By Jayne
My Love Will Be Here For You Always
Comfort and Mark went out for three years and were planning to get married. But when Comfort�s family moved to America because of her dad�s job, she had to make the tough decision to go with them, so she and Mark had to break up. Just after she left, Mark and his band hit it big time, and she wasn�t there to see it all happen.

Comfort and her younger sister Paige were walking through Sligo airport.
�Ahh, its good to be home, I hope Mark still lives here, I can�t wait to see him.� Comfort told her sister.
�Yeah, Hey, ooo! A perfume shop, we have to go and see.�
They wandered around for ages, buying loads of stuff.
They were finally ready to leave, laden with stuff.
�Do you think it was such a good idea just surprising him like this Com?� Paige asked
�Probably not� said Comfort just as she was stepping onto the escalator towards the exit.
�Um, Comfort?� Paige asked, slightly wary
�Um, why is Mark�s picture on a poster?� She pointed
Comfort stopped dead in her tracks and stared blankly into the direction where Paige was pointing.
�Comfort? COM?�
"Hmm?�  Comfort was not all there, she vaguely turned her head, without moving her eyes.
�Westlife?� She said �Does that mean they are famous? I vaguely remember Mark going and practising in a band thing, but I thought that was just a boys phase he was going through.�
She turned around. �Hey!� She said to the next person that walked past her. �Who are they?�
�Duh,� the young girl answered. �It says it on there. Westlife.�
�Yeah, but who�s this one?� She asked again, tapping Mark�s head.
�Mark Feehily, from right here in Sligo� The girl replied, getting bored and walking off.
�Oh My Goooooood!� Comfort was finding it difficult to breathe.
�Lets just go and see him,� Said Paige, quite worried about her sister�s reaction. �We�re holding people up, look, they�re having to walk backwards down the escalator just to stay upright!�
They moved off. Then a thought struck Comforts mind.
�Oh My God, what if he thinks I�m just coming back because he�s famous. I want to go home Paige, lets go, we can catch the earliest flight that there is. Perhaps I�m still not ready for this.�
�Look, don't be stupid. We�ve come all this way, you have to see him now. You didn�t know about it anyway, It doesn�t matter.�
Comfort kind of agreed with her and they carried on to their hotel where they had reservations. They dumped their stuff in their room and then went straight to Mark house where he used to live and they weren't sure if he still did.
As they were approaching, they noticed a group of girls at the bottom of the front garden. A couple were singing, a few more were on their mobiles and the rest were talking excitedly. At first Comfort didn�t know what to think, them Paige kindly pointed out that they were probably fans, and he probably did still live there. They started up the Driveway, One of the Girls started to talk to them.
�There�s no point ringing� She said
�Yeah, she wont let us see him. She says he�s out.� Another said.
They carried on regardless. They got to the door, and comfort was about to ring the bell, but she hesitated. Did she really want to do this? She would be bringing back her whole past, something she wasn�t sure that she wanted to do. She got over her fears and pressed it, hard.
Mrs. Feehily opened the door, looking a bit fed-up.
�Comfort? Comfort! Oh darling, you look great come in!� They stepped inside. A couple of the girls at the bottom of the garden booed them, but they didn�t take any notice.
�Mark�s on tour� Mrs. Feehily told them proudly. �You would have thought if they were fans, they would know that, and not be hanging around at the bottom of my garden.�
Comfort smiled weakly. �I�m just back in Ireland visiting old friends.� She told Mrs Feehily.
�Mark will be devastated that he wasn�t here when you came by. Would you like a cup of tea dears?�
They both politely refused.
�I know for a fact that he carries round a picture of you two together, though he may be ashamed to admit it. Hanging on to something that was gone a long time ago. He�s a great big softie at heart.�
�So, how is he?� Comfort asked �I didn�t know he was in a band until I saw posters at the Airport.�
�He�s fine. Always complaining of being tired, hardly ever home, but I suppose that comes with the job!�
She chatted on for a bit. Paige was just sitting on the sofa, her eyes idly wandering around the room.
After a while, the disappointed Comfort got up to leave. She had to give Paige a shove to snap her out of her trance.
It was nice chatting to Mark�s mum, but there was not really much point in staying.
�How about I take your number dear. Mark will probably phone me later on tonight, and I could give it to him.� Mrs Feehily told Comfort.
�Wow, that would be great. We�re staying at the big hotel in the town centre. It�s room 524. I�m not quite sure of the phone number.�
�Oh, don�t you worry. At least I know where you are, I�ll look it up in the book or something. I guess I�ll be seeing you soon anyway!� She winked.
Comfort and Paige left. They went back to their shared hotel room and decided (well comfort did!) to have a night in front of the telly. (Just in case Mark decided to call!)
Mark was excited when he called his mum that night, to find out about Comfort�s surprise visit. He cut the call short, so he could phone her straight away. This was good for Comfort, who would definitely not have survived waiting another day for him to call. She was pacing, asking Paige stupid questions, and annoying her. Paige, (Quite pissed off!) slapped on some lipstick and declared she was going to the hotel bar, leaving Comfort alone to annoy herself.
She was sitting doing nothing for about an hour.

