My Best Friends Wedding
By Kary Anne
CHAPTER 1 It was the beautiful month of June. The season of wedding bells and blushing brides. And I was proud to say that my best friend Fay Connelly (soon to be Fay Feehily) was going to be one of them. Even more proud to announce to you all, that I, Andrea Joanne Peterson, was to be her maid-of-honor. What I was NOT proud of however, was the shameful fact that even in less than one week to go for the wedding, I still didn�t have anything that was even remotely close to a gown! Well, lets just say I wasn�t as well to do as Fay here, (who could practically afford to blow her nose into dollar bills) to spent my hard earned money on trivial things like gowns. Anyway, Fay vowed on the name of her future husband, that she would disown me if I appeared for her wedding in anything less than a respectable looking dress at the most. So here we were at Macys�s, the only trendy store in town whose prices were...somewhat reasonable. � How about this one Andy?�, said Fay. She held up a dress that even my grandmother wouldn�t imagine wearing. Frills, frills and more frills. I stared at it. �Which century do you want everyone to think I�m come from, Fifi? The 1300�s?� Fay looked at the dress before answering. � You�re right, it does look a bit ancient.� � What about this one?� � Too loud� � Or this?� � Too showy.� � What about this?� � Hot pink?!? You want me to go to your wedding looking like some psychotic freak show?� Fay sighed, obviously exasperated. � Is there ANYTHING you like here at all? Or we could go to �La Femme� you know! They�ve got a much better selection there!�, she suggested. � NO! NO! NON! Non �La Femme�!!! Out of la question!!!�, I cried. Gosh, it felt as if I were paying a fortune just to say those rotten French words. As you probably guessed by now, �La Femme� was expensive. Let me rephrase could buy a human liver cheaper than a pair of socks at �La Femme�. �We�ll find something here, Fifi�, I said. We have to. I was starting to feel sorry for her. Shopping with me was a task. But Fay�s patience was astounding! Especially to put up with a compulsive, squawking freak like me. Well we took about 4 or 5 unsuccessful rounds around the store. And after a few useless searches, we decided to admit defeat and walk out dejectedly. And then I spotted it. There it stood, on a hanger, almost hidden behind an array of some morbid pieces of so- called clothing. The perfect gown. � Oh Fay! Look at this one!�, I cried holding it up. It was unbelievable. Like it was dropped down from the highest heavens just for me. Fay gasped and gaped at it. �Oh Andy!!! It�s amazing. Like it was is dropped down from the highest heavens just for you!�. Ahh! See? What did I tell you!. It was so simple, and yet elegant enough to make anyone who wore it look like a princess. She clutched my hand. � Try it!�, she urged. �Go on! Try it!�. I couldn�t have agreed more. I ran into a changing room, tore off my clothes and slipped it on. It fitted like glove. Just my perfect size. I gasped at the mirror when I saw my reflection. Standing there, in that rich chocolate brown dress was a beautiful girl staring back at me. And yes, beautiful. It was an adjective I could never imagine using to describe myself. � Fay! I�m coming out now!�, I called. I came out. Fay stared and gawked before whispering to herself. � Oh my God! You look incredible!� � Really?�, I cried twirling around happily. � Buy it Andrea. You have GOT to buy it!� I nodded and looked at the price tag, almost dropping the gown in the process. I gasped out in dismay. Fay grabbed the dress and glared at the sinful price tag. � What�s the matter?� � What in God�s name do you mean by what�s the matter!? You know darn well what the matter is! I�d have to rob a bank to buy I dress like that. And besides, my pay check hasn�t come yet, I cant afford it!!!� � So what?! I can.� � Well, welcome to the cruel world Mrs. Feehily-to-be, just because you can doesn�t necessarily mean that everyone else in the world can too!� � Is that so! Well, then I�m buying it for you! Happy birthday Andrea.� I stared at her. � What are you on? Crack? Cocain? Psycho pills?� But Fay would hear none of it. � Andrea, this dress is a once in a lifetime. Its now or never!�. She was starting to sound as if I was the one getting married here. But she was right. The dress WAS worth it. And besides, I had NO desire to even think of setting foot in �La Stupide Femme�!. � But my birthday�s in October!�, I whined stupidly. � Does it look as if I care?� � Not really� � Good, then shut up and stop being such a wet rag.� � On one condition�, I said firmly. � You have to let me pay of back.� � Whatever.� I stared at her while she ran off to the cashier with the dress. She paid and we finally came out. � Fay, stop!�, I said. � What is it now, Peterson?� I hugged her. � Thank you�. She laughed and unlocked the door of the car. � Come on Andy, lets go to McDonald�s. I�m famished.� I got into the car and we drove off, laughing and chattering, mostly about the upcoming wedding. � So Andy, bringing anyone special to the wedding?�, asked Fay. � Huh?� � Oh don�t make that silly face at me! You know exactly what I�m talking about�, she said impatiently. � If I was, wouldn�t you know by now?�. She laughed. � Oh And! Come on, there are plenty of, err, nice guys you dated in the past. I'm sure at least one of them was nice enough for you to bring to a wedding!