
Part 1
Raven woke up with a tremendous headache. She softly moaned as she moved her head over her pillow. Each movement caused a new wave of pain. She managed to turn on her back and breathed heavily. She couldn't remember drinking so much last night. She had had one glass of white wine at dinner and than she moved to the bar to have an after dinner cocktail. Raven was very sure she chose one with hardly any alcohol in it. She had had enough to drink at her best friend's wedding the day before. Raven pushed herself upward on her elbows. Carefully she lifted one eyelid to glance around. The light was blinding her. Raven fell back on the bed and covered her eyes. She had no idea where the hang over was coming from. Suddenly the mattress moved. Raven froze. There was someone in bed with her. Raven turned her head and slowly opened one eye. A dark haired man was lying beside her. He was still asleep. 'What have I gotten myself into now?' Mumbled Raven out loud. She made another attempt to sit up straight and succeeded this time. She rubbed her eyes and fully opened them. This wasn't her room. Raven tossed the blankets aside and stepped out of bed. At least she was still wearing some clothes. She stared at the strange shirt she was wearing. She stared around the room. It looked a bit like hers so she was still in the same hotel. Raven walked to the bathroom to get a robe. With a sigh of relief she saw the logo of the hotel on the robes. She quickly wrapped one around her and went back to the bedroom. Her mysterious man had woken and stared around the room with a surprised look on his face. Raven firmly planted her hands in her sides and said: 'I don't what kind of joke you think this is but I would like to know what I'm doing here?' He turned his head slowly. 'Do you have to yell at me?' He asked in a soft voice. Raven raised her eyebrow. 'I'm in a hotel room I've never been before. I'm wearing a shirt that's not mine and I wake up next to someone I've never seen before in my life.' The man ran his hand through his hair. 'I'm Shane.' Raven sighed. 'I don't care.' She watched him get up and walk through the room. Luckily he was dressed in a pair of boxers. 'Are you going to tell me what I'm doing here?' Raven started tapping her foot. He turned out. His face was a few shades paler than before. 'We are married.' He said.
Part 2
Shane saw various emotions wash over her face. 'We are what?' She managed to say. 'Married. We are married.' Shane held up the wedding certificate he had found on the table. 'I mean, you are Raven Brooks right?' Shane looked at the woman standing in front of him. She had raven black hair. It suited her name. Her eyes were piercing blue and seemed to look straight through his soul. 'I'm Raven Brooks.' She said in a surprisingly soft voice. Shane looked at the certificate again. It was his signature on it. And Mark and Kian had signed as witnesses. 'This is your signature?' Shane handed her the certificate. She stared at it for a while. 'I can't be married. I don't know you.' Shane stood beside her. 'I don't know who you are either. All I know is that I went into the bar last night to get a drink and the next thing I know I wake up in my room.' Raven looked at him. 'This is your room?' Shane nodded. Raven's eyes filled with anger. 'Maybe you planned all of this. Maybe you drugged me and did god knows what to me.' Shane took a step back. 'I would never�' 'How do I know for sure?' Shane ran his hand through his hair again. 'For starters you are still wearing some clothes.' Shane watched her touch the shirt. 'It's mine.' He whispered. Shane turned around. He couldn't remember. What if he did hurt her? He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands. 'Are you ok?' Shane took a deep breath. 'Yeah, I'm fine.' 'I think we can make this undone.' Shane looked over his shoulder. 'We both can't remember and we are in Vegas. It's easy to get married here but it's also easy to get a divorce.' Shane turned to face her again. 'You think so?' Raven nodded. 'I just want to go and have a shower. Meet me in the lobby in about an hour.' Shane nodded. 'Do I need to bring anything?' Raven thought for a second. 'Some id would be nice.' Raven faintly smiled at him. She pulled the robe tighter around her body. 'See you in an hour.'