*Ring ring*

�Hello?!� Comfort said in a very excited voice.
There was no sound at all coming from the other end.
�Hello???� She asked again. There was a giggle. Comfort immediately recognised it as her sister�s, and she was obviously drunk.
�Paige! you know I�m waiting for a call, and if you�re acting like that, I think you should come back now.� She slammed down the phone. About ten seconds later it rang again. Not sure if this was the call that she was waiting for, or Paige mucking around again, she answered it as normal instead of shouting down it as she would have liked to.
�Hello?� There was silence again. She was just about to start shouting again, when a male voice said "Comfort?� It was just the time that it took to connect them. This was it!
�Hi! yeah It�s me! How are you doing?�
�Oh, I�m fine, just back in Ireland for a while, visiting old friends, any chance you�ll be popping by?�
�Well yeah. I�m in Japan at the moment, I�m coming back to Ireland on Tuesday. We have lots of promotional work to do in Dublin, So I�ll be able to come home.�
�Yeah, I heard. You�re all big and famous now!�
�Well, hmm.� He didn�t like to say it. �Well, I�m sorry, but I have to go. Promise that you will stay where you are until I get there!�
�I promise! Can�t wait to see you again.�
�You too. I may phone you again sometime.�
�Ok thank you"
They both hung up. Comfort lay back on her bed, and was in total bliss. Her moment was ruined though as Paige loudly and drunkly clambered through the door.
It was Tuesday night. Mark hadn�t called Comfort again, so she had no idea what time he was due to arrive home. Even if he got home earlier, he�d be seeing his family, she was thinking to herself. They are more important than her.
Paige was out, she had found a nice guy a couple of night ago and was in the bar with him.

*Ring Ring*

�Comfort! Put some lippy on or something, I just saw Mark, I told him you were in the room!�
�Paige, what are you on about?�
�Mark, coming to see you. Now.�
�Oh my god, ok, thank you Paige.�
They both hung up. Comfort was in a blind panic, what was she going to say to him?