� � Oh yeh! You knew all of them. Name at least one who was half decent.� She shrugged and appeared to think. � Well, what about Jason? He was a nice guy, wasn�t he?� I snorted. � Oh yeh. Nice enough until he was arrested the very next day for shop lifting cockroach spray and a toothbrush.� I saw Fay cringe in her seat. � What about Jake?�. � Jake was gay. And don�t even ask me how I found out. He started hitting on our waiter and told him what a cute backside he had.� Fay shook her head. � What a pity! And he was cute too.� � I know.� � Well, what about, err, Mike?� � Which Mike are you referring to?�, I asked wryly. �The Mike who kept calling his mother every 25 seconds? Or the Mike who smelt like unwashed gym socks?� Fay stared at me for a while before turning her eyes on the road again. I could see she was making a desperate effort not to laugh. And to some extent, so was I. But it just came out. Both of us burst into peals of laughter. It was a while before we started acting mature again. � Andrea, what about Kian?�, she asked after a while � Now there�s a hopeless case, if I ever heard of one�, I said shifting uncomfortably in my seat. � You know darn well it isn�t.�, she sighed. I didn�t answer. I stared out of the window thinking of him. Kian Egan, by far, was a natural born flirt if God ever created one. And the last time I checked, his ego was still large enough to accommodate the whole of Ireland. And to add the sugar pink icing on this already messed up cake, I was in love with the jerk. And there was nothing I could do about it. � You know, it would help if you stopped being so defensive towards him�, said Fay. � I AM NOT DEFENSIVE!�, I cried, knowing full well I was. Very defensive in fact. � Are to!� � Are not!� � Are to! You should relax a little and let him get to know you Andy. Give him a chance�, she said firmly. � I don�t want to!�, I shot back. And as for letting him get to know me, the very thought terrified me. I was way too scared. Scared that I might be just like one of his toys. Like just another gal pal he flirted with and forgot the very next instant. I was scared that if I let him in, I�d fall so bad I wouldn�t be able to pick myself up ever again. � I cant�, I said softly. � Oh Andrea�, said Fay worriedly, reaching for my hand. � You have no choice. You have to!� � What? What do you mean?�, I asked stiffening up. Fay shrugged. �Well, you�ll have to make an effort to be nice to Kian, at least till the ceremony is over. Cause you my friend, you�re going to have to walk with him down the aisle�. � Say what?!?!�, I cried. � How? Why?�. � Well, you see, Mark decided last minute that he wanted Kian to be his best man. And Father Anthony absolutely INSISTED that the maid-of-honor join in the bridal procession even if she didn�t have the same outfit as the bridesmaids. And since you don�t have anyone special to walk you down, Father Anthony decided that it would be best if you and Kian walked down the aisle together.� explained Fay. � Nooo, it can�t happen! It just can�t! Oh screw Father Anthony?! Do you know what this means? How can he do this to me?!?!�, I cried in panic. � Well, he can, and he just did! So accept it! � What if I don�t want to? What if I cant?� � Oh Andrea! You never know. This could be fate at work. A wedding could be the perfect time and place to fall in love�, she said consolingly. Or fall even more in love, I thought bitterly. We finally reached McDonald�s and Fay parked the car to a halt. � Andrea, all I�m saying is keep your options open. You�ll never know if you don�t give him a chance. You may get hurt now, but at least then you wont have to spend a lifetime full of �what ifs.I stared at her, almost hating her for talking sense.
CHAPTER 2 Just exactly how was the wedding? Well, if I were to say that it was a complete success, then I�d be telling the fattest lie since detergent commercials. All I can say is that, I�m was extremely glad that there was NO publicity on this... � Fay! I swear! If you don�t open that door in the next 5 seconds, I�ll personally burn it down myself!�, I shouted impatiently. � In a minute Andy!�, she called out. I paced up and down, the gown indignantly flapping around my legs. She was in there with 2 hairdressers, 1 make up stylist and a frisky Mrs. Connelly fussing around her for 4 hours now. (No, I�m not exaggerating. They really were in there for 4 hours straight). And frankly speaking, it was starting to get a bit annoying pacing up and down in the hallway. � Alright Andrea. You may come in now�. � Finally!�, I cried pushing the door open. I gasped when I saw her. There, standing in a luxuriant, flowing white wedding gown was my best friend, looking more beautiful than ever before. But it wasn�t only her pretty features and soulful brown eyes that made her look so incredible. It was that happiness that radiated from within that made her so unbelievably astounding. � You look beautiful Fay. Just make just you don�t make Mark faint when he sees you!�, I said, giving her one of our best friend hugs. � Thank you Andrea!�, she blushed, hugging me back. � And might I add, my maid-of-honor doesn�t look all that bad herself�. I laughed. � Don�t flatter me, Connelly.� � Feehily�, she corrected. � Not yet a Feehily. Still a Connelly.� � Yeah, whatever you say, Egan.� � FYI, its Peterson, NOT Egan!