Part 3
Raven just finished with her shower when someone knocked on her door. Raven sighed. She opened the door and saw a blonde man. 'Did I marry you too last night?' She asked in a light tone. The man didn't smile. 'Can I come in please?' Raven shook her head. 'Who are you?' 'My name is Ronan Keating. I have to talk to you about Shane Filan.' Raven opened the door a little more and let him in. 'What is there to talk about? We are getting a divorce in about 15 minutes.' 'No, you're not.' Raven raised an eyebrow. 'And who are you to tell me that?' Ronan walked to the sofa and sat down. 'I'm Shane's manager.' Raven sat down too. She hoped he didn�t see her wobbly legs. 'His manager? Is he an athlete or something?' Ronan started laughing. 'No, Shane is in a band.' Raven nodded but Ronan could tell she had no idea who Shane was. 'Ok, well here's the deal. Shane is tourning the States with his band. Several journalists from the English magazines and newspapers are following them. They saw you last night.' Ronan checked her face to see if she was still with him. 'You are all over the national newspapers. You can't get a divorce now.' Raven's mouth slowly dropped open. 'What do you mean?' 'This is big news. I'm not happy with it.' 'Do you think I am?' Ronan pulled out a piece of paper. 'As soon as I found out, which was way too early this morning, I asked the lawyers to set up a contract.' Raven raised her eyebrow again. 'A contract?' Ronan nodded. 'You stay married for three months. After those three months you'll get a large sum of money and you disappear.' Raven read the contract. 'I have to make public appreances?' She looked at Ronan with a scared look on her face. 'The first one is tomorrow. Shane and you will announce that you got married. We'll make up a story on where you met. You'll go to some shows and stuff like that.' Ronan handed her a pen. 'Sign on the dotted line please.' Raven reluctantly grabbed the pen and signed.
Part 4
'Ok, now tell me more about you.' Ronan said while he tucked the contract away. Raven stared at her nails. 'I'm Raven. Raven Brooks. I'm 23.' Ronan's eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets. 'You are how old?' 'I'm 23.' Said Raven innocently. Ronan cursed. 'Something wrong with that?' 'Shane is 19. He married someone 4 years older.' This time Raven looked very surprised. 'He is only 19?' Ronan nodded. 'Do go on with the story.' 'I live in Manchester.' 'That's ok. An airport is close by.' Raven sighed. Was he going to interupt her after each sentence? 'I also have a flat in Paris. And one in New York and L.A.' The look on Ronan's face was worth millions. Raven repressed a giggle. 'My parents can't live on the same continent together. My mother lives in New York and my dad in Paris. My stepdad lives in L.A. My mother has marrying wealthy men as a hobby.' Ronan seemed very confused. Raven was enjoying every minute. I'm a freelance art director.' 'Why were you in Vegas?' Ronan was trying to digest this all. 'I arrived here four days ago. My best friend had her wedding in this hotel the day before last.' Raven looked at Ronan. 'Anything else?' Ronan thought for a minute. 'Any angry boyfriends we have to face?' Raven rose to her feet. Gracefully she walked through the room to get a drink. 'I broke up with my last boyfriend about a year ago. He fancied older women.' Raven grabbed a bottle of water. 'My mum and he are very happy now.' Raven heard Ronan choke. With a sly grin she opened her water. She took a sip and turned around. 'What can you tell me about my husband?' Ronan got of the couch. 'I'll have someone bring you a fact file.' He walked to the door. 'Make sure to be ready for the press.' Raven sighed. 'Oh and we are leaving straight after that so have your bags packed and ready.' Before Raven could even say something in protest the door was closed.
Part 5
Raven was nervous. Her stomach was doing back flips and she had the feeling that sweat was pouring down her back. She glanced at Shane. He seemed very calm. It's was Ronan's idea that they would come out of the lift together. Raven raised her hand to bite down on her nails but Shane stopped her. 'We are here.' He entwined his fingers with hers and bent close. 'Smile.' Raven showed him a small smile. The lift slowed down and the doors opened. All the flashes blinded raven. Shane took control and dragged her out of the lift. Several people started shouting and Raven wanted to cover her ears. Luckily Ronan showed up beside her and managed to calm things down. 'Welcome everyone. I would like you all to meet Raven Filan.' Again all the flashes blinded Raven. Ronan pointed at a journalist and he started with all the questions. Who she was? Where she lived? What she did for a living? Ronan gave the answers when Raven had no idea what to tell them. While Ronan answered a question Raven looked at the small crowd. One reporter stood aside. She had a cold look in her eyes. Raven felt a shiver run down her spine. As she was looking the other way Raven missed a question. Ronan touched her arm. 'Henry wanted to know what you thought of Westlife's music.' Raven opened her mouth to say something but a person behind her answered: 'Raven loves our music. She sings our songs in the shower.' Raven looked over her shoulder and saw 4 unfamiliar boys standing behind her. A cheeky blonde one winked at her. Raven rolled her eyes and paid attention to the reporters again. 'Who do you like best from the boys part from Shane?' Again the blonde guy behind her started to answer. 'She has a little bit of all of us inside her so depending on the situation she loves us all.' Raven bit her lip not to giggle. She noticed the reporters didn�t like him answering the questions. Ronan nodded to another reporter to ask his question. Raven answered them this time. They were about to call it a day when a harsh voice asked: 'Most of us have been following this band for a while now and we have never ever seen you around Raven. Where have you been all that time?' Raven slightly panicked. She looked at Shane. He squeezed her hand. 'Not many things in our lives are private. I wanted Raven to be a private person. Someone just for me. I didn't want to share her with the world.' Raven shuddered. The reporter was looking at her with an angry look in her eyes. Again Ronan saved the say by telling the photographers to take their last shots. Raven was slightly scared they might ask if Shane and her would kiss but the photographers were easily satisfied. Shane placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her back to the lift.
