let him live his few days or week.  The doctor said they could see Shane tomorrow after he been cleaned, bandaged, and healed up and told them to go home get some sleep.  But Annie didn�t want to leave the hospital she didn�t want to be alone.  She was thinking and thinking about Shane and her life without him, and burst out crying, Mark was letting her cry on his shoulder.  When all of a sudden Annie started to get dizzy, and before she knew it she had fainted.  The doctor took her into a room and did some test, they soon found out that Annie was pregnant.  Annie wasn�t out of her sleep so around 4 hours later she woke up with a big headache, the doctor went and talked to her �Do u know you�re pregnant!� the doctor questioned and all Annie could do was sit there and stare at the doctor in shock.  She was only 20 and was already pregnant she couldn�t believe it �Do u know the father?� the doctor asked �Pretty sure! How many months and weeks am I?� Annie answered back.  �About 2 months 3 weeks! You wouldn�t have noticed because you�re a little underweight!� the doctor said and left her to be.  The next person to come in was Mark; Mark and Annie had always been best friends she could spill anything to him.  She started to tell him about her being pregnant with Shane�s baby; well who else would be the father.  He then told her that she could see Shane soon if she was well enough to and Annie�s obvious answer was yes.
Around 2 hours later they let two people at a time to see Shane, his parents were seeing him already, and now Mark and Annie were going to see Shane.  When they entered the room Annie could see all of Shane�s pain, he was scratched everywhere but he was still strong enough to do everything.  Annie just went and hugged Shane gently, they sat talking for a while Shane kept on telling her to stop crying it would be alright, but that�s what he thought it would be alright.  Mark went a got some coffee so Annie could tell Shane about the baby �Shane I have something really important to tell you!� Annie said holding Shane�s hand tight.  Shane nodded and Annie spoke again �Shane I don�t know how to tell you this but I�m pregnant!� there Annie said it and left Shane shocked but somewhat happy.  �Annie I love you! How many months are you?� Shane said happily and smiled lovingly at Annie �About 2 months 3 weeks babe! And I of course love you too� Annie replied back.  They sat talking about the baby and what would happen when Shane died, and all that.  Everyone was allowed in soon and they announced their baby news to them and Shane�s parents were hugging Shane and Annie to death.  Everyone was overjoyed for them and what they all didn�t know was that Shane was going to give his money to Annie, his family, and his future child.  He knew Annie would have a hard to coping with this and wouldn�t be working for a few years, and then with a child it would make it harder but he knew she could make it. 
Over the next few days were rough for Annie and Shane they released him from the hospital so he could die in peace at home.  Shane proposed to Annie, he had a ring and everything ready and soon enough they were engaged but they knew they would never get marry.  But Annie told herself that she would never marry another man in her life or meet another man.  Annie and Shane sat on the couch everyday watching TV, talking to each other, day by day Shane would get weaker and weaker.  By the end of the week Shane was still alive to everyone�s surprise, but the next day Shane was coughing and Annie was giving him water.  When Shane told Annie to sit next to him, he began to sing

If I die tonight, I'd go with no regrets
If it's in your arms I know that
I was blessed
And if your eyes are the last
thing that I see
Then I know the beauty heaven
holds for me

But if I make it through, if I live to
see the day
If I'm with you, I'll know just what to say
The truth be told, girl you take my
breath away
Every minute, every hour, every day

'Cause every moment we share together
Is even better than the moment before
If everyday was as good as today was
Then I can't wait until tomorrow comes

A moment in time is all that's given
you and me
A moment in time, and it's something
you should seize
So I won't make the mistake of
letting go
Everyday you're here I'm gonna let
you know

That every moment we share together
Is even better than the moment before
If everyday was as good as today was
Then I can't wait until tomorrow comes

Each morning that I get up, I love you more
than ever
So girl I'll never go away, never stray

So every moment we share together
Is even better than the moment before
If everyday was as good as today was
Then I can't wait until tomorrow comes

So every moment we share together
Is even better than the moment before
If everyday was as good as today was
Then I can't wait until tomorrow comes

I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah)
Moments we share together
I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah)
I pray they'd last forever

I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah)
Moments we share together
I love, love, love the moments (oh yeah)
I pray they'd last forever

Those were the last few words of Shane�s, he said I love you to Annie and he was gone and Annie was crying terribly.  Shane�s parents came in and saw what had happened and broke down to tears too, soon they called things to be done and put Shane in a funeral home. 
A few days later they had Shane�s funeral, Annie was in tears the whole time, Mark had to hold on to her so she wouldn�t fall or anything.  The funeral went over all great, the media nor fans showed up, there would be a memorial held a few days later that was planned for the fans to go and show their love.  The fans didn�t know about Annie pregnancy yet, but they would soon find out because when Louis found out he talked plans with Shane and Annie.  They decided to let someone interview Annie and let her tell them the truth about her pregnancy, or just keep it a secret until someone finds out then she can show and tell everyone.  It would be up to Annie really if she could go through all the press and everything Shane thought it would be a good idea to lay low for a while since Annie was still depressed.  But it was Annie�s turn to make her own decisions.
Westlife was never the same without Shane, so they all parted to there own ways, Mark and Bryan with there own solo careers, Nicky went back to football, and Kian did show biz stuff.  Annie kept in touch with all of them a bit, but Annie and Mark were best friends.  He was always there for her and it was real sweet of him to take his time out and help her.
6 months later, was when Annie gave birth to her first son, she named him Shane Peter Mark Filan Jr. after his father.  But the baby looked so much like Shane, same cute eyes, fingers, lips, toes, and nose.  Shane Jr. had really dark brown hair since Annie�s hair was natural black, and the weird thing is that Annie has dark brown eyes and Shane had hazel/green and Shane Jr. had blue eyes.  The world will never know (hehehe).  Mae and Peter would come to Annie�s apartment and help take care of Shane Jr. and Annie was real glad they were there for her; they were like her second parents. 
Annie soon had to start working, Mark pulled some strings and got her a job as a secretary.  Annie would sometimes get depressed on the weekends off and write songs she didn�t know what made her write songs but she actually did well at them.  Mark one day spotted her songs and read them and was amazed by her music.  He gave to some other peoples he knew in the music industries and they liked them too and before she knew it she was making money by writing music for various artists.

~*~Present Day~*~
Annie kept her promise to herself to never marry another man or meet another man.  She stands here right now at the age of 81 with Shane Jr. helping her stand as she looks over Shane�s grave.  Shane Jr�s wife, and 3 kids were there looking at there grandfather�s grave and soon they would be there for Annie�s funeral.  Annie was diagnosed with some sort of cancer and she was to die in a few days, they made arrangements for Annie to be buried next to Shane�s grave.  This was Annie�s last visit before she would be with her love, Shane Jr. and the rest of them left Annie alone so she could be by herself and think.  �I�ll be with you once again Shane!� Annie said and all of a sudden she died, Shane Jr. came running and took her to the hospital but it was already late she was laid to rest and was with her love; up above.
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