� � Well not yet an Egan, will be soon though�. � Okay okay! Can we quit the surname war now? I mean, we�d better get going�, I said checking the wall clock. � Wait Andrea. Geri�s supposed to come with us�. I stared at her incredulously. � Geri? As in Geraldine? The wedding planner? Why ever for?�. � Well, her car wouldn�t start this morning, so she wanted a lift to the chapel. I told her that we could pick her up but she said she had to pick up a few things first.� I scowled. Great! Now we had to wait for her Royal Highness, the wedding planner, Geraldine Kemp. As far as I was concerned, Geri, was the snootiest person alive. She was your usual blond haired, blue eyed, big (huge) chested, material girl with the classic cheerleader looks and a voice squeaky enough to make your head pop. So there we were, waiting for yet another hour, for her royal majesty Queen Big chest Snooty. She finally came around, hustling and bustling as if we were doing her a favor by giving her a lift. � Ohh! Hello Mrs.Connelly! Don�t worry, I�ve got everything under control!�, she cried in that sick voice of hers. � Oh Fay honey! You look gorgeous!�, she gushed and then she looked at me. � And you look...feminine...for a change�, she said, glancing at me as if I were some low caste insect. I gave her a sickening smile. � Thank you Geri. And I�m glad to see that you went easy on your clown make up�, I shot back. She made a face at me, which I didn�t bother returning. Fay rolled her eyes. � Will y�all two quit acting so childish? Just for today?� We snorted and followed her to the car. As it turned out, we reached the chapel pretty early. It was a beautiful little chapel south of Scotland. And since this was going to be a very private ceremony, there were no photographers or/and reporters.We were the first to arrive. The Connelly/Feehily parents were on their way. We went in and I gasped. The pews were decorated tastefully in graceful white roses. They looked so beautiful and fresh and... Wait a second, white roses?!? � Geri! Please don�t tell me those are white roses!�, cried Fay in horror. � Oh don�t thank me Fay! It�s my job! Aren�t they absolutely beautiful?!?�, she said clapping together her hands dreamily. She got a hard smack on her blond head from Fay. I stared at Fay with the uttermost shock and amusement. � I don�t pay you money to overdo your make up and act as if you�re the greatest thing on this planet. I pay you to be a goddamn wedding planner! So be one!�, said Fay, trying desperately hard to keep her voice down. � B-b-b-but Fay, what did I do?�,stammered Geri. Fay stared at her and then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I swear, I could almost hear her count to ten before opening them again. But Geri still stared at her dumbly. � Nevermind�, she muttered storming off to the bride-room. As for Geri, my GOSH! What an airhead!. She still didn�t appear to understand. � But of course, poor Geraldine Kemp, the best wedding planner in town, conveniently forgot the very trivial fact that handsome hubby Mark Feehily is super duper allergic to white roses!�, I said sarcastically, enjoying myself every bit just looking at her horrified face. � Well you�re not exactly Queen Perfect either, Ms. I-have-to-be-bribed-to-look-feminine!�, she retorted. What? She wanted to play catty with me? Haha! Well, then I�d give her catty back in-her-face. If she could be sarcastic, so could I. It was what I did best. � Ouch Geri! That�s harsh!�, I said. � Especially coming from someone who belongs to the make up division of a circus freak show!� She gave me a sickening smile. Seemed to be getting a lot of those from her. � Nice gown, by the way Peterson. You bought it at Macy�s didn�t you? I saw it there the other day but I didn�t buy it cuz it just screamt out the words...look at me! I�m desperate!�. I gave her a polite smile. � Well, its good you didn�t buy it then Geri dear. After all, it would risk getting stuck right at that artificial looking chest of yours!�. � Oh yeah?� � Yeah!� � Well, unlike you, Andrea Peterson, at least I have a chest!� Oh boy! I was so glad we were the only ones in the chapel. Or so I thought. How dare she! � Well, Geraldine, at least I know that my chest, as humble as it may look, is natural. Your chest is as fake as you are!�. Geri was about to shoot back when we heard a chuckle from behind. Both of us turned and saw Kian Egan, making his way towards us. Great Lord! He looked like a descendent of some Greek god. � Ladies! My beautiful ladies!�, he said smoothly, putting an arm around each of us. � Looks like someone here forget to take their daily dose of temper medicine!�, he grinned jovially. � She started it!!!!�, cried Geri, burying her face in his chest. �She started it!�, she whimpered again. I rolled my eyes and shook off Kian�s arm. � Well, this wouldn�t have happened in the first place if you hadn�t been such a goddamn airhead!� � Ladies! Ladies! Calm down! Papa Kian is here to make everything alright!�, he said, giving us each a kiss on the cheek. � Papa Kian?!?!�, I said incredulously. � Is that the best you can come up with? Papa Kian?!?� � Well then, what do you want me to do?�, said Kian. � Stare at you two arguing about whose chest is bigger?!?...though of course, I wouldn�t mind being the judge of that�, he grinned, looking at us back in forth. I glared at him. � God! You and Geri sail in the same pathetic boat!� With that I marched straight into the bride-room feeling hopeless and frustrated. � Arghhhh! That man is unbelievable!