Part 6
Suddenly someone grabbed her arm. Raven spun around. It was the reporter that had stared at her all the time. 'I know what you are up to.' Hissed the tall blond woman. Raven raised an eyebrow. 'And what am I up to?' 'You just married him for his money and fame.' 'Listen, I don't know who you are and what you want but I married Shane because I love him.' The woman snorted. 'The name is Kirsten and I'm on to you. It will be only days before I'll find out about this charade.' Raven shook her head. 'Just keep on trying.' Without giving her one more look Raven walked to Shane. 'What was that all about?' He asked. 'She just wanted to congratulate me on my marriage.' 'Kirsten was nice to you?' Raven nodded and entered the room. Ronan and the four guys that were behind her were sitting on several couches. Raven smiled at them. 'Hi, I'm Raven.' The cheeky blonde jumped up and hugged her. 'I'm Bryan.' Raven started laughing. 'Well Bryan you seem to know quite a lot about me already.' He blushed. 'That's ok. Thank you for helping me out.' The three others quickly introduced themselves. Raven ran a hand through her dark hair. 'Apparently I already met you two days ago but can you forgive me for not remembering?' They nodded in unison. 'So what did Kirsten want from you?' Bryan pulled Raven down on a couch. 'She said something about me marrying Shane for his fame and money. Which is very unlikely, as I had no idea who he was until I was married.' Bryan slightly frowned. 'Kirsten is totally in love with Shane. We kinda think she is stalking him but as she is a reporter we can't do anything about it. Be careful around her. We don't know what she is up to.' Raven looked at Bryan. 'Thanks for the warning.' Bryan smiled his gorgeous smile. 'Don't flirt with your band mate's wife, Bryan.' Ronan sat down next to Raven. Bryan blushed and moved to another couch. 'So how did you like your first ever public appearance?' 'It's was ok.' 'Just be careful around Kirsten.' Raven nodded. She wondered what Kirsten had done in the past and what she could do in the near future.
Part 7
Raven was sure she had two holes in her back by now. Ever since the plane took off Kristen had been staring at her. Raven looked at Shane. He fell asleep a few minutes ago. He looked nice when he was asleep. He practically ignored her as soon as he saw the rest of his band. Bryan had kept her company until Ronan told them to get ready to go to the airport. Raven had no idea where they were off to. Ronan had asked her for her passport and checked her in. Raven looked around the first class. Some passengers were obvious business people. Others looked like they didn�t belong here. Raven looked at the seat on the other side of the aisle. 'What's he doing?' She asked Bryan in a soft voice. Bryan turned around in his seat and looked at her. 'He is sleeping. Mark can sleep anywhere anytime.' Raven looked at Mark again. He was leaning forward so that his head touched the seat in front of him. He held something in his hand. 'What's he holding?' Bryan quickly checked. 'His game boy. He probably fell asleep playing a game.' Raven softly giggled. 'You are a weird bunch you know that.' 'You married the biggest loony of us all.' Raven's face fell. 'Where are we going and what are we going to do there?' Raven quickly changed the subject. Bryan took her hand in his. 'I'm sorry. I won't make those comments again. I keep forgetting you hardly know anything about us.' Raven sighed. 'You are forgiven. Can you please take your hand away. The two holes in my back start to burn again.' Bryan looked passed Raven and cheerfully waved at Kirsten. Raven bit her lip to stop her from laughing. Bryan winked at her. 'We are going to New York to do two shows and than back home to Ireland. Time for you to meet the in laws.' Raven rolled her eyes. 'Mrs. Filan is not that bad. She will get used to you after a few years.' 'Bryan!' Raven playfully smacked his arm. Beside her Shane stirred in his sleep and turned around. He wrapped an warm arm around her waist. 'Seems to me that your husband is demanding your time again.' Bryan winked again and turned around in his seat again. Raven pushed her seat in the same position as Shane's and stretched her body. Shane instantly pulled her closer. Raven felt slightly uncomfortable. But her body demanded a little rest so she closed her eyes and fell asleep safe in Shane's arms.
