One Night Is All It Took
By �isl�ng
My boyfriend and I had separated after years of trying to work out our problems.  I just got
tired of him not believing in my dream of wanting to be a singer and I up and left.  I, at this
time, had met the lads from Westlife and become really good friends with them, so I went to hang
out with them while they were doing promotional stuff in the U.S. My best mate Jie accompanied
me on this trip as well.  After all, I'd need a girl around to keep me sane spending every day
with 5 lads.
Jie and I always hung out together. She was like my guardian, always looking out for me and
making sure I didn't get hurt.  I had these immense feelings for Kian that I just couldn't deny,
and these feelings were not obvious to anyone, least of all to Kian. Kian and I were very close
friends and always mucked about together and stuff, but there seemed to be no interest on his
part to go any further than that. Though, that didn't stop me from feeling what I did for him.
Kian was really full of himself and was a real "bad boy" in the sense that he was very into
one-night stands and not at all interested in settling down any time in the near future.  But he
was so much fun to be around and I think it was the "bad boy" image that drew me to him. Jie was
very concerned that I liked one of the lads but she didn't know who so she seemed to make it her
mission to find out so that she could make sure I didn't get hurt.
One evening, the lot of us were going out to dinner and a club and I Was in my room getting
ready.  Shane knocked on my door and asked if I was almost ready.  I told him that I just needed
a few minutes and that he could come in and wait if he wanted.  He came in and sat on the bed
next to me as I finished putting on my shoes.  We talked about my dream of singing and Shane was
very supportive, even suggesting that I talk to Louie about doing a demo for him.
Once I had my shoes on, I got up from the bed and went over to my dresser to put the finishing
touches on my make-up.  As I stood up, I heard Shane let out this quiet (or so he thought)
"WOW".  I caught a look of him out of the corner of my eye and he seemed quite taken aback by
how I looked (I'd always been seen as one of the lads and they'd rarely seen me dressed up all
I spent most of the evening out talking to Jie and laughing about the "old days" growing up
together and how we couldn't believe we were here with our best mates, the lads from Westlife.
Although I caught myself stealing a look at Shane every now and then, nothing felt different.
It was just another night out with my mates. 
The next morning, I was sitting with Jie by the pool and she was trying to guess which Westlife
lad I liked.  She eventually guessed Kian and was very surprised because Kian was almost the
complete opposite to me.   I did mention to Jie however, that when I had talked to Kian about my
singing, he was exactly like Stephen had been, unsupportive.  I told Jie that other than her,
the only other person that believed in me was Shane.
That evening, Jie and I decided to take in a baseball game.  Jie took off for about 20 minutes
and comes back with a book full of autographs from big name sports stars, like Kurt Warner
(NFL), Andre Agassi and Troy Aikman (NFL).  But the one autograph that caught my eye was that of
Shane Filan.  I'm not sure where Jie's head was asking Shane to put his autograph in the book
considering Shane was my mate, but she obviously thought it would be a good idea.
Shane had written a little poem telling me to believe in myself and my dream of singing.  But
the weirdest thing was that he'd written it almost as a love poem, like he was trying to tell me
something.  I kind of brushed it off though because Shane had a girlfriend.
Ever since that night in my room when Shane and I talked about my dream
of singing, I'd felt closer to him in some way but couldn't quite put
my finger on the feeling.  I loved Kian, I'd always loved Kian, from the
moment I saw him for the first time and even after we became great
mates.  Shane and I were only that though - mates!!  But suddenly there
seemed to be more between us.
There was another girl at the hotel that was always hanging around the
lads and making it quite apparent that she was interested in Shane, but only for publicity
reason.  Her name was Kelly.  She was only at the hotel for another day and since she was fully
aware that I was friends with him, she was asking me all sorts of questions about how to pull
Shane.  She eventually did ask him out, but he turned her down, naturally because he had a
Because she and I had become mates during her stay at the hotel, I offered to take her to the
airport. She asked me about Shane and I told that his reason for not going out with her because
of his girlfriend was a good one.
Then I joked and said "but hey, can I have a shot at him?".  She gave me this really dirty look
and said "NO"!  I was just joking with her so I'm not sure why she reacted like that.  Or maybe
I wasn't joking.  Maybe I did want to see if Shane would give me a different answer than he'd
given her.   I didn't understand what I was feeling for Shane at all. But it was there, those
same feelings I'd once felt for Kian had Shifted to Shane.  And it appeared from his poem that
he was perfectly willing to give up his relationship with Old Boring Features for one with me.
I hung out at the airport for a bit just trying to figure out my feelings.  I didn't want to go
back to the hotel, see Shane and not know what to do.  I was pacing back and forth, looking the
right eejit when all of a sudden, I walked straight into someone.  I turned around to apologize
and there he was - Shane, standing right in front of me.
"Aisling, you're not leaving are you?" Shane asked, seeming quite upset to find me at the
airport.  "No I'm not going anywhere.  I was just dropping Kelly off to catch her flight" I
replied.  "Ok good.  I wanted to talk to you and I couldn't find you anywhere at the hotel.  I
asked Jie where you were and all she said was that you'd gone to the airport. I thought you were
leaving without saying goodbye" Shane said with a relieved tone to his voice.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked "What about?".  Shane looked down for a second and then up
again at me, looking deep into my eyes, almost like he was trying to read what I was feeling
inside.  "Aisling, ever since that night we talked in your room, I've been feeling things and I
don't know what it means.  I mean, I have a girlfriend and I don't understand why I have these
feelings" Shane said nervously.  I was silent for a moment, almost not believing what I was
hearing, but at the same time, overjoyed at what Shane had just said.
Shane was about to say something else, when I raised my hand and placed my finger on his lips to
silence him.  "Hang on Shane, let me say something" I said "That night in my room was the
beginning for me as well.  I'm not sure what it was about that night, but ever since then I
haven't been able to stop thinking about you".  I couldn't believe I was telling Shane that I
had feelings for him, but he had just told me how he felt so why not.  "I just never said
anything to you because of your girlfriend.  I didn't want to ruin that for you" I continued.
"Aisling, the only way you would have ruined anything is if you didn't feel for me what I feel
for you.  I'm falling in love with you Aisling and I want to be with you" Shane said with great
confidence.  At that moment, before I could speak, Shane took me in his arms and kissed me. Of
all the times I'd dreamed of sharing this moment with Kian, Kian didn't even cross my mind.  It
was Shane that was sending that tingling sensation throughout my body and that's what I wanted.
I wanted to be with Shane and he wanted to be with me and so we were........."
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