�, I cried, barging into the bride-room. � That WOMAN is unbelievable!�, Fay cried back. � What�s the matter?�, I asked curiously. � Look at this Andrea! Just look at it!�, she yelled, thrusting the enormous bridal bouquet in my hands. At first I didn�t see anything wrong with it. In fact it was beautiful. It was in the shape of a heart and I must say, the white roses were set in beautifully. Waittttt a second! Heh heh...God! The whole bouquet was made of white roses. I really felt a rush of sympathy for Mark. � Do you have ANY idea how allergic Mark is to these flowers?!�, cried Fay. � As a matter of fact I do. Remember that time when we visited that flower nursery in London? The one which had the rose garden? Gosh! Mark sneezed so much, he piddled in his pants. And he didn�t even know it. It was not until I started to get this weird smell that...� I stopped immediately when I saw Fay shooting daggers at me. But I couldn�t help giggling. And pretty soon she was giggling too. � Oh Andy, I have to tell you something very important�, she said. � What is it?� � I hate Geraldine Kemp�. � So do I, Mrs. Mark Feehily. So do I!� Fay glared at the bouquet and then tossed it up in anger, just as someone was entering the room. Whoever it was caught it before it reached the ground. � Kian!�, I exclaimed, turning around. � Newsflash Ego boy, and this might be a bit shocking, but there happens to be a word in the English language called �knock�. Ever heard of it?� � Hello to you too, Miss Sarcastic!�, he grinned. And then he turned to Fay. � Hey Fifi! All set?�, he asked. � Oh yeah!�. � Nervous?� � Very.� They continued the talking while I gazed at Kian. Stop it!, I scolded myself. You're as fake as Geri. Indeed, I could make myself sick sometimes. I was so caught up daydreaming that I didn't hear Kian talking to me. ' Hello! Earth to Andy Panda! Come in Andy Panda!', laughed Kian, waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of it and slapped off his hand. ' Quit calling me Andy Panda! I'M NOT YOUR BLOODY KID!' ' Alright! Chill!' ' Kian was just saying that you looked beautiful today Andrea, but you didn't bother responding', said Fay, giving me a stern look. ' Yeh!', said Kian. ' You do look beautiful Andy Panda! Did Fay bribe you to wear the gown?', he asked jokingly. I glared at him. ' I see that Geri has rubbed off some of her sweetness onto you. Just make sure you don't stick to her too much or might become more brainless than you already are!', I said sweetly. Kian laughed. 'Oh Andrea! You and that smart-ass tongue of yours! I could never get used to it!' 'Good! I hope you never do!', I said coldly. ' Aww, you know Andy, I don't understand why you despise me so much when I'm soo in love with you!' I was getting sicker by the second. It was his standard pick up line. Could he get any shallower than this? I sat on a bench and sighed. ' Keep your sweet talk for Geri', I said wryly. ' I'm sure she'll be more than happy to entertain you.' ' Oh come on! Admit it Andrea! You're in love with me! Its so obvious! I can see it in your eyes!', he said. For a second, my heart stopped beating and I shot a panicked glance at Fay. He knew? But how? Did Fay tell him? How could he have known? How? How? How? But then I saw that sly, teasing smile on his face and almost laughed in relief. ' Kian, get out of here', I said wearily. ' But why? I was just...' ' I said get out'. ' But Andrea...' ' Get out Kian before I physically harm you, and don't try me! I mean it!'. ' Alright! Alright! Hehe...bit of a spitfire today, aren't we! Is it that special time of the month again?'. ' OUT!', I cried, pushing him out of the room. I sank back against the closed door. Fay looked at me sympathetically. ' Not that I approve of his actions,' she said. '...but you could have been slightly more diplomatic.' ' Oh shut it Fay! I would have been more diplomatic if I never talked to him in the first place.' ' So what now? Are you going to live the rest of your sorry love life shooting daggers at him?' ' Yeah well, at least it's a solution!' ' Its not a solution Andrea. Its stupid.' ' Do you have any better ideas o-goddess-of love?' ' Tell him the truth'. I didn't want to carry on this conversation anymore. There was silence for a few minutes. ' I'm sorry', she said, after a while. ' Its not your fault'. We then had a looong talk, during which Fay concluded her love sermon by saying that true love conquered all. I felt slightly better after that. We could hear the voices from outside grow louder by the minute. I was then asked, by a very nervous Fay, to go out and see who all had arrived. I made my way out of the bride-room. The pews were filled with laughing and chattering people, all waiting for the ceremony to begin. The chapel was just perfect enough to accommodate only close friends and family. The minstrel, old Mr. Johnson was sitting on his piano stool chatting animatedly with Sister Anna Marie, the parish nun. Everyone was there actually. All except the bridegroom who happened to a little late as usual. I also spotted Geri having a very intimate conversation with Kian. Kian, however was having a very intimate conversation with her chest. I looked away, disgusted. I was about to go back to the bride-room but decided against it when I saw Fay's parents walk in. Just then, Mark came in round the back, panting and puffing. He grabbed hold of me. ' Oh Andrea, please don't tell me I'm late!' ' Calm down Mark, you're not. You