Part 8
The big test was yet to come. Raven still had to face the fans in Ireland. The fans in New York were great and has asked her all sorts of questions. But Raven had no idea how the fans were going to react. She nervously bit her fingernail. 'You ok?' Asked Shane. Raven nodded. 'Little nervous.' 'They'll be ok. The fans have never been ugly to Georgina.' Raven sighed. Georgina had been with Nicky even before the band, where as she suddenly showed up. Shane laced his fingers with hers. 'Just keep on smiling.' The door of the plane opened and Shane practically dragged her through the airport. As soon as they entered the baggage reclaim the fans started screaming. Raven wished she would turn invisible. They quickly gathered all their luggage and made their way to the exit. Raven held her head down and followed Shane. 'Raven look.' Shane squeezed her hand. Raven lifted her head and looked at all the fans. To her big surprise she saw several signs wishing Shane and her a happy marriage. 'Give him a kiss.' Shouted a photographer. Raven blushed. 'Oh come on.' Shouted another one. Shane turned to her. He gently cupped her face. Raven swallowed hard. She could feel his warm breath on her skin. His soft lips captured hers in their very first kiss. For a moment Raven forgot everything around her. She didn�t hear the fans scream or Bryan cheer. All she noticed was Shane kissing her. The moment was gone as quickly as it came. Raven raised her hand and touched her lips. Her eyes locked with Shane's. He stared back at her with a blank expression. Raven turned her head and closed her eyes. 'Ok come on lads.' Ronan directed everyone to the exit. Raven silently thanked him. A limousine waited for them outside. Raven quickly got inside and took a deep breath. This wasn't suppose to happen. She wasn�t suppose to feel this way.
Part 9
They dropped Nicky and Mark off at Nicky's apartment and Kian at his hotel. Ronan took two sets of keys out of his jacket. 'Here are the keys to your temporary flat. You'll share it until the marriage is over.' Raven looked at Ronan with big eyes. 'A flat? I had no idea�' 'We can't have you live in separate houses. You are married now. I took to liberty to ask my wife to decorate it. I hope you like it. There's a car for you in the garage. Shane's car will arrive there tomorrow.' Shane nodded. 'There are two bedrooms but remember to act all in love as you as you leave the front door behind you.' Raven bit her fingernail again. 'Can I go back to Manchester to finish some work?' Ronan handed her a briefcase. 'All the telephone numbers and the schedule are in here. Just make sure you are back in time to appear in public.' The limousine pulled over and the driver opened the door. 'Your stop.' Said Ronan. 'What about Bryan? Where will he stay?' Asked Raven. 'He will stay with me. We are going to work on some songs.' Raven said goodbye to Bryan and Ronan and got out. Shane had already grabbed the luggage and was about to open the front door. He placed the luggage inside and turned to Raven. 'Welcome to your new home.' And he lifted her in his arms. Raven started laughing. 'What are you doing?' 'I'm carrying my new bride over the threshold. I'm sure those photographers outside love this.' He put her back on her feet. Raven shook her head and continued laughing. 'Spontaneous acts suit you.' 'What's that suppose to mean?' Asked Shane in a cold tone. 'Nothing.' Mumbled Raven. She gathered her luggage and walked around the flat. It was beautifully decorated. Raven made a mental note to thank Ronan's wife for it. She placed her luggage in the first bedroom she found and sat down on the bed. 'Raven?' Shane walked into her room. 'Get dressed. We are going out.' Raven frowned. 'I'm tired. I don't feel like going out at the moment.' 'You are my wife and I say that we are appearing in public.' Raven threw her hands in the air. 'Yes Sir.' And she saluted Shane. Shane turned on his heels and stormed out of the room. 'I expect you to be ready in five minutes.' He yelled over his shoulder. Raven cursed under her breath. These three months were going to be the three longest in her life.
