Sams Shout Out
How are ya? I hope all me fellow 'lifers are cool and living their life to the full
(Geddit-life, WestLIFE.Haha, hmm.)

Anyway, I'm Sam
(Jaynes's favourite friend (hehe!) and concert buddy).
This is going to be my little ickle section on her site, which is probably gonna be the worst bit too (haha-noooo!)
I'm gonna be rambling on and on and on about our fave Irish leprechauns Boyzone (um, I mean Westlife)

Now, before I start, I am BEGGING you not to e-mail me or Jayne with mean, horrible comments coz you'll make me cry!Boo hoo!
No, seriously my little blob on this site is just me messin'. I'm not meaning to be mean, I'm just slighty taking the mickey.

Oooh yeah, one more thing.  Sorry iuf I'm too nice to Shane, but I'm gonna be biased coz he's my boyf
(haha-only kidding.Pleeease, don't kill me).

Right you knmow how Westlife have been out of the scene for a while? I wonder what they've been up to?
Hmmm, I wonder!!!
You can just imagine it now, can't you?
Shane and Kian cruising around Sligo in their chic cars, but what's that I see? Oh, it's Marky boy chugging along in his little old car. Bang, bang, bang!! Oooooh don't worry, that's just Mark's exhaust falling off.
You know, that puzzles me.  I mean, don't you think Mark is a strange popstar? Like, no flash cars, no huge house.  What's going on in that poor guys head?
I imagine not alot.  Now, no offense to him or nothing but don't you think that he's a bit dizzy.  He almost looks he's about to collapse on stage, teh way he sways around the place and is looking like he is in love with the mic.  Maybe he is a blonde in diguise?Who knows!?!?!
And I mean, I thought popstars didn't like to draw attention to themselves but you can here Mark coming a mile off with his stomach flumping aorund the place. *Flump, flump, flump!!!*

So, have you all seen Kian's new hair? It's longer and to tell you the truth it's v.strange.  You would of thought he'd of looked at his reflection in Mark's bald head to see it wasn't too great.  Oh well, maybe they could hire Jayne to do his hair next time.
(Hint hint!)

Oh Nicky,Nicky, Nicky, show us yer dicky.  Oh Nicky you're so fine, you're so fine you blow our minds, her Nicky.
Yep! Nicky's name has been used in soooo many songs,  I can't beleieve the way he gets around.  Hmmmm, anyway I can't remember what the point for saying that was, so sorry!
(stay tuned-and I'll tell ya when I remember).

Right then, what can we say about Bryan?  Well one thing is for sure, I can't believe he is beating Shane  on this poll thing on ere.  It is such a fix, I mean Shane is always the most popluar.  I don't mind Mark being top (he's HOT-sorry Jayne), but Bryan second. Nooooo, something is seriously wrong there.
Remember, cheating begins witha  capital 'C' and Bryan doesn't, so they don't go.
(hehe! I made that up. It's good innit?)

Last, but not least is my ickle Shaney baby.  Or Shabs, as I like to call him.
Shane, Shane like a star, Shaning to bright, like the star that you are.
What more can I say.  Sorry, but I have nothing negative to say about my babe this time.
With his gorgeous looks, deep eyes, scrummy bum and sexy accent, who could?
(Drool, drool)
So this time (and probably the rest), Shane gets off.
Westlife Seperated at Birth (Maybe)
Have you ever had that funny feeling,where you look at Westlife and think. omg, you look just like...
Well I have, so this is where you can share your Westlife seperated at birth thoughts.
This week it's......
Kian and a.........PUMPKIN
Anyway, righy ho.
I'm off to....hmmm, well do whatever. Probably sleep!
So, make sure you've read all of this and not just skipped to the end.

Also, if ya wanna send me any Westlife seperated at birth pics, then please do. I've already got Bryan's and Mark's lined up, so if you can help me with Shane and Nicky, then that's cool!

Bye bye!!

Loads of  Shane cuddles and kisses,


I've thought of a Shane thing.
For those of you, who've, managed to read the new Westlife book, 'On Tour', you will be as shocked as I was.
My, sorry, OUR dearly beloved Shane said the word 'shag'. Shock, horror.  I was soooooo shocked. 
I know he's a normal 22 year old guy, blah, blah, blah, but that is not a Shane word.
He said, "Is there anyone in theis room who wouldn't shag Britney?"
"Everyone wants to shag Britney."

Hmmmm, bye bye!!
E-Mail Me with  your suggestions
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