were supposed to be here an hour ago, but still you're not all that late. What happened?' ' Oh you'll NEVER believe it!', he droned dramatically. ' Try me.' ' Well, first of all, the car refused to start this morning. I had to run all the way to the laundry's to pick up my tux. If that wasn't bad enough, the laundry woman had a real stick up her ass! Said she burnt my tux! You can imagine the rage! Arghhh! Well it actually turned out that she, thank God, burnt the wrong tux. Without bothering to apologize, she gave me the suit and charged me full price. And then I had to rush back home and try and make myself look half-decent. And then I hired a cab and rushed here!' I stared at him and then patted his back sympathetically. He sneezed loudly. ' So', he said. ' Is she here?' ' Of course she is. She's supposed to get married to you!' He laughed. ' You know, I think you better stand at the altar. Fr. Anthony has been grumbling for quite a while now. Says he has to attend a funeral service in an hour'. ' Oh! I guess I better go then', he said. At that moment he sneezed again, and again, and again. ' Am I catching a cold?', he wondered aloud. ' No, its just the white roses', I said wryly. ' White roses? But I'm allergic to white roses. I thought Geri...' ' Forget Geri now. Just go!', I urged. He nodded and went, sneezing violently on the way. ' Alright people! Gather up right now.', whispered Geri hoarsely to all the bridesmaids, flowergirls etc. The bridal procession was headed by the flowergirls. Among them was the McFadden's five year old daughter Molly, looking absolutely angelic in her sky blue dress. Behind them were Fay's teenage cousins, Fred and Wilma. (Authors note: Do NOT laugh. This is just the aftermath of watching so many trailers of the Scooby Doo movie). Behind them were, the line of bridesmaids began. Starting with Gail, Fay's sister with her boyfriend Matt. Next was Gillian with Shane. And then came Georgina with Nicky, who I think, in my opinion, weren't really aware that they were at a wedding. And then was me...and Kian. He was standing there patiently. I took a deep breath, walked ahead and took my place beside him. He didn't say a word, which suited me just fine. I turned around and smiled at Fay. ' Well, Connelly, this it it!', I said. ' I know!', she said laughing nervously. And then she gave me an unexpected hug. ' Hey! What was that for?', I smiled. ' For being my best friend!' ' Aww, thank you Fifi.' Just then Mr. Connelly...Uncle Peter...took his place beside Fay. ' Hey Uncle Pete!', I said. He gave me a twinkling smile. ' Hello Andrea. Lookin' good today!', he said winking at me. I laughed. ' Thanks'. Mr. Johnson started the opening chords of ' Here comes the bride'. ' Alright', said Fay, taking a deep breath. 'This is it!'. ' Don't worry sweetheart. You'll do fine', said Uncle Pete, patting her arm. ' Andrea?' I turned and was face-to-face with Kian. ' Not that I'm trying to be a pervert in your eyes or anything, but I do believe in walking down the aisle hand-in-hand', he grinned, holding out his arm for me. I pouted at him. ' Hey! If you are Queen Sarcastic then I get to be king!', he said, laughing softly at my expression. I heard Fay snigger from behind. We linked arms. God! It felt as if I had just put my hands in a 100-watt electric bulb. (And believe me! I know what 100 watts really feels like. I was VERY inquisitive as a child). My heart was beating so loudly; it could almost be like a drum beat for Mr. Johnson's piano music. I was so busy telling myself to breathe in and breathe out that I didn't even notice when it was our turn. ' Andy! Stop dreaming! Its our turn', whispered Kian. ' Huh? Oh yes...of course!'. We walked down slowly. I could feel every pair of eyes on us. Everyone was so painfully quiet. ' AAAACHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!', sneezed Mark very loudly. I got such a start I almost tripped over. Kian caught me just in time to prevent an embarrassing face down. ' You alright?', he asked concerned. I was still clutching onto his arms. ' I'm fine.' And we continued walking. There were quite a few stern looks thrown at poor Mark, especially from Fr. Anthony. And they got sheepish looks in return. Then finally it was Fay's turn. And down she came, looking more beautiful than ever, her face so full of hopes and happiness. I shot a glance at Mark and smiled. His eyes were welled up with pride and joy and love and....'AAAAACHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!' This time Fr. Anthony cleared his throat and coughed a little hoping Mark would get the message. Great! Now we could start an influenza band. We had the sneezer and the cougher. All that was missing was the sniffer and a wheezer. And Mr. Johnson could play his piano for back up. Anyway, the music stopped and the ceremony began... At age 83, Fr. Anthony was well on his way to senility. He had to keep pushing up his glasses to keep it from falling from his wrinkled face. In addition to that, he was as deaf as a post. ' DEARLY BELOVED...', he boomed out loudly. Everyone cringed and massaged their ears a bit. His obvious deafness had apparently convinced him that everyone else in the congregation had gone stone deaf in sympathy. ' AAAAAAAACCCHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' And speaking of sympathy, I had plenty of it for the bridegroom. Fr. Anthony continued to drone on and on. Mark sneezed quite a few more