People Aren't Really What They Seem
�Argh! That�s the last number, without any seats left. It don�t look like we�ll see them this year.� Cameron said to her best Friend Mercedes of eight years. They were trying to get Westlife concert tickets and had no luck at all.
�Oh well, There�s nothing that we can do really, lets go to your room and do something. There�s no use mourning over it.� Mercedes replied
�Yeah ok� The girls sadly walked upstairs to Cameron�s room. They switched on the radio.
�So, the question again.� the voice boomed out of the Radio �To win front row seats and backstage passes to a Westlife concert next week, How many members are there in Westlife? Call on the usual number NOW. Fifth caller will win two tickets, so hurry and get calling!� he faded away and Westlife, flying without wings came on. The Girls were running around screaming.
�Mobile, Mobile Cam, Call with your Mobile�
Cameron grabbed her mobile off her desk and punched in the number. It rang and rang and rang, but she wasn�t going to give up that easily. The song faded out.
�And I think we have our winner, line 5, what's your name and what's your answer�
Cameron looked in disbelief, he was saying that down the phone to her!!
�Um, Cameron-Jade, um, five!!!� she said, still not believing
�Wa-hay, we have a winner, please stay on the line Cameron-Jade.�
Mercedes had almost fainted, all that disappointment and now, more than they ever bargained for.

The Day had finally come, they had both spent hours getting ready. There was a limo coming to pick them up. 10 minutes before, they were pacing the floor and Mercedes kept checking they had their tickets and passes.
The Limo Arrived, and Camerons Mum waved them off.
� I can�t wait to meet Mark, I wonder what he�s like� Mercedes was saying all the way there�
�I can�t stop thinking about Bryan� Cameron said

They arrived. And the concert was great. They went to the merchandising stall and spent loads.
�Now�s the time� Mercedes Said nervously. They went round to the backstage entrance, showed their passes and were led by a security guard to where they were allocated to meet them. They got into the room and there was no-one there. They waited for about 20 minutes , and finally they heard some familiar voices from outside the door. It opened and there appeared five gorgeous Lads and another Security Guard.
�Hi, nice to meet you, what are your names?� Shane asked. they sat down on the table with the girls.
neither of them said anything. They were both tongue-tied.
Mark reached over and grabbed their backstage passes. �Hmm, Cameron, what a beautiful Girl, and a beautiful name to go with it, and...Mercedes?! What�s that? a car?�
�Yeah� She replied �Thanks to my parents� she gazed into his eyes, they were so gorgeous. They carried on with their chit-chat for a while, and as part of the deal, the boys invited Cameron and Mercedes to join them for lunch tomorrow. they gracefully accepted and got ready to be escorted to their hotel. The Girls were staying in the same hotel room.
Mercedes was sitting on her bed, reading a magazine, when Cameron came to sit next to her.
�What do you want now?�
�Well um, you see, i have a visitor tonight, and I was wondering if I could have the room to myself until twelve. Please Mer?�
�Ok, but he better be out by twelve, coz I ain't sitting outside all night�
�Who said it was a He?�
Mercedes just gave her a knowing look, so she got ready and went down to the bar. She sat there drinking all night with various lads coming up to her and when it was about five minutes to twelve, she began to walk up to the room, hoping Camerons visitor had made himself scarce. She used the swipe key to get in, and was mortified at the scene she saw before her.
The lights were dim and Mark and Cameron were kissing on the floor.
�Cameron-Jade, how could you do this, you know how much I love him, ugh! GOD!� She ran out and down the corridor, leaving the door to slam heavily by itself.
�oh Dear� Said Cameron
�Don�t worry bout her� said Mark, and they carried on.
The next day, It was the time that they were due for their lunch, and Cameron didn�t know where Mercedes had gone all night. She knew the meeting place and time but hadn�t turned up. Cameron didn�t know if she had gone to sit with the boys already, so she sneaked up on them, where they were waiting at the table, and hid behind an indoor tree. She didn�t want to be seen in case Mercedes was not there and she wanted to wait for her in the meeting place.
She tried to peek through the branches, and couldn�t see Mercedes. She was just about to leave when she heard her name being mentioned in their conversation. Eager for some feedback on her performance, she waited and listened.
�That Cameron is a beautiful girl, but her mate, um, Mercedes, has gotta realise that we are only in this game to shag the gorgeous gals. I mean Cam is gorgeous , but not very good in the bed department. They are both pathetic really.� Cameron had heard enough from Mark, she rushed out the restaurant, and used her mobile to call Mercedes. She Answered.
�What do you want Cameron-Jade?� Cameron knew she was still upset with her as that's when she used her full name.
�I Just want to say that I am sorry, I really didn�t mean to hurt you. It was just the fact that he was famous and seemed to take an interest in me, that's all, you understand don�t you?�
�I suppose� She answered seeing Camerons point
�So will you meet me back at the hotel and we go home together?�
�Um, I am sorta home�
�Oh� Cameron was a bit surprised
Mercedes Giggled on the other end
�We friend again then Mercedes?�
�Yeah, But, only if you can bring all my stuff home that I left in the hotel room.�
�Should be able to do that! It will be a bit boring in the limo on the way home though, Ill be all by myself.�
�Ahh, shut up! see you later Cam.�
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