part 10
'What do you mean you're not coming?' Shane hissed. 'I'm not coming. I have other things to do.' Raven ran her hand through her hair. 'I have to accept an award tomorrow night. The entire press expects my wife to be there.' 'Than you tell them your wife had a funeral to attend and can't be there.' 'Don't make up any excuses.' 'I'm not.' Cried Raven. 'I have a funeral to attend. One of my closest friends' mum died.' 'Be there and be dressed!' 'Forget it.' Raven slammed down the phone. He had done it this time. Raven had no intentions of doing as she was being told anymore. Raven rose to her feet and walked to her bedroom. She loved the apartment she had to share with Shane but her home was her own little flat in Manchester. She hadn't been lying to Shane when she told she had a funeral to attend. Raven carefully choose an outfit for the funeral and got ready to go to bed.
The service for the funeral was beautiful. Raven silently cried for the woman who had been like a second mother to her. After the service they made their way to the cemetery. Raven buried her head in her hands as they lowered the casket in the ground. Suddenly someone wrapped an arm around her. Raven inhaled the familiar scent. She slowly raised her head and stared in Shane's eyes. 'What�?' Shane placed a finger on her lips. 'We'll talk later.' He pulled her a little closer and Raven buried her head in his shoulder. She softly sobbed. Shane gently stroked her hair to comfort her. He lead her away from the cemetery to a small caf�. Raven excused herself and quickly fixed her make up in the ladies room. After one last look she walked back to the table. 'So what are you doing here?' 'I came here to support you. My plane was delayed.' Raven frowned. 'Will you drag me back to the awards now?' Shane shook his head. 'They can do without me for one night. Besides a photographer saw us at the funeral. We'll be headline news again tomorrow.' Raven sighed. 'I wish they would leave us alone.' 'Just three more weeks and this charade will be over. We won't have to keep up any appearances anymore.' Raven looked at him. 'Is that all it has been for you? Keep up appearances?' She rose to her feet. 'Just three more weeks Shane and I'll be out of your life forever.' She quickly ran off. She didn�t want him to see that she was crying. He didn't have to know she had fallen in love with him.
part 11
Raven was working on a new campaign when the doorbell made her jump. She put her pencil down and opened the door. 'Ronan! What a pleasure to see you.' Ronan came in and sat down on the couch. 'I'm going to be straight forward here.' Raven cleaned her hands and joined him on the couch. 'Straight forward about what? I only have 4 more days to go.' Ronan smiled at her. 'The newspapers and the public love you. You are the new Posh and Becks.' Raven frowned. She had the feeling she wasn't going to like the next few words. 'I want to add another 3 months to the contract. I'll double the amount of money.' Raven shook her head. 'No.' Ronan looked at her with sad eyes. 'Please? To make me happy?' 'I mean, no I don't want the money.' Raven stared at her hands. 'You fell in love with him didn't you?' Raven nodded. She didn't want to look up. She was on the verge of crying. Ronan lifted her chin. 'Why are you so sad? You are already married to the man.' 'I'm married to a man who ignores me when he can and thinks all of this is just keeping up appearances. He doesn't love me Ronan. I can't keep fooling myself. I know he doesn't.' Raven tried to blink away her tears but failed. 'I'll help you for another 3 months. And I want to you to put the money in your mother's fund.' Ronan nodded. 'That's a fair deal.' Raven smiled at him. 'Thank you.' A door in the flat slammed shut and a man entered the living room. 'David.' Said Alec with a massive smile. 'Joining the living again?' The man mumbled something and kissed Raven on her temple. Ronan's jaw nearly fell to the ground. 'Who? What?' 'Ronan meet my brother.' 'That's David Beckham.' Raven nodded. 'I'm going by my mum's last name. He has our father's name. It's the only full brother I have. Victoria and he are so delighted that they can finally live a normal life.' Ronan shook his head. 'Any other surprises? Children? Other famous relatives you forgot to tell me about?' Raven shook her head. 'Relax Ronan, this was the only secret I had.' Ronan released a sigh of relief.
part 12
A short European tour started again. Raven did her duty as faithful wife and joined Shane. She was so happy that Yvonne went along too this time. Raven loved spending time with her and her son Jack. They would spend hours shopping or just talking about all sorts of things. Raven spend more time with Yvonne and Bryan than she did with Shane. It was her form of self protection. The less time she spent around time, the more chance she had of her feelings changing. Of course it didn't help. To make matters worse she got the flu the day they left for Finland and Shane insisted on staying with her. They all stayed in cabins near the hotel. It had snowed the previous night and the scenery was beautiful but Raven didn't noticed. She had been sleeping ever since they arrived.