times. I shot a glance at Kian. A split second later, he looked back at me and our eyes locked. I saw the corners of his mouth curl up into a small smile and... AAAAAAAACCHHHOOOOOO!!! I was immediately snapped out of my trance by one of Mark's bombastic sneezes. I focused my attention on the ceremony. It was time for the vows. ' Do you, Mark Michael Patrick Feehily, take this woman, Fay Maria Connelly, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for richer or for poorer, of sickness and in health, for happiness and sorrow, for better or for worse, till death do you part?', bellowed Fr. Anthony. (A.N.: lol, ya know, I would love to put Fr. Anthony's words in caps, since they were practically SCREAMED out, but then I'd probably just freak you guys out) Fay stared at Mark, waiting breathlessly for him to say those two words. ' AAAAAAAAACHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' She stared at him for a while and then yelled: ' That's it!!! I had enough of these fuckin' flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Saying that, she angrily flung the bouquet high into the air, which I must say, was totally uncalled for! It landed on one of the pews and was good-naturedly fought over by Mrs. Egan and Georgina. Eventually, they both let go of it for the fear it might rip apart and it fell straight on the lap of a gobsmacked Sister Anna Marie. ' Can we get on with the ceremony now?', screamed Fr. Anthony. ' Yes we can', said Kian. ' What did you say, son?', he shouted cocking his head towards Kian. ' YES WE CAN!!!!', yelled the whole congregation together. ' Alright! Alright! Don't yell! I'm not deaf you know!' He repeated the vows again. This time everything went fine. No more sneezing. 'AAAACHHOOOOOO!'. Well, it had lessened at least. The rings were finally exchanged. ' And so, by the power invested in me...', howled Fr. Anthony. ' I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!' There was plenty of cheering, clapping, kissing and a little sneezing. And since there was no bouquet-tossing to complicate things, the happy couple made a gleeful dash for the car. I watched happily as Fay's veiled head disappeared out of sight. I sat and waited for the crowd to leave. ' Hey Andrea! See you at the reception!' I turned and saw Kian making his way out of the chapel, waving at me. I smiled and waved back. ' Yeah Kian. See you at the reception', I said softly to myself.
CHAPTER 3 The wedding reception was held at the Feehily�s enormous mansion (courtesy of the very hospitable Feehilys). The place was decorated very well, mercifully NOT in roses. The food was great. The music was better. Everything was absolutely perfect and everyone seemed to be having a jolly time. But still, deep inside, I knew something was missing. And I knew what that was too. I roamed around, saying hi to acquaintances. I felt lost. A sense that I didn�t belong here. A wedding was a joyous occasion. An occasion to celebrate love. which is what everyone was doing. All except me. Fay was dancing slowly with Mark, even though it was a fast song. She seemed to be in her own world, having eyes only for Mark. Kian was also dancing and was soon surrounded by a wall of women, which included Geri. After spending some time staring at him and then deciding that self-pity wouldn�t get me anywhere, I thought it would be best if I ate something. I walked into the dining room and headed straight for the food table. I saw the cucumber dip in the corner. I wasn�t really hungry but then I�d do anything to make myself look less pathetic and pitiful in front of front of HIM. I took a tiny piece of cucumber, stabbed it in the dip and was about to pop it into my mouth when something caught my eye. I saw Geri and Kian, laughing together in the corner. She ruffled his hair making him blush slightly. And then he leaned over to her and whispered something in her ear that made her throw her head back and laughed giddily. I stuffed the cucumber in my mouth and made my way back to the living room. I couldn�t bear to watch any more of this sickening drama. I walked to the window and pressed my face against the glass, hoping it would cool down my face. A million thoughts raced through my mind. Just then, a slow song came on. If I was in a better mood I would have laughed at it. It was �Please Forgive Me� by Bryan Adams. Such a stupid song to play! Especially when it had absolutely NO connection with normal wedding theme songs. But I was a sucker for Bryan Adams� music, as pathetic and depressing as it could be sometimes. And besides, it was a perfect match for my mood. � May I have the pleasure of this dance?�, said a familiar voice behind me. I turned around. �Nicky!�, I said trying to sound normal. �thought you preferred dancing with Georgina!� Nicky laughed. � Well, my dad stole her away for a while, so I guess I had no choice but to stick with the other woman�, he said. I chuckled. He then talked about the wedding, and how sorry he felt for poor Mark cause of those roses. I was, however, not really paying any attention. All I could do was nod and agree with everything he said. Kian and Geri had now graced the dance floor too. They were dancing so close, it put Pattex super glue to shame. Kian�s back was facing me, but I could still see that his chin was resting on her head. Geri�s eyes were closed. I was starting to feel sick. Why couldn�t that be me in her place? Why? Why? Why? � You know Andrea, you can only stare at him for so long before your gaze starts to burn a hole in his head!