*Knock-knock knock�

She took a deep breath and practised her smile. She opened the door. Absolutely nothing could have prepared her for the sight of Mark that she hadn�t seen for almost four years. They stared at each other for a second, then Comfort leaped forward and flung her arms around his neck.
�Oh Comfort. I have missed you so much.�
A solitary tear ran down her cheek. He pulled away from the hug, still holding onto her. He saw the tear and wiped it away. He leant forward and gently kissed her on the lips.
The mood was ruined as the hotel door slammed shut.
�Damn!� Said Comfort. �I�ll have to go and find Paige now.�
�Oh, she�s in the bar. She told me you were up here� Mark told her.
�Oh did she now?!�
The wandered downstairs, standing very close to each other.
�Why didn�t you write back to me?� Comfort asked him.
�I wanted to Com, I really did, but I couldn�t bring myself to open your letters. I didn�t want to know how well you were doing without me.� He said
�I wasn�t doing well at all. So you read absolutely none of my letters?�
�I have a lot to tell you then.� Comfort said, sighing.
�Like what?� Mark tried to say, but they had reached the bar and Comfort had spotted Paige.
She got the key and they headed up to the room again.
Mark could sense that she was a little upset, so he said nothing. He just reached his arm down and clasped her petite hand in his. She didn�t object. They walked all the way to the hotel room hand in hand.
Comfort opened the door and she sat down on her bed and motioned for Mark to do the same.
�I wish you had read my letters. It would make it so much easier for both of us right now.� She explained. �Do you want to go and get a bite to eat?�
�Yeah, that�s be nice.�
�Ok, 10 minutes and I�ll be ready.� She rushed into the bathroom, locked the door and stared at her self in the mirror. She snapped out of her daze and brushed her hair back into a neat pony tail, brushed her teeth, and put on a little make-up. She didn�t need to get changed, she looked quite smart already.
After a little more staring at herself, wondering what the hell she was going to do, and why was she feeling that they had never spent that time apart and she felt like she stilled loved him just as she did before, she walked out and declared she was ready.
Mark had driven here, so they took his car to a lovely restaurant on the outside of town.
While they were waiting to eat, Comfort told Mark a few contents of the letters. What her new house was like, how he�d of absolutely loved it, and small details like that. She couldn�t bring herself to say what she really, really wanted to say.
Over the next week and a half, Comfort and Mark saw each other as much as they could. They were falling in love with each other all over again.
It was the day that Comfort and Paige were due to go home. Mark had somehow managed to get out of an interview that he was supposed to be at. He was currently watching them pack.
�Comfort, why don�t you and Mark go down and have a drink, I�ll finish off here and make sure we have everything.� Paige told her.
�Ok. Do you want to Mark?� She asked him. He nodded. Paige went over to her sister to give her a hug.
�It�s now or never� She whispered in her ear. Comfort nodded then followed Mark out the door.
Mark and Comfort were sitting at a very private table. Comfort had to get out in the open what had been on the tip of her tongue since she first realised he was starting to love her again.
�Um, Mark?�
�Yes?� he answered sweetly, sliding his hand across the table to take hers.
�I kinda have something big to tell you, so you promise me that you wont freak out.�
�Go ahead.� He was only a little worried.
�I have a son.�
�Really? Thats excellent.�
�You don�t understand Mark, You�re the father.�
Comfort took a nervous sip of her drink. Mark was saying nothing.
�He�s three now, he has a cute American accent. I was obviously pregnant when I left with my family, but I had absolutely no idea. You know that I would never have left if I had known we would be having our own family. But you know how important family is to me right? Mark?�
�Hmm. Are you sure he is mine?�
�Of course I am sure. I can�t believe you even asked me that. I understand if you want nothing to do with him, like for your career and that. I didn�t bring him, because it�s such a long flight for a three year old�
She saw Paige standing in the entrance, laden with her own and Comfort�s bags, guestering to her watch.
Comfort didn�t know what to do. It seemed to her that he didn�t want anything to do with her or her son anymore. She kissed him on the cheek and walked out calmly. She kept a straight face when she went to collect her bags from Paige, and Paige new better than to ask her about it. As soon as they were settled in the taxi, she broke down. Paige tried to console her, but that was proving to be difficult.
When they boarded the plane, Comfort was still upset. This was going to be tough.
It was a couple of months after Comfort had left Mark, She was back in Sligo, but this time she had Mark Jnr. She doubted that he was home, but she was going to his house anyway. He had no doubt of told his mother, and she would probably like to meet her grandson, even if Mark didn�t. She was bringing him back for Mark to see. He had to see him at least once, right?