Raven turned around on the sofa when she felt someone sitting beside her. 'Are you still feeling sick?' Raven nodded. 'Do you want me to stay in?' Raven shook her head. 'No, you have to make some fans happy tonight. It's just the flu. I'll feel better after some sleep.' Shane brushed some hair out of her face. 'I ordered some soup. The aspirin are on the table.' 'I'll be ok. Now go or you will be late.' Shane chuckled and kissed her forehead. 'Night.' 'Night.' Raven slowly sat up straight and waited for the soup. After she finished that one, she cuddled up on the couch again. She wanted to wait until Shane came back before she went to bed. But she soon dozed off.
part 13
The evening had turned out to be a pleasant one. For once the fans actually held a conversation with them instead of giggling the whole time. Still Shane was relieved the night was over. He was slightly worried about Raven. He could see the cabins they were staying at in the far distance. The fans who won the competition to have dinner with them also stayed at the cabins. Shane loved this hotel. Suddenly one of the fans started screaming. Shane raised an eyebrow and looked at her. 'One of the cabins is on fire.' Shane looked at the cabins. She was right. One of the cabins was on fire. He quickly counted the cabins. Shane turned pale. He grabbed Bryan's arms. 'That's my cabin. Oh my god Raven.' Shane started running. 'Raven!' He screamed. He was quickly followed by the rest of the lads and the fans. Shane was out of breath by the time he reached the cabin. He could feel the heat of the fire. 'Raven?' There were no signs that she got out of the cabin. There were no fresh track marks in the snow. 'I'm going in.' Before the others could respond Shane had kicked the door open. He held his arms in front of his face. 'Raven?' Shane heard someone cough. Shane walked through the living room. He could barely see and the intense heat made it impossible to breath. He finally reached the couch. Raven was still on it. 'Raven?' 'I feel funny Shane. I can't move.' Shane scooped her in his arms. 'Just hold on. We'll be right outside in a few seconds. Shane ran to the exit and was relieved to feel the cold air on his cheeks. He sank to his knees and almost started crying. He unwrapped Raven's arms from his neck to take off his jacket. Raven instantly wrapped her arms around his waist. Shane covered her with his jacket. He held her close. 'Are you ok?' He asked. Raven nodded. 'I was so scared.' Shane caressed her hair. 'I know.' Shane heard sirens in the distance. 'We are ok.' 'I couldn't get up.' Raven raised her head and looked at him. Shane saw the tears in her eyes. 'You're ok now.' He cupped her face and wiped away a tear. He moved closer and gave her a long comforting kiss. Raven started crying again. 'I almost lost you.' She whimpered. Shane hugged her tight. 'You didn't loose me. I love you.' But Raven cried too hard to hear him.
Part 14
Yvonne poured another round of tea. Raven gladly accepted the cup. 'You feeling any better?' Asked Bryan. Raven nodded. 'The funny feeling is gone.' Yvonne sat down beside her. 'Ronan arranged for you to stay in the hotel.' 'Thank him for me ok?' Yvonne nodded with a smile. Bryan turned on the TV and flicked through the channels. 'You are once again the main news.' Raven frowned. 'How did they..?' 'The meeting of the fans was filmed. They instantly sold the tapes to the major TV stations.' 'This is all making it so hard.' Bryan turned off the TV and sat down on the other side of Raven. 'You don't have to do this.' Raven took Bryan's hand. 'I have to leave him.' Bryan shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but Raven stopped him. 'I feel like I'm married to two different persons. One moment Shane is so cold and distant and the next he is caring and warm. The problem is that he is only nice to me when we are alone. As soon as we leave the apartment or a hotel room he changes. And I don't love the man he changes into.' Raven looked at Yvonne. 'I don't want to pretend anymore.' Yvonne softly rubbed her back. 'I talked to Ronan about this and he agrees with me. Our marriage is over in two weeks.' Raven buried her face in her hands. 'Why did I have to fall in love with him?' Bryan pulled her in his arms. 'Why didn't he fall in love with me?' Sobbed Raven. Raven pulled herself free. 'I'm going to get some sleep. Thanks for the tea Yvonne.' Raven almost ran out of the room. Yvonne looked at Bryan. 'Can you promise me you'll be there for her even though you care more about her than you should?' Bryan stared at his finger nails. 'I'm not in love with her. I just don't want to see my best friend get hurt.' Bryan looked up at Yvonne. 'If only I could make Shane see what is slipping away from him?'