�, said Nicky grinning at me. I stared at him. He knew? How? � You know?!?�, I said. � Of course! Everyone knows�. � oh NO!!�, I cried panicked. � you�re not gonna tell him, are you?� � Of course not!�, said Nicky with a laugh. � And besides, I know Kian well enough to tell you that even if I did tell him, he�d never believe me. He�s that type of a guy, he�ll never believe anything from the big mouths of others until he hears it from the person himself�., said Nicky, watching me closely. � I cant tell him Nicky, and you know that�, I said. � you can! Just go up to him and tell him straight�. � you make it sound so easy�, I said bitterly. �Oh Andrea, it isn�t easy. It never is. But if you don�t take that risk, you�ll never know what you could have missed out on. You could prevent a beautiful thing from happening, something that could have made your life complete.�, he said gently. I knew he was thinking of Georgina when he said those words. � But what if that doesn�t happen? What if he doesn�t feel the same?� Nicky sighed and looked at me. � Then you�ll get hurt Andrea, but at least then you�ll know that it wasn�t meant to be and there�s still someone out there for you. It�ll be painful, I know. But it all comes in the package you get when you fall in love.� He was so open and honest and for a while, I actually considered his words. � Aww, cheer up Andrea! Everything will be fine!�, he said kissing me lightly on my forehead. The song ended. I thanked him. � you�re welcome!�, he said warmly. � and you better inform me about what happens when you tell him alright? Georgie and me will be sitting on pins for you until you do!� I laughed. � You�ll be the first to know�, I promised. He left. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I decided that there was nothing to do but walk back to the food table. � And where do you think you�re going Andy Panda?�, said a voice behind me. I felt my heart skip a beat. I turned around and sure enough it was Kian standing there, giving me one of those boyishly mischievous grins of his. �Food table�, I mumbled. � you�re not eating anything until you have at least one dance with me!�, he said firmly, taking my hand. � But there�s no music!�, I protested. As if one cue, another slow song began. This time it was �Down on Bended Knees� by Boys 2 Men. I silently cursed the D.J. What was it with all these silly heart break songs anyway? Kian grinned. �I think the Lord just answered my prayer�, he said and taking both my hands, he placed them around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I couldn�t move. I couldn�t breathe. All I could do was stare up at his face. And after I realized how stupid I must have looked I leaned my face against his cheek instead, so that he wouldn�t have to witness my face turning to every shade of red possible. � So�, he said softly in my ears. � don�t you have a date or something?� What kind of stupid question was that? � No�, I muttered. � Really? Are you sure? I mean, a girl like you and no one special?� � You heard me, no.� � Oh.� � What about you Kian? How many dates did you bring? Eight? Nine?� Kian laughed. � Of course not. You know, I�m not as shallow as you think!. In fact, there�s only one girl I�ll ever be in love with�, he said. � And whose that? You�re poor mother?� � Nooo, gosh, Andrea, would you quit the sarcasm?� � Fine. Who is it anyway?�. Like I was dying to know. I was half expecting him to say Geraldine Kemp. But what he said truly surprised me. � She is someone very special�, he said softly and closed his eyes. �she�s my universe. She�s beautiful and smart and funny and sweet. She�s just...perfect�. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. �She takes my breath away, and I love her more than anything else in this world.� I looked away from his face. For a blissful second in my life, I fantasized being that perfect someone. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have him say those words about me. There was perfect silence between us for while. I couldn�t imagine him, being such a flirt, could feel so strongly about just one person. � Kian?�, I said after a while. � Hmmm?� � Who is she?�. I wanted to know. Whoever she was must have been very special. He opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it again. � Would you...would you like me to introduce you to her?�, he asked finally. � She�s here?�, I asked looking all around. � Yeh, she is�, said Kian. � Alright�. The song about about to end anyway. � Come on�, he said leading me to the dining room. He walked ahead holding my hand while I followed. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks when I saw where he was taking me. Standing little away, in front of a face mirror hung on the wall, was none other than Geraldine Kemp. All of a sudden I felt like running away. It was Geraldine. Geri was his special someone. I couldn�t bear it. But of course. What else would I expect from him? That it would be me? I silently laughed at myself. � What�s the matter? Don�t you wanna see her? She�s right over there!