Olivia and TJ have been dating for a year now, but Olivia's never noticed TJ's cheating on her, except for Mark who sees him allover girls when Olivia's not around. It hurt him that Olivia's gonna get hurt sooner or later. He just wanted to go up to her and tell her what trash TJ is but she wouldn't believe him, but more he wanted to tell her how much he liked her or loved her really. He couldn't keep his mind straight. Mark decided he had to take this into his own hands, he made plans to go clubbin with Olivia and show her what trash TJ is.

I can see that you've been crying
You can't hide it with a lie
What's the use in you denying
The words you have at home

That night Olivia was wearing nice black pants, and a nice white spaghetti strap shirt, while Mark was wearing black pants and a nice dark gray muscle shirt. They were going to a club that Mark knew, they were there for around 5 minutes when Olivia spotted TJ at a table kissing a girl. She just went over to him "It's over! Don't ever talk to me, look at me, think of me, or do anything that has to do with me ever again! Like they say hate the player not the game!" Olivia said and went off to the restroom to well just cry. "Olivia you in their! Come out, let's talk!" Mark said through the bathroom door. A minute later Olivia came out with red eyes, and tears in her eyes, and all of a sudden Mark's heart went down. "I'm fine, let's just go home!" Olivia said "You can't lie to me I know you, there's not point in denying your hurt! Come on I'll bring you home and we can talk!"

I heard him promise you forever
But forevers come and go
Baby he would say whatever
It takes to keep you alive
Tell the truth between the lines

They sat around her house talking, she spilled everything about their relationship, and she was so saddened and was crying a lot. Mark always let her cry on his shoulder and said "TJ would say whatever to keep you his! But they were all lies! U deserve much better! Come on don't cry he doesn't deserve your tears" and Olivia would feel a bit better. Olivia feeling came back for Mark that night, she got tingly feelings when he hugged her, and it with Mark.

Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say those words, then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

Over the next few days Mark and Olivia spent a lot of time together, Mark just wanted to tell her about his feeling but then it wouldn't be a good time. Telling her right after her big break up is not a good idea, so he waited.

Baby you deserve much better
What's the use in holding on
Don't you see it's now or never
Just why you can't be friends
Baby knowing in the end

2 weeks later Olivia and Mark were sitting on a bench, Olivia had gotten on well after the break up and Mark was planning on telling Olivia his feeling today, he wouldn't wait any longer. "Olivia I have to tell you something, that I've been meaning to tell you for years!" Mark said sitting next to Olivia. "I like you, and I mean more than just friends! I don't wanna be just friends anymore I want you!" Mark said. I got it out thank you I thought I could never do that in a million years Mark looked at Olivia and saw she wasn't looking that happy nor sad she looked shocked. Olivia was really shocked Mark just spilled his feeling for her the same feeling she had for him. "Olivia if u don't like me!" Mark was saying but got cut off because Olivia put her finger over his lips and made his heart beat faster. "I really like you too Mark!" Olivia whispered and Mark smiled.

And I will love you more than that
I won't say those words, then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say

They soon started to go out, they were a match made in heaven. But they took it slow, they wanted to cherish every moment. Soon Mark had to leave once again to go record their next album, promote it, and go on tour. They weren't going to see each other for another month. Olivia was missing Mark so much, that her grades were slipping terribly. She had to get in control and pull her grades up before she lost her scholarship.

There's not a day that passes by
I don't wonder why we haven't tried
It's not too late to change your mind
And take my hand, don't say goodbye

Mark was always thinking about Olivia, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He soon found out that he was in love with her, and missing her terrible. He heard about Olivia's grades slipping and so he encouraged her to do better so support her when she was tuffin the rough.

I will love you more than that
I won't say those words, then take them back

After a month of not seeing each other, they were once reunited. They spent every moment with each well except when Olivia was in school. They were on their 2 month anniversary right now and Mark was gonna tell Olivia that he loved her and see her response. "Olivia, I love you!" Mark said while walking in the park.

Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say those words, then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that

Olivia stopped in her tracks and just looked at the ground, she loved Mark too but she didn't know if she should say it or not. It might change the relationship or it might stay the same. She had to take the risk or wouldn't, Mark was just looking at Olivia searching for an answer and didn't come up with one. When all of a sudden Olivia spoke up and said "I love you too Mark!" At that point Mark was the happiest person alive well not the happiest person alive, but he was surely happy. But he knew Olivia still had those insecurities that she would be cheated on and she was quiet and just looking at the ground. "Olivia don't worry I love you with all my heart, and I'll love you more than anything that I've ever loved!" Mark said, Olivia raised her head and all she could do was smile.

Oh I will love you more than that
I won't say those words, then take them back
Don't give loneliness a chance
Baby listen to me when I say
I will love you more than that
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More Than That
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