Part 15
Raven silently packed her bags. The apartment was so quiet that every sound she made sounded louder than normal. It started to work on her nerves. She placed her toilet bag in the last suitcase and closed it. She carried them to the front door and walked to the kitchen. Shane stared out the window with his back towards her. 'I'm done packing.' Said Raven in a soft voice. Shane spun around. 'I didn't hear you come in.' Raven shrugged. 'I'm sorry if I startled you.' 'That's ok.' Raven looked around the kitchen. She loved the place so much. It was the only place where Shane was himself. 'You packed everything?' Raven nodded. 'If you find anything just give it to Yvonne or Bryan. They'll give it to me.' Shane stepped closer. 'Ok.' Shane didn't tell her he already took a few things before she started packing. He raised his hand to touch her. 'Don't Shane.' Raven looked at him. Her eyes silently begged him to let her stay. As his begged her not to go. But both didn't say the words they so longed to hear. 'I should be going.' Raven ran her hand through her hair. 'Yeah, I don't want you to miss your flight.' Raven smiled weakly and bit her lip not to start crying. 'Bye Shane.' 'Bye.' Raven opened the front door and carried her suitcases out side. She looked over her shoulder. Shane stood in the kitchen door. The front door slowly closed and Raven closed her eyes. A few hot tears found their way down her cheek. Raven wiped them away and walked to her car. She throw her luggage in the car and stepped inside. The tears streamed freely down her cheeks now. Raven started the car and drove off. There was one person that would understand her pain. She parked the car and got out. He was already waiting for her. Raven threw her self in Bryan's arms. 'What's going to happen now Bry? It's all over.' Bryan didn't say a word but silently helped her inside and closed the door. No words could make her pain and sorrow go away. Nothing but Shane could.
part 16
The sun slowly took away the soft blanket of clouds covering the city. Anyone would have loved the sunrise but for him it meant another day. Another day filled with questions and fake smiles. Another day he had to get through without knowing how. 'You couldn't sleep either huh?' A warm hand was placed on his arm. He shook his head. 'I ordered some coffee. Do you want a cup Bryan?' Bryan looked at Yvonne. 'No thanks.' Yvonne wrapped her arms around him. 'It was her own choice to break off all contact.' Bryan sighed. 'I just don't believe that she would do that.' Yvonne rested her head on his shoulder. 'Being in Paris just get to you doesn't it? She needs time to get over a broken heart.' 'It didn't take Shane that long.' Said Bryan coldly. Yvonne slowly turned his head so that she could look in his eyes. 'That probably added more time.' Bryan closed his eyes. 'She is here. She is in this city and I have no clue how to find her.' 'I'll ask Ronan. Maybe he knows something. But I can't make any promises.' Bryan kissed her forehead. 'Thanks for trying.' Yvonne smiled at him. 'You are one of my closest friends. I don't want to see you unhappy.' Yvonne stepped back in the room. 'Do you want to wake the others?' Bryan nodded and walked to the first room. He woke up Nicky and Mark. Kian was already up. Shane was the last one. His door was slightly ajar and Bryan pushed it open to see if Shane was up. Shane was indeed up and was standing with his back towards Bryan. He went through his suitcase to get some clothes. Bryan looked at the man that used to be a close friend. A bruise covered his lower back. Bryan looked again and started to heave. He spun around to go to the bathroom but bumped into Shane's girlfriend. 'Anything wrong Bryan?' She asked in a sweet voice. Bryan shook his head. 'I have a hang over from last night. Excuse me.' Bryan quickly ran to the bathroom. He sat down on the closed toilet seat and took a deep breath. The bruise had the form of a shoe print.