�, said Kian, pointing in Geri�s direction. I didn�t know what to say. And then suddenly it all dawned on me. It was like a vision I saw. I remembered what Fay had said in the car on the way to McDonald� may get hurt, but at least then you won�t have to live a life full of what ifs... And then I heard Nicky�s voice...if you don�t take that risk, you�ll never know what you could have missed out on. You could prevent a beautiful thing from happening, something that could have made your life complete... And then, all of a sudden I knew what to do. it was either now or never. We had almost reached close enough to talk to Geri when I stopped Kian. � Kian wait!�, I said. � I have to tell you something very important�. � Oh Andrea, I�m sure it can wait. We�re almost...� � No Kian�, I said placing my index finger on his lips. � I really have to tell you something and it cant wait.� Kian stared at me for a while. � What is it?�, he finally asked. I dragged him out of the room. Out of the house. It was very peaceful outside. And the cool night air managed to calm me down a bit. � Alright Andrea! Tell me, what was sooo important that you had to drag me out here�. I gulped, wondering where to start. I knew it would be stupid to beat around the bush. � I don�t want you to introduce me to her�, I said plainly. � What? Why not? Are you afraid you wont like her? Cuz if that�s the case then you have nothing to...� � No, its not that. Its just that, umm, I already know her�, I said lamely. He laughed. � I know you do, but I just wanted you to meet her�. � But I don�t want to�, I said softly, almost in tears. � Why not Andy Panda? Why not?�, he asked softly, looking at me. � B-b-b-b-because, she...she...she isn�t me�, I said finally. There! I got it out. � What?�. Kian didn�t appear to understand. Guess I would have to elaborate. � I-I-I-I�m in love with you Kian. Always have been. I couldn�t tell you before. I mean, I didn�t want to, cause I was so scared I wasn�t like THEM. Like all those girls you flirted with. I was scared that even if you did like me, I�d probably be like some play thing. I�m really sorry about all those mean things I said to you. I never meant them. I guess I was just trying to drown out the fact that I was mad about you, and the fact that there was nothing I could do change that.� I took a deep breath, waiting for him to say something. Anything. Not that I expected anything but still, there should have been some reaction at least. � Say something Kian. Anything. Please.�, I begged. He just stared at me for a long time. � I-I-I-I-I don�t know what to say Andrea�, he said after a while. I looked down. I could feel every inche of me dying away slowly. � Its good that you got it out of your system�, he said, giving me a gracious and almost sympathetic smile. I took a deep breath. There was nothing more I could do now. I had done whatever I could. He didn�t feel the same. So what? It wasn�t the end of the world right? I mean, there were plenty of guys out there, right? Right. There were plenty of guys of course. But just one Kian. And I had lost that one for good. Not like I ever had him to begin with. � I-I-I-guess maybe we should go inside�, I said to him after a while. � Your okay, aren�t you?�, he asked concerned. � I�ll be fine�, I lied. � umm, maybe you can introduce me to that girl you love so much�, I said, making an effort to smile. � Are you sure you still want to meet her?�, he asked. � Sure. And besides, I have to warn her right now, that if she even tries to hurt you in any way, she�ll have me to answer to. And THAT might not be very pleasant!�. Kian laughed and kissed me on my cheek. �Alright, lets go in.� He led my inside. Geri was still there adjusting her hair in front of the mirror. Kian took me straight towards her. I would have to force myself to be nice to her now. And I guessed that if she could make a guy like Kian feel so much, then there really must have been nice beneath all those layers of...airheadedness. � Hey Geri�, said Kian pleasantly. � Oh! Hey Kian! How�s it going?�, said Geri brightly. � Oh everything�s fine.� Geri gave me one her sickening smiles. I tried to give her a genuine one back. � Umm, Geraldine. Will you excuse us for a minute?�, said Kian politely. Geri looked at both of us. ' Sure', she muttered and left. I stared at him surprised. �What did you do that for? Wasn�t I supposed to �meet� her?� Kian laughed. � Of course you�re going to meet her. She�s right there.�, he said. ' Where?'. ' There! Behind you!', he said. � What?�, I turned around and I found myself face-face with my own reflection in the mirror. I stared at it and in the mirror I saw Kian rest his chin on my shoulder. � I want you to meet, Andrea Joanne angel�, he said earnestly looking at my reflection in the mirror.� Isnt she beautiful, Andy? And you should see her smile too. Its so...perfect�. I turned and looked him. He smiled, leaned over and kissed me softly. I couldn't really express that rush of joy that I felt. � And you know�, he continued, giving me a lop-sided grin, � If I had known this Andrea girl felt the same about me, I would have never tried to make her jealous by flirting around with a certain fake chested, airheaded bimbo of a wedding planner!', he said. All I could do was stare at him. ' I-I-I-I dont know what to say now, Kian!', I said breathlessly. ' My! my! The tables have certainly turned havent they!', he grinned. He then slipped his arm around my waist. ' You dont have to say anything, Andrea.', he said softly. ' You've already said everything I wanted to hear. Lets just go to the food table. I heard the cucumber dip tastes great'. I laughed and let him lead my to the food table.
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