*Ding Dong*

Mrs Feehily opened the door. She stared at them both standing there on the porch, freezing cold. She grabbed the bags she was holding, put it in her hallway, then reached down the grab the front of the buggy to lift it up the step. As soon as they got in the warm, Mrs Feehily tossed her arms around Comfort�s neck and started to cry. Comfort was a little bewildered. This was so unlike her.
�Hello Darling.� They were the first words spoken. �Mark told me all about it. He was absolutely destroyed when you left him again. Is this....?�
�Yes, This is Mark.�
�He�s such a beautiful child.� The tears were still coming.
�Mark, I want you to say hello to your new grandma.� Comfort said softly.
�Ello Granma.� Mrs Feehily reached down, picked him up, and gave him a big hug.
�I don�t suppose you have any idea where Mark is?�
�Well dear, I can�t really keep up with all the places he goes to, but he is still on tour and he�s in England. That�s about all I know.�
�Oh� Comfort�s face fell.
�But, I tell you what. There�s a computer upstairs, you can look it up on the internet. It�s in Barry�s room. I�m sure he won�t mind.�
"Thank you, do you want to hold onto him?� Comfort that nothing was going to prize those two apart. Mark had really taken to his new grandma.
She made her way upstairs. She hoped Barry�s room was still the same room as it had been four years previous. She walked into the right room, as she saw the computer sitting there. She had used the internet before and she was grateful for that, as she would have been quite embarrassed to ask someone.
There were hundreds of Westlife websites. She picked one and looked up their tour dates in the UK.
The 5th. They were playing Wembley arena tonight. If she rushed, she could make it...
�Right, I�ve called the airport, you are booked on the 5pm flight to Heathrow. When you get there, you will need to ask a taxi driver to take you to Wembley Arena. Got that?� Mrs Feehily was reeling off.
"Thank you so much Marie, you have been great to me.�
�Aw, It�s nothing love, now you go, give him my love. Bye Mark!� She gave him a little wave. He copied her, she almost collapsed with exhilaration and happiness and love.
�But I have to get in! I need to see Mark.� Comfort was almost hysterical
You�re the fourth person to say that tonight, and I still have no idea who Mark is. If you haven�t got a ticket ma�am, I�m afraid I can�t let you in.�
�But it�s really important.�
He shrugged his shoulders. There was really nothing he could do.
She was pissed off. Pissed off with the man, pissed of with the cold, and pissed off that she missed her chance.
She decided to wait around, they would have to come out sooner or later. She walked around to what looked like the back of the building, there were barriers there, likely to hold fans back, and a security guard.
�Do they come out here?� She asked politely.
�They sure do� He replied in a burley voice.
She sat down just behind the barriers on the cold pavement, and took Mark, who was almost asleep, in her arms.
She waited for what seemed like hours in the freezing cold. She was afraid that Mark might get pneumonia, then a few out of breath fans charged round the corner. She knew that the concert must have ended, so she abruptly stood up and made sure she was standing right next to the barriers. More fans arrived, making a lot of noise. Mark hadn�t woken yet. Finally, a humungos bus rolled out. The girls around them started screaming and waving. Comfort didn�t move a muscle. She just looked mournfully up into the blacked out windows. It was just turning round the corner, past the barriers, She thought that she had missed her last ever chance, when the huge bus screeched to a halt.
Mark came tearing out, half dressed. The screaming fans got even more deafening, and Mark Jnr. began to cry.
Mark Snr. ran over to them, he gave Comfort a quick kiss on the cheek and lead them round the barrier and onto the bus.
�Ta Barney� Mark said to the driver as he sped off.
�You came back?�
�I can�t lose you again Mark - I love you.�
�What the hell do you think you were doing Mark?�
�Yeah, You could have got killed.�
�It�s really dangerous out there.�
The rest of Westlife were coming to see what was going on.
�Who�s this?�
�This is Comfort...and...�
Mark Snr. looked at Mark Jnr. Mark Jnr. looked at Mark Snr.
�This is your daddy Mark. Are you going to give him a hug?�
He reached out his small arms, Mark Snr. took him and gave him a big hug. Just like his mother had done. He was also in tears.
Mark�s band members were still looking on and at this revelation, there were many gasps, and oh my gods, and a couple of ahh�s.
From that day on, they were like a perfect family, Comfort and Mark Jnr. Flew home to tell their family that they were going to live in Ireland, and to say goodbye.
Mark had bought a family home, he wasn�t home himself much, but it was great when he was.
They got married later on in the Summer of that year.
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