Part 17
Bryan silently thanked the taxi driver for the direction or else he would have never found the door. It was almost hidden behind a big tree. His finger ran down the doorbell. He hesitated when he saw her name but still pressed the button. A few seconds later her voice answered. 'Hello?' Bryan swallowed hard. 'Raven?' He said in a hoarse voice. 'It's me Bryan.' Raven didn't answer but opened the door. Bryan walked up the penthouse. The front door was open but he didn�t see Raven. He slowly walked inside. 'Raven?' 'In here.' Bryan entered the room on his right. Raven was quickly cleaning the room. She stared at him with her arms filled with toys. 'I wasn't expecting any visitors.' She said. Bryan stepped closer. She hadn't changed at all. 'Are you alone?' Raven looked over his shoulder. 'Yes, Yvonne wanted to come but Jack got ill.' Raven dumped the toys in a chair. She wiped her hand off and hugged Bryan. 'It's so good to see you.' She whispered. Bryan held her tight. 'Why Raven? Why didn't you call or write?' Raven pulled free from the hug. 'I had my reasons.' Bryan picked up a teddy bear. 'Is this one of them?' Raven ran her hand through her hair. 'Brooklyn stayed with me for a few days. I have some spare toys for him to play with.' Suddenly she covered her face in her hands and started crying. 'I'm so sorry Bry.' Bryan pulled her back in his arms. 'Don't be. You had your reasons.' Raven buried her head in his shoulder. 'There is so much I have to tell you. Can you stay for dinner?' Bryan nodded. 'I'll give the guys a ring telling them that I won't be joining them for dinner.' Raven kissed his cheek and wiped away her tears. 'I really did miss you.' She said. 'I missed you too.' Bryan looked around the room. 'Nice place you have.' 'It's really quiet and the press haven't found me here yet. I needed the peace.' Bryan chuckled. 'I can imagine that. You did make the headline when you left your place in tears that day.' 'How was I to know there would be about 20 photographers waiting outside. I never saw them.' Bryan sighed. 'Let's go out for dinner and you can tell me what has happened the last two years.' 'Ok. But I want all the gossip too.' Bryan nodded. 'Deal, now let's go. I'm hungry.'
Part 18
Bryan and Raven entered a small restaurant a few blocks from the apartment. 'Madame Raven, bon jour.' The waiter greeted them. 'Been here before?' Whispered Bryan. Raven nodded with a smile. She greeted the waiter back in French. After a few minutes she took Bryan's hand and let him to a table in a corner. 'Jean-Luc will bring us the specials.' They sat down and Bryan looked at Raven. He wanted to remember every detail of her. 'Stop staring Bryan.' Bryan lowered his eyes. 'I missed you that's all. What did you do the past two years?' Raven's smile disappeared. 'Nothing much.' She said. 'You must have done something.' 'I did some travelling.' Bryan sighed. 'What happened that you don't want to tell me?' He took Raven's hand in his and massaged it with his thumbs. 'Someone has been following me.' Bryan frowned. 'When I got back from a holiday I found several photos of me leaving the airport in Sydney.' Continued Raven. 'Soon similar pictures were sent to my house daily. Each step I took was photographed. It didn�t matter where I was. They always showed up. I got so scared. I was afraid to leave the house.' Raven looked up with tears in her eyes. 'I received the first letter a few weeks later. If I contact you or the police I would be killed. I started to plan my life carefully. I never left the apartment at the same time. I constantly watched my back.' Raven was interrupted by the waiter. He placed the starter in front of them. 'David bought me this apartment. I've been living here for a year now. I'm scared to take a taxi. I'm scared to go out at night. I'm so scared that who ever is doing is will finally kill me.' Bryan moved his chair so that he was sitting beside Raven. He wrapped an arm around her. 'Why didn�t you contact me? I could have helped you.' Raven shook her head. 'The letters said that you'd be dead if I ever tried to contact you.' Raven buried her head in Bryan's shoulder. 'I was so scared and I had no idea what to do.' Bryan lifted her head. 'I was worried that you would hurt yourself. I was going insane not knowing where you were.' Bryan pulled Raven in a tight embrace. 'I'm going to find the person who did this to you. Maybe it's just a crazy fan.' 'I just want it to end.' Cried Raven. Bryan rocked her back and forth till she calmed down a bit. Raven pulled back from the embrace and wiped her tears away. 'Thank you.' Bryan smiled. 'No need to thank me.' 'So.' Said Raven while she took a bit from her starter. 'What happened to you in the past two years?' Bryan chuckled. 'Too much to tell in one night.' 'Well, just start and we'll see when we fall asleep.' Bryan took a deep breath. 'I had an affair with a married woman.'
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